Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

By RicoTheLegend

1.9K 137 769

A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... More

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Bragging Rights!
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
The Raw After Wrestlemania
Building Towards Backlash
Wrestlemania: Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
šŸ˜Ž Money Talks šŸ˜Ž
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

Wrestlemania 39: Night 1

42 2 29
By RicoTheLegend

I'll provide some summaries for matches that aren't as heavily driven by stories. Either way, It'll make for a great Mania Card!

2. One on One Match: Christian Cage vs Kevin Owens

Owens attacked Cage during his entrance. However, Cage was able to gain his bearings and start the match. Owens looked to end it quickly, but Christian managed to avoid the stunner at all costs. Cage built momentum up leading to a comeback sequence that ended with Cage hitting a Spear on Owens! Owens got to his feet, but as he attempted another Stunner, Cage caught his foot, Swinging him around, grabbing the arms, Turning him into position, and Hitting the Killswitch! Cage covered Owens. One. Two. Three.
Winner: Christian Cage

Liv Morgan sat in her locker room backstage With her tag team Partner, Rhea Ripley. "So we should try and divide & Conquor with them for sure. We split em up and do some damage, dealing with the last members should be easy..." Rhea smiles and stands. "I'll be right back. I gotta go get a drink." Liv rolls her eyes as she smiles. "Rhea, you better hurry." She says Jokingly. A few seconds after Rhea leaves, A knock comes at the door. Liv was looking at her Phone, but she glanced up and opened the door... but it wasn't Rhea on the other side.

A chair nailed Liv in the gut, causing her to drop her phone. The steel crashed down onto her back, as the woman wielding it was revealed by the camera... the Virtuoso, Deonna Purrazzo! She knelt by Morgan. "Sorry, Liv. It's just business." She Said, Wrapping the chair around Liv's left arm, then double stomped down on it! Morgan rolled around in Agony, but before Deonna could do any more damage, Rhea rushed in and pulled Purrazzo back. "THE HELL'RE YA DOIN?! FUCK RIGHT OFF!!" She yells, shoving the much smaller Purrazzo out of the room as she calls for the medical staff. As Liv sat up, she grimaced, but looked at Rhea. She shook her head, implying she wasn't going to be ready by match time. Rhea nods, mouthing "I'm sorry. We'll win for you." Before leaving to go find a new tag team partner for their match.

3. SD Tag team titles: ReDRagon © vs RK-Bro

reDRagon's title reign had started at Summerslam. Could RK-Bro dethrone the Tag Team Powerhouse?

The match was a clinic of tag team wrestling. Technical superiority by reDRagon was nearly negated by the Veteran instinct of Orton and the Quick strikes and creativity of Riddle! It was a back and forth bout for the ages, but it ended when Riddle missed an RKO on Kyle, Who then locked in a Guillotine. Fish held Orton back, and Riddle passed out in the hold.

Winner: ReDRagon Retains via Technical Submission.

4. One on One match: Seth Rollins vs Guillermo

Guillermo shocked the world by kicking out of 2 curb stomps during his match with Seth Rollins. Guillermo displayed his strength, showing off with impressive power moves, performing Military Press Powerslams, a Deadlift Dominator, and a sequence he called the "Samoan Drop Symphony", which saw Guillermo counter multiple moves into Samoan Drops, one after the other. Fallaway Samoan Drop, then catching Rollins off a Springboard attempt, then ending with a Burning Hammer variant of the move!  Guillermo hit his finisher, a Spinning Tombstone he calls the "Ego Check", but Rollins Kicked out at the very last moment! Rollins attempted to Superplex the big man, only for Guillermo to land on his feet and hit a Running back elbow he calls "The Jerry Effect"! He went into the cover, One. Two. Three.

Winner: Guillermo

5. One on One match: Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett) vs The Miz (w/ Maryse)

This was a Glorified Squash match. Miz tried Running. He tried underhanded tactics. None of them worked. About 3 Doomsday Saitos later, and Kross had the Kross Jacket locked in, and Miz tapped almost instantly.

Winner via submission: Karrion Kross (in 2 minutes and 10 seconds)

6.Women's Tag Team title match: Living Nightmare (Ripley/???) vs Toxic Attraction © vs The IInspiration

Ding Ding Ding!

