The Beautiful and the Faultle...

By SprintingFox

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All she had ever wanted was to meet her family and to be free of the torment she'd suffered. Of course, her f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Final Author's Note

Chapter 21

487 37 6
By SprintingFox

Saturday arrived, and Ingrid was ready.

She'd reserved a place for them at a fancy French restaurant near Cami's apartment. She'd put on a fancy dress, purchased some wine beforehand, and tried her best to not think about her family's problems, what with Tristan's arrival in town and an apparent weapon that could bring down the Mikaelsons.

"Hello there," she said, swinging by Cami's apartment to pick her up. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," said Cami, stepping out to reveal her own dress. Both had elected to wear black, along with matching heels. Ingrid's dress was more tight fitting, with a halter top. Meanwhile, Cami's flowed down to her ankles, the delicate fabric billowing by her feet, while the top revealed a generous amount of cleavage that Ingrid had to force herself not to look at.

Ingrid offered her arm, leading her out into the street. They walked side by side until they reached the restaurant, and were seated promptly.

"Oh," said Cami, seeing a bouquet of flowers in the center. "This is such a cute..." she trailed off when she realized no other table had that. "Did you—?"

"Maybe," said Ingrid, smiling. "I managed to sprout a few flowers channeling some of Kol's magical objects. I told the waitress that if they were dead by the time we arrived, to quickly throw them away, but it seems they lasted."

"They're beautiful," said Cami softly, looking down at the menu. "Oh—" a piece of paper fell out of it, and she picked it up, seeing a poem.

"Damn," said Ingrid shyly. "That was supposed to be pinned to your side of the bouquet, not on the menu. It... I didn't write it... well, I wrote it physically on the paper but the poem isn't mine, I just thought you'd like it."

Cami recited, "'In an endless garden of flowers I will always pick you,' by A.J. Lawless. It's beautiful, Ingrid."

They ordered their food and drinks the next time the waitress came around. Ingrid kept glancing around, as if expecting something or someone to show up. "What else did you plan?" asked Cami. "Is Irene going to lead in a marching band?"

"Oh, goodness no," said Ingrid with a giggle. "No, I'm just waiting for the drinks, I'm getting thirsty. However, if a marching band is what you want—"

"You have already made this a beautiful date. Should I assume someone is decorating my apartment as we speak?"

"No, that would require breaking and entering. However, someone is kindly leaving a bouquet of flowers at the door."

Cami blushed. "I don't deserve all this."

"Nonsense," said Ingrid, her eyes lighting up as the drinks arrived. "I wish I could give you more than that."

"What more could you possibly give me?"

"I don't know, I could rent an orchestra to give us a private show."

"I don't think I'd be able to concentrate on that."

"Hmm, and why?"

"I'd be too busy looking at you."

Ingrid smirked. "I guess the dress was a good choice then?"

"Mine was, too, apparently. You keep pretending you're not looking at my boobs, but you clearly are."

"I'm sorry," said Ingrid, closing her eyes. "You have never worn a shirt with that much..." she gestured to her chest area. "It's hot."

"That's how I feel when you're always walking around with those tops of yours. I keep gawking at you like an idiot and I'm afraid I'll bump into something or someone."

She felt Cami bumping her heel against her foot. "Are we playing footsies now?" asked Ingrid. "Are you that eager for tonight?"

"Is it bad that I am?" asked Cami. "I'm going to face my fears. It's a good thing."

"It certainly is a good thing. And it will be worth the wait, I promise. On a scale of one to ten, how flexible would you say you are?"

Cami blushed, motioning for her to lower her voice as the waitress walked by. "I-I don't know, I was more flexible as when I was younger."

Ingrid snorted. "Cami, you're what, twenty-five? You are young. Come on. Rate yourself."

"Um... I don't know... a six?"

"That will work for what I have in mind."

"What do you have in mind?"

