Desert Flower - [Rewrite]

By YT_God

108K 1.7K 304

Naruto was banished from Konoha after the retrieval of Sasuke as the council and Daimyo make a unanimous deci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

5.9K 94 3
By YT_God

Land of Wind

Small Civilian Village

At around 2:00 in the morning

Temari was sleeping in her bed as she felt the bed besides her feel empty and her eyes snapped open as she saw the door to the balcony open and the breeze flowing the curtain inwards as she immediately got out of bed thinking her sun kissed blonde haired friend had run off as she stepped into the balcony to see him sitting on the balcony railing reading a letter in the moonlight as she stepped up and sat beside him. He turned to her giving her a small apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." He apologized softly and she smiled at him gently and shook her head.

"No I was just worried where you went. So what are you doing out here in the cold. The breeze is quite cold tonight" she said wrapping up the bedsheet that she brought with her a little over his shoulder too. He thanked her and she scooted closer to him as their arms touched a bit and she stopped as her gaze turned to the letter he was reading.

"So who's that letter from you're reading?" she asked curiously and he glanced at the letter in his hand sadly and answered.

"It's from my parents. The only thing I ever knew that they said to me. Their last words, I read it every night for the past six months you know since there was no one to talk to I just made it a connection to my parents." He said and she smiled as she put an arm around his waist and scooted closer to him.

"They must have been great people." She whispered and he nodded with a small smile as he too wrapped his arm around her unconsciously and rolled up the scroll sealing it as both sat in the moonlight gazing at the moon.

"Temari why are you being so nice to me? What do you want?" he asked in a vulnerable tone and she put her head on his shoulder snuggling into the warmth away from the cold breeze.

"I want to help you Naruto just as you helped me." She whispered and he was confused and she sensed his confusion as she spoke.

"That time when you fought Gaara in the forest I thought I was done for as no one who has ever faced my brother in a full possession has ever survived except my father who had the revered kekkei genkai of the third Kazekage to subdue him. But then you came in kicking him away and proceeded to do thing that I had never imagined possible. You took down Gaara at his best and saved the lives of most of your village and mine. And even then you had mercy on Gaara as you knew the pain he endured and you changed him." She whispered and he rubbed her arm to make her a bit warmer and pulled her closer as she snuggled and clutched the bedsheet tightly enjoying how warm he felt.

"You don't know how much you have changed Gaara. He no longer kills anyone unnecessarily and suppresses the urges of his bijuu. The villagers and shinobi were still wary of him at first but over the months they saw how he didn't kill anyone and always helped his teammates on missions and they started respecting him. Ever since he fought you he has been the little brother that I always wanted. You don't know how much it means to me." She whispered the last part with a hiccup as Naruto rubbed her arm soothing her. He was surprised that he had changed Gaara so much and was happy that his friend now had the respect of his village unlike him. He smiled a sad smile, he wished his village too had at the very least tolerated his existence if not acknowledge him.

"I'm glad I was able to help you Temari though I don't think I did anything that great for you to hel…" he was interrupted as Temari put her fingers on his lips and smiled at him.

"Shush… you don't know how much you have helped Gaara and the village and me. Gaara respects you above all others even more than a brother would and you have great respect in the village for changing him for the better." She spoke softly and removed her fingers as his eyes watered. They respected him and admired him and Gaara saw him as more than a brother there.

"Really?" he whispered and she nodded with a smile as a tear rolled down his eye and she hugged him close to her burying his face in her neck as she ran her fingers through his golden locks.

"Yes really. Naruto come with me to Suna you can live a good life there you deserve it." She whispered as he broke off the hug and faced her with a sad smile shaking his head.

"I can't Temari sand is allied to the leaf I am not allowed in your village to even step foot in it let alone live there. Even if the people acknowledge me your Kage won't be willing to tense the relations between the villages for someone as worthless as me." He said his hair shadowing his eyes and tears dropping as she put a hand on his cheek and made him gaze into her eyes.

"You can come Naruto trust me. Do you know who the Godaime Kazekage is?" she asked softly rubbing his cheeks with both her hands as she wiped his tears with her thumb and he shook his head softly and she gave him a small smile as she gazed into his deep cerulean orbs that she noticed gave away his every emotion. He couldn't lie to her even if he wanted to his eyes would certainly give him away she thought gazing in those beautiful eyes that were shining with tears.

