His Personal Nurse /Corpse Hu...

By NerdyFantasy

6.2K 149 57

It was just a normal day at my clinicals... or that is what I thought at least. Never thought I would meet s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Post
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

532 14 12
By NerdyFantasy

So a few weeks have passed since the stream incident.  Things were handled pretty well on everyone's part.  I learned that a lot of Corpse's friends had gotten involved to shut down any rumors that had started.  I was still the mystery girl and nobody knew which of the friend group that I belonged too.  Which was kind of nice.  I don't think I could handle any of his fans knowing that a random girl was able to become his friend.

In this time he and I had talked a lot.  We learned a lot more about each other.  We were getting kind of close.  After talking about his health issues, I made it a concern to make sure he took his meds every night and day.  I even had a timer set on my phone to remind myself to check in with him.  He also learned about my depression, but I never told him the cause of it.  I didn't want to burden him with all that.  After all, he's just a friend and Ashley didn't even know the situation at home.

Which at the moment, I was on the phone with Corpse giggling as he was messing around on his computer trying to get a streamed set up.  He had a game of Among Us planned with his normal group.  "You know Kaylee... we do have room for another member.  Nobody has filled it yet." he said to me gently.  I knew what he was implying.  I shook my head.

"Corpse, I refuse to take part of the game.  Let alone have my voice be heard on your stream." I sighed softly.  This wasn't the first time he has tried to get me to play with them.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it, after the shit show that was Twitter after they heard me.  

He stared at me over Face Time with his dark eyes.  I wiggled in my seat uncomfortable.  The heat rushing to my cheeks like it was a race to see how many blood cells could collect there.  He sighed annoyed at the fact I was once again refusing to join them.  "Kaylee.  Rae already said she would say you were her friend."  I glared at him on the phone.

This time I don't think he was going to give up.  He was really stubborn when he wanted to be.  I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.  I didn't know if I really wanted to give his fans more of a reason to hate me.  Wiggling in my chair more, I had a choice to make, stand my ground or give in to the handsome man that was my friend...  Yeah my friend.

I stared at him a little bit and decided fuck it.  What was the worst thing that could happen right?  It's not like anyone would be able to find my socials.  They were pretty well hidden by the fact that I don't follow anyone I like anyways.  I leaned forward and press the button on the top of my computer to turn it on.

He raised an eyebrow at me.  While I was busy turning my computer on, I didn't realize that he had put his eye patch on.  I looked at him and chuckled softly.  "I swear to god, Kaylee.  You make the reference I think you are about to make, I will kill you."  The smile on his face said otherwise though.  I had told him multiple times, that he should cosplay as Kenaki from Tokyo Ghoul that he would pull it off.  Every time he would tell me no and to shut up.

"Well, I guess you will have your chance to kill me when you are imposter..." I said softly, and to be quite honestly, nervously.  This was going to be a bad idea.  Though it did give me more time with Corpse.  Not that I wanted to spend time with him no...

He smiled at me, "Yes, now you can be a degenerate with the rest of us." I could hear how excited he was for once.  I knew this man didn't get excited often so it warmed my heart and gave me the butterflies.  He started going off telling me what I needed to download for the mod they were using for the game.

About an hour later, Corpse sent me an invite to the discord that the group used for among us.  I didn't understand why I needed to be invited to the discord, but I didn't complain.  Complaining would be useless because I already given into the man this much.  He probably wouldn't be happy if I didn't join him and his friends fully.  Biting my fingers nervously, I joined the discord and quickly hop into the chat before I could back out.

"She's here guys." Corpse's deep voice said softly into the mic.  I slowly began to relax knowing that it was okay.  His friends started giggling at him and started poking a bit of fun at him.  There were a lot of names that I already recognized.  Some of them I didn't, which didn't bother me.  I wouldn't feel so awkward hopefully.

"H-Hello everyone... My name is Kaylee..." I said wiggling in my chair a little bit out of nerves.  What if they didn't accept me?  I mean I was randomly thrown in here because of Corpse.

Rae's bubble lit up as she giggled, "This is my friend I told you guys I was bringing into the game today to play with us.  Since we had an open spot."  Well at least he didn't lie when he said Rae would take the bullet for us.  She kept giggling softly.

I heard a soft male voice, "Welcome Kaylee.  Your voice is so soft it sounds like an angels voice." I couldn't help but to giggle at that.  The voice of the boy belonged to Sykkuno.  "You're gonna give me a run for my money..." he pouted this time.

I couldn't help but feed into the fandom, "Don't worry Sykkuno, nobody will take your devil daddy from you."  Everyone started laughing at this comment.  I heard Corpse groan.  I have already made jokes about this plenty of times to him privately.  Though I think he really wanted to get back at me now that I said it while everyone in his group was streaming, including him.

There was a voice I knew, because I grew up watching his video's on youtube, "I love this girl already.  I can hear the dread she is causing my man Corpse."  My eyes widened hearing that.  I quickly muted myself and started panicking.  I couldn't handle all this.  I felt my phone vibrate on my lap.