Ingrid winked, putting a finger over her own lips as the waitress came by with her food. "Thank you," she said, licking her lips and starting to eat once she ensured Cami's food had been made to her liking. "Enjoy, darling."

"I am enjoying it," said Cami. "I just... I feel so free with you. You tease me a lot but you also help me feel... okay with my new identity. I haven't even told my parents yet and I don't know if I will for... awhile. They don't foster the kind of environment where one feels accepted. But you, you do. You make me feel proud. You help me believe I don't need to be shy when I'm thinking about someone I care about, even if society wants to be crappy and dictate otherwise."

Ingrid's eyes watered a bit. "What is it?" said Cami softly. "Something I said? I didn't meant to hurt your feelings."

"You didn't," said the witch softly. "It's just... it makes me happy seeing you so comfortable with this. For centuries I watched and experienced the different types of reactions society has had to people like us. Some were accepting and made me feel good about myself. Others were not. And knowing that I've been able to help you see the better side of it... knowing that this modern age is changing rapidly... I just feel glad. You've helped me, too, you know. A lot. These past six months have been insanely hard but because of you I'm more mentally healthy than I was before. I'm still someone living with Borderline Personality Disorder but I'm getting a treatment that helps me because of you. That is the greatest gift anyone could have given me. Seeing me as someone worth being helped. If you hadn't offered it that day in Rousseau's... I don't know where I would be right now."

Cami set her utensils down, reaching over to hold her hands tightly. "I'll always be there for you, Ingrid. I promise."

The bouquet of flowers on Cami's doorstep was nearly squashed. They'd come back, the two of them giggling and pulling each other into the apartment. The instant the door was closed, Ingrid had pressed Cami against it, holding her face lovingly and caressing her cheek before slowly and carefully connecting their lips.

Cami made a noise, and Ingrid pulled away, wondering if she'd been too abrupt. Turns out, she just wanted an excuse to initiate the kiss herself, for practice.

"I'm trying to be careful with this dress," said Ingrid, trying to unzip it from Cami's body. "But this stupid thing is stuck. I don't want to rip it, but—"

"Just rip it," said Cami desperately. "At this point I'd rather have a ripped dress than spend another minute waiting for you to touch me."

"Naughty, naughty," teased Ingrid in her ear, before yanking down roughly. "Oh, hey! The zipper didn't break. Stubborn little shit. Ah, the matching set of bra and underwear. I must be special."

"Don't tell me you don't have a matching set."

"Well, that's not possible seeing as I didn't wear a bra." She snaked her hand into Cami's hair. "Now, you pick. Couch or bed? Or... any other horizontal surface, I'm not picky. At least for the first time it would be best on one of those. Or..." she clicked her tongue, then dragged it down Cami's neck, "We could do the kitchen counter. I'm tall enough to reach you if I lay you on top of it."

"Not the kitchen counter," said Cami, knowing they would make a huge mess if they tried to clear that now. "Bed." She shrieked as Ingrid scooped her up, carrying her into the next room and pressing her down. "I did not expect that."

"I've been training for weeks," said Ingrid, crawling onto her, using her knee to separate Cami's thighs. "You're about to reap the benefits."

It was an enlightening night for the both of them. When morning came, Ingrid was still wrapped in an embrace with Cami, hugging her from behind and resting her head on her shoulder, kissing it gently each time the blonde stirred in her sleep.

"Good morning," she whispered when she sensed Cami had awakened. "How do you feel? Need me to get you anything?"

"No, just stay," replied Cami groggily, taking her hand. "You're so warm."

Ingrid pulled the covers up to warm her up a tad more. "Saturday was amazing," she cooed in her ear.

"It was," breathed Cami.

It seemed there was to be no trouble, just yet. They had a relaxing day, getting up only to shower and to go check on Irene, who'd spent the night with Freya. Irene was glad to see the both of them, and even happier when Cami brought her a new toy.

