Chances [Chanyeol EXO]

By yeols_wife27

3.7K 121 71

You treated men like a game but Chanyeol made you think twice about playing. Rating: Mature (mature themes, s... More



292 11 19
By yeols_wife27

You smiled as you watched everyone exchanging jokes with one another.

Baekhyun was imitating some celebrity, earning hysterical laughs from Jongdae and Jongin. Sehun and Yixing were shouting suggestions at Baekhyun of who to impersonate next. Minseok had his arm draped around Ji-eun's shoulder while she giggled at the guys' silliness.

Kyungsoo walked away laughing from the commotion to help you remove bottle caps from the beer bottles.

"It's nice to have everyone together again, isn't it?" You asked him.


You were back in your family's beach house to celebrate your graduation with your friends.

The past two years have been full of ups and downs, but there you were, smiling at the sight of all your friends hanging out together as if the bad things that happened were all a bad dream. The only thing that mattered right now was how happy everyone was feeling.

Baekhyun got a job at his dream production company, so you only got to see him a few days per week. He took a break from work just to celebrate with you and your friends and while that may seem like a small thing, it meant everything to you. He and Kyungsoo were on good terms now, after you explained to him the truth of what happened between the two of you.

Ji-eun and Minseok got back together last year, and you couldn't be happier for them. Seeing the two of them end up together after everything they went through made you believe in love again.

You grew closer with Jongin and Sehun after Chanyeol left for a scholarship offer in Japan.

It would be better if Chanyeol was also here, but everything was okay as it was. You didn't have anything to complain about right now.

You haven't talked to him in two years, but not a single day passed that you didn't think about him. Your feelings for him remained the same and you missed him terribly. Every day you wondered if he still felt the same way, if he still had the same answer for you after all this time, and your heart hurt when you thought about him forgetting about you.

In order to distract yourself from those thoughts, you kept yourself as busy as you could. You put in extra effort in school, and in the end, you graduated with honors on your Creative Writing degree.

You still didn't know what to do with your life, and when you asked Minseok about his plans for the future, he said that he would work at a publication house for a short while before he pursued his master's degree and eventually earned his PhD.

Jongin and Sehun both planned to apply for the same dance company after the summer. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, earned a degree in Theatre Arts and was scouted by a theater production company after seeing him act in a movie that he starred in for his thesis requirement. He will begin working for them the month after the next.

All the talk about the future made you anxious for yours and wonder about Chanyeol's. Every day you fought the urge to call him and ask how he has been doing for the past two years, but your pride and worry got the best of you. You were ready to finally talk to him and give him your answer, but you were afraid that he wasn't.

You shook your head to clear your thoughts. You reminded yourself that you were here to have a good time with your friends and to not worry about anything else.

"Okay, every single beer bottle is open. Who's ready to get drunk?" Kyungsoo announced as he brought the ice chest full of booze into the living room.

Everyone grabbed a bottle.

Baekhyun stood up and held his bottle up high, proposing a toast. "This is for my sister and her friends who just got out of the shithole that's also known as college! Welcome to the real world and I hope you all stay employed for a long time!"

Laughter filled the living room together with the sound of bottles clinking against each other. Baekhyun never failed to put a smile on everyone's face.

"Do you guys want to play Never Have I Ever again?" Yixing asked.

A resounding no came from you and the other guys and Yixing held his hands up as he smiled, surrendering his idea.

"That game ruined a lot of lives," Baekhyun remarked as he took a swig of his beer. "It's Yixing's fault."

"You're just mad because you couldn't keep the vodka down," you laughed.

Baekhyun stuck his tongue out at you like he was five years old.

As the night got deeper, more empty bottles littered the floor. Jongin, as expected of the one who had the lowest alcohol tolerance in the group, was sitting on the couch with his eyes half-open. Minseok had carried Ji-eun up to the room she was staying in as she passed out from drinking. Yixing was playing his guitar while Jongdae and Kyungsoo half-sung and half-screamed a song you couldn't understand. Baekhyun was playing beer pong with Sehun in the corner.

But when the doorbell rang, everyone stopped whatever they were doing, stood up, and smiled.

Baekhyun and Sehun exchanged knowing looks. Minseok rushed down the stairs, almost falling in the process. Jongin, who had almost fallen asleep, was now wide awake and clapping. Yixing and Jongdae were whispering with each other with wide smiles plastered on their faces. Even Kyungsoo was grinning.

