Demigod solidarity

By jackattack364

445 25 8

Chelsea Harnot is a demigoddess and a student at Hogwarts. And sadly for her demigods were just discovered by... More

Chapter 1 New
Chapter 2 Documentary gone wrong
chapter 3 Honesty
chapter 4 Retaliation
chapter 5 hunters hunted
chapter 6 decleration
Chapter 7 Clarification
chapter 8 Conscription
chapter 9 Choice
Chapter 10 units
chapter 11 missions
Chapter 13 wisdom
chapter 14 over the line

chapter 12 cultists?

19 1 0
By jackattack364

Ron woke up startled in a hospital bed. He instantly tried to run off. Only to trip and fall flat on his face. He looked at his bound ankle incredulously.

"Told you he'd fall."

Ron looked up and saw George hand Fred a handful of galleons.

"What in the bloody hell is going on!" The twins helped their younger brother sit down on the bed.

"Calm down dear brother, we got you a bed instead of a cell. Be grateful." Chided Fred sitting down next to him while George leaned against a pillar next to his bed.

"As to where this is, it's the infirmary. Heavily injured wizards and younger fools were incarcerated here as an alternative." A new voice informed. Ron looked at a tall muscular teen with blond hair and blue eyes walk towards him. He looked like a stereotypical surfer.

He pulled a clip board from the front of Ron's bed. The young Wizard only caught a glimpse of his own name on it.

"You got off lucky, extremly lucky." He added as he started listing off injuries of his fellow wizards. "Concussions stab wounds burns and busted eardrums. Your brother's a lucky bastard."

"It's a miracle he's still alive." Agreed George with a smirk.

"Well capture the flag is only tommorow so hopefully I won't be needed until then." The demigod said quickly the three sibling alone.

"Why aren't you guy chained up?" Demanded Ron.

"Something called cooperation." Bluntly answered Fred.

"Yes the moment we told them we were forcefully drafted they were surprisingly understanding. They took our wands as a precaution, but that's fair. It's a beautiful place really." Piped George "hopefully you'll learn how to behave soon enough and they'll let you go too." Added Fred.

"How can you be this calm, we're in ennemy territory?!?" Shouted Ron. The twins gained a dissaproving look. "Did you not listen to Chelsea? The poor girl has been ranting over and over trying to make us understand the actual situation." Fred said reaching out to flick Ron's ear.

George nodded quickly flicking his other ear. Much to the younger Weasley's annoyance.

"But since you clearly need a recap here it is. The ministries of the wizarding world treated perfectly sentient and intelligent people like animals. Which would have been an annoyance, but not grounds for conflict."

Fred picked up where George left off. "But kidnapping the beloved son of the most important and famous couple of the demigod world was. Honestly we're lucky, the demigods ironically treat us better than our own government."

"Yeah don't you think it's weird that whatever the crime it's off to places like Azkaban of all places?" Incredulously added George.

Ron considered his brother's words. "This still can't be right, did they threaten you? Or did they mess around with your minds!" Ron exclaimed worriedly.

"What's going on?! Demanded a strong, but less than imposing voice. Ron only saw the tip of the club and froze as the little girl came into view.

"Nothing Claudia." Fred said a little nervous "no one's being naughty right?" She tapped her weapon in her palm.

"No don't worry about it just having a conversation with our big mouthed brother"

Claudia nodded and began pacing around the room like a patroling toy soldier.

"Do yourself a favor little brother and behave, because she's the one who'll make sure your do, she's adorable, but so deadly it's almost dastardly." Spoke the twins one after the other.

"I know i've seen her at work." Ron whispered back.

"What now?" He wondered feeling and sounding completly lost.

"Now we just wait for this whole thing to blow over, and hope we don't get a visit from Perseus or Annabeth Jackson. I heard their both terrifying in their own right."

"Agreed George let's just enjoy the musical instead."

Ron rolled his eyes as his brothers left. Telling to behave as if they actually understood what that word even meant.

Ron looked at his ankle and sighed instead gazing throught the window. Catching a glimpse of Camp Half-blood in daytime. It looked peaceful, beautiful even.

He felt guilt rising in his heart at the thought having attacked this place. Especially when the laughter of childrens reached his ears.

He could only dwell on his thoughts as he wondered when he could be set free.

Unaware of the raging chaos so far away.