As Halloween approached, Kol finished the spell for the necklace that would hopefully help Ingrid perform magic like a normal witch. He had Freya and Davina spell it for her, then clipped it onto her, allowing her to test his theory. It seemed it was going to work, but Ingrid didn't find herself feeling happy, even when she was able to levitate several objects with ease. If anyone tore that necklace off of her, she'd be powerless.

Freya had suggested adding yoga to her routine, allowing her some meditation time that would apparently help to calm her down, given the making of the necklace hadn't eased her worries much.

"What are you doing here?" asked Klaus one day when he found them in the upstairs study, both of them sitting cross-legged on the floor.

The elder Mikaelson glanced at him. "Uh... we live here?"

"Yes, obviously," he said, watching them get up to try another pose. "I just hadn't realized you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave! Perhaps I was thrown off by the lack of strange gentleman callers perusing the contents of my refrigerator this morning. As for you," he gestured to Ingrid, "you've been at your girlfriend's house every other night, I never know when to expect you."

"That's not true," said Ingrid, making a face as she put her hands together. "I haven't gone to Cami's all week, she's been here because Irene is in a clingy phase and she hates not seeing us. How nice it is, though, for you to worry about where we are. It's a change from you wishing I'd chat with Lucien."

Klaus rolled his eyes. "I simply want to know who is here at any given moment! I hardly think that's too much to ask."

"Well," came Hayley's voice as she and Elijah walked in, "as long as we're talking attendance..."

"Oh, good!" said Klaus mockingly. "It's my not-so-loving older brother and my former one-night-stand! What a nice, normal family gathering."

"Charming," said Hayley sarcastically. "Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill you."

"Well," said Klaus snarkily, "clearly what the situation needs is more opinions." He turned to his brother. "I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?"

The look on Hayley's face suggested she was not yet privy to this. "I was just getting to that," said Elijah quietly.

"Now would be good," said Hayley.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Well, it appears my old mate Lucien has acquired a genuine seer, and in an effort to prove his good intentions, he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom. It's grim stuff, really— not for the faint of heart."

"Who's doom are we talking about, here? Because if it's yours, I think we're all okay with that."

Klaus chuckled. "Well, sadly, we're all on the chopping block. But, chin up! This witch claims her visions are constantly evolving. So, you may just get your wish!"

"Well, I want to meet this psychic witch," said Hayley, before facing Elijah. "Tonight."

Ingrid gave up on yoga. "What's tonight?"

"The Strix are having a Gala," said Elijah, almost tiredly. "Tristan expects my attendance."

"I'll be your plus one," said Hayley. "Let me go see if Rebekah has any dresses I can wear."

Ingrid made a face as Hayley left. "Did she just invite herself? To a dangerous party? Not that she needs to consult her husband, but does he even know?"

Elijah made a face, as if to say, 'What do you think?'

"Oh, goody," said Ingrid. "Well, I'm not interested in any party or any prophetic witches. It's not like I can do much."

"Well," said Klaus, blocking her way before she could leave, "you could distract Lucien while we speak to the witch."

"I'm confused," she said. "Why did Hayley say she wants to meet the witch tonight... implying that it would happen at the Gala... if the witch is with Lucien?"

"I'm confused, too," said Freya, shrugging her shoulders. "I had plans to go drinking around different bars at the city."

"Oh, Freya," said Klaus, "you're going to be considered an alcoholic soon if this behavior doesn't stop." He turned back to Ingrid. "Please. Distract him."

"No," she said flatly. "I'm not going to let you use me like that. In fact, since Cami has work tonight, I think I'll go drinking with Freya."

He tried to catch her arm to keep her from leaving, but she swiped her other hand up, and he staggered back, holding his head and yelling out in pain. "I may not be as strong as I was," she said, feeling the necklace burning on her chest, "but I can make you feel pain if you don't back off, right now."

Klaus waved his hand, as if telling her to stop. She did, and trotted away to pick an outfit.

