The Batman and The Spectacula...

By Spdr-Nja

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Two amazing shows of two amazing heroes. But Spider-man is you!!! Your heroic actions in New York attracted t... More

Spider-man Bio
Prologue - Spider-Man?
Ch 1 - Welcome to Gotham
Ch 2 - A "Friendly" Encounter
Ch 3 - Barbara Gordon
Ch 4 - Meet Batgirl
Ch 5 - A talk between "Friends"
Ch 7 - A secret's out

Ch 6 - Vulture's flight

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By Spdr-Nja

It was a sunny day in Gotham City. And it's been close to a week since Batman's gone away. So far, Spidey and Batgirl have been keeping the city clean so far without any real struggle yet. Keyword yet.

Turning a corner, Y/n was swinging around just keeping an eye out for any trouble. Or just anyone who needs a friendly neighborhood hand.

He soon lands on a building in a darker part of Gotham. "Can Gotham even get any darker?" He asked no one in particular. He heard a commotion down below him and saw that some kids were picking on a little kid. Narrowing his eye lenses, he jumps and lands on the fence behind them.

The noise gains the attention of the group as the red and blue hero flips off and lands in a crouched position.

With just the sight of the Spider-man, plus the way his eyes narrowed on them. The bullies ran away, leaving the kid and something he dropped.

Spider-man walks up to it and picks it up. "Did you make this?" He asked the kid. "Yeah." The kid said, matter of factly. Spider-man looks at the kid, surprised.

"This is a wind turbine!" He exclaimed. "You made this!?" The kid nodded, with a smile. "No way!" He nodded again. "This is amazing!"

He hands it to the kid and thwips a few webs at the homemade turbines, putting it back together. Testing it out, he spins cardboard blades, showing that he fixed it. He hands it to the kid who smiles at the teen hero. "It's good as new right?" He pats the kids head. "I'll walk you home."

The two could be seen making their way down the sidewalk, with people glancing at them. A few had questioning looks, some found that adorable, others looked astounded to see a vigilante so up close.

"What's your name?" Spider-man asked the kid as they continued walking home.

"Jorge." He answered.

"Jorge? Uh, I'm Spider-man." He responded to the boy, making him smile.

The walk back to Jorge's apartment wasn't that long, and the two got along pretty well. It was when they arrived that Jorge asked him something.

"Don't you usually work in New York?" Jorge asked the young hero, who was ironically older than him. "Well I do, but some personal stuff made me come here. I don't know for how long though, or if I'm gonna start here."

"What do you mean?" Jorge asked. "Well, it depends on if things work out for me here better than they did in New York. If it does, I stay here, and if not I go back."

"Well, I do hope things work out for you, but I also want to see you back home." Jorge confessed, walking up the stairs with Spider-man. "You live in New York?" Spidey asked.

"Yeah, I'm just here with my family because we're seeing my Grandma and Grandpa. We haven't seen in a while." He explained.

"That's good." Spider-man said. "It's important to stay in touch with family."

Jorge nodded, as they reach his apartment door. "Thanks Spider-man." Jorge said, as Spidey pats his head again.

"Anytime, buddy." He waved, before Jorge walked in. When the door closed, he went back downstairs, getting a few confused faces turned his way, before swinging out.

Little did he notice, was that one of them was Barbara and her dad, who were watching the hero as he entered and left. "What was that about?" Jim looked back up the stairs, where Spider-man and the kid walked up. "He might've been walking that kid home."

Barbara looks at her dad, then the stairs, then back to where Spider-man was last seen. She was surprised. Very rarely do you see a vigilante/superhero walk a radnom kid home, just to make sure he's safe.

Spider-man really is a unique hero.

Back with said hero, he continues his daily patrol. He swings around the city while singing. "~Swing along Spidey past the rooftops!~ ~No one's in trouble, no crime to stop!~"

As he continued swinging and singing, he was being watched from a mysterious figure from a rooftop, hidden in the shadows. All that could be seen of the figure was two glowing green dots.

