Darkness from Within #7: A Pr...

By Cookieglitz

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"Look, I'm just saying that I don't know what my brother is doing. And if you don't want to lose your girl, y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Sneak Peek

Chapter 20

46 5 2
By Cookieglitz

Lloyd grunted as Ariana tightened the bandage around his stomach. He was back in Baddie Bend, seated on the edge of their bed. Ariana huffed as she drew back again, folding her arms. "What is wrong with you?" she demanded. "Running straight into danger like that! Lloyd, you're getting more reckless by the day. You're not invincible, alright?"

Lloyd kept his gaze on the ground, unmoved. He felt empty for some reason he didn't understand. He felt bored and emotionless, his thoughts unable to drag away from his fight with the mountain man. The scene replayed in his mind over and over, getting more and more frustrated at his puzzlement. He had run into Raymond at the bottom of the mountain, and it had only taken a few words before the man realized who he was. Cole must've told him about me, he thought.

Lloyd had attacked him when the man wouldn't let him pass. But somewhere during the fight, Raymond seemed to have realized he was losing and began to back off. But Lloyd hadn't. He fought harder.

Raymond had struggled to live, but Lloyd realized it hadn't been for him. It had been for Cole. With the last of his strength the man had staggered toward the cave, which not only pointed Lloyd in the right direction, but showed him that Raymond would've used the last of his breath to protect Cole.

But it had been too late.

He had collapsed before he had gotten very far. Lloyd remembered standing over him, watching the man breathe his last. It threw the Baddie off. Confused him. Why would Raymond focus all his will to protect Cole, rather than to protect himself? He didn't have to had resisted Lloyd. He could've let him pass. But he didn't. He wanted to defend the black ninja, and he paid the price with his life. But that was something he was clearly willing to give up.

But why? Lloyd wondered. The idea had been nagging at him ever since. They weren't even related. How could he have loved Cole enough to do that? The Baddie rested his cheek on his fist, deeply pondering all this. He tried so hard to stay alive... for Cole. But why? Can someone really have that much love?

But he had taken away that love when he killed the man from the mountains. He killed him. He watched him bleed to death. He had watched with a satisfied grin on his face. But now, many hours afterward, that satisfied feeling was gone.

He had killed many people—Baddies—before. But Raymond had just been so innocent, and for some reason, killing him felt... different. Killing him... made the Baddie think. He had taken away a life. A human life—and one that had enough love and strength to face Lloyd as he had. Does that mean someone loved him that much? Did I unintentionally take away two lives—the second only yet to come?

He didn't understand what he was feeling. But it was cold and empty, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Ariana's voice jolted him back to the present.

Blankly, Lloyd dragged his gaze from the floor up to her, quieting his thoughts as best he could. With a sigh, Ariana came and sat beside him. "You could've been killed," she whispered. "Then what would I have done?"

Lloyd gritted his teeth in bitterness. "Like you'd care," he grumbled without much thought.

Ariana's eyes widened and she stared at him. "Lloyd, what are you talking about?" she breathed. "I don't know what I'd do if I never saw you again."

Lloyd looked at the ground again. "But you..." He struggled to get the words out. "I thought you were done with me."

"Let's be honest, you've been a real idiot," she huffed. "But I still love you, Lloyd." She shook her head. "You dummy, of course I do!"

Surprise swarmed through Lloyd as she threw her arms around his neck. He hesitated, the gesture making him feel deeply horrible, before returning the embrace. "I... I love you, too," he mumbled.

Ariana drew away from him, placing her hands firmly on his shoulders. "Don't just say it," she told him. "Prove it."

Lloyd's brows crinkled. "What is that supposed to mean?" he said. "That's what I've been doing this whole time. I'm doing this all for you, Ariana!"

"How?" Ariana questioned. "How is any of this for me?"

"It's always been for you," Lloyd went on. "I only wanted to protect you. I wanted to make sure we'd get out of here. You'd get out of here. Before the Overlord kills us all."

"Promise or no promise, when the Overlord returns, he's going to kill us all," Ariana announced. "You actually think he'll still let us go?"

