Snowflake, the writer and the...

By BarbaraSz8

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Alec is studying to be a lawyer at university at his father's insistence, but he wants to be a vet. He loves... More

Chapter 1- Who are you
Chapter 2- 5 kittens
Chapter 3 - The shelter
Chapter 4 - Robert
Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens
Chapter 6 - Motel
Chapter 7- Secrets
Chapter 8 - Next morning
Chapter 9 - Lazy day and the first...
Chapter 10 - The dorm
Chapter 11 - The study
Chapter 12 - Magnus
Chapter 13 - The rose
Chapter 14 - Souls
Chapter 15 - Petals
Chapter 16 - Walking
Chapter 17 - Family
Chapter 18 - Rune
Chapter 19 - Coincidence?
Chapter 20 - Fortitude
Chapter 21- Rachel
Chapter 22- Cows and stream
Chapter 23 - Birthday
Chapter 24 - In shock

Chapter 25. Under My Skin

203 23 24
By BarbaraSz8

On Sunday, Maryse brought them lunch. Izzy and Jace went with her. There was even a familiar face. He ran up to Alec, gave him a hug, and let out a big sigh.

"You okay, buddy?"

"Yes, it's just a bit many things that happened all of a sudden. I missed you."

"I missed you too. When did you come?"

"On Friday, mom asked me out of school for a week. I'm staying home."

"Hi, are you Magnus? I'm Max."

"Hi Max. Nice to finally meet you."

"Max? How are things with Madzie?" asked Alec."

Max blushed and his mouth pulled into an ear-to-ear smile.

"Fine. She's my girlfriend now and..." he leaned into Alec's ear and whispered, "We kissed."

Alec smiled. "I'm happy for you Max. Take care of each other."

Then Magnus and Alec ate the tasty lunch, while Maryse told them that Robert's arrest had gone without a hitch. They arrested everyone in the law firm involved in the case. Including Valentine.

"Luke said they'll be in prison for years, so I'm putting off looking for an apartment for a while. Right now I'm concentrating on opening the bakery and breakfast place. Clary said she'd help with the design, Izzy with the decor. Your dad's trial is in a couple of weeks, and then I'll get started as soon as things calm down. Are you going home tomorrow or coming over for a few days?"

"Mom, if you don't mind, we'd like to go home. I have to take Snowflake home, I can't leave her in Ragnor for days. Her Majesty will be offended. But can you please take us home tomorrow?" asked Magnus

"Sure, honey. I'll be back to pick you up at 9 am."

Next morning, the doctor examined Alec again and re-bandaged his neck.

"The wound is healing nicely. Come back in two days to have the stitches out."

When Maryse took them home, Ragnor took the cats.

"It's good to be home. Alexander, you need to rest and heal. I will finish the work by Friday. Not taking longer, maybe 2 days will be enough. Would you rather rest in the bedroom or on the couch during the day?"

"I prefer the couch, where I can watch TV and read. I need to learn a bit as well."

"Try to get some sleep today. The doctor said sleep and rest is the best medicine."

Magnus made Alec's bed on the couch and went into the study. When he went out to get some coffee a few hours later, he saw that Alec's book had half slipped out of his hand and he was sleeping peacefully. Mr. Meow was curled up on Alec's chest.  He carefully took the book from his hand and covered him up. He caressed him for a few moments longer, gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, and then went back to work with coffee in his hand.

This went on for 2 days. Magnus was ready on Wednesday. That morning he called Catarina.

"I'm finished." said Magnus proudly.

"You never disappoint me, sweetheart. Is your invitation still open for Friday? I can't wait to meet him."

"Yes, we are really looking forward to it. These last couple of weeks have been an incredible roller-coaster for us. I'll tell you what happened. Cat, would you mind if I invited an old friend?"

"Oh, not at all. You know I like good company. And whoever you invite to your house is definitely worth meeting."

"Alexander, are you ready? Time to go to the hospital."

"Yes, I'll be there in a minute. I'm glad to finally get rid of these stitches. Ready to go."

They got in the car, went to the hospital. It wasn't long before the doctor examined Alec's neck, took out the stitches and held a mirror in his hand and said:

"Look at it now, just so there is no surprise when you get home. It's healing nicely, but there will be a scar."

He handed Alec the mirror. Alec did not look into it. He looked at Magnus. He walked over to him, took his hand and nodded. Alec held up the mirror. He went a little pale, but then Magnus started stroking his hand, and that calmed him down.

"I didn't think it would be so long," he said slowly. The scar went from his jaw almost to his collarbone. It was a long, angled scar.

"Alexander, it doesn't matter, you know?" Magnus smiled at him. Alec nodded.