Freya did not have a plan for which bars she was planning to hit, so they just decided to go down Bourbon Street to see how many they could find. They were barely at their first stop when Freya's phone rang. "What is it now, Niklaus?" she asked boredly.

"Really, Freya?" he said, feigning offense. "Is that the way you greet the brother you've spent your entire life trying to find?"

"Oh, I'm sorry— are you not calling for a favor?"

"You're absolutely right, love," came Lucien's voice, causing Ingrid to make a face. "We need your help. A dear, dear friend of mine has gone missing, and we must find her. Our lives depend on it."

"Wow, so turns out the psychic witch isn't with Lucien," said Ingrid dryly. "If you lose track of your playthings this easily, Lucy, I think I'd start calling the morgue."

"The tongue of a viper, this one," he said. "Well, given you two are the loveliest witches in town, we were hoping you could help us."

Freya rolled her eyes. "Niklaus, please tell your creepy friend that just because he's good-looking doesn't mean I won't turn him inside out and hang what remains from a pole."

"Freya, please," said Klaus insistently. "I am asking as your brother for your help."

Ingrid motioned for her to say no, but Freya sighed. "Fine. Text me the address."

"Okay," said Ingrid as they were heading to the penthouse, "did you actually mean it when you said Lucien is 'good looking?'"

Freya shrugged. "He's not ugly. He'd be more charming if he wasn't so..." she made a gesture in midair.

"Yeah," agreed Ingrid. "I think I'll keep calling him 'Lucy' until he stops being flirty with me."

When they arrived, Lucien opened the door quickly, before they could even knock. "Please, do come in," he said, allowing them inside.

Freya made a face as she inhaled. "Ugh, this place smells like dried blood and bad cologne."

"That's just my natural musk," said Lucien. "I find the ladies love it."

"I don't know what kind of ladies you're talking about," said Ingrid under her breath as she approached Klaus, seeing a map already set up for them. "Have something belonging to the witch?"

Klaus handed her a hairbrush. "Yuck," said Ingrid, seeing several hairs on it. "Something clean next time?"

"I could fetch you a pair of underwear from her drawer," said Lucien sweetly.

"Ah, yes," said Ingrid sarcastically, "and then I'll shove underwear down your throat and make you choke on it." She faced her cousin. "Together?"

Freya nodded. "Yes." She started to light the candles, and the two men behind them continued to speak.

"Your brother must have told Tristan about the prophecy," said Lucien. "If that sadistic bastard so much as touches a hair on her head..."

"Yes, the witch's hair isn't what has me worried," said Klaus in annoyance. "Frankly, your girl seems a bit wanton when it comes to handing out visions."

"Alexis would not share her gifts with him. That doesn't mean he wouldn't torture it out of her..."

Freya cleaned her throat, motioning for them to be quiet. She took Ingrid's hand, and the witch had to bite her lip hard as Freya chanted, feeling the necklace burning into her skin again. Apparently this only happened when the spell was getting a bit too intense.

The black sand that had been poured onto the map started to move, until it circled a small square indicating a building.

"Ah, the Davilla Estate," said Lucien. "Isn't that where—?"

" —our old friend Tristan lured Elijah just the other night," finished Klaus. "It seems your fears are warranted."

"Granted," replied Lucien, "we are the two most cunning, powerful, and handsome vampires of all time—"

"—granted," interjected Klaus.

"—but," continued Lucien, "that still leaves us a bit outnumbered. How do you propose we fight our way into an entire secret society of ancient vampires?"

"Oh, luckily, I have a plan," said Klaus with a devilish smirk.

"No," said Ingrid, having a feeling his plan involved her. "No, no, no, no—" she stepped back. "Um, I think I'll go spend some time with Hope and Jackson, you know, since no one else is home. Yeah, bye—" she swiped up her hand, tossing up a Barrier Spell to stop Klaus from pursuing her as she sprinted to the elevator.