With how demigods were being treated by wizards.  genuine whorship out of some of them was quite literally the last thing Daniel expected, but there he was in the middle of Corfe Castle. A small village in the middle of nowhere with a ruined castle still standing on a hill. It was one of the many emplacements noted down on the paper they found on the farm.

The thing was that it wasn't a ruin for much longer. He Trevor and Nadia were observing the castle being reconstructed by wizards. Not back to it's former glory, but by the looks of it, a replica of an ancient Greek temple. For which deity they didn't know yet.

The three Half-blood only hoped that no gods would answer their call.

"So what exactly are we supposed to do with them?" Wondered Trevor.

"Well if they whorship the Greek gods then I guess we can just walk over there and ask if they kidnapped kids."

"As if they'd answer that honestly." Scoffed Daniel at Nadia's hopeful proposition.

"And what do you propose?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well if they are honoring a deity in there then I can't just destroy the temple. I might hurt the feeling of a deity I can't wrestle to the ground."

"How about a compromise?" Proposed Trevor earning himself the attention of his fellow Half-bloods.

"Me and Daniel go talk to them directly while Nadia sneaks around and makes sure their not bullshiting us." Trevor looked at his friends like he had the idea of the century.

"Okay but how do we prove to these idiots that we're actual demigods?"

"Leave that to me." Smirked Trevor ruffling Daniel's hair.

Next thing the 'hard' working Wizards knew a miniature snow storm descended towards them. Some panicked while some threw themselves to the ground, prostrating themselves in front of what they believed to be a divine act.

Trevor dissipated the blizzard with his arms spread like some sort of messiah. Daniel shivering behind him.

"Oh great demigod." One wizard began. "What brings the great honor of your visit." The old man asked raising his head from the ground.

"Who ordered the construction of this temple?" Daniel demanded sternly.

"Two gods." Immediatly answered another. Before she could go on Nadia flew throught the open entrance of the temple. She skipped accross the ground like a stone and would have fallen off the hill if Daniel hadn't reacted. Leaping to catch her before she could get harmed further.

He landed and set her back on the ground. The daughter of Melinoe was barely counscious and covered in bruises.

Daniel raised his head, his eyes widdening. Two young men standing at six feet tall, barely eighteen years old sauntered towards them. Wizards and witches bowing as the walked past them. One black haired and blonde haired, both with blue eyes and a build that would make any body builders and Olympian athletes alike weep with jealousy.

"Who are they?" Trevor slowly demanded.

"Alexiares and Anicetus. The twin sons if Heracles and Hebe... My brothers." Daniel half heartedly added. "Their names mean the unconquerable ones and for good reasons."

"The gods of defense and fortifications of  towns and citadels." Grandly proclaimed one of the twins.

"And we don't take kindly to intruders."

"You know what these people are doing don't you!" Demanded Daniel.

Anicetus the blonde haired one shrugged "we are gods, unlike you little brother we don't have any stake into this, but at least the wizards are thankfuls of our efforts."

"Oh so you kiss the ass of the first person to pat you one back!" Daniel angrily replied.

"Watch your mouth little brother. The only reason you still breathe is because of that. Leave and you can keep your life."

"Yeah no fuck that." Daniel spat rising to his full not so imposing height, but Trevor still felt like he was about to watch three titanic beasts savagely battle to the death.

But something was wrong, he couldn't put his finger on what.

The tension rose as the twins both summoned large wooden clubs.

A cold wave of  wind picked up, but before Trevor could act, Daniel burst forward. Alexiares swung his club, Daniel ducked landing a solid kick into the stomach of Anicetus. Sending the God sliding back. Alexiares swung his club in a wide arc connecting with Daniel's jaw, with a sound Trevor could only describe as akin to thunder. Sending the son of Hercules sailing throught the air into the temple.

Daniel felt like his brain was ratteling like a marracas as he landed into a what was most likely marble.

He fell face first onto the ground. Noticing that he was correct. The entire thing was made out of marble. As he rose to his feet he noticed that the temple was much larger on the inside than the outside.

He looked behind him and winced at the human sized dent left in the statue of Athena. It wasn't too large, but it seemed that the wizards opted for quantity over quality. The large pillars each had a major god inbetween them.

Ares, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo and of course Hecate were depicted.

It didn't really live up to the originals, Daniel knew children's who could sculpt better than that. The fact that he could swear that the entire building was crooked didn't help in the slightest to quell his annoyance.

His brothers approached him at high speed. Daniel looked back at the statue behind him.

