Random COTE One-shots

By yummy4203

178K 2.8K 1.2K

Random scenarios and situations that my mind comes up with or is inspired by other things I read. I'm not tha... More

Class S??
Author to the rescue
A deal??
Nap time
<Insert Title> :DD
Why? #2
I uhhh, I'm alive
Eh? :DD??
Eh? :DD?? #2
You were useful Suzune
Reaction?? #2
Reaction?? #3
Reaction?? #4
Reaction?? #5
Reaction?? #6
Reaction #7
I'm June and You're October
Perhaps... take refuge with me?
My first day
Possessive are we?
Not a chapter
Memories and Fireworks
AU: Recovery


3.3K 79 23
By yummy4203

Kiyo POV

"You summoned me boss?" I wonder what father wants to tell me

"You can call me father whenever we are alone Kiyotaka"

"Understood father, I will do so whenever we are alone"

"Very well my son, and yes I have called you here to ask you if you wish to accept another mission?" Another mission, I will complete it without fail, like I always do.


"Your next mission....


..Enroll at Advanced Nurturing High School" Eh? A high school?

"What is the goal for enrolling at such a place when I've mastered almost everything important there is to learn?"

I was born a genius, but there were other things that made others look at me differently, my lack of emotion and my eyes. My eyes carried so much darkness and I did not know how to hide it at first.

I never cried, smiled, nor laughed. It can't be helped, I was born this way. Everyone neglected me, my parents thought I was a monster because of my gaze, and left me to an orphanage. Even the people there didn't want to associate with me. They all look at me like I was some sort of alien.

Despite this, the boss took me in and treated me like his own son. He was never afraid of my eyes instead he was mesmerized by them.

My father, who I call boss whenever we are not alone, is a powerful man inside the government. However his presence is unknown to practically everyone except those of the highest powers. Royalties and those that stand at the top respect my father.

He would take me to parties from time to time when I was young and I would always get different looks from people. Curiosity for some, while others stood away from me in fear, others associated with me because of my father.

Because of this, I asked my father if I could stay at home and train. He asked why which I replied that it is my wish to do so. In truth, I wanted to make people at the top look at me in awe. So my father would attain the respect he deserved. He is a great man. But I brushed off those thoughts when he told me that he never wished for any of those.

He has made so many enemies, yet none of them know his face or his name. If truth came to light about the things he has done for this country, he would undoubtedly lose the precious time he devotes to watching.....anime and mostly because people would target him out of jealousy and revenge mainly from criminal organizations.

This is also why he has so little trust in people he only trusted those inside his family. Even when he took me in, he still had a wary expression but would often hide it from me. I dedicated my time to learning and was able to make full use of my intellect. But that was not enough, I needed to be stronger.

Slowly but surely, he took a liking to who I was and started to open up. I too loved his company, even if I don't particularly feel that much emotions or am familiar with it, I can still differentiate it from each other.

I completed tasks at breakneck speeds and learned faster than anyone else. My father was proud of me as he kept on bothering people who could teach me from his trustworthy peers. He never raised his voice, nor hurt me in any way, yet I was prepared to do anything as long as it is what he wishes to do so. And so I asked if I can undergo harsher training. Of course he was worried at first, but I wanted to do it nonetheless.

After countless persuading, he agreed on me training under the best of the best across multiple fields. Even my teachers were afraid of me because of who I was. I was able to learn how to fake my emotions yet making it look genuine. I was ready to be of service to the person I recognize as my one and only family.

I mastered every skill necessary to fit inside any type of scenario; every single type of martial arts, knowledge on using any type of weaponry, assassination, politics, undercover tasks, you name it. The best I can do are things related inside the kitchen, cooking has been one of my best skills which father loves dearly. Every now and then, he would ask me to cook for him which I gratefully accept.

My knowledge exceeds that which is learned in a lifetime. Deduction, observation, even tolerance to pain in any case that I am interrogated about my father, everything must be done to utmost perfection. This is all for the sake of the person who took me in and cared for me.

Well there is one person who I do care for. I hope I'll be able to see her again.

3rd Person POV

"You will note down every detail from its famous S-system to how the school operates and teaches the students. Do not overlook any information attainable within the school. You are permitted to use your abilities freely."

