Oregairu: Reappearance

By Kiryuu-sama

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An Oregairu FanFic, shout out to Author @Shitsandorgiggles, and many others for many of the ideas and concept... More

Chapter 1: Chiba's #1 loner returns
Chapter 2: Where were you?!?!
Chapter 3: Where were you?!?! Part 2
Chapter 4: Is this really my room?
Chapter 5: Year: Zero
Chapter 6: Starting daily life
Chapter 7: Starting daily life Part 2
Chapter 8: Starting daily life Part 3
Chapter 9: Intruder
Chapter 10: 13 Weeks
Volume 1: End
Chapter 12: Sobu visit Part 2
Chapter 13: Her
Chapter 14: Walking away
Chapter 15: Dash of Revelry
Chapter 16: A dinner for four
Chapter 17: The cheerful lady known as Yoshiyama
Chapter 18: Sugar, spice, is there any nice?
Chapter 19: The sweet, the cheerful, the spicy and the dreadful
Chapter 20: Year: One
Volume 2: End
Chapter 21: Just a stroll
Chapter 22: Who's that knocking at my door
Chapter 23: I'm knocking at their door
Chapter 24: At the table
Chapter 25: Come and See
Chapter 26: Saturday Night
Chapter 27: Boxed

Chapter 11: Sobu visit

1K 49 7
By Kiryuu-sama





Lumbering, with such a drowsy face, dull and heavy

Lumbering, his footsteps were, as he traveled down the stairs

"Good morning, Onii-chan"


Lumbering, he was greeted, greeting back, he did so, as if routine

In his seat, he will partake in breakfast

"C'mon, Onii-chan, are you still in a bad mood?"

Even so, even with that appearance, this sister handed his food

"Be grateful, I gave that pest time"

"Again, he's not a pest, and also, please, just accept it"


"Dad did, why won't you?"

(Him? He failed and he gave in)

"I won't accept anybody"

"Then, I won't accept it if you brought someone in too!"

Nonchalantly, as though expected, he answers

"Fine by me, I don't have any"

This discussion, made a halt, for a sip he took, from the Miso, such is a delicious soup

"Oh, this is some good Miso, Komachi"

He continued sipping, now going for the grilled fish, truly, he enjoyed his meal

"Why thank you, and also, stop deflecting the subject"

"Onii-chan, you punched him, you need to compensate~"

Her voice, the way she said it, almost playful, almost sly, almost threatening, this little sister is terrifying

"Hmm, it's been days, and Taishi-kun's left cheek is still....Onii-chan, the least you can do is apologize"

"He wanted a fight, I gave it to him"

This brother, stubborn as always

"Onii-chan, that's still unfair"

"My dear Komachi, I was only protecting you, your Onii-chan is here, so don't worry, and also, you don't need that pest"

As if a headache came, her hand skillfully rubbing her temple

"How can I convince you that I'm fine?"

Her rubbing continues, while a light bulb pops bright in her head, even though there shouldn't be any

A palm-fist-tap, lightly made as this light bulb continued shining

"I know! Why don't you come with me?"

"To where?"

Such intrigued this brother, 'where to?' In his head

"To Sobu"


"Let's have you visit Sobu high school right now, you could see me work, and think to yourself "Ah, Komachi is now an adult!"

Brightly, she introduced her idea

"How about it?"


"Why not?"

"What am I even supposed to do over there?"

"Annoying", should be his real answer

"Uhhh, what about greeting your teachers? Some of them are still there"

"What about her?"

"Oh, she left 2 years after you"

From such realization, he thinks to himself, as before returns to his mind

(I see)

"But c'mon, there's still a lot to do there"

She pleads as to intice him

"I don't know, Komachi, am I even allowed?"

Yet, he is of doubt

"You're an alumni, I think they'll let you in"

His eyes twitch, as he considers such thought





"Yay! Now let's get to eating, we're gonna be late"

Her excitement fell, as soon as she realized, time

(Sheesh, what a turn)




Komachi: ready

Her standard teacher outfit, an aura of adult, with her natural cuteness

Hachiman: ready

Black pants, and a gray long sleeve polo, rolled up nearly to the elbow, an adult sense?

"Kamakura-san, see you later"

"See you, Kamakura-san"


Both sent their goodbyes at the cat

Whilst the door closes

"Is it locked?"


"Ok, let's go!"

As her arms shoot up high

(That's a lot of enthusiasm)




Walking and walking, their destination?

The station


A sigh, yet thoroughly showing happiness, instead of annoyance? That happy sigh from Komachi

"Hmm? What is it?"

"You know, this is kinda nostalgic"

Walking and walking, they continued this little conversation

"What is?"