"Gaara became the Godaime Kazekage two months ago. The council makes votes on his decisions since he is too young but his word has a lot of weight in the village now and the council would love to have a shinobi that is on par with my brother and isn't tied to any village and neither is he a nuke nin." She spoke softly and she gazed into his tear streaming eyes as she saw a spark of hope and the glint that they used to hold before return.

"Really do you think he will do that for me? And will your village accept me, there is the law of the leaf council too." He said unsure of what to feel as she smiled at his nervousness.

"Naruto, leaf and sand are just neutral and can have good relations in the future because of the mutual betrayal of Orochimaru that we faced, but the fact that Konoha is still pushing for missions from our clients to make up for the losses is still straining the relationship and I assure you that the law concerning you hasn't been accepted by Suna otherwise Gaara would have found out and dismissed it. We didn't even know you were banished like that or Gaara would have sent search parties for you and brought you under the care of the sand village. Trust me Naruto you will be accepted there. Believe me." She said softly and he hugged her tightly crying happily as he said in between sobs.

"I believe you Temari." He said and she smiled and rubbed his back and ran her fingers through his hair as he stopped crying and looked at her with tired and puffy red eyes and cheeks and she thought his red cheeks with those whiskers made him look so cute shining in the moonlight as a yawn escaped both of them at the same time and she giggled.

"Alright let's sleep and stay in until late tomorrow we could both use the rest." She said softly and he nodded as both walked into the room and Naruto started to walk up to the couch as she caught his wrist and looked at him with confusion.

"Where are you going?" she asked and he pointed at the couch and she frowned.

"I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed it'll be comfortable for you that way." He spoke in his soft voice and she pulled on the bed with her throwing him in the blanket as she went in and cuddled up to him.

"No we can share the bed and I need something to hold on to. Be my pillow." She said pouting and wrapped her arms around him putting her head on his chest as he brought her closer with his arm and she buried her face in his neck smiling at how form he felt.

"Good Night Naruto." She said yawning cutely.

"Good night Temari." He whispered and closed his eyes as he after many months he slept with a smile on his face.

Next Day

At Noon

Temari woke up with a yawn as she gazed up at Naruto who was wrapped with her and was sleeping peacefully and smiled. She didn't understand why she felt so comfortable and safe to even sleep with him. She had never let her brothers even into her rooms before let alone stay with her in the same bed. But he had such innocence in him that she couldn't feel an ounce of fear from him. She just couldn't believe that this frail and vulnerable boy with her was the same hyperactive knucklehead that she saw a few months back and how broken and alone he was and how his so called friends had betrayed him. She put her hand on his cheek rubbing his whiskers softly as he snuggled into her hand like a fox and she giggled. Naruto hearing and feeling the vibrations of her giggles woke up and opened his eyes to see Temari playing with his whiskers and smile a little at her.

"Morning Temari." He whispered.

"Good Morning Naruto." She whispered back with a smile as a knock on the door was heard and she groaned inwardly and said.

"Come in." she said as a waitress came in and blushed at seeing the two cuddling and Temari herself blushed at her implications. She glanced at Naruto who was looking at her innocently and she smiled, he didn't even understand what the waitress was staring at.

"Umm I'm sorry I didn't mean to d-disturb you but it is almost l-lunchtime and I was here to ask if you w-wanted something?" she asked blushing and stuttering and Temari nodded not letting go of Naruto in the slightest. She was a proud kunoichi and wasn't embarassed of anything she thought though the faint pink blush betrayed her doubts.

"Yes we'll have anything you recommend alright." She said and the waitress nodded.

"Well the chicken pie with potato wedges is our speciality and would you like something cold to drink with it." She asked noting it down and Temari smiled.

"Yes that would be great." She said as the waitress nodded and left closing the door behind her. She saw Naruto with a hesitant expression and was confused.

"What's wrong Naruto?" she asked softly and he fiddled a bit more as she kept her hand on his face keeping her gaze still on him as she looked at him curiously.

"Umm Temari I don't have any money so I won't be able to pay for anything anytime soon you know so you don't have to order for me." He said nervously and she smiled and nodded.

"I know Naruto and you don't have to pay anything back to me don't worry about it alright. After all there are some perks to be related to two kages you know." She said mischievously and giggled and he too smiled in relief and nodded as she put her head back on his chest. As an hour later the waitress came in with their food and they had freshened up and ate as she saw Naruto eating quickly and caught his wrist gently as she gave him a small smile.