"I see"



"HA HA HA, nahhh just kidding son, live freely without orders in that place, you are ordered to live three years in there to the fullest, maybe even find someone you could care about other than me."

"Why is that father?"

"You see child, you may be emotionless, and only shows a degree of emotion towards me, but you are still human.... Find someone who could open up your heart and make you feel like that someone is irreplaceable. I'm simply your father, you need someone to take in as your wife. I won't take no for an answer, nor will I accept suggestions such as an arranged marriage. Find someone on your own Kiyotaka"

".... I understand father, I will complete this mission without fail.. but"

"Don't worry Kiyotaka, I know you won't fail, and I can assure you.... even if you do, which is fucking impossible in my eyes, I am still here, so go out there kiddo! Make papa proud!!"


Kiyotaka left the office and prepared himself for his mission. You could say he was perplexed with his father's orders but did not wish to reject it. He was curious about his father's words and was particularly interested in that S-system his father mentioned.

Meanwhile in his father's office

"I wonder what will happen if Kiyotaka brings home too many girls..... maybe I should've told him to only pick one... Yeah I'll text him this, it would be a nice idea to have more than one person loving him but no. I already have a pretty troublesome mom and sister"

'I wish he finds an interesting woman, my mother was.... you could say she was a devil of sorts.... not in the way of bringing harm but rather her very troublesome antics.....'


"Yuuto here"

"Dear, did you think of something rude about your mama?"

"N-nothing of t-that sort mom"

"Really? Well then I'll go back to tending to my garden, take care Yuu~"

*Call ends*

"What the fuck is wrong with women's intuition?!"

'I suppose I could relax for a bit regarding Kiyotaka's adjustments in a school thanks to Kiyotaka's training and numerous scenarios with multiple people, he would be able to adjust properly in his school without him feeling left out. Make sure to have fun Kiyotaka'

Kiyo POV

As of now, I'm in the car with my butler, or rather my assistant during missions driving to ANHS. I don't know what I'll expect here but I suppose I'll miss father for three years.

'School huh? I wonder what father meant when he told me to bring only one girl back home?'

"Young master, we are here."

We arrived at the school and it was certainly big.

"Ah, thank you"

"Have fun while your at it buster"

"Thanks Keith"

I waved goodbye to Keith as I ignored the stared I was getting since I came here on a lambo because of Keith.....

"Oh don't worry buster, just riling up the ladies faster for ya!!"

'Goddamn assistant' I sighed as there's no use thinking about this.

Damn, that entrance ceremony was worse than being stuck in traffic in silence because the radio broadcasts documentaries I've already learned and even the things they mentioned were wrong. 'Sigh' But I had to be disciplined. Since I had nothing much to do I observed other classes there as we were assigned to our designated places to sit. Class A and presumably Class B were pretty disciplined. Class C and D were the opposites.

I also noticed the absurd amounts of surveillance here.

I was walking down the hallways towards the classroom. 'Class 1-A' Guess I should just enter so I don't block the door.

I looked around to find my seat and it was at the very back by the window. I remember father telling me that being on that seat is a blessing. I don't know much since I never really watched much animes since father would switch his mood in accordance to what he was watching...

I sat down and simply observed the others. I don't necessarily need to be acquainted to anyone except a partner that father mentioned. I don't really feel like acting or putting up a facade here. I suppose I could simply follow whoever would become the leader. Father told me that there would be a hierarchy in the school.

I told him not to give away any clues but he reassured me that it's not that big. 'Sigh' Father really is careless at times. Now I know that there would be competitions in this school, assuming how it's going to be absurd granting every student the right to apply to whatever job they want without any catch. I suppose only students who graduate in Class A? Or even B will get that privilege.

I'll investigate more later. When I entered the class earlier, I spotted more cameras on each corner of the room. The way the students earlier at the entrance ceremony behaved confirmed what father said. I wonde-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone's hand on my shoulders. I didn't react out of instinct as I'm in school and I doubt I'll be attacked here. I'm confident I can tank a hit or two.


I turned around to see a familiar face. My expression softened a little since she was one of the few people I trusted along with Keith and father.

"Long time no see Ryouko"

"Heya Kiyo~ how ya been?" She went beside my chair and started ruffling my hair

"Been doing great so far, what about you?"

"I ran away here hehehe~ how about you? I know that school is useless for you at this stage ain't it?"