"The Following Contest is A Triple Threat Tag Team Match set for One fall, and is for the Women's Tag Team Championships!"

"Introducing first... the Team of Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay... THE IINSPIRATION!!!"

"Introducing next... Representing TOOOXIC AAAATTRACTION... They are the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions... JACY JANE AND GIGIIII DOOOOLIIIN!!"

The two teams stood in the ring. They had learned about Liv's apparent Injury. They were wondering it this match was to become a 2 on 2 match Instead, when...

"AND Introducing the other challengers... First, From Adelaide, South Australia... RHEEEA RRRRRRIPLEY!!!"

Ripley came out to her music and Pyro. She signaled to cut it off. She had a mic In hand. "So I'm sure you all know Liv isn't gonna be be able to compete tonight. I spoke to Luke Rhodes, and He gave Liv and Deonna a match tomorrow night, but as for tonight? Well, let's just say I reached out to an old friend." She drops her microphone and grins.

Who was this mystery tag team partner?...


Störm and Ripley strut down to the ring together, Ready for the title match.

Rules of this match, one competitor from each team is Legal at the same time. You can only tag in by tagging your tag team partner. First pinfall or submission wins the match AND the titles.

After a fast paced, Grueling match, It was clear Rhea was dominating. Jacy, Gigi, Cassie, and Jess were all incapable of Taking her out.

This was evident when Rhea sent Jacy Jayne crashing through the announce table with a Thunderous Riptide, And Toni Took down Dolin with a Forearm strike that caused the latter's head to spike off the Barricade.

However, When Toni tagged in, Lee made a Blind tag on McKay while Toni set up for a Storm Zero to Dolin! McKay booted Rhea in the face as Cassie went for the Cover! One, two, three! And New Women's Tag Team Champions... THE IINSPIRATION!!

Ethan Bourne (w/ Styles) vs Dax Wilder (c)

"The Following Contest is scheduled for ONE fall, and is for the Intercontinental Championship!"

As the old theme of the Phenominal one blared through the arena, Out walked the Challenger with his Mentor.

"Introducing first... Accompanied to the ring by The Phenomenal A! J! STYYYLES... From Toronto, Ontario, Canada... ETHAAAAAAAAN BOOOOOURNE!!!"

AJ said some things to Bourne as they walked down the ramp together. Ethan nodded, ready for his big moment. He was a former NXT Champion, so he was no stranger to high stakes matches, but this was Wrestlemania!

Time for his opponent to head out...

"Introducing the champion..Champion... from New Orleans, Louisiana... He is the Intercontinental Champion... DAAAAAAAX... WIIIIILDERRR!!!"

Wilder wasted little time getting to the ring. His goal tonight? Crush Bourne's spirit and Take him out for good.

Ding Ding Ding!

The two men locked up, immediately going for stiff punches to the midsection and chest! This would be no cakewalk for either man.

Bourne tries for a headlock, But Dax fights out and hits a rear Lariat! He cackles with laughter and stomps on the younger talent. "YOU AIN'T SHIT, ETHAN!"

But Bourne suddenly kipped up to his feet, Then took Wilder down with a snappy Superkick! He taunted the champ, who was now on Spaghetti legs. Bourne nails him with a Hard Roundhouse kick, then springs up to the top rope, Hitting a Shooting star Press out of nowhere! Bourne dares Wilder to stand! He goes for an armbar, but Dax reverses! The champ performs a standing switch, looking for his modified Riptide, but Ethan reverses, Whipping Dax off the Ropes. Ethan popped him up off the rebound- STYLES CLASH OUT OF NOWHERE OFF THE REBOUND!

"Ladies and Gentlemen... here is your winner, AND... NEEEEEEW... INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION... ETHAAAAAAAAN BOOOOOURNE!!!"

Styles slides into the ring and raises his Protégé's arm, grinning ear to ear. He says, "Ya did it, Kid!" As the crowd cheers massively for this Title change.

8. CO-MAIN EVENT - Raw Women's: Britt Baker © vs [Royal Rumble winner] Crystal Zamora (FKA Crystal Torres)

Ding ding ding

"The following Contest is scheduled for ONE FALL, and is for... the RAW! WOMEN'S! CHAAAAMPIOOONSHIIIIP!!!"