"Getting up early, walking to school together, it reminds me of those days"

"Hmm, I see"

"And it's all your fault! You just had to do that! You left Komachi to walk by herself, *Sniff* *Sniff* it was so lonely"

(Stop the fake crying)

"I'm here now...so don't worry"

Even with no effort, to console her, he still tried

Her eyes, surely, they saw something, enough for her eyes to show surprise


Her only words, nearly silent with enough distance

"Nn, definitely! Though you're not the most reliable brother, and you only have a few good points, still......I can count on you"

A beaming smile, shining such in front of him

(Haaah, what a good way to start the day)





"I don't want to be late~"

"Stop whining and keep walking, we're almost at the there"

"I want to go back home, eat some sweets, and lay in bed"

"Me too, but you have a job"

"Nnnn, Onii-chan, let me complain a little"

Komachi, annoyed with her brother's impudence, continued to whine

"Fine, after this, let's get some beer tonight"

"Yay! Tomorrow's a day off! Yay! I can drink as much as I want!"

To such statement, he retorts

"There is a limit"

And his warning, waved off

"Fine, fine, at least I can drink"




Walking and walking

They've reached the station

"Finally, we made it, we beat the sun"




In this station, they've went on, a simple wait

A quiet ride, simple etiquette




After such a ride, they were almost there

Walking and walking



"You never finished, right?"

"Yeah, and so?"

"Why not go back to Sobu, and finish?

"Hell no"

"Instant reply!?"

"I'm almost 30, and you want me to sit next to kids? Consider your brother's pride for once"

Quite disgusted at her idea, he said so with vigor

"And also, I am not planning on getting arrested"

His actual reason

"Hahaha, of course that's the first thing in your head"

"Well, obviously, I've thought about all that, but...even with all the demerits...."

Her voice, sounded rather meek, with a sense of care, kindness, all of that, hinted inside it

"I just.....want you to finish your high school days like everyone else, all those experiences...I want you to at least have a taste of it all.....from start to finish...you're allowed to have fun, y'know"

And in earnest, he looked at her...

Still, with a bland face, yet he continued in earnest

While her head is low, and her face almost hidden

What greeted her head, his hand

"Eh-w-wha-stop that!"

As he continued rubbing, slowly, it turned ever gentle

With a turn, a look above, she saw his face

A face rather happy, rather gentle, so subtle, yet it was there, it existed

"Thanks, Komachi, but really, I don't need it"

"I'm content right now, I don't need anything exciting like that"


Her mouth, slightly open

As her brother truly wished for none of that, she began thinking so too

"Besides, all I want right now is my little sister's cooking, and her taking care of me"


"What's with that? That's kinda gross"

(Guh, let me off)

"But, I'll let you off for now"

She said, with her ever so wide smile




"Oh, we're here"




As they pass through the gate

"Good morning, Hikigaya-sensei"

"Good morning, Kaizaki-sensei"

In their view, a fit man guards the gates

"Late again? Hikigaya-sensei?"

A little annoyed, this man was, yet no true anger showed, as if it was routine


(Did you just Teehee him? Don't do that! And also, I feel sorry for him!)

*Sigh*"Anyway, Komachi-sensei, who is he?"

"Oh, he's my brother, he's just here to visit"


"He's an alumni of Sobu, he just misses this place"

(No I don't, you dragged me here)

"Oh is that so? Nice to meet you, I'm Kaizaki Satoshi"

A man, slightly younger than him, with a fit body and clothing fit for his profession, and a clean smile in front of him

Komachi's coworker, as her brother, it would only do well if:

"Nice to meet you as well, I'm Hikigaya Hachiman, thanks for the hard work, the hard work of dealing with my sister-


A sudden elbow, Komachi's sharp elbow

"Haha, no, actually, she's been a great help, the students admire her, she's a hard worker, basically, everyone loves her"


This Kaizaki continued

"She's pretty popular, especially between the male students"


As his thoughts collide, he makes an action

Randomly, he leans, towards Kaizaki

"Um, would you mind giving me a list of names?"

Whispering as to keep it confidential

"Huh? Eh-ah come again? Names about what?"

"The names of those boys"

A pout, somewhere, Komachi makes

"Hrrmm, enough, let's go! We're already late"

Saying so, she drags him, her arm locked onto his, they move with haste

"See you later Kaizaki-sensei!"

A wave of goodbye, Komachi makes

"Ah, yeah!"



"Names of who?"

Kaizaki-sensei will never know




Lively, as was anywhere

The voices, young as they spill out through the halls

They converse and converse, the trends and such

Of yesterday and present, such was the content that echoed this in space

These youths as they walk through the halls, loud, echoing with life, echoing with immaturity, flowing through, fresh and new

The plans of summer they wish to unfold

To enjoy their time, such was their privilege

"We're here!"

And a turn as she faces him

With arms spead out, she yells:

"Onii-chan, welcome to Sobu!"

His twitched again

(I've already been here)

"I don't need the welcome"

A cute pout

"Hrrmm, don't ruin the mood"

*Sigh*"Okay, fine, yay, I made it"

Such a....."lively" tone

So much that her energy left

*Sigh*"That's good enough"

"So, Komachi, what am I supposed to do here?"

