Reacting to the Mini Marauders

By darkvixen14

31.1K 765 619

The war is over, but it cost so many innocent lives. The Marauders and Coven's children are determined to mak... More

Golden Trio era Cast
Marauders Era Cast
Chapter one: The Guest
Scene one: the birth of hero's
Scene Two: Separation
Scene three: Ten Years Later
Scene Four: A Day at the Zoo
Scene Five: Going to the Park
Scene Six: Planning Stage
Scene Seven: The Letters From No One
Scene Eight: Gringotts
Scene Nine: Wands and Hopes
Scene Ten: A Dragon, A Psychic, and A Wolfish cousin
Scene Twelve: Getting Ready
Scene Thirteen: Platform 9 3/4
Rest in Peace

Scene Eleven: Not Friends, Family

1K 32 53
By darkvixen14

Genevieve Voice over: It's worth Noting that Hermes is the God of thieves, 

Everyone looked around at each other a little confused even Most of the 90's Marauders they were never told about this. Hermione covered her face with her hair, but Lily and James could see a little smirk on their daughter's face. 

Hermione is derived from that name. Hermione is a kleptomaniac if I ever saw one.

James looked to his daughter trying not to laugh under Lily's glare. 

Let me rewind. 

Augusta Knocked on Remus' door a little boy with a round-face Next to her. He was rather short and chubby and had blond hair. Gen was the one to open the door, "Neville!" She shirked hugging him. 

The Small boy laughed his cheeks turning a little pink as Gen Hugged him, "Gen please go put some jeans on." Remus called from inside as his daughter was still wearing Pajama bottoms.

"But these are comfy." 

"You cannot go to diagon ally in Gambit Pajama pants." She huffed and walked to her room. 

Augusta and Neville walked in to see Remus pouring vodka in his coffee.

The 70's marauders couldn't hold their laughs as the Remus on screen made half his cup just pure Vodka. "Does Gen drive him to drink." Sirius managed to huff out. 

"NO!" She snapped, "I am a delight, Life gets him to drink my father loves-s me." She choaked on the words. To everyone else it seemed like she choaked on the water in her hand. Her family knew why she stuttered, it's not easy to lose a parent they all knew that feeling even Draco to an extent. It didn't help that her father and stepmother died leaving behind her little brother who she had took to raising. 

Andromeda had placed Nymphadora Down so the toddler could walk around and she instantly came to Gen as if sensing her pain. it was odd seeing her stepmother so young and her father as a teenager. Then again, she almost had a panic attack when they told her they were together. Still the gesture of little Nymphadora coming over to her and crawling in her lap was nice and welcomed as her hair shifted between pink, purple and blue. 

"Mr. Lupin are you okay?" Neville asked innocently. 

Missy Started at the screen with wonder in her eyes, she loved kids. Regulus wasn't even looking at the screen anymore just his beautiful girlfriend. 

"I haven't been in ten years." 

"Clearly." Augusta Sneered looking the ay his daughter went. It was no secret that Augusta didn't like Geneviene. She was loud, hyper, and seemed to lack the basic tasking skills. 

Vivian zoned in on the screen with a glare, Remus let a growl rumble in his throat. 

Remus growled much like an animal, "Don't test me remember Narcissa Malfoy loved that girl and would kill for her or imprison for her." Augusta stiffened; Geneviene was there when Neville's great-uncle Algie dropped him out a window. 

"Wait what!?" Missy screamed. 

"He dropped him out a window to force his magic out of him." Gen said, Anger brewed on every face of the 90's marauders, Rigel trying very hard to keep his hair black. Carina covered her ears trying to block out the sounds

She huffed, "I'll be taking my leave now." and with that she left Neville standing in front of Remus who offered him a pancake. 

Geneviene Hopped down the stairs wearing a pair of blue jeans and oversized kited sweater the clearly belonged to her father in his school years and a pair of black combat boots.

Remus looked over at his daughter who was wearing the same sweater as he was right now under her robes. She pulled it closer as if remember a difficult memory. 

"Let's go" She smiled. 