Alec no longer wanted to rest, he felt active. So as long as Magnus was now working on his own book at full effort, he was studying and preparing for his exams with him in the study. The days passed quietly and calmly. Alec was on a break one day, browsing the internet, when he found the TV series for which Clary designed the runes.

"Look Magnus what I found, these are Clary's designs that she showed us, and guess what, there's a guy, some kind of Shadowhunter, with a rune on his neck. It's almost the same line as my scar. I like it. Would you mind if I had something like that?"

"Show me,.. ooh ooh you have my permission, this is insanely sexy. So is the guy who wears it."

"Hey Magnus!"

"Are you jealous?"

Alec said nothing, just rolled his eyes.

"You're jealous! You're actually jealous!"

" I don't get jealous. Okay, a little."

"Alexander, you're the sexiest guy I've ever seen, and I'm sure this tattoo will look much better on you, and I can't wait to kiss the line of it on your neck," Magnus said, and gave Alec a kiss on the cheek.

"Apology accepted. Now I'm going to look for a rune for your chest from these, but it's going to be a surprise. Do you still want me to draw it?"

"I insist."

"Fine, but don't complain to me afterwards."

"No way. Now I'm going to keep writing and you can find me some nice rune."

On Friday morning they went shopping for the ingredients for dinner. They bought everything and stopped at Lisette's on the way home to bring flowers for the dinner table. Lisette greeted them with a big smile.

"Boys, I missed you so much. Where have you been?" Lisette walked in front of them and hugged them.

"Lisette, darling, the last few weeks have been a roller-coaster, we've just come out of it. If you'd like to come for coffee one evening after closing time, we'll tell you all about it."

"Accepted. What would you want now?"

"We're having dinner guests and we'd like something nice on the table."

"How about this rose box? It stays beautiful for days."

"It will be perfect.

"I'll wrap it up for you in the back."

Magnus was still looking at the flowers, while Alec was silently trying to show Lisette to bring another rose. Lisette nodded. She wrapped the rose box and took it out to them. She put the rose on the counter for Alec. He picked it up and went to Magnus.

"Sweetheart, the most beautiful rose for you" said Alec

"You totally spoil me. Thank you darling. I love you, you know?"

"You're the cutest couple I have ever met. Now go before you melt me."

They went home, rested for a while and then started to make dinner. Alec cut the vegetables and Magnus cut the meat. They turned around at the same time and bumped into each other in the small place. Magnus staggered. Alec caught him. Then he leaned over and whispered in his ear.

" Do you remember our first kiss?"

"How could I forget it Alexander?"

Alec leaned closer, his lips touching Magnus' soft lips. They tasted each other, kissing with boundless love. Then their lips parted and Magnus embraced Alec tightly. He clung to him as if he were his last refuge. Alec held him protectively. They stood like that for long minutes. They didn't speak, just felt each other. They felt the love, the trust, the care. Alec felt the warm wetness on his shirt. He took Magnus' chin, lifted his head. Magnus was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm overwhelmed with emotion. So much has happened lately, so many things have rushed through our lives, we've been only running after them. My little closed life has been turned upside down. And for that I'll be forever grateful to you. Sometimes fate does strange things to people. I'm glad my path has changed. Looking back, I don't know how I ever managed to live such a closed life. And now I remember our first kiss and I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I just need time to process it."

Alec wiped the tears from Magnus' face with his hand.

"I love you Magnus, you know I love you unconditionally, more than anything, right?"

"I love you too."

Then Magnus reached into Alec's hair and pulled out a carrot. They started laughing. Magnus gave Alec a quick peck on the nose.

"Let's keep cooking, because we're not done yet."

It was afternoon when everything was ready. They still had some time, so they made coffee, sat on the couch and talked.

"Magnus, have you decided what to say to Cat?"

"Yes. I'm not going to take the editorial job now. I'll tell her I'm working on my own book."

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart."

Alec sipped his coffee, seeming to say something. He took a deep breath and started.

"Magnus, can I ask you something? But I'll tell you now, if you feel the smallest bad feeling about it, tell me and I'll let it go. You're the most important thing to me."

"I'm all ears"

"So...I don't know how to say it. How about if we visit Rachel at the orphanage from time to time?"

"No problem, Alexander. I've thought about it. After all, you and Izzy are her only relatives, and that poor child is as much a victim as we are. I'm fine with that."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

They sat talking for a while, planning the future, and then Cat arrived.

"Magnus darling, I've been looking forward to this day."

"Come in Cat. This is Alexander. Alexander, this is Catarina Loss, the owner of the publishing company and my editor."

"So, Alexander, you're the cause of Magnus' sparkle, huh? Nice to finally meet you." Cat winked at him.