"I have to think that," Lloyd sighed, suddenly weary, "or what other hope do we have?"

Ariana rose to her feet, gazing down at him. "You, Lloyd," she murmured. "You were our hope. You were our light, our chance of survival."

Lloyd dropped his chin onto his hand. "Everywhere I go, no matter what I do to try and stop it, it's always me," he groaned. "It's always me. I'm always the one chosen—the one everyone counts on for a future. Even after everything I've done to break the cycle. I still have to be the hero. Every. Single. Time. Can't someone else do it for once?"

Ariana's blue eyes glittered. "It's who you are, Lloyd," she said. "It's who you're meant to be. You can't change your destiny."

A scowl crossed Lloyd's face. "Don't I have a say in who I want to be?" he spat.

Ariana's gaze hardened. "No," she shot back, giving him a hard push against his shoulder. "You don't. So you should quit complaining and get used to it."

Grunting, Lloyd closed his eyes as pain throbbed through his body, although he straightened up and tried his best to hide it. Ariana didn't have to know how painful a simple touch was to him now.

Shaking her head, Ariana whipped around and pounded out of the room. Lloyd watched her go, a small smile appearing on his face. I guess she's right, he thought. I don't have a say in this. It's not like I ever did. And you'd think I'd be used to that by now.

Another shot of pain tightened in his chest and he gasped, stiffening as he struggled for breath. He was glad Ariana had left, for he knew he would have had no success in hiding this one. He shut his eyes, shaking, gagging, until a jolt from inside sent him tumbling off the side of the bed. Head dizzying, he struggled to sit up against the leg, wheezing as he finally managed to. The pain was excruciating, but he knew he had to fight it. He couldn't let anyone find him like this. Weak. Vulnerable. Helpless.

Breathing heavily, ignoring the sting of every breath, he pressed his hands against the mattress and heaved himself upward, stifling a cry as his feet hit the ground again. His legs felt like jelly and he clutched the blankets, managing to stay standing. He drew in a deep breath as his chest began to loosen again, almost immediately followed by a raspy cough. He ignored the urge to sink onto his bed, determined to stay strong, and forced himself to walk around the room. Every step was pain, and he gritted his teeth in exertion, but kept going. Eventually, his pace began to steady again and the pain faded. With a sigh of relief, he leaned against the wall, chest heaving. How am I going to keep this up any longer? he thought. Sooner or later, someone's going to find out what's happening to me.

He couldn't handle everything anymore. Even with the ninja out of the way, he still had to deal with keeping the Bend in order, while hearing Vanessa and the other Baddies' complaints, while struggling not to lose Ariana, while working through his physical pain, while worrying about Hugh and what the stranger might do next.

I can't do it anymore, he realized reluctantly. What was it that Vanessa had said to him? Asking for help wasn't always a bad thing?

Maybe in some other place, he mused, but not here. Here I deal with everything alone.

And that was something he had chosen, and something he had had a say in.

* * *

The lively chatter of the tavern was merely muffles in Ariana's ears as she once again refused to eat. Hugh was beside her, with Ronin diagonally across from her, and although she enjoyed their company, she couldn't help but wish Lloyd was there beside her—not Hugh. She loved Hugh, but she also loved Lloyd. When was the last time they had eaten together? She didn't remember. The last time she recalled when the two of them were happy was when they had been rolling down the hill together... right before Hugh and Ronin showed up.

Uneasiness swarmed through her and she glanced sideways at Hugh. Had he had something to do with it? She knew Lloyd didn't trust him. Does that mean I shouldn't, either?

No, that's crazy, she told herself, pushing the thought away. Hugh was her best friend. He would never do anything to hurt her. She meant everything to him, and he meant everything to her. How could Lloyd even think Hugh had something up his sleeve? she thought angrily.

The beginning of a fight roused her attention, and she drearily turned her gaze in the direction of the brawl. There were shouts and sounds of punches landing, but it barely tweaked her interest. She was too used to it by now.