"Naruto eat a little slowly, you might choke on it otherwise and savour the taste, it will feel good alright." She said softly and he looked down depressed and nodded. She was confused as he had stopped eating thinking she had offended him and was about to apologize when he apologized first.

"I'm sorry I've always eaten like that you know. In the orphanage before I was kicked out if I didn't eat it quickly then the other kids took it away from me and the matrons there would punish me for asking more so I started eating like that. I thought that was how we were supposed to eat. I never really shared any meals with anyone other than the old man too and he never pointed it out. Guess he just didn't want to discourage me. No one told me it was wrong until today you know. I wondered why the girls at the Academy would always berate my manners at eating but now I know. Thank you." He said as a few tears dropped and Temari cursed herself for poking him too much, he was still too frail and not the same strong willed ninja he was before she had to keep that in mind and wiped away his tears with the sleeves of her kimono. She smiled reassuringly and spoke.

"It's alright Naruto it is not healthy for you to eat so fast. So eat a bit slowly alright it's better for you." She said and he nodded and ate slowly and she smiled as he was now savouring his meal and had an expression showing he loved the taste that he didn't concentrate on before. Both finished as she saw the time and that they could make it back to Suna in a couple of hours if they went fast and she knew the way around the deserts pretty well she mused and turned to Naruto. She saw his clothes and frowned she knew he had to get some clothes but the village had way better stores than this village and he wouldn't get any Shinobi related equipment here either, plus she was out of money for now as the money she had brought was finished with the bills. She hadn't expected to stay in the village for more than a couple of hours but Naruto was always one to change her life dramatically she mused wearing as he was wearing his worn out sandals and walked besides her and they checked out of the inn and started jumping through the rooftops. It had been such a long time since he had done this and the breeze on his face and the rush of speed felt good again.

"Hey Naruto let's go back to the village we'll make it there by four if we travel at a decent pace and I know all the shortcuts through the desert alright." She said and he nodded with a small smile as they started running through the desert towards the sand village. They ran for a couple of hours as the walls of the village came into view.

Sunagakure no sato

Naruto and Temari walked through the village gates as Temari checked in herself and did it for Naruto as a civilian since he was technically a civilian for now. They walked slowly through the streets towards the Kazekage Tower as Naruto looked around in amazement. He hadn't been to Suna before and had to admit it felt good to be back in a hidden village with all the shinobi he saw around. Many of the civilians were staring at him and the state of his clothes and the fact that he was walking with Temari and he looked down trying to avoid the stares and was now feeling conscious of his state of clothes as he walked with his head down not wishing to see the stares. Temari saw it and scowled as she glared right back at them and they quickly turned around and went off to finish off their own work. They reached the main square of the village as the Kazekage Tower came into view.

Kazekage Tower

Kazekage Office

Gaara was in his office looking over at the paperwork that he had been assigned to do with the help of his secretary Matsuri. The council wanted Gaara to have help to learn the ways of the village and how to look over village documents. But Gaara was annoyed at being stuck in the pile of paperwork. For a person who wasn't bound to anything his whole life and then suddenly stuck in a pile of paperwork was pretty difficult.

His thoughts wandered around to his sister Temari. He had assigned a simple mission to her yesterday morning and she should have been back by late afternoon but there wasn't any sign of her yet. He was getting worried and he hated this emotion that he had long since forgotten emerging. The fight with Naruto and his will to protect what was precious had changed him and now he had become the Kazekage following in his footsteps. Ironic he thought that he had basically fulfilled the dream that his brother had dreamed of for so long. His mind came back to Temari and he figured if she didn't return by sunset he would send scouting parties for her. He made the decision in his head he returned to the bane of his life and started signing the evil papers. These papers had even better replication skills than Naruto did he mused and got immersed in work.

He was broken out of his thoughts as a knock came on his door and he and Matsuri stopped their scribbling and looked up. He wondered who could be there at this time of the day. Maybe it was Temari he mused.

"Come in." he said monotonously as Temari stepped in her fan slung on her back as she stepped in and Gaara smiled a small smile. He was glad that she was alright. But he was stunned as another person he recognized all too well stepped in and his eyes widened. Blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, whiskers and the orange clothes there wasn't any doubt, but something was off about him.