He turns around and presses a button on his wrist, activating a machine in front of him now. It was mechanical, and there were blades on a nearby table that flew and attached the ends of the machine.

The machine hovered, tall and proud, looking like a pair of wings...

That night...

Y/n was lucky and thankful that it's the weekend. He's been spending rarely any time as Y/n L/n, and more on Spider-man. Not that he was complaining.

He sighs, relaxed as he continues swinging around Gotham in a happy mood. "You know," he says to no one, "when there's no crime or supervillains attacking, Gotham can surprisingly be one friendly neighborhood."

Just as he says this, his spider sense goes off. He goes wide eyed, before muttering under his breath. "Oh great..."

Whipping his head around, he sees something with wings flying at him. He releases his web just in time, as the flying figure passes over him. But as he flies over him, he manages to grab Spider-man's ankle with a metallic talon.

Y/n yelps, as he's abruptly pulled upwards, into the sky. "Other times, Gotham can be like a hell on earth with all the creeps taking you to the stratosphere!" He exclaims, as he struggles to get out of the flying person's grip. With a grunt, he manages to pry the talons off him, causing him to free fall. He continues to fall, waving his arms and kicking the air as if they'd slow his fall.

"I'd enjoyed skydiving even more if I didn't have a party crasher on my back." He quips, looking back, before his lenses widened. "Or something that's about to crash into my back!" The flying figure from before dives at Spider-man, his wings looking pretty sharp. Just before he could close the gap on them, Spidey fires a web at his face, blinding him. He narrowly misses the sharp edges of the winged man's blades. The wind following him causes Y/n to spin uncontrollably, before firing a web at the guy's leg.

He wasn't prepared for the immediate pull that came, as he was being dragged around the city. Literally.

He screams as the bird man kept making sharp turns, almost throwing off the web head on every turn. He then flies to a building before swinging his webbed leg towards it, sending Spider-man toward it. He crashes through the wall, scaring the people inside, before he began running. "Excuse me! Pardon me! Comin' through!" He kept saying respectfully, as he jumped over people, hopped off the walls, and accidentally knocking a few tables over.

He reaches the other side of the building, where he sees the bird guy beginning to fly away. He leaps out the window, shattering it, before firing a web, once again, at the winged man. The man looks back, and you could hear the sigh under his helmet. He simply turns back around and continues flying.

"Hey!" Spider-man called out. "You don't just grab someone, take em' on an atmospheric road trip, and leave!"

The man doesn't respond, as he dives down towards the streets. He pulls up, trying to get Spidey to crash into the pavement. Lucky for the arachnid, he fires another web up and stops his almost splattered death. He also stops the man in his tracks, due to his increased strength and tensile strong webbing. The man turns around, giving Spider-man a good look at him.

And a good look at his suit showed him that he was no joke.

"Whoa..." Y/n said, under his breath and mask. He blinked and tried to keep his grip on the webbing. "Wh-! Who the heck are you!?"

"Call me The Vulture." the man answered, his mask making him sound menacing. He makes a motion with his hand and the wing does the same. Snipping his hand closed like scissors, the wing does the same, snapping the web.

The snap causes Spidey to fall again, but thanks to the other web he was holding, he swung to the building wall. He sticks to it as he looks back up at the man.

"I don't like picking on kids, so I'm gonna give you a warning." he begins, before his wings threw a blade at him, narrowly missing his head. "Stay out of my way."

With that said and done, he turns and flies away. Spidey fires a web, only to get the blade embedded in the wall beside him fly back to the man's wings, slicing the web as it soared.

Y/n continues watching as the man, now named The Vulture, flies out of view. He crawls up the wall and perches on the edge, never taking looking away from where Vulture was last seen.

"I know I should be upset that a guy just dropped me from the sky, or even scared to death by his warning," Y/n said, before he had stars in his eyes, "but that was so cool!"

The Next Day...

Y/n is at a cafe, drinking coffee, and typing away at his computer. He was finishing up some weekend homework from a few teachers before his mind went back to last night.