"Umm, I didn't think of that, Teehee"

(Don't Teehee me! You brought me here yet you didn't even plan on what to have me do?)

"Ahhh, what about visiting your old classrooms, or hanging out with some of the students here? Just tell them you're an alumni"

"What? You want me to hang out with kids?"

"Change of pace, isn't it?"

(Change of pace? Is it in a good way?)

"Walk around, visit some clubs, just do something, it's better than staying at home all day"

Visibly, his annoyance is slightly dripping

(No it's not, staying at home is staying at paradise)

"And also, here!"

Thrown, thrown was something

As he looks up in the air, something was moving, flying in the air until it dropped

Thrown to him and with one hand, he catches

As he looks below, what caught his sight, what was caught in his sight were


"Eh-What are these for-

"Well, I have to go to the staff room, see you later Onii-chan, you'll be okay, just don't go anywhere near the girls bathroom, have fun, bye!"

Saying so, as her figure shrinks, as her footsteps echo through the halls, she leaves

As he, now alone, he thinks

(What do I do?)




Walking and walking

These halls, empty, void of sound

And from the walls, the sound of chatter

The sound of chalk as it flows through the board

Those sounds, simply floating in this entire space

That space itself, the only thing to come out, his own footsteps

(The walls were repainted a little, huh)

The corners he turns, every corner he turns to

No place he didn't go

Every floor, he stepped on

This somewhat quiet space that was once chaos, it was relaxing


In this room he stepped on

(Well, let's see if I can find something good)

In this room, this space, surrounded by knowledge

Covered by paper, and framed by books

The smell of ink, flowing through

The library

(The perfect place in my opinion)

(This place is haven)

(Now then, what to read, what to read)

Entering in and already, his peruse starts

(Dazai Osamu?)

(Natsume Soseki?)

His footsteps, quiet, to preserve this gentle space

His search continued



And now history


("ああ, 戦国時代か?")

Something, a certain memory


A simple giggle, disturbing to many if seen

Yet right now, he is enjoying his time

(Here we go)

A pile landed, a thud at a table resounded

A pile of books lay in this table

For now, he will read





His hands held high, a simple stretch

(That was fun)

All the books read

(Now, what to do)

(It's already 1?)

A look at the watch, located in his wrist

1: 23




Books placed from originally

Out the room he goes

A repeat of morning he alone walks in this quiet space

He thinks and thinks

(Oh, should we go for it?)

In the windows, his sights set

A vending machine

Of color red

Surely, it exists over there

Surely, there is a can of it over there

His hands, instinctually they reach for his pockets

Instead of a wallet, what he felt was sharp

And so a clunk made in his pockets

A wallet could not make such sound

*Clunk* yet again, a sound made

Pulling it out

What appeared?

The keys

(What are these for?)

Recalling and recalling

The purpose of them unknown

A stare he gave to them

A stare so intense

Blankly, he continued staring until

(Wait...don't tell me)

A dash, a sprint

His steps light and powerful

Not loud at all

(Don't tell me it's still there?)

He only continued, to sprint


A location, far from everyone else

A place removed from all the liveliness

A quiet place

A secret place

In front of him, a door

A look below

In his hands, tightly in place were those keys

A slow move, the key instantly placed into a hole

With the turn of the wrist, a door unlocked

His face, surely surprised, no movements for now

Only staring, only at the door he stared

Blankly, blankly he stared


A deep, deep breath he took

And finally

A slide of the door


And now opened

What met his eyes

A room

That room

A room of old

His eyes, carefully, thoroughly they look around

Slow, soft, and simple footsteps, he makes as he continued looking around

A room, dusty and quiet

Full of space, no longer, the back, filled with countless chairs, countless tables, some change had come indeed

Dust flying through the air

A room only lit by the sun

Only a single curtain in sight

The sun rained down its heat, yet for this room, it wasn't a suffering heat

Rather, a warm heat, a heat that removed all cold

Full of warmth even with no life, it felt, it felt as if this place was preserved, the air before, somehow, it was still the same

In the middle of it all, in the middle of this room, a table laid, long and dusty, this table stood only there

And...along with this table, three chairs beside it

Two glued right together, and distanced was one, one lone chair, the chair closest to him

"Ha...it didn't change at all"

"At least...not much"

Closer and closer, he approached the table, his hands, slowly coming closer

A contact, a contact made, a hand above the table, even if dusty, this hand touches


A flood in his mind, a flood of the old

Closed were his eyes

A deep inhale made, even if dusty, he did so


(I don't really know why, but somehow...somehow...this place...really is...really, what a pain)

(I don't get why this place is still a wasteland or whatever, but...thinking about it....it was a wasteland from the beginning, and...home to a bunch of problem children)

A simple smile

The emotions inside it, just simple


(Really, I need to fix my sleep schedule)

"Well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me sleeping here, she dragged me here after all"

Saying so, all the dust removed from the table

And so, his head, down, an act from young, arms hiding his face

And so

In this place

He sleeps

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