Dream || Seoksoo Au

Da Ihop_ipop

9.6K 455 305

Choi (Hong) Jisoo always has a dream of being together with his future alpha, but what if his future alpha is... Altro



1.1K 60 29
Da Ihop_ipop

When school ended Jisoo and Hansol were waiting on their Appa who was grabbing his bag. "Did you like today?" Jeonghan asked Jisoo as he also grabbed the car keys.

"It was okay, kinda just like lunch only." Jeonghan chuckled as they left the classroom and started walking out to the parking lot. "How will you handle with the principal?" Hansol asked as he entered the car.

Jeonghan slightly groaned, "Don't want to hear it with the principal." Hansol snickered as he took out his phone and earbuds to listen to music. "Appa." Jisoo said as he looked out the window, "Hm?" Jeonghan hummed as he kept his eyes on the road.

"What happens if my heat starts?" Jisoo asked quietly as he played with fingers. Jeonghan stopped at a red light and looked at Jisoo, "You'll be out of school for a week, and so will I as I will have to prepare things for your heat."

Jisoo nodded before taking out his phone and looking at his notifications.


It's not scary you wuss

How can my best friend be braver than me

jokes on you i'm like my appa
we both don't get scared

fuck you

Jisoo laughed a little before turning off his phone and looking at his Appa who was pulling into the driveway. "Can we order in tonight?" Hansol asked his Appa who shrugged, "Ask your dad, he's the one cooking tonight." The young alpha nodded before getting out the car.

"You good?" Jeonghan asked his oldest. Jisoo nodded and also got out the car and went inside the house. "How was school?" Seungcheol asked Jisoo as he walked in. "It was alright." Jisoo said before sitting down on the couch.

Jeonghan then walked in and dropped his bag and keys on the table. "First day was weird enough." He mumbled before sitting on the couch next to his husband. "Can we have takeout tonight?" Hansol asked his father who just shrugged as he wrapped an arm around Jeonghan.

"Heck yeah!" Jeonghan chuckled before laying his head on Seungcheol's shoulder. "Gross you're being cuddly." Hansol said making the parents laugh a little. Jisoo rolled his eyes at his brother before throwing a pillow at him. "Says the dude who makes heart eyes at someone." Jisoo said making the parents raise a brow.

Hansol gaped before throwing the pillow back. "I don't make heart eyes at anyone!" Jisoo stared at Hansol before looking back at the tv. "Sure you don't." He said before being pounced by Hansol. "Yah!" Jisoo yelled as he tried to push Hansol off of him. "Boys." Seungcheol said making them stop and look at their father.

"Enough." He told them making the boys stop fighting. "Hansol what did you want as takeout?" Jeonghan asked grabbing Seungcheol's phone since it was closer and because he left his in his bag. "Jajangmyeon or japchae." He said making Jeonghan sigh, "Jisoo what do you want, jajangmyeom or japchae?" He asked.

"Jajangmyeon." Jisoo answered before getting up and taking his bag up to his room. "Kkuma..." Jisoo called out making the dog come out from under his bed. Kkuma barked in happiness as she jumped on the young male. The boy then set his bag down before picking up Kkuma and bringing her back out to the living room.

Once he let Kkuma down on the floor, she immediately ran to Hansol who let out an 'oof' as she jumped on his stomach. "Jisoo." Jeonghan called out from the laundry room. "Yeah?" Jisoo asked back walking into the room as he leaned on the door frame. "Can you do me a favor and set up the dining room? Seokjin is coming over with Taehyung." Jisoo nodded and left the room to go to the dining room.

"Hansol!" Jeonghan yelled as the boy groaned and got up. "I told you to clean the bathroom." Hansol sighed before going to grab the cleaning supplies and going into the restroom.

Meanwhile Jisoo had finished up setting up the table and went into his father's office. "Dad." He said making Seungcheol hum, "Can I invite Seokmin over?" Seungcheol chuckled and nodded. "He can, but make sure you include Taehyung too." Jisoo nodded before leaving the room.

He then grabbed his phone and texted Seokmin.


Hey fool
you wanna come over?