Oh right, she isn't particularly in good terms with her mother because she would always come to our place.

"You could say it's because of father"

"I see~ do tell!"

"He told me to find a partner"

Silence. Ryouko had a tint of red on her cheeks as she flashed a cheeky grin.

"Heh~ you won't mind if that's me right?"

Hm? I actually don't mind being with Ryouko, but I wonder how she would react if I said my honest thoughts?

"Actually I don't mind if its you"

"Eh?" She blushed and looked down while she started to shake me

"Are you serious?"

"I am"


"Already a couple at the first day ey? Hashimoto Masayoshi"

"S-shut up" Ryouko replied as I decided to introduce ourselves.

"Sasaki Kiyotaka, this is-"

"N-nishikawa Ryouko, nice to meet ya snake~"


"Your hair doofus"


"He does look like a snake" A purple haired beauty sat down and started fiddling with her phone

"Come on man, first that dude with a creepy grin, then Nishikawa and now you? Ugh. Sasaki wha' bout' you man?"

"I kinda agree with them to be honest"

Hashimoto slumped in defeat as he had a gloomy aura around him

"Oh yeah~ what's your name gorgeous?" Ryouko asked the purple haired girl who blushed a little before regaining her composure

"K-kamuro Masumi"

"Heh~ you look cute when you blush Kamuro~"

"S-shut up, uh-"

"Nishikawa Ryouko, this brown haired cutie is Sasaki Kiyotaka, the snake, I mean blondie is Hashimoto Masayoshi"

"I see, nice to meet you Nishikawa, Sasaki and Snake"

"Man... I got a name you know Kamuro?"

"Snake fits you better. Hmph"

"My condolences to you sn- I mean Hashimoto" I told him as I placed my hands on his shoulders."

A/N: Arisu dunno Kiyo bc White room ain't in this world D:<

Only Ryouko knows Kiyo's stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Skip Explanation

"So does anyone have any questions?" Mashima-sensei asked, I raised my hands since it wouldn't hurt confirming suspicions

"Yes Sasaki?"

"Are the points affected in any way? The way you worded your explanation while emphasizing 'this month' as well as 'anything' when it comes to buying with points. You also mentioned something about our merit and worth which affects our time here. As well as the cameras at each corner of the room"

A lilac-haired loli smirked at my question while the others listened closely to what Mashima-sensei will say. Others started to have doubts about what I said.

'No way there's really cameras there'

'Fufufu, interesting'

'Ahh~ Kiyo so smart'


"I cannot answer some questions but I can tell you to be careful with your points. Any other questions?"

"Eh?" Some students were now suspicious about what Mashima-sensei said

"Sensei" I again raised my hands. With this everyone's attention was on me

"Go ahead Sasaki"

"Will there be class competitions of sorts?"

The moment I asked this, Mashima-sensei tensed up and smirked, the others were shocked at what I said. Some people mocked me but was met with silence and they eventually shut their mouths. Some were in awe while someone was heard fufu-ing in the background

"I cannot answer your questions"

"I see, thank you sensei for confirming my suspicions"

"You really are different Sasaki, well then, the entrance ceremony will be in under an hour, goodbye class"

The class was silent for a while until the lilac haired loli spoke up about us introducing.

Skip everyone else's intro

"Hallo~ My name's Nishikawa Ryouko, I love music and playing the violin, nice to meet ya!"

Energetic as ever.

Hold on why is she pointing at me, Kamuro hasn't even introduced herself yet.

"Kiyo, your turn" Really?? 'sigh'

I stood up and smiled a bit as I started introducing

"Hello, my name is Sasaki Kiyotaka, I'm confident academically and physically, my hobbies are playing the piano but I can also play every other instrument, I also like to play chess and read from time to time, nice to meet you all"

I bowed a bit and received an applause. I suppose I didn't screw it up unlike that last time at the ball..... yeah.... I literally just said my name apathetically there.....

"Next should be Kamuro-chan~ hehe~" Kamuro blushed a bit at Ryouko who had a triumphant smirk

"Kamuro Masumi, I like arts and I love to paint, I hope I'll get along with everyone"

So she loves painting huh, maybe I could ask her to teach me? I've never been properly taught how to paint as it wasn't pictured much in scenarios during my other missions

"Fufufu, mind explaining how you reached to your questions earlier Sasaki-kun?" Everyone now proceeded to keep quiet to listen to my explanation

"Well let me ask you a question first. Do you all think that the school would be so generous as to give every student enrolling here the privilege of 100% employment?"