"Sis, why don't you go and check who that was?" Baekhyun said as he bit back a smile.

But you already knew who it was.

You set the bottle you were holding on the glass coffee table, stood up, and walked towards the door. Your hands were trembling, your heart was racing, and you took small, careful steps, like you were walking on thin ice.

You already knew who was behind that door, and even though this was the moment you've been preparing yourself for the past two years, your body still felt paralyzed with anxiety.

You took a deep breath before opening the door.

"I hope there's still booze," Chanyeol said with a smile as you swung the door open. "Let me guess, Jongin was the first one to get drunk."

You bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling from ear to ear. Your eyes started welling up with tears. You haven't seen Chanyeol for two years and the first thing he asked you was there any booze left. It was ridiculous, but it was also the most Chanyeol thing you could possibly think of.

"It's been two years and you're still a crybaby," Chanyeol laughed, holding out his arms. "Come here."

You threw your arms at him and hugged him as tightly as you could. His fingers sank into your hair as you breathed each other's scent for the first time in a long while. Tears were streaming down your face as you savored the moment of being in Chanyeol's arms once again.

The two of you didn't say anything. You just stood there, the years and all the pain melting away as you embraced each other.

Chanyeol was here. He was finally here. Everything else felt insignificant.

Baekhyun cleared his throat from behind you. "Yeah, we missed you too, Chanyeol."

Your brother's voice catapulted you and Chanyeol back to reality. You broke apart from each other's grip.

Chanyeol squeezed your hand for one last time before going inside the villa. You were still dazed that he was really here, that he was in your arms, after just imagining it in your head for the past two years.

Cheers erupted from the living room as soon as the guys saw Chanyeol coming in.

"I couldn't believe your big ass mouth kept a secret that huge from me," you said to Baekhyun.

"Yeah, me too. I'm surprised as much as you are," he laughed. "Consider that as your graduation gift."

You had your head on Chanyeol's shoulder the entire time the group was asking him questions of how he had been.

After graduating last year, Chanyeol immediately went to work for a big music company in Japan thanks to the good recommendations he got from the university he was offered a scholarship from. He said that he really wanted to continue working and build up his career there, but being away from home wasn't something that he could stand. He resigned a few weeks ago, but because his seniors were impressed with his talent, he was referred to their sister company that was based here.

"Baekhyun called me a few days ago to say that you guys were graduating," Chanyeol said. "Of course, I needed to come home. I booked a flight right after that phone call."

"Sure you did," Baekhyun scoffed.

Chanyeol laughed. "Okay, maybe I was slightly exaggerating but you get it."

You didn't say anything as the guys talked. You just sat there and took in Chanyeol's presence. He took up the most space in your mind and now that he's finally beside you, you just wanted to soak up everything just in case all of it suddenly slipped from your fingers, just in case you were dreaming.

"I haven't seen your sister this quiet," Jongdae snickered as he looked at Baekhyun.

"Shocking, right?" Baekhyun said and the group exploded in laughter. You couldn't help but laugh too.

Chanyeol was tired from his flight and most of the guys were already wasted anyway, so all of you decided to call it a night. Jongin was passed out on the couch and no one bothered waking him up as the guys went up to their rooms.

You didn't want to disturb Chanyeol because you knew that he would be exhausted from flying. But your body moved against your will of staying inside your room. Soon, you were knocking on his door.

It didn't take him long to answer it.

"Do you have your answer now?" He asked you the moment the door opened.

Your lips crashed into his as he locked the door behind you.

You finally felt his lips against yours after craving them for what felt like forever, and you couldn't get enough of how he tasted.

His fingers dug into your sides, pushing your hips closer to him as he kissed you like he was running out of air and you were oxygen. The two of you managed to walk towards the bed without tearing away from each other. You straddled him between your legs, the skirt you had on pulled up to your sides.

He removed your thin shirt off of you and tossed it on the floor and unclasped your bra like he had done a million times before. You could feel how much he missed you from the way his mouth left love marks on your neck.

"Yeol," you moaned as your fingers weaved through his hair. The feeling of having his soft lips against your skin sent shocks of electricity through your entire body and you needed to hold onto to him from the overwhelming pleasure that you got from it.