Pyro explodes when the line "OBSOLETE!!!" Drops! Zamora struts out to the stage, Peering at the Capacity Crowd in the Los Angeles Stadium, who were giving her a standing ovation, through her designer shades. She mouthed the words "Let's do this!" and fist pumped in the air, causing more Pyro and Fire to explode behind her!

She soaks in the crowd's Adoration for a moment, then refocused herself. She handed her sunglasses & Leather Jacket to a child in the front row, then climbed the steel steps and Slingshot herself into the ring, Pyro exploding from the ring posts as she landed in the ring. She cracked her neck, ready for this title match.

"The Doctor Will See You Now."

"The Raw Women's Champion... the Self-Proclaimed Leader of the Women's Division. The Woman with plenty of Dental Damns to go around... Doctor Britt Baker..." David started, which Pat finished up by emphatically yelling "DEE!! EMM!! DEE!!"

Both women stood in the ring, across from one another. Crystal stood in one corner, while Baker occupied the other.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... this match is For... THE RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIIIIP!!! Introducing first... From Anaheim, Los Angeles, California... She is the DAAAAARK ANGEL... CRYYYYSTAAAAAL ZAAAAMOOOOORRRAAAA!!!" Crystal brushed some of her blonde hair out of her eyes, confidence oozing out of her. She could sense Britt was frustrated that this match was in Los Angeles, Crystal's hometown.

"AAAND introducing her Opponent... From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania... She is the Raw women's Champion... Doctor Britt Baker... D! M! D!"

Baker hands the belt to the official, Mike Chioda, who shows the belt to Crystal, Then raises it in the middle of the ring. He hands it to the Ring announcers, then calls for the bell to be rung!

Ding Ding Ding!

The bell has rung, Here we go!

Baker and Zamora circle each other, and the crowd alters between chants of "LETS GO CRYSTAL!" & "D-M-D!".

Both women take a step closer to each other, And they engage in a Grapple, Baker attempts to shift her body to get behind her opponent, but Crystal anticipated this and elbowed Baker right in the gut! Baker backed up, stunned for a moment. Zamora smiled, Doing the "D-M-D!" Motion as a means of Mocking Britt. Baker seemed to be getting a little frustrated at The blatant Disrespect shown by her opponent.

Britt and Crystal met in the middle of the ring and exchanged a Flurry of shots, with neither woman getting the upper hand as of yet. Crystal took a step back and went for a Flashbang Superkick early, but Baker ducks and attempts a Superkick of her own, which gets dodged by Crystal, who sweeps the other leg and begins stomping away at Baker's leg!

Then Chioda pulled Crystal off Baker. This allowed Britt to slip something onto her fist, then slide her Surgical glove over it, concealing it. She stood back up, swinging the fist, Connecting square with Crystal's temple! Zamora drops like a sack of potatoes, but luckily rolls out of the ring to avoid the pinfall. Britt could've taken the countout win, but that wouldn't be satisfying enough. She wanted to Make a statement, Send a message, that if anyone crossed her, stepped on her toes, then There would be hell to pay. Baker Tosses the illegal item to the side after discarding the glove, Then rolling Zamora back into the ring. The crowd was chanting "You Suck!" At Baker the whole time.

"Crystal probably doesn't even know where she is! Baker had brass Knucks in that glove!" David said on commentary.
"It ain't illegal if the ref doesn't see it!" Jerry said.
"Shut up, King!" Pat and David said simultaneously.

Then, someone hopped the Barricade and began yelling something at Baker. A hood hid who it was, but When Britt went to face thus mysterious woman, The camera panned over, and she removed her hood... it was none other than Dakota Kai! But what was she doing out here?

Britt had no clue why Dakota was here, but Crystal utilized the distraction and hit a Tope Suicida on Baker at Ringside! Britt was sent crashing into the Barricade, and didn't even get time to rest. Zamora hoisted her to her feet, then repeatedly rammed her against the Barricade! She then ripped the padding off the floor... she grabbed Baker, getting her in a Fireman's carry, then hitting a Sitout Gourdbuster! Right onto the Concrete! Crystal popped to her feet. She hadn't noticed Chioda's count reached "8!", so she slid in & out of the ring to reset the count. Crystal lifted Baker up, then dropped her spine first on the apron before sliding her body under the ropes and back into the ring. She took her time, walking over to the ring steps, then pacing her way up to the Opposite corner. She faced the crowd, grinning. She mouthed, "Y'all ready for this?" And then snapped around, Stamping her right foot on the mat furiously, Daring Baker to stand up! As the Champion stirred, the crowd's energy began rising, sensing the Impending Finish! Baker had finally gotten to her feet, She skipped forward, FLASHBA- No! Baker ducks it! Kick to the Midsection! Double Underhook! BAKER BUSTER!! INTO THE COVER, TO RETAIN!