Alec blushed. "Just Alec please. Nice to meet you."

They went into the living room and Catarina was looking at the kittens when the doorbell rang. Ragnor arrived. Magnus introduced them.

"Come, let's sit at the table. Alexander and I have been cooking all day."

They ate, chatted and talked about everything that had happened to them in the last two weeks.

"Magnus, I don't know how you could have handled so much. It's a lot, a lot for a sensitive soul. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to rest now. How are you feeling? Do you need help?"

"The fact is, Cat, we're fine. I'm fine. I couldn't have handled so much before without the help of a psychologist. Now, with Alexander, everything is easier. We are strong together. I love him so much, Catarina." Magnus said as he held Alec's hand.

"Yes, honey, I can see that clearly. Listen to me Magnus, the editorial work I said earlier. Forget it. Take a few weeks off, a few months, whatever you feel like. I'll pass it on to someone else."

"It's good that you mentioned it, because I promised you an answer today and I have decided. I would really pass on this job now. But not because I want to rest. It's because I'm writing."

At that moment, Catarina's fork fell from her hand, and with a loud clatter it fell back onto the plate.

"What are you doing? Are you writing again?"

"Yes Cat. I'm writing. A quarter of the book is done."

Catarina jumped up and hugged Alec, who was completely surprised.

"I don't know what you did to Magnus, but don't stop, okay?"

"I just love him, Catarina. With all my heart. That's all I did."

"And who will hug me?" Magnus asked with a pout. They all jumped up and hugged Magnus. As Catarina and Ragnor hands touched, they felt a tingling sensation and immediately pulled their hands away.

"Okay, okay, enough, because I'm drowning." Magnus laughed. "Let's eat before dinner is getting cold."

They had dinner and talked. Ragnor and Catarina also talked more and more. After dinner they went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"We'll make some coffee, you two keep yourselves busy until then."

While they were in the kitchen, they watched the living room out of the corner of their eye.

"Look Alexander, as they talk, Cat puts her hand on Ragnor's arm. And I haven't seen Ragnor talking so happily in a long time. What do you think?"

"I think there's something in the air between them."

"Listen, can I show them the poetry I wrote for you?"

"Sure Magnus"

They brought in the coffees, sat down. Magnus gave Catarina the booklet. She started to read it and her eyes were teary.

"Magnus, this is beautiful, shall we publish it?"

"I don't want to publish this. I wrote this only to Alexander. But maybe I'll write another poetry book later. I enjoyed writing poetry."

"I see, okay. But the world will still be richer with another Matthew Archer book. When will it be ready?"

"Cat, there will not be another Matthew Archer book. I'm publishing under my own name from now on. I would also like to announce that the Matthew Archer books are mine. Can we manage that?"

"Magnus, I am so proud of you. Of course it can be managed. We'll set up a campaign and start a month before the new book comes out. I can see it now. You'll let me do the editing and organizing, won't you? I'd be happy to do that for you. I have so many ideas. What's its title, what's it about, and when will you be done with it? I'm so excited."

"The book will be titled "Under My Skin", it will be a kind of biography, but in the form of a novel. I need a few months to finish it. Editing, post-production and printing will take another 1-2 months."

"Magnus, I feel this is going to be a big success."

They talked for a while about literature, animals and life. Then, when it was getting late, Cat asked Magnus to call her a cab.

"Cat, I'll drop you home, don't call a cab."

"Thank you Ragnor."

They said goodbye. Magnus and Alec put everything away and cleaned up the kitchen. Then Magnus' phone beeped.

"Who is it at this hour?" He looked at his phone and smiled widely.

"Alexander! A complete success! Cat just sent me a text saying Ragnor asked her on a date."

"I'm so happy for them. How exhausted are you today? I'd love to have a date with you in the bedroom" said Alec, and winked at him as he walked slowly towards the bedroom, first throwing his shirt on the floor and then slowly throwing the rest of his clothes off. By the time he reached the door, the tattooed phoenix feather was the only thing dressing him. Magnus was speechless and his jaw dropped. Alec disappeared behind the bedroom door. Magnus dropped everything he was holding at that moment, the plate fell with a clatter, but he ignored it, and chuckled as he ran after Alec into the bedroom Soon the apartment was filled with the beautiful sounds of their lovemaking, and then the sweet screams of pleasure that left their lips at the same time.

7 months later...

"Come on Magnus, Rachel is waiting for us"

"I'm coming sweetie, I'm just wrapping up the cupcake we brought from Maryse's bakery yesterday. I want to take this cupcake to Rachel. She loves it so much. It would be so nice if she would speak. I know it's because of the trauma, but I'm worried that she's over 2 and still not talking."