Then something else caught her eye and she turned her head.

It was Lloyd, making his way over to her table. For once, all eyes weren't on him. He must've snuck in when the fight began.

Hugh noticed him, too, and he straightened up as Ariana did the same. She couldn't keep her gaze off of the Baddie, and again, she noticed a limp in his walk. But it was worse this time. Confusion sizzled inside of her. Could it be from his fight yesterday? she wondered. But it seems to be more than that...

Lloyd's eyes were hard and blazing as he stopped behind the chair across from Ariana, as if not knowing how bad he was hurt. He glared from Ariana to Hugh, tossing his plate onto the table with a loud clunk. "Mind if I join you?" he snarled, almost mockingly.

Hugh returned the glare. "Yes, yes, I do," he stated.

Ariana gave him a nudge. "Hugh!" she hissed at him.

Ignoring the remark, Lloyd kicked out the chair and slumped onto it, throwing his feet onto the table. Hugh muttered to himself in annoyance, but Ariana saw something deeper than anyone else would've. Lloyd's muscles relaxing, the faint flicker of relief in his eyes to be sitting down. She stared at him, but he refused to meet her eye. He can't be that tired, she thought with suspicion. It takes a lot to drain his energy.

"So, Hugh," Lloyd's voice broke her thoughts, "enjoying your little stay? Here? In my town?"

Hugh scoffed softly. "I'm an honored guest, aren't I?"

Beside Lloyd, Ronin cleared his throat. "Now, why's it always gotta be about Hugh?" he insisted. "You know, I'm here, too."

Hugh didn't shift his gaze from Lloyd as he answered his brother. "Shut it, Ronin," he grunted.

"What was that you said?" Lloyd brought his legs back to the ground. "You're a guest. Guests leave."

"Guests leave when they had a fair visit," Hugh countered.

Lloyd leaned closer. "Think your visit wasn't fair enough?" he growled. "You want me to make it fairer? 'Cause I can make it fairer."

Hugh sniffed. "What kind of a threat is that?"

"Guys, please," Ariana broke in, "why must you always pick a fight with each other? Can't we all get along for once?"

"I'm not the one picking a fight," Hugh defended himself, cocking his head toward Lloyd. "He is."

"Yeah?" Lloyd scoffed. "Says the man who attacked me when no one was looking!" He shook his head slightly, keeping his gaze. "You think you're so clever. You think you've got it all figured out."

"And I do," Hugh announced, jumping to his feet. "I've got you all figured out, Muscles. You and your schemes to get rid of me. But—news flash!—no one is falling for it!"

Lloyd rose to his feet more slowly. Ariana noticed a short stagger in his stand. "Do you think you scare me?" he challenged. "I'm stronger than you are, Hugh, you know that. You know I could kill you if I tried. That's why you haven't tried anything yet. You're just waiting for the moment I'm completely—"


Lloyd broke off, irritation nagging at his chest as he glared sideways at Ronin, who was drinking a juice box while staring up at the Baddie. "Sorry," he mumbled. Another slu-u-urp. "Continue."

Grunting, Lloyd turned back to Hugh. "Just remember your place, guest," he told him.

"And you remember yours," Hugh sniggered. "Green ninja."

Ariana felt a jolt of alarm. "Hugh!" she gasped, giving him another nudge. She knew how sensitive Lloyd was in that area.

A new kind of fire blazed in Lloyd's eyes. "What did you just say to me?" he snarled, panting angrily.

Hugh smirked. "You didn't think I wouldn't figure it out, did you?" he chuckled. "It really wasn't that hard."

Lloyd took a step away from the table, shaking with rage. "That's it," he spat. Furious, he began to walk around the table, tensing his muscles as he pounded toward Hugh.

"Lloyd!" Ariana leaped to her feet and hurried over to the Baddie, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't do this. Just drop it, please."

Lloyd gazed down at her, and his eyes suddenly rose with panic. As if he had gotten wounded, he clutched his side, breathing shakily.

Ariana stared at him in confusion. "Lloyd?" she breathed. "What's going on?"