THR- Kickout by Zamora!!

Baker looked Shocked! She was sure she'd just captured the win with that one! She scowled and pulled out a second Surgical glove, then went to Apply the Lockjaw! Her signature move would surely end this match!

Baker drags Zamora to the center of the ring, then applies the Rings of Saturn before attempting to also add the Mandible claw aspect of the move! Only seconds into it being Locked in, Baker yelled in agony, Releasing the hold suddenly! Blood dripped from her fingers as she reeled into the corner. Zamora had Bit down HARD onto Baker's fingers!

Zamora rises to her feet, seemingly readying another Flashbang Kick... Baker Rushes forward, Ducking the kick, Attempting a Superkick of her own, but Zamora catches her leg! Crystal smiled and said "Ya f*cked up, BITCH!" Before, with one arm, Powering Baker up into Powerbomb position, Parading her around the ring! She then Plants Baker in the center of the ring with one of her finishing moves!!

"OH MY GOD! DARK ANGEL BOMB!! SHE HIT IT! SHE HIT IT!" Drake was literally jumping out of his seat when this happened.

Crystal wasn't satisfied. She flipped Baker over, then sat next to her. "Time's up." She says, suddenly applying a vicious Crossface hold, Arching her own back as far as she could to apply maximum pressure! It looked like a modified version of Sasha Banks' Bank statement, One that Crystal calls "Ride or Die"! She's got it locked in, Nowhere for the champ to go! Baker's reaching, gasping, holding on for everything she's got... but the ropes are so far away! Baker's lip and nose begin bleeding from earlier hits to the head.

"COME ON! TAP OUT, BAKER! TAP OUT, BAKER!!" Pat yelled enthusiastically.

Despite her best efforts, Baker couldn't take any more pain, and she tapped the mat. Chioda called for the bell as Dakota jumped up & down quite Hapilly in celebration at ringside! The announcer made it official;


Crystal grasps her title for the first time. Tears of pure bliss fill her eyes, but she wipes them away. She stands on the middle rope, Raising the belt high above her head. The Hometown Heroine has done it... but she signaled for a Mic. She takes it from the sound crew member as she motions for Dakota to get In the ring.

"Kota. You had me wondering why you're here. Lemme guess, the title, right? Then What say you to this... Raw After Wrestlemania, Crystal Zamora versus Dakota Kai, Raw Women's championship match!" Dakota looks confused. She takes the Mic from Crystal. "I-I don't want a match... at least... Yes!... No!... Y-Yes?... Ugh, I don't know..." The difference voices were telling Kai 3 different things. Crystal grinned. "How's this? Raw, 2 weeks... Dakota Kai... Crystal Zamora... Raw Women's title?" Kota nods, eyeing the title. As the crowd chants "This is Awesome!"

Winner, AND NEW Raw Women's Champion: Crystal Zamora.

9. (MAIN EVENT) Universal: Nick Burns (c) vs Ricochet


The Challenger was ready for this moment. He'd endured hell just to get to this point. Nothing could stop him from fighting for his dreams right now! Fireworks exploded in the sky above the ring as Ricochet did his usual Superhero-esque backflip & landing pose... He only awaited his opponent.

The Boos rained down like the downpour from a Hurricane. Nick Burns strolled out to the Mania stage. He was no stranger to the biggest matches in the business... after all, he was THE Game Changer, the Elevation factor, the Undisputed Top dog in the Wrestling world today... but could Ricochet dethrone him?

Burns was reluctant to hand his Universal title to the referee at first...

He glared at Ricochet one more time, saying, "This' as Close as you'll ever get, Buddy!" Before handing the belt to the ref. He raised it high, then called for the bell to ring.

Burns started off quick, elbowing Ricochet hard enough to bust his lip. Burns' offense went on for what felt like minutes as he kept landing blow after blow to the lower back of Ricochet, Nailing elbow strike after elbow strike right on the spine.