After half an hour's drive, they arrived at the orphanage. Emily was waiting for them in the lobby. She greeted them and smiled.

"Go on, she's waiting for you. Come to my office afterwards, there are some papers to sign and we need to discuss the details."

"They went into the guest room, Rachel was inside playing with one of the nanny. When she saw them she got up from the playing corner and ran clumsily towards them on her little legs. When she got there, Alec picked her up.

"Hi, beautiful. I missed you." Alec said as Magnus stroked her little cheek.

Rachel looked up at them, took Magnus's finger and looked at his beautiful glossy polished nails. " Dada, Papa."

"Oh my God, you spoke, Rachel, you spoke" said Alec. Then he looked at Magnus, whose eyes were blurred with tears.

"Alexander, did you hear what she said? The most beautiful words I've ever heard."

"Let's go to Emily." Can we take Rachel? We'll bring her back after. The nanny nodded.

"Come on, have a seat. What's the matter, Magnus, why are your eyes watering?"

"Rachel spoke and told us that Dada and Papa"

"Really? I'm so happy for you. Then today is a very good day for you, because the statement we were waiting for has arrived. Camille has officially relinquished all parental rights. In 5 years, she will be free, she can't withdraw it. It's official. You can adopt Rachel."

"How much longer will it take?"

"Since everything is prepared, 2-3 weeks maximum."

"Emily, I have one more question. Is it okay that Rachel called me Dada?"

"It's okay Alec. There's nothing wrong with that. She doesn't know she's your sister. If it's okay with you, it's okay that she calls you Dada."

"No, it's the nicest word I've ever heard. And when she becomes big enough, we'll talk to her about everything."

"Are we all right, then? Are you ready for the big change?"

"Yes. Her room is ready, Maryse will be staying with us for 3 weeks to help. Alec has exams coming up, but we've requested the university to let him take them early. He'll be a qualified lawyer by the time Rachel comes home with us. My book is at the printer', I'm taking a break."

They handed Rachel over to Emily.

"Bye little princess, next time we come back, you'll be coming home with us."

A month later at Magnus' apartment with family and friends...

"Congratulations Magnus, here is the first copy of the first edition. Prepared as you requested." said Catarina.

Cat handed the book to Magnus, which was wrapped in beautiful gold and purple paper.

"Thank you Cat, this one is exceptionally not mine. Sweetheart, could you give Rachel to Maryse for a bit? Could you come here, please?"

Alec went to Magnus. He handed him the book. "The first copy of the first edition. This is for you now."

"Magnus, I have no words. Thank you."

"Open it, please." Alec knew how important this book was to Magnus. With trembling hands he opened the wrapping. He hadn't seen the cover yet.

"Magnus, it's beautiful, my God, it has our tattoos on it." Alec was amazed.

An exact copy of Alec's phoenix feather tattoo ran along the spine of the book. On the cover, in the top right corner, was the rune Fortitude, which was also on Magnus' back. In the middle was the Deflect block tattooed on Alec's neck, and in the bottom left corner was the Endurance rune tattooed on Magnus' chest. In the middle, Magnus' name in purple letters and the title of the book, Under My Skin. Alec carefully opened the book and read the dedication aloud.

"I dedicate this book to Alexander Gideon Lightwood, without whom I could not have started writing again. He changed my life and became the sunshine of my everyday life. Turn the page, please."

Everyone was silent. Alec looked up questioningly. Magnus nodded, Alec turned the page. The next was a prepared, thicker page with this sentence under a drawn red rose on it.

"I don't want the world, I want you."

Next to it was a small arrow with the words, open here. The tip of the arrow pointed to a small pocket that could be opened. Alec opened it, and he took out what was in the little pocket. It was a platinum wedding ring. He saw Magnus get down on one knee in front of him. His hands were shaking, his eyes watering as Magnus said the following words.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, will you do me the honor and will you marry me?"

They were both crying now.

"Yes, Magnus, yes. With the greatest pleasure." Alec said as he knelt down beside him.

Magnus wiped the tears from Alec's face. "I love you Alexander. Thank you for being with me."

"I love you too Magnus, more than anything."

5 years later at 4 am...

"Magnus, please wake up. Jill just called me and said her cow is in labor. I have to go over to the farm to help her. Can you drop Rachel to school and Raphael to kindergarten today?"

"Yes, Dr. Lightwood-Bane. Go on, I love you. Magnus mumbled half asleep."



This was the first writing of my life. But not the last. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for all the support I have received from you on IG and Wattpad. The journey of Snowflake the writer, and the vet is over now. I hope you enjoyed it.

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