Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC...

By zer0420

118K 4.1K 908

Before anything can begin, it must first Start from Zero. Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project F... More

Prologue Zero and One
Chapter 1 New Agent
Chapter 2 The Heist Pt 1
Chapter 3 The Heist Pt 2
Chapter 4 Baited
Chapter 5 Metastability.
Chapter 6 Fall From Heaven Pt 1
Chapter 7 Fall From Heaven Pt 2
Chapter 8 3 V 3
Chapter 9 Instigation
Chapter 10 Break In
Chapter 11 Recovery Squad
Chapter 12 Investigation
Chapter 13 Best Friends Reunion
Chapter 14 Unexpected Meet Up
Chapter 15 Enter The Reds
Chapter 16 Memory Is The Key
Chapter 17 Catch A Ride
Chapter 18 The Alpha
Chapter 19 End Of The Line
Chapter 20 A Deal For Freedom
Chapter 21 Recovering One
Chapter 22 Scvanger Hunt
Chapter 23 Returning Home
Chapter 24 Relapse
Chapter 25 New Team
Chapter 26 Unwanted Rescue
Chapter 27 Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 28 An Unrequited Reunion
Chapter 29 Falling Out
Chapter 30 True Colors
Chapter 31 Don't Say It...
Chapter 32 Shipwreck
Chapter 33 S.O.S
Chapter 34 Enter Freckles
Chapter 35 Much Needed Talk
Chapter 36 FAQ
Chapter 37 Ready... Aim... Fire...
Chapter 38 Lost But Not Forgotten
Chapter 39 Hit And Run
Chapter 40 Debrief
Chapter 41 Team Building
Chapter 42 Resucue Mission?
Chapter 43 The Federal Army of Chorus
Chapter 44 Reunion
Chapter 45 Long Time No See
Chapter 46 Catching up
Chapter 47 Catch Up, No Mustard
Chapter 48 Site Crashers
Chapter 49 Set In Motion
Chapter 50 Trap Within a Trap
Chapter 51 This Is War...
Chapter 52 Job Interview
Chapter 53 Capital Assets
Chapter 54 Tourist Trip
Chapter 55 No Fighting in the War Room
Chapter 56 Loosening Up
Chapter 57 Test Your Might
Chapter 58 Hook, Line...
Chapter 59 And Sinker...
Chapter 60 Frustration
Chapter 61 Counseling
Chapter 62 Invasion Of Armonia
Chapter 63 A Coward's Sacrifice
Chapter 64 All or Nothing
Chapter 65 The Great Destroyers
Chapter 67 Previously On
Chapter 68 Reacts
Chapter 69 Hold The Past, But Start Anew
Chapter 70 Unexpected Help
Chapter 71 Danger Zone
Chapter 72 Recovery
Chapter 73 A Lesson In Time Theory
Chapter 74 Docudrama
Chapter 75 Consequences
Chapter 76 Paradox
Chapter 77 Man Out Of Time
Chapter 78 Breaching The Torus
Chapter 79 Red Thread
Chapter 80 The Gang Back Together
Chapter 81 Succession
Chapter 82 Killing Time
Chapter 83 Back To The Statusquo
Extra Chapter #1 Tower Of Procreation
Extra Chapter #2 Bad Dreams
PSA New Holidays
Restoration Thoughts...

Chapter 66 The End Is Here...

1K 36 3
By zer0420

No one's POV

At the Communications Tower, where the Federal Army and New Republic soldiers are seen battling Charon's forces. A the Red Fed is approached by a Space Pirate walking up behind him.

Insane Space Pirate: You damn colonists! I'm not going back to jail! (loads shotgun) I'm gonna kill ya! I'm gonna get my money! Then-

Matthews: Heads up!

Matthews runs over the Insane Space Pirate in a Ghost.

Red Fed: Hey, thanks man!

Matthews: No problem! I mean, I was actually trying to shoot him but I think I almost got the hang of th-WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

The Ghost shoots forward and flies past Grif and Simmons.

Simmons: You know, maybe giving alien vehicles to human drivers wasn't the best idea.

Doc drives by in a Ghost.

Doc: (in O'Malley's voice) Speak for yourself! (laughs maniacally and drives off)

With One, Lopez, Sarge, and Kimball, who fire at some pirates near the temple's entrance.

Kimball: Keep pushing!

One of the Space Pirates is shot while the other two turn to look at his body.

Space Pirate: Damn it, fall back!

As they retreat, they're chased by Lopez, Sarge, Grif, Simmons, One and Kimball.

Sarge: Hehe, keep running, dirtbags!

Simmons: Okay Tucker, we're in. Can you make it to our position?