Wannabe Chusband <3
You are okay.  Breath.  They already love you.

Ok.... I'm okay...

Wannabe Chusband <3
Just remember... I wouldn't put you in a situation that you weren't wanted in.. <3

I felt my cheeks warm up at that.  I heard a bunch of girls calling my name trying to get my attention thinking that I left the call.  "I'm here..." I said softly.  Pokimane giggled softly at me and so did Rae.  There was another girly giggle that I didn't know who it was.  I scratched the back of my head.

"Girl, relax.  You are fiiiiine.  Hell from the picture I've seen, I would  make you my girlfriend.  If I didn't know murder was on the table if I did." the girl with the voice I didn't recognized said.  My eyes widened and I fidgeted in my seat a bit more.  Unsure how to respond I messed around turning my little Among Us character a light blue color and put a flower on my head.

The deep voice I knew so well went through my head phones, "Emma, be nice...  Don't make our new friend uncomfortable..."  He put his character by mine.  He went still for a while.  I was curious as to what he was doing.  I heard my phone vibrate on my desk.  That man was going to be the death of me I swear.  This was also another reason that I didn't wanna play with him and his friends.  I would have to pretend not to know him personally.

Wannabe Chusband <3
Put Cat ears on.
And yes there is no please there.
This is my way of marking you as mine ingame.

My eyes widened.  I mean we flirted with each other quite often on call and in texts but he was straight forward about this.  I wondered if it was because of the comment his friend Emma made about her making me her girlfriend.  The heat in my cheeks wouldn't go away.  Was this how it was going to be the entire time I was playing with them?  I didn't bother questioning the man and put the cat ears on my character.

As soon as I did that, the game started.  I was crewmate which was perfectly fine for me because I was a really bad imposter and the others needed it for their youtube video's.  They needed the content.  Emma's character danced around mine and I giggled doing the same thing with her.  We were still at the center in Cafeteria.

"Wanna go on a task date together?  I can protect you little one!" she said to me.   I couldn't help but to giggle at this.

I stopped dancing around her.  "Yes.  Yes, I will go on a task date with you ma'am" I said softly into the mic.  She started to take off towards navigation.   I didn't know how to do my tasks and sat there fiddling with the map.  Trying to figure out where my tasks were at to begin with.  I wasn't paying attention and two little character's popped out of a vent and came over to Emma and me.

It was Corpse and Sykkunno.  I just danced around them while they were talking to Emma and I.  Next thing you know, "Sorry bitch." Corpse had killed Emma in front of you.  You were about to hit the report button and you lowkey were actually gonna blame Sykkuno.  That was when you saw the kill screen on your monitor.  Sykkuno murdered you in cold blood.  You gasped shocked.  Emma was laughing her ass off.

Then what happened next shocked you most.  Corpse reported your dead body.  What the hell kind of play was he going to do about this.  You and Emma were the only one's that were killed.  You glared at the screen.

"Sykkuno!  Why the hell did you kill poor sweet innocent little Kaylee in navigation?" Corpse said into the mic quietly.  Everyone was laughing at this.  They didn't bother to realize that Emma was killed too.

"W-What are you talking about?!  You were there too!" Sykkuno stuttered out.  It was like he couldn't believe that his friend and imposter buddy was ratting him out.  I giggled softly.  This was unbelievable.

Rae stopped laughing for a minute to catch her breath, "My god Sykkuno, why would you kill our girlfriend?!  It's her first game with us!  Now she's not gonna wanna come back."  Everyone already voted for poor Sykkuno. He was ejected from the group.  I felt a little bad that Corpse ratted him out for killing me, but it was kind of cute.

The group was privately picking on Corpse about it calling him a simp and many other things.  They didn't know that he was the other imposter at the time.  It was great to watch them all interact with each other.  I tried to speak minimally because I didn't want to be a burden to them.

A few games later, it was starting to get dark out for me.  I heard my stomach growl.  A bunch of the group was already getting done with playing.  They all had ended their streams and were just sitting around talking.  I wasn't paying attention till I heard a voice calling my name.

"Kaylee, is it okay if we add you on any of your socials?  Like instagram and twitter?" Rae asked me softly.  I wiggled around in my chair nervously.  I knew instagram would be a no probably but I didn't follow any of them on twitter.  This made me feel guilty as to not having followed them already.  What kind of fan was I?

It was silent for a little bit.  I didn't know how to answer and I think Corpse figured out that I didn't know what to say because he responded for me, "Yeah you can add her.  She is hesitating cause of the photo she has on instagram of us.  She doesn't want it getting out." He chuckled and I blushed badly.  His voice still gets me every time he talks when I least expect.  I let out the breath that I had been holding.

I could hear most of the people in the group gasping softly.  Pokimane was the first one to speak up.  "Oh my god.  She is cute.  You guys are like day and night.  She looks to innocent for you Corpse."  My eyes widened a little bit at the compliment. 

