The Child of The Tomb

By Leo_Matsuzaki

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(Y/n) Satoru-the little sister of Suzuki Satoru-loves to play a game called YGGDRASIL. She's secretly in a gu... More

Lesson Prolouge - Eh?
Lesson 1 - How did This Happen!
Lesson 2 - Pestonya!
Lesson 3 - Saving Carne Villege
Lesson 4 - Gazef Stronoff
Lesson 5 - Idiotic
Lesson 6 - Caring
Lesson 7 - Alone
Lesson 8 - Distance Attempts
Lesson 9 - Bane
I'm Back!!
Lesson 10 - One More Day
Lesson 11 - Shalltear's Impact
Lesson 12 - Jealous?
Lesson 13 - A Mess of Things
Lesson 14 - Rogue
Lesson 15 - Better Picture
Lesson 16 - Emotions
Lesson 17 - Shalltear
Event Results! + Explanations!
Lesson 18 - A Regular Day
Lesson 19 - The Usual
OVA - Beach Episode! Pleiades Ver.
Lesson 20 - Lizardmen
Lesson 21 - First Alliance
Lesson 22 - Kill Her With Kindness
Lesson 23 - Tribes United
Lesson 24 - The Big Battle
Lesson 25 - Cocytus
Lesson 26 - Just The Start
Lesson 27 - The...
Lesson 28 - Ready or Not
Lesson 29 - Resolving Matters
OVA - Beach Day! Guardians Ver.
Lesson 30 - The Woman
Lesson 31 - Tuare
Lesson 32 - More People?
Lesson 33 - Progress
Lesson 34 - New Plans and Info
Lesson 35 - Werewolf of the West
Lesson 36 - A Revelation
Lesson 37 - Multiple Thoughts
Lesson 38 - Sebas's Lessons
Lesson 39 - Naps
OVA - Albedo & Shalltear V. Cake
Lesson 40 - Climb V. Succulent
Lesson 41 - Wrapping it Up
Lesson 42 - Sebas's Test
Lesson 43 - Bickering
Lesson 44 - Planning Rescue & Conquer
Lesson 45 - Sebas's Beatings
Lesson 47 - Disturbance's
Lesson 48 - Reunited

Lesson 46 - Entoma V. Blue Roses

738 26 0
By Leo_Matsuzaki

(3rd Person POV)
Unedited. Beware of, Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Mistakes.

The people at the side shakily grab their weapons but continue to stay aside, too afraid of the man who just committed the quickest massacre they'd ever seen.

"Solution! Did you find Zero?" Sebas shouts up towards the balcony.

Solution, who stands on the balcony with tables strewn around and bodies haphazardly standing or sitting around, looks down at Sebas. "He does not appear to be here."

Sebas turns his head towards the people standing at the side. "That means another ten seconds."


The invisibility wears off to show Climb, Brain, and Lockmeyers running through the stone hallway and towards a cell.

"Here it is." Lockmeyer says as they arrive at a cell.

Climb kneels down and rings one of the bells he owns, waiting a moment as the door unlocks on its own.

Climb opens the door and looks down at the woman lying on her side. "Are you Miss Tuare?"

She slowly raises her head, and the men smile.


Purple shades curtains cause a hue of purple to hit a blonde-haired woman with a snake tattoo.

She pulls on a robe and stands from her bed, leaving the room and entering a dark and empty hallway.

She tenses in surprise at the lack of light and begins walking through the hallway. "What is going on?!"

Looking from afar, the large mansion is covered with nature and foliage that are mostly comprised of vines.

She gasps as she looks out the window of the second story, her widened eyes turning behind her as she feels a pair of eyes on her.

Two miscolored eyes look back at her from the bottom floor, seeming to glow in the dark.

"Say there, little girl..." The woman begins from the top of the staircase.

She freezes for a moment as she takes in Mare's full appearance. "...Or boy..?"

She simply smiles with upturned brows and continues walking down the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

"L-Lady, are you the most important person in the mansion?" Mare asks.

"No--er, yes I am. I'm the most important person in the mansion." She replies, reaching the end of the staircase and approaching Mare's shorter figure.

"S-So you are. Thank goodness." Mare grips his staff in relief.

A door behind him opens, catching the woman's attention.

Entoma stands in the doorway with a shadow cast over her eyes, her masked smile looking back at the woman as she holds a twitching severed arm in her kimono covered hands.

The woman gasps fearfully and covers her mouth.