Tucker: (over the radio) Hell yeah! I got my own private escort.

Simmons: What?! Seriously?

Carolina: Seriously.

Simmons and the others turn around to see Carolina, Zero, Tucker, and Wash walking towards them.

Kimball: Zero! Carolina! Wash! You made it!

Washington: Sorry we're late. Blowing up a death machine takes longer than you'd think.

Carolina: Well we did manage to kill two mercs with one stone.

One: Two?

One looked over at Zero.

Zero: Jason isn't dead. He got away with Scarlet.

One: Alyssa? She got away too?

Zero: Yeah...

Grif: Aw dude, did they go out like bitches, or was it slow and painful?

Tucker: What kind of messed up question is that?

Washington: Incineration by explosion.

Tucker: Aw hell yeah! Straight up Freelancer justice!

Epsilon materializes next to Carolina.

Epsilon: Yeah yeah, may they burn in hell. We still need to get Tucker to the tower controls. There's a teleporter down the hall that'll take us to the Control Room. Once we broadcast our message, Charon will have no reason left to fight.

Carolina: Then let's push our way to the teleporter-

Caboose: RUN AWAY!!

Caboose and Donut run up to the group.

Simmons: What are you guys doing?

Doc drives up, his Ghost sparking and on fire.

Tex: The hell is going on?

Tucker: And what killed your ride?

New Republic Soldier: (on radio) All squads, get to cover! Get to cover-UGH!. (cuts out)

Doc: (fearful) Uh... probably the same thing that killed them?

With a squad of Federal Army soldiers as they are crushed by the foot of an assault drone, as well as tanks an reinforcements.


The Reds and Blues watch from a platform nearby.

Lopez: Ohhhhh mierda. [Ohhhhh shit.]


Caboose: Yes, and for all those who are wondering, uh no, he and Freckles are not brothers... I asked him.

Grif: I was going to ask where your tank went, but you...pretty much answered that.

Sarge: Looks like they ain't going down without a fight.

Tucker: So now what?

Carolina: Take Epsilon. Broadcast his message and end this.

Zero: One, Carolina, Wash and I can deal with the Assault Drone while Kimball and her men hold this position.

Epsilon: How 'bout it, Tucker? Room for one more?

Donut: We'll be right on your rear!

Tucker looks around at his friends.

Tucker: Right. (pulls out his sword) Let's finish this!

As the Reds and Blues, go to the tower, Tex looked at Zero.

Tex: Hey, Zero, think you can get me in close?

Zero: For?

Tex: I may be able to override it's program and take control of it.

Zero: Are you sure about that? Won't that be too much to handle for you?

Tex: Bitch please, do you know who you're talking to?

Zero: Tex...

Tex just sighed.

Tex: Look, I can handle it for a few minutes, but it won't take me long to take those fuckers out.

Zero: Right. Let's do this. One, Wash, cover me!

One: What?

Washington: The hell do you think you're doing?!

As Zero began to run out, One and Wash drew the attention of the Assault Drone, but seeing Zero from the side, it began to fire at him, only for him to slide under it's gunfire. Zero proceeded to jump on it's back, opening a panel.

Zero: You're up, Tex!

Tex then proceeded to enter the Assault Drone, and after a few seconds, took control of it.

Tex: Oh, hell yeah! It's so nice to have a body again!

Zero: Then how about you break it in!

Zero jumped back, as Tex looked towards the reinforcements, aiming her chain gun and began unloading it.

Tex: With pleasure.

Tex began mowing down the Space Pirates and their reinforcements. Multiple pirates attempted to blast Tex from behind with rocket launchers, only for her to quickly jump back and dodge.

Tex: Don't think so.

Tex proceeded to fire multiple rockets at them, killing them on the spot. A tank round nearly hit her,

only to dodge it and use the anti air gun to blow it up.

One: I guess that's one way to do that...

Upon taking out the reinforcements, Tex looked over at Carolina.

Tex: So, Carolina. Up for a match?

Carolina: You bet your robotic ass I am!

Zero just looked at the two of them annoyed.

Zero: ...-_-... Are both really doing this right now...?

Suddenly, everyone began to hear Epsilon speaking, within their radios.

Epsilon: Hi there. You may not know me, but my name is Epsilon. Some time ago, my friends and I were shipwrecked on a planet called Chorus.


Epsilon: (continuing) If you haven't heard of it, I don't blame you at all. But, all of us who survived the crash as well as the planet's inhabitants are in dire need of help.

The two soldiers watching the screen look at each other before looking back at it.


Epsilon: If this is transmitting to your computer, please examine the files that I have attached to this transmission.