Lemme just ask my appa real quick
he's kinda moody atm because chan refused to clean his room

Hansol refused to clean the restroom but my appa doesn't let him rest for a minute-

he said yes
I'll be over in a couple minutes

also taehyung is coming over so don't argue with him

yea yea

Jisoo put his phone away before looking at his Appa, "I invited Seokmin over." Jeonghan nodded and sat down on the couch. "If you boys go into your room, leave the door open." Jisoo raised a brow, confused on why he had to do that.

"Look I have nothing against both boys, but they're alpha's and yes I don't have a problem with them, but it's just me being protective." Jeonghan told him before seeing Jisoo roll his eyes and nod. "Don't roll your eyes at me, be grateful I told you instead of your dad who wouldn't even let them in your room." Jeonghan told him.

Soon enough, Seokmin had came over along with Seokjin and Taehyung. "I thought Jimin was also going to come over?" Jeonghan said to Jin who just chuckled, "He was but then decided not to as he had to work on a project over something." Jeonghan nodded before grabbing bowls and chopsticks with Jisoo's help.

"Seokmin how are your parents doing?" Jin asked the young alpha male. "They're doing fine, but my youngest brother is giving them a hard time." Jin nodded as he thought of something. "What do your parents work as?" He asked as he couldn't remember what both Mingyu and Wonwoo worked as.

"My Appa is a literature teacher, and my dad is a barista at a cafe." Seokmin told him before taking a bowl and a pair of chopsticks from Jisoo. "That's right." Jin said as he also took a bowl and pair of chopsticks. "Anything to drink? Water, juice, sodas?" Jeonghan asked giving his youngest son and husband their plates and utensils.

Jin chuckled a little, "We'll take whatever you guys will." Jeonghan nodded and went back to the kitchen to grab some drinks. Once he came back, he gave everyone cups with ice and set down some sodas. "Thank you." Taehyung said as he grabbed a soda for him and his Appa.

After dinner was finished, the boys decided to clean up while the adults talked in the living room. "So, why is Hansol being moody?" Seokmin asked as he looked at the younger alpha who seemed upset over something. "My dad got onto him about not helping out with cleaning earlier." Jisoo told them before putting up the dishes.

"Ah, well at least he isn't bad as Chan who started crying when my dad got onto him about his room." Jisoo chuckled before looking at Taehyung, "Your dads still have these drawings?" He asked looking at the fridge of the drawing Jisoo and Hansol made when they were younger.

Jisoo nodded as he smiled lightly, "According to them they're special drawings." Jisoo said and looked at Seokmin who was snickering at the drawings. "Shut up." Seokmin chuckled before looking at his phone for the time. "Do you have to go home?" Taehyung asked looking back the alpha male.

"Nah, just trying to make sure my dads or Jihoon haven't texted me." Seokmin said and sat down on one of the stools near the island table. "So why didn't Jimin want to come?" Jisoo asked standing beside Seokmin. "According to him, he has "project" to do." Taehyung said as he put his hands down after air quoting the word project.

"It's really just an excuse to hang out with Taemin and Kai." Jisoo laughed a little before seeing that their parents were coming in the kitchen. "Tae, we're leaving now." Jin said making the young alpha nod and wave bye to the two boys. "Seokmin do you need a ride?" Jin asked the boy.

Seokmin shook his head and smiled, "My parents will pick me up in an hour." Jin nodded and smiled before leaving after saying bye. "Nice lie stupid." Jisoo making Seokmin laugh before picking up his phone.

"Oh well..." Jisoo rolled his eyes before sitting beside Seokmin and looked at his phone. "You're texting someone?" He asked making Seokmin turn to look at him. "Kinda...there's this one girl who has a crush on me but I don't like her." Jisoo nodded feeling sorta relieved that Seokmin isnt seeing anyone.

"Anyways, she's just randomly texting me to get to know me when in reality she just wants to date me because I'm "popular"." Seokmin said making Jisoo giggle at the last word. "Sure popular." Jisoo said making Seokmin laugh a little.

After a few more minutes of talking, Seokmin had to go home. "I'll see you tomorrow." Jisoo nodded and smiled before waving and shutting the door. "Cheol I think Jisoo has a crush..." Jeonghan said making Jisoo blush and run to his room away from his fathers.

Today was a surprisingly good day, except the amount of teasing Jisoo is getting from his Appa and a "scolding" from his dad.

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