"Hi Gaara, it's been a long time." Said Naruto in a small and frail voice and he frowned a bit. The Naruto he knew was never this calm and soft spoken. He gazed into his eyes and was stunned as they almost looked dead to him compared to the shine and determination they once held that had inspired him once. He took a closer look at his attire and his frown deepened. They were in tatters, stitched in several places and were barely hanging on and his sandals looked too worn out. He saw that there was none of the happiness or the goofiness that he usually held but the biggest change he saw was the lack of the leaf headband on his forehead.

"Don't call Kazekage-sama by his name commoner, treat him with the respect he deserves." Yelled Matsuri as she saw he wasn't a ninja because of the lack of headband on him and was just a civilian disrespecting the Kazekage as Naruto took a step back thinking he had offended them somehow.

"I'm sorry Kazekage-sama." He said in a frail voice and looked down nervously and now Gaara scowled something was wrong. He turned an angry gaze at Matsuri who was scared from his look. He was rarely ever angry at her, emotionless yes but now she saw he was livid and that he cared for the stranger too much.

"Apologize and leave." He said monotonously and she instantly obliged as she turned to Naruto.

"I apologize for my rudeness." She said quickly and rushed outside. Naruto said nothing and just stood nervously as Gaara stood up from his chair and walked up to him as he extended his hand for him to shake. Naruto saw the gesture and shook it gently.

"It's indeed been a long time my friend." He said and he nodded with a small smile.

"Indeed it has Kazekage-sama." He said softly and Gaara frowned.

"Please do not call me that. Formalities are unnecessary between us, Gaara is fine." He said and Naruto nodded as he turned to Temari who was watching the interaction with a smile. Gaara rarely ever let anyone call him by his other than her or Kankuro for whom he insisted not to be formal ever. The simple gesture showed her how much he respected Naruto and that made her happy.

"Temari you were supposed to return yesterday afternoon, were you ambushed?" he asked thinking she had been ambushed and Naruto might have helped her and came here to drop her off safely. Temari though shook her head and looked at her curiously.

"No Gaara the mission went as planned. Nothing unexpected happened." She said and he nodded but was even more confused now.

"Then why were you a day and a half late?" he asked and she took a glance at Naruto who was looking down not meeting anyone's eyes and Gaara caught her glance and saw his gesture and was now getting impatient. But Temari spoke up.

"Gaara I had just finished my mission and was heading back to the village after having some lunch when I saw Naruto there and was confused as to what he was doing there and I followed him for a little while. I saw him there and got suspicious as to what he was doing and then." She spoke as she told Gaara everything and Gaara listened to every word with his full rapt attention. He didn't show any outward emotion but on the inside the volcano of emotions he felt hearing her. Anger, hate, pain, betrayal, anguish there weren't any negative emotions that he didn't feel and was almost considering of heading to the gates of the leaf village and unleashing Shukaku there. He listened as Temari was on the verge of breaking down as he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"That's enough. I've heard all I needed to." He said and she nodded rubbing off the tears that were threatening to spill as he turned to his brother who was still looking at his feet his hair shadowing his eyes as he hadn't spoken a word to interrupt her.

"Naruto what Temari said, is it all true?" he asked not believing all of this had happened without him getting the slightest wind of it. Naruto stood in the same position for a moment and Gaara thought he hadn't heard him and was about to say it again when his words were caught in his throat. Small drops started falling from Naruto's eyes as he cried silently and Gaara's eyes widened and he got all the answers he needed. Temari seeing this couldn't stand it and rushed in and embraced the blonde with her arms around his neck bringing his face in her neck and held him tightly as he hugged her back. She held him tightly trying to take all his pain away and ran her finger through his golden locks.

"Shh Naruto it's alright, what's done is done forget about, it's all in the past. I promised you everything will be fine right?" she whispered and he nodded in her neck as she broke off after a few minutes as he calmed down and Gaara stood there watching the interaction in disbelief. Sure Temari respected him but she never showed this soft side of her to anyone not even to Kankuro and him. She would just scold them a bit and show them that she cared but that was it. And the many guys who still pursued her as her fan boys or any guys for that matter wouldn't even get a second glance out of her. Gaara though seeing the state his brother was in didn't dwell on it for too long. As they broke off and stood close together with Temari holding and squeezing his hand for a bit to reassure him and he smiled gratefully at her as they turned their gazes towards Gaara who smiled a little sad smile at the blonde.