A picture of Tucker is shown on the screen to a group of aliens. One of the aliens recognizes him.

Junior: Blarg? [Father?]


Epsilon: (continuing) They include our coordinates, as well as information on the survivors of the crash, who you may recognize as the heroes of the UNSC that went missing during their flight home.

Images of Sarge, Wash, and Grif are shown on screen to a lone soldier in yellow armor, who recognizes Grif when his picture is shown on screen.

Sister: Oh my gosh! Big bro's alive! (the screen then shows an image of Lopez) And so is that gray guy who choked me until I passed out. (screen then shows an image of Simmons) That was hot.

Epsilon: (continuing) Most importantly, however...

Epsilon is then shown appearing one at a time on a multitude of screens inside the Chairman's office in the Staff of Charon.

Epsilon: (continuing) ... are the files that prove the undeniable guilt of Malcom Hargrove. Orchestrating our shipwreck was just one of an impressively long list of crimes the dear Chairman has committed in the past few years. Once we are rescued, we'd be happy to discuss the list in greater detail as well as answer any other questions that you may have, so long as it ensures that Mr. Hargrove never sees the light of day again.

As the Chairman watches, he grips his mug more tightly in anger.

Epsilon: (continuing) Thank you for your time, and please - hurry the fuck up, and just come get us.

Once Epsilon's message ended, the Chorus armies celebrating as they fire their guns into the air.

One: Wow.

Carolina: They actually did it.

Washington: Never doubted them for a second.

The Lieutenants, Maine and Dr. Grey then show up to join the celebration, with Palomo trailing behind them.

Jensen: So exciting!

Palomo: Woo! Yeah! We're here too! What are we cheering about, guys? Huh?

Kimball: I can't believe it. We're picking up a slipspace rupture, a ship's already on its way!

Zero: Wait, what?

One: Already? That's too-

The ship then appears, but unfortunately it turns out to be the Staff of Charon.

Chairman: (over speaker) You have made... a terrible mistake.

The Chairman process releases numerous Assault drones around the temple and begins annihilating soldiers left and right.


Tex: Shit!

Zero, One, Maine, Kimball, Wash, and Carolina.

Kimball: Oh no, what's going on?!


Carolina: It's Hargrove! The Chairman's here!

One turns to a pair of New Republic soldiers

One: Everyone, take cover!

The forces begin retreating. One Assault drone chases Grey and the lieutenants.

Smith: Run! Come on, go go go!

The trio of fighters standing over two captured Space Pirates, firing at the Assault drone. Another one offscreen fires and takes the three out.

Hargrove: (over loudspeaker) You just couldn't do it, could you? (the two Space Pirates grab the fallen soldiers' weapons and look at the Mantis) You couldn't lay down and die! (the Mantis stomps its foot down, crushing the two pirates.) Well if I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me!

Tex rushed in, firing at the drones, firing at them and taking them out,

Tex then fired multiple missiles at them, destroying them, but more continued to drop in.

Tex: Fuck, there's no end to these things!

Epsilon: (over radio) Carolina, are you alright?

Carolina: Church, this is bad! Hargrove's dropping androids all around the temple! We're pinned down!

Washington: One we can handle, but this will be a bloodbath.

Maine using a Concussion Rifle engaged one of the Droids destroying it. Another Droid attacks him from behind and blows him back, hitting a rock.

One: Maine!

Grey: Don't worry! I got him!

Suddenly, the sound of another Assault droid landing caught everyone's attention, but this was one different. It was outfitted with Alien tech, completely shocking everyone.

Washington: What the fuck is that thing...?!

Zero: You have got to be kidding me... That's an Assault Drone modified with Alien tech?!

The Alien assault drone attempted to fire at everyone, but was tackled, knocking it back by Tex.

Tex: Hey, fuck face! You're fighting me!

The Alien assault drone looked at Tex, bringing out a energy sword.

Tex: Of course you have one of those...

Tex rushed in and proceeded to take on the Alien assault drone. As she did, Carolina radioed Epsilon.

Carolina: Epsilon, I need a sit-rep!

Epsilon: (over radio) Hang tight, C...

As Tex continued fighting the Alien assault drone, it blasted her back, damaging her.

Tex: Fuck!

Seeing Tex be pushed back, Zero grabbed a Fuel Rod off the ground, running up a hill, firing at it. Feeling the shots, the Alien assault drone looked back and fired at Zero, forcing him to jump out the way. Seeing it distracted, Tex rushed in , hitting it from the side.

Tex: Zero, back off, I got this!

Suddenly, Tex's arm was cut off, forcing her to jump back.

Tex: Oh come on!