"Oh my god!  You are so right Poki!  She is to precious.  We must protect her from Corpse!  We can not let him corrupt her!  She is our new little kitten!" Rae gushed happily.  I put my hands on my face, thanking god that they couldn't see me.  Without realizing it, I knocked my mouse and phone to the ground.  I panicked quickly picking it up.

I heard a few of the boys agree with the girls as they started following me on all of my social media.  My phone kept vibrating.  This was to much for me to handle at the moment.  My breath was coming out quicker and quicker.  I tried to slow my breathing and my poor heart.

"I think if anyone corrupts her, it will be you two." Sykkuno said softly.  I kind of had to agree with that.  Corpse has been really sweet so far.  I didn't wanna speak up though.  There was possibly a chance that I would accidentally slip and say something.

Though finally I chuckled softly at the group.  They were so friendly.  I was surprised they accepted me so willingly.  Then again, it was because Corpse had wanted me there.  Then there was an awkward male voice that I knew belong to Karl Jacobs, "Holy honkers!  You are a cancer like me!  We are cancer buddies!!"  This poor boy sounded so excited about that.  It made me a little bit uncomfortable, but I knew enough about him to know he was harmless.

"Oh that means your birthday is next month lovely." Emma said with a smirk. I could hear her typing away on her keyboard.  I was add to a group chat on discord and saw that she was typing on it at the moment.  Everyone from the group was added to the chat except for Corpse.  Which was really confusing.

Emma: How would you feel about going to see Corpse in the middle of next month?  The guys and I will pay for it.  It will be a birthday present for the both of you.  But a surprise for Corpse.  Cause if I hear him bitching about how he wants to see you again, I'mma kill the bitch boy.

Rae: Oh my god, that would be amazing.  She wouldn't have to stay at a hotel.  She could always stay with Poki and I!!!

I felt a bit uncomfortable.  I don't think anybody realized that I had stayed quiet.  I just kept watching everyone in the group chat talk.  I barely could hear the conversation Jack, Karl, Sykkuno, and Pewds was having with Corpse.  Though I knew the boys were seeing what was being messaged.

Poki: Hell we could even take her out the night she gets here to party and have a girls night for her birthday... Wait...  Kaylee... gurl, you old enough to be drinking?

Ahhhhh now they ask the important questions to me.  I just realized nobody in this group knew how old I was.  Maybe Emma did because of Corpse, but no one else would have known.  I bit my lip nervously.  The feeling of knowing I didn't have a choice was now settling in and I didn't like it one little bit.  Though, let me be honest, I wouldn't have minded seeing him again.  The only problem was he and I weren't dating.  We were just really good friends.  So would it be okay for me to go see him?  Or would it be overstepping boundaries..

Kaylee: Uhhh... I mean... I woudn't mind going to go see him... I'm on break from school.  Since my next semester is my last one before I graduate.  I could use the break..  How long would I be staying over there with all of you guys?  Plus would he really wanna see me?  Also, I'm 25... so yes.. old enough to go out drinking with you guys..

Emma: Bitch, this man will not shut up.  I wouldn't be surprise if he had a song he was working on already.  And probably three weeks, so you can be here for his birthday.  I mean... might as well make it a month.  Plus... FUCK YEAH.  We are totally gonna get smashed the night you get to Cali.

"Kaylee... You okay baby girl?" Corpse's voice cut through my thoughts as I was reading the message.  I didn't realize that I was playing with one of my noisy fidget toys that I had on my desk for when I was studying and writing my papers.  I giggled softly and felt my cheeks warm up.

"Yeah...  I'm fine, Corpse.  Just.. antsy." I say softly into the mic.  Everyone in the call started laughing.  I am pretty sure these people knew that I was blushing and nothing had to be said about it.  My tone had changed slightly as I thought about the pro's and con's of going to go see the deep voiced man.   Part of me was saying no.  Which you can guess was the depressed part of me.  The happy go lucky part of me was screaming bitch yeeees gooooo.

Kaylee: I'll go.

Those two little words were going to be the death of me.  I heard all the girls cheer in the chat as they read them.  I was starting to feel that I had made friends that weren't just Ashley.  Oh my god was she going to die when I tell her were I'm going for my summer break.  I didn't even think or care what my mother was going to say.  Getting off from my job?  That was going to be easy because I had so much PTO stacked up including my yearly vacation that I got.

Nothing bad was going to happen... right?



Well, that was a long chapter.  I am warning now.  Pretty soon some of the chapters are gonna start getting dark.  But I promise there will be a happy ending in the end.  What is a story without some "drama"?  It can't be all fun and games right?  Also sorry for not posting sooner.  I just had some issues that I needed to take care of.  I'mma start mass writing chapters, just to have them incase I don't feel like writing for days.  <3 Which happens to everyone.

Anyways, have a nerdtastic day or night! Stay awesome!!

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