"I'm sorry Naruto Uzumaki I didn't know any of what transpired with you or I would have taken steps to bring you in or help you in any way I could. Forgive me." He said and Naruto nodded slowly giving him a small smile.

"It's alright it isn't your fault Gaara." He said and Gaara nodded as he continued.

"Now then Naruto Uzumaki, I Gaara no Sabaku, Godaime Kazekage of Sunagakure no sato hereby offer you to be a part of the Suna shinobi forces. Do you accept?" He said authoritatively and Naruto's eyes widened and his hands trembled and he glanced at Temari who squeezed his hand and smiled and nodded. His eyes watered at both of their acceptance and he gave a shaky nod.

"H-Hai I would love to. Arigato." He said in a shaky voice and Gaara too smiled and nodded as he went back to his desk and sat down on his chair as he took out a Suna headband from the drawer and walked back up to the blonde holding the headband in front him. Naruto teared up and put his heavily shaking hands in front of him and took a hold of the headband with his free hand he ran a thumb across the shiny metal plate as a tear dropped on it and Temari took it gently from his hand and he didn't resist. She smiled at him and fastened his headband on his right bicep and hugged him.

"It looks great on you Naruto. Congratulations." She whispered and he nodded.

"Arigato." He whispered and she too smiled and nodded. Gaara decided to let him know about the rest of the things.

"Naruto since you are new to the village and don't have a place to stay, you will be staying with me and my family at the Sabaku estate. I will talk to the council tomorrow about your rank and status in the village but I assure you, you will be given a respectable rank and will be an honorary Suna shinobi treated equally as any other in the village." He said and Naruto nodded. Gaara knew the council won't mind a shinobi with the potential Naruto held get out of their hands when they needed the strength to recover.

"Alright Naruto will I be correct in presuming that you haven't trained at all in the past six months?" he asked and Naruto smiled a small smile and answered him.

"No I have been learning a bit about seals and since they are not flashy or anything it was perfect to spend the time I was alone, but other than that I haven't used my chakra or had any form of training. I don't have the edge that I had a few months ago, I would request if I could be placed on the reserve list for a little time." He said in his small voice and Gaara nodded.

"I'll take it up with the council tomorrow but don't worry, even if you are on the active list I'll have you on simple missions until you are back to the strength that you find acceptable. I will take care of your monetary needs until you are fine to fend for yourself." He said and Naruto nodded gratefully. He didn't want to go on a mission and endanger anyone because he wasn't ready. Temari took this time to say what had been on her mind ever since she left the village.

"Gaara I would like my mission pay now if you don't mind? I want the money, there's something I need to do and I need some money or I'll have to go back to the estate to get some." She said and he nodded but was confused as to what was so urgent but decided not to question or pry into her business. He took out the mission scroll and put a stamp on it as he handed it to Temari and she took it.

"There's the mission scroll you were assigned. I have stamped and signed it, give it to Matsuri on the way outside and she'll hand you the money." He said in his stoic voice and she nodded and took Naruto's hand pulling him outside with her. He was confused where they were going but just went along with her.

As they stepped outside Temari walked over to Matsuri's desk and handed her the scroll as she looked over it and took out the required money.

"Here you go Temari-sama." She said and Temari took it with a smile as she walked out pulling Naruto in tow who just followed her. As they walked through the streets quite a few of the people turned their heads to see Temari walking with a boy hand in hand. Naruto saw the looks and knew they were wondering what a girl like her was doing with someone like him.

"Umm Temari I don't think we should be holding hands, people are staring and it wouldn't look good for you to be seen holding hands with someone like me." He said in a quiet voice so that only Temari heard him as she stopped and looked at him with a blank face.

"I couldn't care less what those idiot gossipers think and I would be with you over any of them any day of the year." She said her hands on her hips and he nodded with a small smile as she took his hand and they started walking towards their destination. Temari didn't want to let go of his hand, it was big, rough and strong in her opinion which wrapped her hand up completely and his hold was still so gentle that she felt safe. Ever since her mother no one had held her hand when walking and she liked the warmth that she felt holding his hand though she won't admit it out loud.