He grunted and took a step back, glancing around wildly for an escape. Gritting his teeth, he pushed past Ariana and headed for the tavern doors, and this time anyone who was watching him could clearly see how he was stumbling.

Ariana's eyes rounded. She exchanged a glance with Hugh, who, shrugging, seemed as flustered as she did. With a huff, Ariana raced after her husband.

"Lloyd?" she called as she stepped out onto the street. Her gaze scanned the roads, and when she didn't find the Baddie, she turned and started down the side of the building.

Before she had barely walked three steps, she skidded to a halt again. She had found Lloyd. Sitting on the ground, his back against the wall, his eyes glued shut. Alarm shot through her. "Lloyd?"

Her voice seemed to rouse him, but his eyes stayed closed. "Ariana," he rasped out, his breathing quick. "Ariana, I can't get up."

Ariana was immediately at his side. "What's going on?" she repeated, heart thumping in her chest. "What happened?"

Lloyd shifted, face screwing up. When his eyes finally opened, they were red with pain. "N-nothing," he groaned.

"Here." Ariana grabbed his arm to help him up, but as soon as she touched him, he let out a gasp and jerked backward. Concerned now, Ariana gently touched his wrist again, watching as his eyes glazed and he started to flop over. Realization hit her and she let go. "He's been hurting you," she whispered. "Hasn't he?"

"Just a bad case of karma," Lloyd grunted, hissing.

Ariana's eyes glistened. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chest heaving, Lloyd gazed at her again. "I-I couldn't," he croaked, "o-or he'd hurt you, too. You know he would."

"This explains everything, Lloyd," she breathed. With a shake of her head, she wrapped Lloyd's arm over her shoulder. "Come on, you need to get out of here."

Lloyd bit his tongue to suppress a cry as she heaved him to his feet. Breathing heavily, he stumbled against her, legs shaking. Ariana struggled to hold his weight, but managed to stand strong for his sake. "Let's get you to bed," she said softly, forcing him forward.

He staggered beside her, and by the time they reached the other side of the street, he was wheezing. Concern swarmed inside of Ariana, but she continued on. Getting him up the staircase was the most difficult part, and he stumbled multiple times, groaning. Every time he fell, Ariana felt more and more uneasy, and she found herself constantly glancing over her shoulder. She knew they couldn't let anyone see how weak Lloyd was. Lloyd hadn't exactly made himself so likable during the past few weeks, and she had heard whispers about a mutiny starting. The Baddies were angry, desperate, and hungry—and an angry, desperate, hungry enemy could be extremely dangerous. And if anybody saw Lloyd's condition, there were definitely some unhappy Baddies that might take this opportunity to either take over the Bend or kill him. Or both.

When they finally fumbled into their room, Ariana forced Lloyd onto the bed, shutting the door behind them. He let out a long breath as he sank into the mattress, and, gaze softening, Ariana went and sat beside him. After a moment of silence, he jerked himself and began to struggle upward. "I-I can't rest," he gasped out. "I-I have to—have to—"

"Rest," Ariana finished for him, gently pushing him down again.

Lloyd continued to struggle. "B-but... But..."

"You haven't slept in days, Lloyd," she snapped, and he gave up. "You need to sleep. I'll watch the Bend for now."

Lloyd gazed up at her, clearly still wanting to protest, but it seemed sleep got the better of him, because his eyes started to close and his breathing slowed. Warmth spreading through her, Ariana drew the blanket over him. She touched her hand to his cheek, shifting his loose hair from his face. He had been sweating. How long has he needed to rest? she wondered worriedly. Sighing softly, she rose to her feet again. She would sleep back in her old bed tonight. Lloyd needed the best sleep he could get.

Before she left, she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well," she murmured. Then she turned and left the room.

But whatever she had done to try and keep Lloyd out of sight, someone had still seen the whole thing. From out the window, Hugh was staring at the sleeping figure of Lloyd.

Old Muscles' feeling weak? he thought sinisterly. Interesting... Very, very interesting...

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