"Sorry auntie." He grunted ripping the golden spear out of the stone hands.

He swung it widely making his siblings stop in their tracks. He drove them back a few steps before the twins blocked simultaniously.

Understanding that he couldn't fight them together at the same time, Daniel ran between the pillars hoping to break their tight fit formation.

He ducked under a strike of Anicetus. His club imbeding itself in the pillar. Daniel took the opening and planted the spear right throught his brother's thigh. Drawing the golden ichor of the gods.

Sadly taking his chance only meant that Alexiares had an opening on him as well. Slamming his club in Daniel's back. Sending him sliding accross the ground, his only weapon flying out of his hands.

Daniel groaned, there was definitely something broken. Maybe it was a rib, maybe it was his entire spine. It hurt too much to tell.

Thankfully Daniel had the time to recover as his brother checked on his twin.

"I'm fine, little bastard caught me off guard." Growled Anicetus rising to his feet despite the injury.

Daniel sighed and sent a look at the pillar next to him. Perhaps he wasn't without weapons after all. He repeatedly punched throught the marble like a child breaking legos and ripped off a large chunk of it.

He used it to send the Anicetus flying. The son of Heracles too slow to duck unlike Alexiares who wasn't injured yet. The pillar shattered on contact, lifing a cloud of dust.

The two sons of Hercules rammed into each other. The resulting shockwave blowing the dust like an explosion.

Daniel grappled with his brother, but he was eventually overpowered. Alexiares shoved him into the wall and kicked him square in the chest.

The wall cracked all the way to the ceiling. The entire temple shacking like a castle of cards.

Half imbeded into the wall Daniel could barely defend himself as Alexiares started punching and kicking.

Trevor helplessly watched on from the other side of the temple, as his friend was being brutalised. He saw Anicetus coming back to himself and took a deep breath. He blew in his direction a frigid gust of wind. Ice covering the ground around the god. The ice crept up the body of the dizzy god, temporarily trapping him in an icy prison all the way up to his neck.

The minor God roared in rage as he struggled against the ice. Trevor saw what was wrong with the god now. His eyes were glowing gold. He spent enough time with a daughter of the underworld to recognise some kind of possession, but lesser spirits couldn't take over a deity.

So a powerful artifact was in question.

Suddenly Alexiares flew throught the air into another pillar. The entire building shacking. Angrily screaming Daniel ran towards his brother and spear tackled him throught the pillar and wrestled him to the ground. Where he started savagely beating his brother's face. Each blow shaking the ground as they connected. Blood and ichor flying all over the pristine white stone.

Trevor looked around wildly looking for whatever could be responsible for the behavior of the two gods.

"Hecate's middle head." A voice groaned from behind him. Trevor turned around to see Nadia heavily leaning against the entrance of the temple. "They stored the, artifact, in the head." She huffed her bruised face twisted with pain.

She collapsed, Trevor flying at supernatural speed to catch her before she could hit the ground.

He propped her against the wall and pressed two fingers to her neck. Sighing in relief as he felt her pulse. "Okay, Hecate's head, Hecate's head." The son of Boreas muttered to himself searching for the sculpted goddess.

He flew towards the three headed statue bearing two torches. Right as he was about to reach the head Anicetus broke out from his constrains and grabbed the flying demigod by the ankle.

"Daniel!" Trevor managed to yelp before the god swung him around into the ground hard enough to crack the marble under him. Trevor groaned in agony as pain spread all over his body.

He looked up paling as Anicetus raised his foot over his head. Thankfully Daniel came in right on time, shoulder checking his brother throught the wall of the temple and out of it.

The youngest son of Hercules helped Trevor to his feet. "Get to that thing, I won't be able to drive them back much longer." He huffed his body covered in a mix of gold and crimson blood. Especially his hands, it was like he had dipped his arms in molten gold.

Trevor sent him a worried look before hurrying towards the statue. "Please don't curse me for this." The son of Boreas winced pressing his hands to the statue. Soon the head was entirely frozen. Daniel limped next to his friend and casually jabbed the frozen stone. Reducing it to pieces that scattered all over the ground.

"Do you think it worked?" Trevor asked the panting son of Hercules.

"It better fucking have calisse." Huffed Daniel.

Anicetus walked throught the hole he left. Daniel groaned and raised his fists.

The god raised his in surrender. "Brother, are you well?" He asked worriedly.