They walked through the shopping district and then came up to the busier parts of the village as they stopped in front of a shinobi equipment's store. Temari ushered Naruto in and he nodded and opened the door and went in first with Temari following in close behind. As he entered his gaze wandered around the store as it had been a while since he had seen a shinobi store and he was transfixed by it. He walked over to the wall that held several weapons and glanced at the swords section as he walked over to the custom made chakra metal kunai and his hand shot forward to touch it but he pulled it back, it looked very expensive and he didn't want to offend the store owners. A man came up to him as he had seen him looking over the weapons and he had seen the way he looked at the kunai and waked up to him. His clothes were in pretty rough condition so he guessed he was here to look over since he wouldn't be able to afford the pricing of his store since this was the best shinobi store in Suna.

"Can I help you young man? I'm afraid I don't think you'll be able to buy anything here. I don't mean to sound rude but my store is quite expensive." He said politely and Naruto nodded and smiled at the man who was surprised that he didn't mind what he said.

"I know sir; I don't have the money anyways I was just looking at these I'm sorry." He said and the man nodded and gave him a smile at his politeness. He liked the kid but was intrigued by his eyes that showed him he had been through a lot. Temari came up after handing her fan at the counter for maintenance and saw Naruto talking to the store owner and caught the last part of the conversation.

"Hideki he's with me." She said and the man turned to her surprised and smiled brightly.

"Ah Temari-sama what can I help you with today?" he asked and she smiled and pointed to Naruto.

"As you can see Naruto here is in need of some clothes and equipment and he has just joined the village as a shinobi. So I want some clothes and other equipment for him put on my account alright "She said and the man turned to Naruto surprised as his gaze turned to the headband on his bicep when he looked closely and he apologized to him as Naruto waved it off.

"Umm Temari this place is quite expensive; we should go to somewhere more cheap you know. You don't have to spend so much on me." He said softly out of the earshot of Temari and Temari just put her fingers on his lips quieting him down and smiled at him.

"Hush, don't worry about it now let's go and get you something to look as good as me, alright?" she asked playfully and pulled him in the clothing section as Naruto saw that there were only bright colours in there and that the darker colours were quite rare. He guessed it was because of the climate there. He saw Temari going through clothes with a female attendant with a glint in her eyes and smiled a bit seeing her so happy. He decided to let her choose his clothing since he was well aware that his choices weren't the best and this was the first time he had been in a shinobi store and treated so nicely and not being ripped off. Temari saw him standing off in the side looking at her and grew confused as she walked up to him confused.

"What's the matter Naruto why aren't you looking through the clothes, don't you like this store?" she asked and he just shook his head.

"No I don't have a good choice with clothing so I guess I'll go with your choice of clothing for now if that's alright." He asked and she smiled brightly and nodded.

"You just leave it all to me and I'll be back with the best clothes for you alright?" she said and he nodded as she hurried back with the attendant and was going through piles of clothing. He never knew Temari loved to shop so much, but he guessed it must be something all girls love. Finally, after an hour of searching Temari returned with some clothing and pushed him in the changing room and he changed into what she had given him. As he came out Temari's breath was caught in her throat as the attendant too was blushing like a tomato and staring at him.

Naruto came out wearing a simple white t-shirt with a cut sleeves blue mesh underneath for protection that were showing his ripping muscles and sky blue baggy pants with lots of pockets for utilities. He was wearing the same sky blue coloured shinobi sandals and sky blue fingerless gloves with metal back plates. She had chosen the colour that was closest to his eyes to complement them and he grew nervous with their staring and fiddled around. The colours and the light airy materials would help him in the heat of the desert she mused.

"Umm do you like it?" he asked nervously as both girls broke out of their stupors and Temari smiled and nodded and had a faint pink blush on her face and the attendant too nodded and stuttered out a yes. Who knew Naruto could look so nice with some nice clothes without orange she thought as she picked up a new beige kunai holster and a white kunai pouch and some medical bandages to tie it up and to wrap it on his legs and forearms to protect them from the sun. She picked up two sets of standard kunai and shurikens and brought it up to the counter. The shop owner came and noted everything down and nodded saying he would send the four separate sets of clothing to his home and Temari said to deliver it to the Sabaku estate. The man was shocked but nodded and asked for any customizations and Naruto asked for a pen and paper. The man nodded and handed it to him as Naruto drew the Uzumaki spiral and the Namikaze symbol of a lightning bolt in a circle and asked for them to be stitched on the sleeves and the man nodded as he asked for his shirt and got it done in fifteen minutes handing it to him and said he would have it done to the rest too. Naruto thanked the man and Temari and both smiled.

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