"Why do you say so Kiyo?"

"Well earlier this morning at the entrance ceremony, I noticed that our class and class B were more disciplined if you would say, compared to class C and class D"

"You're suggesting some sort of hierarchy"

"Yes indeed Sakayanagi, and the fact that there are cameras everywhere here, I was homeschooled up until now but it's not normal to have cameras inside a classroom right?"

"Nope, not normal man" Hashimoto replied

"If so then what could they be monitoring?" Kamuro asked

"Sakayanagi, what do you think?"

"Possibly our actions inside the classroom"

"What do you mean by that Sakayanagi-san?" Another student asked

"As Mashima-sensei said, we are based upon our 'merit' and 'worth', and what do you all think about the student's worth?"

"Our behavior such as paying attention to class, sleeping, usage of phones and more"

"Fufufu, well said Katsuragi-kun, and I suppose those cameras are the things that will monitor our actions here, thank you for the amounts of information Sasaki-kun, but what did you mean again by the 100% employment-"

"Hm? So you've figured it out, magnificent"

"Fufufu, why thank you"

"Hey don't leave us out of the discussion, my brain's hurting" Hashimoto said

"Snake-kun having trouble~" Ryouko said earning giggles from the others

"It means that only Class A or Class B gets the privilege isn't that right Sasaki-kun?"

"Ehh??" Most students were shocked then turned their attention to me

"Well said, most likely only Class A would get it, but aside from that we need more proof, I suppose we can wait until the school confirms our suspicions, other than that, I suggest everyone to be disciplined and manage your points wisely"

"Okay~ everyone's fine with it right?" Ryouko asked the others and they nodded.

So it seems that Class A has a lot of smarter students huh.

"Well then, we should head over to the ceremony now everyone" Sakayanagi said

"Yes, thank you again Sasaki" I nodded at Katsuragi and we went to the entrance ceremony

I'm now going back to the dorms after buying some stuff at the convenience store with Ryouko. We managed to confirm more things from that 'free' section in the store and what the upperclassmen said to someone from Class D.

I managed to blackmail the upperclassmen for more points. I got around 5 million points from the four of them and gave 2 million to Ryouko. Right now we're inside the elevator in silence. After a few seconds Ryouko called me



"W-were you r-really serious w-with what you said earlier this m-morning?"

I see, she's still thinking about that. Well I've practically said the truth but I'll confirm it again for her.

"Yes I was Ryouko, I wouldn't mind you being my partner"

"I-I see..."

I was going to say something when she went behind me and hugged me. I didn't say anything and let her do her things. It's been quite a while since we've last seen each other. We would always play around in my house whenever she visits... Until her mother had to move somewhere else with her because of business matters which made us unable to meet for quite some time.

We still kept in contact but we've never seen each other for quite a while.

"I'm glad I got to see you again Kiyo..."

I turned around and patted her head. "Yeah, me too Ryouko"

"Hehe~ I guess your mission is already accomplished huh Kiyo?"

"I suppose so, guess it's a miracle or a-"

"A coincidence that I'm also here in this school huh?" *giggle*

"I'll be in your care Kiyo"

"Same here Ryouko"

.....Uhh dad, Mission accomplished??

Yuuto POV


"Boss are you okay?"

"Yeah" Did that boy already complete his mission?


"Yuuto here"

"Ah hello Mr.Sasaki, I was wondering where your son is, I tried to contact Ryouko as to where she is in Sobu High because she said she'd enroll in Sobu High because your son would also be there but I later found out that she went to ANHS so I was going to apologize for my daughter's actions"

"Uhhhh, Ms.Nishikawa, my son is in ANHS..."

"I see.... 'sigh' so both of them are there....."

"Well... I guess this is a freaky coincidence"

"I can't believe I let her be in choosing her on school"

"Well don't worry about it Ria, when they come home, they'll be together HA HA HA"

"Haahh, I can't argue on you with that... well then, see you Yuuto"


Call ended

Well this would be a quick mission for Kiyotaka.

Go get er T-rex!!

A/N: Awooga

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