Ricochet rolled to the bottom rope, but Burns kept stomping away. The ref eventually held him back, allowing Ricochet a breath of fresh air. He gasped for each breath, as he'd been overwhelmed in the beginning of the match... but he'd gone through too much to quit now. He rose to his feet as Burns chuckled, Going for another elbow, but Ricochet ducks and throws rapid fire Jabs with the right hand! Burns backed into the corner, Ricochet springboards up and hits a 'Rana! Burns staggers back to his feet, Ricochet thinking Recoil, Burns blocks, Ricochet adjusts and hits a Stunner! Climbing to the middle rope, Connects on a shooting star! Cover now! One, two- Kickout by Burns! And the Champion looks irate. He let the Challenger get back into this, and he knows it.

The fight raged on. Both men traded near falls, High risk moves, and Blows. The crowd was kept on-edge for The next 15 minutes of High flying, Fast paced action, with the two men reversing every Huge move they had in their arsenals! But eventually, Something had to give...

Burns ducks a Lariat, drop toe hold from the champ as he grabs the legs, going for a Sharpshooter possibly, But Ricochet counters, now back to his feet, Ricochet going for a superkick, Burns sidesteps, Kick to the guy, Hooking the arms, PEDIGREE! BURNS HITS THE PEDIGREE!! The move that won him the belt at summerslam! Into a cocky cover, One. Two. T- NO! He kicks out! Burns' expression goes from confident to annoyed. The crowd went INSANE! they thought that'd be the end for sure!

Ricochet slowly gets up, Burns looking potentially for a front flip DDT he calls the Inferno Manifesto... Ricochet sensed it coming and lands a Dropkick, kips up, and A RECOIL! RECOIL BY RICOCHET! Climbing to the top rope now, this could be his big moment! Diving, Rotating, 630- BURNS KNEE GOT UP! Right to the back, that one's gotta hurt!

Burns wastes no time. He hoists Ricochet up into powerbomb position, Hitting the Burn Out (Powerbomb onto the knees. AKA Project Ciampa). The commentators, Drake & McAfee, weren't happy about this. "DAMMIT! NOT THE BURN OUT!" "Well, Ricochet... good fight, but the champ's walkin' aht with a win here it seems-"

Burns yelled at the crowd, "Show's Over." And covered Ricochet.



Thre- at the last possible moment, Ricochet Jerks the shoulder off the mat!!

Naturally, this sent the crowd & our commentary dream team into a Frenzy.

Burns' shock caused him to stumble back into the corner. He'd thrown everything and the kitchen sink at Ricochet and he had still not won yet... Maybe he had underestimated him?

Ricochet rolled out to ringside, taking until the ref's count of 5 to get to his feet, Sliding back in at the count of 8.

He looked shockingly ready for a fight. He launches a Flurry of strikes at Burns, Sending him into a corner. He lands an Enziguri, then pushes Burns out of the corner and hits a Tornado DDT! He's feeling it now! Ricochet looking for a Diving- OH! Burns catches em with a back elbow, but Ricochet responds with a Roundhouse kick! Burns staggers, and Ricochet hits a loud devastating CHOP! the crowd yells "WOOO!" As Ricochet Chops and chops and chops, but Burns simply raised an arm and caught his hand at about the 12th chop. He smirked, then short-arm clotheslined Ricochet hard enough to flip him over. Burns was Durable as hell. This was all in a day's work. He sets up for a final Inferno Manifesto in the corner. Ricochet gets to his knees, then his feet. Burns charges forward, but Right Into a Recoil! Ricochet into the cover! Could this be it?!

The air came out of the crowd when Burns' shoulder popped up. Ricochet couldn't believe it.

He climbs to the top rope, ready to end it. Burns suddenly pops to his feet, But Ricochet was ready for this. He attempts a front flip senton, But Burns catches him! Burns, Now with The Challenger in powerbomb position, Bounced him off the Top rope, Slingshotting him RIGHT INTO A BURN OUT!!!

Burns crawled over and threw an arm over Ricochet.




Ding ding ding.


Burns raised his title, gassed from the match he just put on. "Who's next?!" He yells to the audience...

The crowd erupts!!! Finn Balór is here!! Balór is back! And he's Pointing to Burns! He has a mic In his hand...


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