Zero: You we're saying?

Zero, and now Carolina, Wash and One were firing at the Alien assault drone, but an energy shield began to protect it.

Washington: Oh come on, really?!

One: Energy shields?

Carolina: So this is one of Hargrove's projects. This thing is a monster!

The Alien assault drone, again began firing at everyone, forcing them to take cover, but once again, Tex gained it's attention by by firing at it. The two of them began firing their anti air guns at it, their shots clashing and creating a large explosion. Suddenly, all the normal assault drones began powering down, but the Alien assault drone remained active.

One: This thing is still not down?!

Zero: Everyone! Focus fire, bring it down!

Everyone began to fire upon the Alien assault drone, hitting it, and blowing away it's shields and took it down. The Feds and Rebels pause and look at them and begin firing into the air in celebration, but suddenly it's chest opened up, revealing a count down, from 30.

Washington: What the hell is that?!

One: No... That's it's reactor! And it's about to go off!

Kimball: Everyone, fall back!

As everyone got ready to fall back, Zero looked at Tex, looking at it.

Zero: Tex, come on! Let's go!

Tex didn't say anything, as she continued looking at the Alien assault drone.

Zero: Tex?

Tex: Well, I guess this is where I get off.

Zero: What? What are you talking about?

Tex proceeded to walk over to the Alien assault drone, picking it up.

Tex: This things's reactor is like a smaller scale of the one in the Capital. Even if you take cover, you'll still be caught in the blast.

Zero: Then just get off the drone and let it take it!

Tex: Can't. The second I give it back control, it's going to turn right back on you guys and there's no time to override it.

Tex then proceeded to jump off the ledge, taking the Alien assault drone with her, as everyone ran over to him.

One: Tex?

Carolina: What the hell is she doing?!

Zero: Tex!

Suddenly, Tex radioed back to Zero.

Tex: (over radio) Oh stop being a baby, Ad. I'm doing what needs to be done. I'm looking after everyone,especially you.

Zero: What?

Tex: (over radio) Before I go, I just wanted to say thanks. All the way back at Freelancer, you were the first one to have my back. After that, you found me and kept helping me out. Im so glad you were my partner, and we did a hell of a lot together. And our time together I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for dealing with a failure like me.

Zero: Allison...

Tex then landed on the ground away from everyone, as the count down reached 5 seconds.

Tex: (over radio) And hey. You should know the deal. This isn't a goodbye. I'm just-

Zero proceeded to take his helmet off.

Zero: You're just not going to be here for awhile... I know...

Tex: Good. Be sure to look after Church, Carolina and those other idiots.

Zero: Yeah... I will... I'll see you around, Allison...

Tex: Yeah... I'll see you around, Adrain...

As the count down hit 0, the Alien assault drone, along with Tex exploded in a massive explosion, killing it, along with Tex. Zero didn't say anything, as he began tearing up, as Carolina and One walked up to him, putting their hands on his shoulders.

One: Are you alright...

Zero: ...

Zero didn't saying anything, wiping his eyes, when suddenly everyone received a transmission from Epsilon.

Epsilon: (over radio) Carolina, we need an extraction!

Carolina: Roger that. We'll fire up a Pelican and be there in a few minutes.

Carolina looked at Zero.

Carolina: Come on, we need to go get boys.

Zero didn't say anything, putting his helmet back on.

Zero: Right...

The Freelancers, lieutenants, Kimball and Dr Grey all got onto a Pelican, getting ready to go get the Reds and Blues. In the interior of a Pelican,

where Wash is standing in the cockpit, seemingly directing the pilot, while Zero Carolina stands in the troop bay,

Carolina dual wielding Needlers and Zero dual wielding Plasma rifles. In the back of the Pelican, where the lieutenants are sitting inside, Dr. Grey was watching Maine reload his weapon, One checking her Bean rifle while, Kimball watches her. Upon reaching Staff of Charon., they immediately began taking fire from the soldiers aboard.

One: They're definitely not giving us a warm welcome.

Carolina: Here's the plan, Wash, One, Maine, you three head to the bridge and secure Hargrove, Kimball, you and the lieutenants secure the hanger. Zero and I will go to back up the boys.

Everyone: Right!

Readying their weapons, everyone stood by the door of the Pelican, getting ready to drop. Carolina looked over at Zero, seeing him look down, but she gave him a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Carolina: Ready?

Zero looked over at Carolina nodding, grabbing his duel Plasma rifles.

Zero: Yeah. Let's do this.

(A/N) Updated loadout

Zero now uses Dual Plasma Rifles

Carolina uses Dual Needlers

One uses a Needle rifle

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