The Hunter's Soulmate (Dean W...

By Just_A_Sherlockian

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Supernatural Soulmate AU - Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Dean Winchester had always been sceptical about love... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 2: Lost and Confused
Chapter 3: A Friendly Face
Chapter 4: The Bunker
Chapter 5: Nightmares and Memories
Chapter 6: Her
Chapter 7: Perfect Strangers
Chapter 8: Stuck in The Middle with You
Chapter 9: Old Lives Gone
Chapter 10: Lonely Motel Blues
Chapter 11: Demon's Tale
Chapter 12: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 13: More Than a Feeling
Chapter 14: Dean's Defence Training
Chapter 15: Angel to the Rescue
Chapter 16: Demonic Unfolding
Chapter 17: You Really Got Me
Chapter 18: Heat of the Moment
Chapter 19: Making My Way Back to You
Chapter 20: Crowley
Chapter 21: I'm So Sorry
Chapter 22: At Last
Chapter 23: First Date
Chapter 24: Slow Ride
Chapter 25: Jealousy
Chapter 26: Drive-In Theatre Date
Chapter 27: I Want to Know What Love Is
Chapter 28: All Right Now
Chapter 29: Wretched Waffles
Chapter 31: Stay Strong
Chapter 32: Rescue
Chapter 33: Hey Jude
Chapter 34: Sweet as Pie
Chapter 35: Flirty Werewolf
Chapter 36: A Day in the Life of Sammy
Chapter 37: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 38: Carry On My Wayward Son
Bonus Chapter: Christmas Eve

Chapter 30: Back in Black

9K 232 49
By Just_A_Sherlockian

Hi, everyone! 

Just putting a quick note here as a TRIGGER WARNING! There will be some descriptions of violence towards the reader character in this chapter. I will not be making them very graphic because I want everyone to be able to enjoy reading my story, but I wanted to give you all a head's up anyway!

Stay safe! ♥


A soft whimper escaped your lips as you slowly came to. Your head was pounding and your ears still ringing, although you couldn't quite remember how that started.

You slowly opened your eyes, blinking against the dull light to clear your vision.

"Dean?" you mumbled weakly. "What's happening?"

But Dean did not answer.

You tried to sit up straight, groaning at the ache in your neck. You felt your hands being tugged back down as you tried to raise them to rub the soreness out of your neck. Your eyes widened as you finally noticed they were tied to a chair. Just like your legs were.

Your chest began to feel heavy, like a ton of bricks were weighing you down. Your throat felt tight and restricted and breathing seemed like climbing to the top of the highest mountain.

You shook your head, forcing yourself to keep the panic at bay. This was not the time for a panic attack. You needed to figure out how to escape before you'd find out how you'd even gotten here in the first place. You had a sinking feeling you did not want to know.

With tears stinging your eyes, you took in your surroundings, taking note of every detail you could that might help you get out. Although there wasn't much to go off of.

You were in a small room. Sand covered the floor and there were footprints and dragging marks around you. The single window in the room had been boarded up with old planks, but a glimmer of sunlight still managed to fight its way through the cracks.

The room was cold and the wind created a haunting sound whipping around you. Though, you had witnessed actual hauntings now, so the howling wind did not seem so scary anymore. The fact that you were trapped in – what seemed like – an old barn, however, was more terrifying than any of the monsters you had faced thus far.

You inhaled deeply and exhaled with a shudder. Right now, more important than anything, was staying calm and trying to get out. You were still alone, and, while you were not sure if you were being watched, you at least had to take the chance.

You tugged at the ropes binding your hands and feet. It burned against your skin, rubbing and burning until bright red lines started to form. That didn't matter right now. You had to get out.

You tried to bend down and attack the rope with your teeth, but were pulled back immediately. Your shoulders had been tied to the back of the chair as well, you now noticed.

You kicked furiously, trying to get the ropes to give way, but it almost seemed like metal with how well it was holding up.

Tears began to flow down your cheeks as you continued to struggle and continued to fail to break loose. You shook your head in defeat, crying softly at how helpless you were right now. If only you had let Dean convince you to do more training sessions with him, you thought. Perhaps, by now, you'd be strong enough to break loose if you had.

Your head whipped up as the door to your left shuddered. There was another loud thud before the door creaked open and two figures stepped inside.

"Look who's awake!" one of them cooed. "And here I was thinking we hit your head just a little too hard this time."

You stared at him, biting back tears and forcing a look of anger and courage on your face.

"Quiet, is she?" the other man hummed. "From what I heard, you weren't so quiet the first time around."

The man standing on the right, who was wearing a leather jacket, snorted. "Let go of me! Oh, let go of me!" he imitated in a high pitched voice.

The other man, who was wearing a baseball cap and ripped jeans, laughed. "Much more entertaining!" he bellowed. "Come on, little (Y/N). Won't you scream for us as you screamed for our buddy?"

You watched as he approached you and stared him down as he forcefully grabbed your chin.

"Spending time with the Winchesters must have toughened you up, huh?" he chuckled. "Don't worry, gorgeous! We'll beat that courage right out of ya."

Quickly drawing your head back and pushing forward as hard as you could, you knocked your head into his, earning a groan as he stumbled back with his hand on his forehead.

"You little bitch!" he screamed.

The other man shook his head. "You'll regret that, little girl." He approached you dangerously, stopping right in front of you as he bent down to look at you. His eyes flashed black and you couldn't stop the small gasp you let out.

"No," you whispered.

"Oh, yes!" he laughed. "You thought you and that boyfriend of yours took care of all of us, huh? Well, you missed a few! And now we are going to do to you everything that we promised we would and more."

"Dean will find you," you threatened weakly.

"We are counting on it!" He grabbed you by the neck, squeezing until you were struggling to breathe. "We are going to hurt you like Hell," he threatened. "And then, when your boyfriend finally shows up, we'll torture you until you wish you were never born. And he will get to watch."

The demon let go of your neck and took a step back, smirking as you coughed harshly to force some air back into your lungs. 

"Time for some fun, sweetcheeks," he grinned. 

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