"Um, so anyway, uh, we're leaving." Mare says, catching the womans attention again as Mare slams her staff down into the woman's left leg causing it to bend unnaturally in a 180.

"Ah! My leg!" She screams out in pained grunts.

Mare doesn't miss a beat and grabs the woman's bangs, lifting her head.

The woman has tears pricked in the corners of her widened eyes as she holds her head and Mare's wrist for some kind of stability. "Ow! Ow! Stop! Oh, stop!" She screeches.

Mare looks down with a frown, not wanting to run late. "We have to hurry and get going."

"I'll let you handle things from here." He says as he walks out the door.

"Okay!" Entoma replies.


Multiple bugs carry boxes of items into the night sky, the moon acting as a large light.

"Everybody, keep moving the last of that stuff quickly, okay?" Entoma calls out, waving the severed arm back and forth.

"Mmm... Ah, I haven't eating it yet! Oopsie, oopsie!" She begins to chew into the arm from under her mask. "Nothing beats man flesh when dieting, huh?"

"Yo! What are you munching down on that seems so tasty to you?" Gagaran asks, large hammer in one hand.

"Some meat." Entoma replies, holding up the bone of the arm which now just has a hand left. "From a human." She tosses the bone aside.

"You don't say. I didn't think that Eight Fingers kept any monsters!" Gagaran's smile doesn't fade as she holds her war pick in front of her now, ready to fight.

"You know what? Can we pretend like we never saw each other?"

"Sorry about this, but I'm one of the top adventurers in the kingdom. I can't very well say 'oh, okay' to a man-eating monster and let it go."

Entoma sighs. "This is so much trouble. Still, you're strong. Maybe I'll turn you into preserved food." Her tone doesn't change as her stance seemingly changes.

Gargaran grunts and lifts her war pick, swinging first.

Entoma dodges both swings, Gargaran throwing a retort her way. "Huh? Is running away all you can do?"

"Hmm, you sure love whooshing that thing around."

"I'll smash you!" She releases a large blow, Entoma once again dodging but a piece of dug up concrete hitting her uniform.

"These are the finest clothes, given to me by the Supreme Beings." She mutters.

Gargaran wastes no time and goes in for another swing, being blocked by a shield, causing her to jump back. "What was that?!"

"Hard Armor Bug!" The bug shield twitches.

This was going to be a long fight.


"Why don't you stop right there?" A large claymore made of ice pierces down into the ground where Entoma stood.

Entoma had fortunately jumped out of the way, unhindered by the other two Blue Rose members as she'd already incapacitated them beforehand.

"Who are you?"

"Is a man-eating monster wearing a maid uniform supposed to be a joke?" Evileye looks down at Entoma, a familiar figure being held in one of her arms.

"I can't imagine anyone would be delighted to have a monster like you attending them, with the stench of blood hanging over you." Evileye finishes.

(Y/n) can see Entoma getting ready to bow, an instinctual reaction to seeing and sensing one of the Supreme One's aura.


Entoma visibly twitches. 'Lady (Y/n). How shall I dispose of these.. things...'

'Please, just keep fighting as usual, we can't blow my cover, not when I'm this deep within the castle's network.'

'Of course, lady (Y/n).' Entoma clears her throat, her focus returning back to Evileye, the mage's words finally processing. "What did you just say?"

"Evileye." Tia grunts, having joined Gargaran earlier but ultimately succumbing to Entoma's power.

"I was wondering what you were up to, but good grief. Give some thought to the difference in your abilities!" She scolds. "This one is stronger than you two. She's also weaker than I am."

Evileye casts hover on (Y/n), allowing her to float down. She throws a couple potions down to her. "Go, heal them with these." She turns back to Entoma. "How dare you push my friends around, you monster!"

Entoma's body shakes and wracks with clear anger. "No one would be delighted to have me attend to them, you say?"

She raises her whip created from a centipede, making sure not to release Gargaran from its long grip, a perk of her being a bug necromancer. "You can be smashed right alongside your friends!" She swings.

"Hmph, what a ridiculous attack." Evileye casts her own spell, Reverse Gravity, forcing the centipede whip that was restraining Gargaran, to release her.

"(Y/n)! The potions!" Evileye shouts.

(Y/n) quickly hands the two the potions, causing them to immediately guzzle them down.

Entoma releases a multitude of flying bugs from under her face mask.

"Are you with those Demon Gods..?! In that case..." She jumps from the sword, casting another spell at the oncoming insects. "Vermin Bane!"