You missed the rush he gave you, how he made you forget everything with just his lips. You missed his touch; you missed how he sank his fingertips onto your skin like you were the only thing he ever wanted in this world. You missed how his chest felt against yours, how your heartbeats raced together in an upbeat rhythm. But most of all, you missed him. You missed having him beside you. You missed his musk, how he always smelled like sweet flowers no matter the occasion. You missed Chanyeol and no amount of kisses will ever be enough to make up for those two long years of not being able to breathe in the same air as him.

"You have no fucking idea how much I missed you," he said against your neck.

You looked into his eyes and you could see his hunger in them, two years of yearning embedded in his stare. Chanyeol kept his gaze on you, his eyes traveling to every inch of your face as if he was seeing you for the first time all over again.

"If I'm dreaming, please don't wake me up."

You molded your lips into his once again to remind him that you were real, that he was not dreaming, and that you will never stray away from him ever again. The kiss was full of longing. You've been deprived of Chanyeol long enough and you needed him right now.

You tugged at his bottom lip as you felt his staff growing against the sweatpants he had on, heat immediately rushing between your legs at the contact. He had his hands on your behind and he used them to push you harder towards him, and you let out a jagged breath against his lips.

Your mouth moved to his jaw and then all the way down to his neck and collarbone, leaving sloppy kisses on its trail. In one swift motion, he turned you around so that your back was now against the mattress with him hovering over you. He pulled his shirt off his back while you dragged his pants downwards and soon the two of you were all skin and flesh.

He started making circles on your bud with his thumb and you arched your back and groaned as pleasure shot through your entire body. He didn't stop until you were a wet mess under his touch.

He pumped himself a few times before he spread your legs further. He let out a contented moan as he slowly slipped himself inside you, your core feeling incredibly full at his length. He stayed still for a few moments to allow you to adjust to him and when you wrapped your legs around his waist to signal him to move, he moved relentlessly.

His eyes bore into yours as he thrust in and out of you. Your hands were like a vice grip on his biceps, your nails digging into his skin as your stomach churned at the way he rocked his hips towards you.

"I almost forgot how good you felt," you teased, to which he replied by slamming into you at a more rapid pace.

Your eyes squeezed shut as your whimpers filled the room, hoping that the walls were thick enough so that whoever was staying next door wouldn't hear you crumbling because of Chanyeol.

Chanyeol leaned in, his lips just barely touching yours and said, "I doubt that you would forget me." His mouth formed a smug smile.

I almost forgot how cocky you were in bed, too, you wanted to reply, but he pounded into you harder and took all the words out of your mouth, replaced with a string of whines and profanities instead.

Pressure started building in your core, and it only took Chanyeol one more thrust to send you spiraling into euphoria. Your legs tightened around him as your body arched upwards, your walls clamping down on him. Your tired lungs gave out a loud moan as you melted underneath him.

All you could see was white, but Chanyeol didn't slow down and continued smashing forward. He intertwined his fingers with yours as he inched closer and closer to finishing.

He thrust into you and grunted a couple more times before he finally went off and fell against your shoulder, his weight pinning down your body that was still buzzing with aftershocks.

He caught his breath for a few moments before pulling out of you and crashing into the space beside you. The groans that filled the room a while ago were now replaced with breathless pants as the two of you exhaled like you just ran a hundred miles.

"Welcome back, I guess?"

Chanyeol laughed at your remark and snaked his arm around you, engulfing you in an embrace. His lips were grazing your jaw and you could feel his breath against your wet skin, cooling you down.

"So, what's your answer?"

You shifted your weight to your side so that you were now facing him and gave him a deep kiss.

"I have the same answer as yours, Yeol. My answer is you. I choose you."

The answer that you've been searching for was right under your nose all along; you were just too distracted to notice it. You only realized it when you heard Chanyeol singing about how you were his everything.

Choosing Chanyeol was a gamble, but you were willing to go all in even if it meant that you were putting your heart on the line. Looking at Chanyeol as he smiled at you, you have never been surer that he was a risk worth taking.

Love, you decided, was just a game of chance: you lose some and you win some, but the probability of losing was just the same as the probability of winning. You rolled the dice, and you were ready to pay the price of giving Chanyeol your heart.

You didn't know how this will end, but you'll take your chances.



So finally we have come to the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed reading. Thank all for showing love to this book. I have more Chanyeol stories coming in the future! And next story will be on uri Baekhyunnie. So stay tuned! Until then take care and stay safe!!💖💖

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