(Insert Favorite Coffee Here)

That Vulture guy came flying in, quiet literally, and attacked Y/n. He could still here his menacing voice when he went to bed...

"Stay out of my way."

What way? He's seen a lot of movies/shows and played a ton more video games. Bad guys don't just come in and say stay out of my way and just do normal crime stuff.

He had never even met someone with mechanical wings or who calls themselves "The Vulture". Normally supervillains would just do small attacks or lay low, if they were planning something big. And Vulture came at him giving him a warning to stay out of his way.

He must've known not to underestimate Spider-man, or he just doesn't want a boy to get involved in... whatever it was he was planning.

He was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't even hear the cafe bell ding over the door. He only snapped out of it when a hand was snapping at his face. "Helloooo~ Earth to Y/n?" A familiar redhead said in front of him. He saw her put her hand on her hip as she smirked at the boy in front her.

"Oh, morning Houston." Y/n quips with a smile, rubbing his nape. She giggles a little before looking at the papers in front of him. "Homework? Y/n you do know it's the weekend, right?"

He awkwardly chuckles, "Yeah, most of my teachers don't seem to realize that though." Barbara furrows her brows in sympathy. "Man, teachers can be cruel." She sighed as she went to the counter to order her coffee. "Yeah." Y/n chuckles under his breath.

She comes back and sits beside him and leans against him. Looking down at her with a raised eyebrow and blushing cheeks, he scoots an inch away. "N- Need anything?"

"Just some coffee." Barbara innocently smiles, before giving him back his personal space. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, as Barb giggles at his red face. She just loves teasing the poor guy.

As he catches his breath, Barbara takes a look at what he has on his computer. She raised an eyebrow as she saw an article on, "Vultures?"

Y/n sucked in his breath and began to panic. He grabs to computer and lowers the screen, hiding it. "Um! Uh... I- I'm just interested in birds! I do a bit of bird watching and I study... birds."

There's no way she bought that. Nor would anyone else.

To confirm that, Barbara raises an eyebrow, showing her suspicion. Y/n was sweating bullets, he wasn't always that good at lying. He's usually better when he isn't panicking. "Really?" Barbara asked, unamused. Y/n was trying to find the best words to use, before their orders came for them at the same time.

"Thanks." They both said, before sipping on their drinks. Barbara finished first and decided to ask a question. "Are you sure it doesn't have to do with that flying guy from last night?"

Y/n went wide eyed and almost spat out his drink. He swallows and looks at her. "H- How do you know about that?" She pulls out her phone and shows and article on last night's event, with a picture of Vulture. With Spider-man hanging by a web latched onto him. "You weren't there, were you?" Barbara asked, sounding curious.






Think fast Y/n!!! He screams in his head. She's the daughter of the commissioner!! She might be an undercover detective!!

Wait, if she is...

Does she know!?!?

It's okay! It's okay!

Just act natural!

"I- I was... the photographer?" He guessed, trying to convince her. She just raised her eyebrow again and scrolled down, showing the name of the photographer. Which was not his. "Oh..." Y/n squeaked, looking for something to crawl under and hide away from everything. "Look at that..."

"What's the matter Y/n?" Barbara asked, setting her phone down. "What is it that you're trying to hide?" He looked around, seeing everyone else doing their own thing and tuning out the two teenagers.

Should he tell her? It would be easier. But then she'd be in danger! He can't do that to the girl who's making his heart ache. But... Okay, he's been here for almost the entire first quarter. And they've already come so close! Maybe, he should...

Y/n takes a deep breath. He mentally prepares himself for whatever it is she's gonna say. He turns back to her with a sincere look on his face, as she looks back with concern.

"Okay." Y/n started.

He was gonna do it.

He's gonna do it!

Just spit it out!

"Barbara, the truth is...    "


Chapter 6 done! Cliffhanger style!!!

Type in your votes! Is she ready? Are you ready? I'll give you guys this, in the next chapter....

A truth will be revealed!

Let's hear your words, and we'll find out what happens in the next chapter:

Ch 7 - A secret's out!

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