It only took the three walking around the isle for five minutes to find Hagrid which in turn led them to Hermione. "Hi Hagrid." Geneviene said enthusiastically despite her deep distrust of the man. Hagrid wasn't bad not by a long shot, but Dumbledore had saved him from Azkaban so now he basically worshiped the man. 

Neville looked up at the large man, fear clear on his face. "'Ello Gen, Whose Yer friend." He greeted cheerfully. 

"This is Neville." 

Remus ran up pretending to be out of breath, "Please, don't, run off." He huffed, "Hi Hagrid." 

Remus looked up eyes locking with the small girl at his side, and he froze.

This action caused everyone to remember that Remus had lost so much eleven years prior to this and seeing Hermione all grown up was probably a huge gut punch. 

Vivian grabbed Remus' and knowing she won't be able to soon. Remus stiffened at the actions but squeezed her hand and she did so to. 

"'Ello Remus, this is Hermione." 

Despite his better judgement the young man glared up at Hagrid with his amber eyes and snapped, "yeah I know." 

The man to a deep breath and calmed himself as Hermione started at him, "You know?" 

Even Hagrid looked shocked, "Ya Don' know?" She shook her head, "Remus 'ere is yer godfather." 

Her eyes widened, "Wha-" Sher voiced died in her throat. 

Geneviene Recognizing the sings of panic looked to her father, "Can we go take her to play for a moment."

Remus nodded and held Hagrid back as Geneviene ran Hermione into Flourish and blotts pulling Neville along. "Neville," She whispered to him before racing off in the store. 

"Why would you leave her like that," Lily panicked sitting up in her seat. James pulled her back. 

"Neville and I have known each other since we were little kids, he handles my attacks pretty well so i knew he could handle Hermione's as well." Gen said once again playing with her wacky track. 

"I'm a bit slow by why aren't his parents with him?" Severus asked. 

The 90's marauders all looked at one another solemnly, Rowan placed a hand over her mouth, Alice was her friend, and that boy was her spitting image. Did her friend suffered the same fate as the rest of the Coven. "She's not dead." Lexus Confirmed. 

"It's so much worse," Draco said before she could sigh in relief. His voice carried and air of finality leaving no more room for questions. 

Neville looked around as Geneviene left but sighed, "Can you hear me?" He asked making sure not to grab her like he would with Geneviene so that she didn't fall further into panic. She nodded clearly edging one but still present. "Breath in for 4 seconds." she did as told, "Hold for seven and breath out for eight." 

Geneviene raced through the store grabbing a book off the shelve marked, 'Magical family trees: and updating guide.' Hermione had been left out of all of Harry Potter's stories of triumph. Dumbledore purposely never told anyone that didn't already know that there was a potter girl. But even he couldn't check every book in London for mentions of her.

The Potter family wasn't a famous family for being purebloods alone they had important people in their line. Including James Potter's mother Euphemia Potter Who had contributed to her husband's fortune as an aura and even earned a seat on the wizgomnot.

A lot of the purebloods trued to the smug James Potter most of their mothers were stay at home and they though, Bing a rich pureblood wife, Euphemia did too, "My mom is so cool." He said really for his own satisfaction, but everyone heard him. "I'm sure yours are too but she's my mom so that makes her better. Missy smacked him upside the head form behind. 

She flipped the book open and ran tough the last names starting with P. "Come on Potter." She flipped though as quickly as possible. "There," she smiled much like her father when He had a good plan.

"Thats a marauder smirk." Sirius exclaimed proudly. 

"You do know she's not your daughter, right?" Barty asked 

The four 70's Marauders looked at one another. "We were all of their kids." Carina said hanging over the back of the couch, "When your family is as close as that you end up having a few back of dads and when you're in our position that's a good thing." 

Sirius wanted to reach out to his daughter, but he wasn't sure how Rowan in the same boat 

Geneviene ran her hand down the page, There was a picture of the Potter parents and the James with a circle next to him marked adopted and a mostly blacked out picture of Sirius. 

Sirius looked up with a smile of relief but it fell as he noticed Regulus wasn't on the page 

 Lily's image was connected to James and Rowan's to Sirius, then image less circles for Carina, Rigel, Harry and Hermione. Their first names were the only ones visible. Gen wasn't in the book, her family wasn't important, but Draco and Lexus would be as well. she walked up to the counter and paid for the book with the Money Lexus gave her for it. 