A white mist comes from her hands and kills off all the small bugs, Entoma's head perking up in slight curiosity.

(Y/n) also peeks her head up, just as curious. It was a spell she'd never heard of before.

The potions (Y/n) had given to Tia and Gagaran finally take full effect, allowing them to both stand as Evileye lands in front of them.

As they land, the mist had finally reached Entoma, causing her to scream out in pain.

"What kind of magic is that?" Tia asks.

"Insecticide magic-- Vermin Bane. It's my own original magic spell." Evileye answers.

(Y/n)'s heart twists slightly at hearing the pained screams and keeps a close eye on her stats. This wouldn't kill her but would cause significant pain.

There was also the fact that they had more than enough gold to revive Entoma if need be, just as they did Shalltear.

"Her face is dissolving." Tia mumbles.

The face mask slipping from her face, its legs wiggling in the air feebly.

"Are you telling me that was a bug mask?" Evileye says.

And finally, her 'voice box' falls from her as well. It squirms on the stone floor, (Y/n)'s eyes widening slightly.

This was the first time she'd seen Entoma true form outside of her character creation. It'd been so long she'd nearly forgotten.

"A Lip Bug? It devours the vocal cords of its human victims, allowing it to produce their voice." Tia explains to no one in particular.

Entoma stands a bit away, kimono covering her face, her voice distorted. "How dare you... How dare you!"

"Your voice is a lot more endearing like this, isn't it? I rather like your voice this way." Gagaran teases.

"You humans!!" She shouts, dropping her arms and revealing an insect-like face. Similar to a spider, she has eight eyes of varying sizes, and 12 fangs shaped similarly, with six blocking the mouth that was on her neck.

The 'bow' on Entoma's kimono bursts, four long and wide legs taking control of her body, once again modeled after a spider's.

She jumps high into the sky, releasing more flying bugs.

Evileye acts fast. "Tch! Vermin Bane!" The mist easily takes out the bugs, Entoma landing on the other side of the battlefield.

She turns to look at the group. "You're the only one... You're the only one I have to fear..." She takes off quickly towards them. "If I can just kill you, everything else will go down like a simple job."

Gagaran and Tia split off from Evileye, Gagaran picking (Y/n) up and lightly yet forcefully throwing her into the nearby grassed area. "Stay there!"

"Immobilizing Paralysis Technique!" Tia casts.

Entoma jolts to a stop, Gagaran taking this chance to swing her ice pick with a shout. She's stopped by a webbed substance Entoma releases from her mouth.

Evileye runs at a slower pace towards Entoma and casts Crystal Lance, and while it hits the target it doesn't deter Entoma in the slightest. Entoma instead begins to fill the arms of her kimono with buzzing bugs.

"Vermin Bane!" She casts for a third time.

Entoma groans in pain, covering her face with her arms. Once it's cleared up enough, she shoots another webbed like substance at Evileye, though this time it had a clear color rather than solid white.

"This is unlike earlier. Crystal Wall!" The wall rises quickly from the ground but is shattered just as quick thanks to Entoma's attack.

She goes to attack once more but is kicked farther away by Gagaran, a clang sound reverberating as the three Blue Rose members now standing near each other.

"Did you hear that just now?" Gagaran starts, all eyes on Entoma. "How can her maid uniform and my armor have the same hardness? It's not possible!"

"Your attack that stings is getting tedious!" Entoma shouts.

"What do we do?" Tia asks.

"Attack her all at once with some heavy firepower to wear her down." Evileye answers.

"That's an answer easy enough for me to understand." Gagaran adds with a grin as she readies her ice pick. "Okay, let's take it to her."


Spells from each side are thrown, the moon high in the sky, however eventually the fighting comes to an end.

"We've beaten her." Gagaran pants.

Entoma laid flat on the ground, body twitching and small sounds of pain leaving her.

(Y/n) remains calm as she's leaned against one of the handful of trees in the courtyard the fighting had taken place in.

"I'll finish her off." Tia says.

"Right." Evileye replies.

(Y/n) can't stop the smile that comes to her face, gasps coming from the Blue Rose members shortly after.

"Can I ask you to stop there?" A familiar man says, a mask covering his face.

(Y/n)'s smile grows bigger as she mumbles something under her breath.


A/N; So it's been like, what? A year? Hi, I have Tumblr now and an AO3 account, under the same user as this, leo_Matsuzaki, I have some stories that aren't featured on this platform that's on Tumblr if you're interested, though they're all pretty short.

Anyway, hi :)

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