"Ah!" she hissed, holding onto the necklace as it tried to dig into her flesh again. "Damn— what is wrong with you?! Are you already running out of magic?"

The necklace didn't answer. Ingrid was glad it remained silent, otherwise she might have peed her pants.

She found Jackson and Hope in the Kenner apartment across the street.

"Hey," said Ingrid, coming in and smiling at the sight of her niece. "Hello little one, it is way past your bedtime."

"Hayley usually sings to her," said Jackson a bit dejectedly. "She missed it today." He pursed his lips. "Where did she even go?"

Ingrid raised a brow. "She didn't tell you?"

"Said she was running an errand but I took a peek into the Compound— nobody's home. I can just hear Irene occasionally knocking things over. At least, I assume it's Irene, otherwise y'all have got a burglar on your hands."

"I think I'll let her tell you," said Ingrid awkwardly. "I don't want to cause a problem. Just know that it's business regarding this prophecy that foretold the downfall of my family. Mainly Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah, but given Kol is around and so are Freya and I, I wouldn't be so sure we aren't included in it, somehow."

"Um... prophecy?"

"Yeah. Something about them falling by friend, foe, or family. Nerve-wracking stuff, we're not sure what to make of it but we're hoping for the best."

Jackson went to sit on the couch while Ingrid went to hold Hope, who was still babbling, wanting to join in on the conversation. "It's been... weeks since we've been back in this world," murmured Jackson. "I thought we'd be better about this communication thing. But at the end of the day it seems Hayley doesn't prioritize me. I get it... she wants to keep Hope safe. I just wish she'd tell me things instead of treating me like I'm some kid that doesn't deserve to know what's up. It's like she forgets we're married."

"I'm sorry," murmured Ingrid, sitting beside him and bringing Hope to sit between them. She flopped back onto the couch, waving her hands and making the two adults smile slightly.

Jackson gave a dry laugh, "It's not easy, you know, being a part of this family. I want to contribute, want to do right by Hope. She may not be my biological daughter but... she's the closest thing I've got to one, and I won't ever let anyone hurt her. I wish Hayley could see that. I drew back from helping because I was sick of being controlled by Klaus. Somehow it's worse now, staying out of it, than being involved."

"Have you talked to Hayley about any of this?"

He made a face, and Ingrid sighed. "You have to tell her, Jackson. Upfront, don't hold anything back. Relationships function well with communication. If she doesn't know how you're feeling, how can you expect anything to go well for the two of you?"

"Wish it was as easy for us as it is with you and Cami," said Jackson. "You two aren't married but you... you talk to each other about everything, like adults. You don't keep each other in the dark about things. Every threat... you tell her about. You trust her and respect her. And you care only about her, in that way."

Ingrid winced as Jackson continued, "But Hayley still seems to feel something Elijah. I'm just the other man... the one she felt she had to marry to keep her daughter safe. I don't want that. I love her, I do, but... I don't know how much more of this I can take." He noticed the burn on her chest when Hope reached for her necklace. "Woah, what happened there?"

"The necklace," she sighed. "Kol spelled it so I can do magic but it's only been a few days and already it's starting to burn me a bit. Maybe I need to take it off for awhile... I don't know. My body is just refusing to produce its own magic. I can really only do small spells without it hurting." She waved her hand, causing Hope's bottle to fly to them from the kitchen. "If I try anything more difficult..." she attempted to transfigure a nearby potted plant with an Illusion Spell, to make it look like an ice sculpture. It worked, but the necklace stung her. "Then it just hurts me. I feel so powerless. And Klaus is insistent about me talking to his friend Lucien as a 'distraction.'"

Jackson sighed. "Seems like we're always the ones getting hurt, huh?"

Ingrid smiled weakly. "Sometimes, it seems that way. I love them, but..."

"I know," said Jackson quietly. "Believe me, I know. At least you have Cami. You don't know how lucky you are."

"Trust me, I have an idea."

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