She walked back to Neville and Hermione who were huddled by the window, "Here. Read it at home it might answer some questions." Hermione cautiously took the book and nodded.

They returned to Hagrid and the rest of the day was much simpler with Gen and Neville tagging along.  Though they noticed that every store they went into where there was some thing small enough to fit in her pockets, it ended up making appearance later in the day. Including a golden snitch and a sugar quill. 'We didn't even go into Honey Dukes or the Quidditch shop' Geneviene thought.

Lily turned to her daughter with the look only the mother of a troublemaker could make. James kept his head down as he was almost exactly the same. All the money in the world and stealing was a lot more fun. 

Her mother's look made Hermione crack, her shoulders slumped and she handed Regulus back his sake of Gallons and Sirius back his watch. "How" Regulus breathed out. "you were in front of us the whole time," she gave no answer.

"I've been meaning to ask," Hermione said while they were getting lunch. "How are you not bouncing off the walls." 

Geneviene looked to her father who nodded as if saying it was here choice, "I have ADHD." She took another sip of soda; sugar has an opposite effect on me." Her fingers tapped the table, something Hermione noticed her doing every time that stopped for periods of time.

Gen could feel the eyes on her, it made her uncomfortable, but she plucked up her courage enough to glare at Severus.

"I keep and ungodly amount of sweets in my pocket-" 

"Which I've told you to stop doing." Remus rubbed his forehead clearly having delt with this before, "If I wash one more chocolate bar Geneviene I swear." It was an empty threat, and she knew that. all she had to do was look at Remus a certain way and he called off any and all punishment, not that she ever got in trouble. 

"Daddy's girl" Rigel teased.

"Mama's boy" She shot back. 

"I keep sweets in my pocket to help me stay still," she took another sip, "Doesn't stop or start anything else but it puts a small stop in my need to walk around constantly." 

"Gen is a lot of fun," Neville said brightly. The small girl had a slight tint to her cheeks making her father look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Remus looked like that every time he saw Viv in first year," Rowan laughed. Remus blushed furiously and glared at Rowan. Vivian blushed and hid in her robes. 

Geneviene regains her sense and smiles like nothing happened, "Were gonna have so much fun at school, what house do you think you'll be in? I'm thinking Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, Oh and what class are you excited for? Did you get your wand yet?" Geneviene asked a million-question a minute, she was so excited she could barely contain herself. 

Finally, their friend group would be hole again, no that was too impersonal They were not friends. They were family. 

(The screen fades out as the three children look at one another chatting away with smiles on their faces) 

Images rush past the screen at lighting speed, close to impossible to get a clear handle on any of them, there was a cynical laugh, several random items, Harry and a pair of red eyes.

Lexus snapped open her eyes and gasps heavily. Lucius, who was at her door to bring her to lunch, jumped back a bit not expecting his niece to snap out of her meditative state so violently. She offered no explanation all she offered was her fearful response, "Lady magic save us all." 

They noticed Harry rubbed the scar on his forehead in remembrance. Carina rocked back and forth muttering, 'I must not tell lies' over and over. Rigel had a painful expression on his face as he tried it contain his powers, Lexus blinked rapidly as if visions were coming in and out but from the look on her face they could tell it was past images thing she couldn't change taunting her. 

Hermione and Draco's hands both flew to their forearms were scars of their own laid, the words 'Blood traitor' and 'Double-Dealer' forever marking them. Ron ran a hand over his arm were the splinching happened. And Gen placed a hand on her face the scar that crossed under her eyes and across the bridge on her nose, it was covered by a glamour for the trip. The scar that she got by jumping in front of Snape's wand. 

The 70's Generation looked at the 90's and saw the darkness in their expressions, looks of Mourning, and they eye of soldiers, not children. They didn't look 19 at this moment, they looked like they fought a hundred-year war and lived to tell the tale. 

They were not ready to see what their children had experienced and Minerva was not ready to see what became of all her students. 

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