Daniel spat a lob of blood on the ground. "Nothing he can't walk away from."

Anicetus glanced at the ichor covering Daniel's fist. "I meant you little brother. We didn't hurt you did we?"

Daniel seemed surprised. "I'll live." He coldly replied. "Good to know." Chuckled the God rubbing his thigh. "Nice shot." He commented walking past him.

"Thanks." Daniel trailed off unsure.

Anicetus looked down at the bloody and swollen face of his brother. Before throwing his head back laughing uncontrolably.

"You got, your ass kicked by a fiftheen year old!" Anicetus managed to howl throught his amusement.

"Fucj aff." Alexiares spoke throught his broken jaw. "Okay okay i'll give you a break." He chuckled offering his brother his hand. The twin took it and rose to his feet.

With a wave of his hand Anicetus was now holding a cup filled with nectar.

Alexiares gratefully took it and splashed his face with it. His bones audibly healing for the two demigods to hear.

The twins of Heracles moved in front of their brother. Their expression filled with respect and a healthy ammount of warriness. "You punch hard." Commented Alexiares trying to save face.

"So i've heard." Curtly replied Daniel. Trevor jumped in the conversation. "Who did this to you?" The twins shared a look. "We aren't sure, but we know father knew about our predicament, but chose not to act."

"I know how that feels." Bitterly sighed Daniel. "So do we consider him an ennemy now?"

"No!" Nearly exclaimed the two twins at the same time.

"Father must have had a good reason. We are off to Olympus to speak with him about this, along with your heroic deeds done today." Smiled Alexiares in Daniel's direction.

Trevor felt out of place. Like he was spying on a family for some reason.

"Where are those blasted wizards?" Demanded Anicetus. "Fucked off the moment the battle started." Quickly answered Daniel. "Do you know if there's any other deities in your situation?"

The twins shrugged looking frustratingly helpless.

"There is someone from our side aiding Hecate's pets. Most likely the Goddess herself." Spat Alexiare.

Daniel shook his head "that's too obvious. She knows the moment she interferes her pet project will be destroyed. She knows better and she knows she would be the first suspect."

"Perhaps these wizards know. Hopefully you'll be able to get the information out of them. For we must be off, hopefully we'll meet again brother, and in more favorable circumstances." The two gods burst in a bright light. The two demigods quickly covering their eyes.

When they opened them, Daniel and Trevor were thankful to see a water pouch. Most likely filled to the brim with much needed nectar.

Trevor snatched it off the ground and sprinted to Nadia's side. Daniel trudging after him.

Trevor wasted no time pouring it down Nadia's throat. "Not too much." Daniel reminded his anxious friend. Trevor instantly stopped.

Nadia coughed "did we win?"

"We did." Daniel comfirmed "can you move?" Nadia nodded rising a little too quickly. She nearly fell over, but Trevor was there to steady her.

The walked out of the temple. Ignoring the sound of the shattering stone behind them.

The pair sat down in the grass, taking a well deserved breather.

They flinched when the entire temple collapsed. Daniel walking away from the rubbles dusting his hands with a smug look on his face.

"I thought you didn't want to offend any deity?" Nadia said laying down on her back.

Daniel shrugged "on second thought who would want to be whorhsiped by that? I mean I hope the gods have more self respect than that." Daniel chuckled wincing a little.

Nadia handed him the nectar. Daniel tried to decline, but a sharp look from the two older half-bloods convinced him otherwise.

He took a swig from the water pouch. Tasting warm sweet coco.

The three remained seated in silence. "Do you pray to your dad a lot?" Trevor asked out of the blue.

"Not anymore, why?" Daniel shot back.

"Why not, it's rare a God only has one kid. You'd think he'd spoil you?" Nadia wondered.

"I don't want to talk about it." Sternly replied the son of Hercules.

Just like that the two dropped the subject.

"So are we spending the night here or are we moving our asses." Nadia demanded playfully slapping the arms of her friends.

"There is a cozy Inn downtown." Daniel reported having learned about the zone beforehand.

"Well i'm not moving from my spot. One of you carry me." Nadia ordered closing her eyes folding her arms behind her head.

"You know I could always throw her and you could use your powers to slow down her fall." Daniel casually offered.

"You know what Dani that's the best idea anyone had today."

"The fuck you just called me?" Confusedly demanded the son of Hercules.

"You know what boys let's take a small walk it won't hurt us."

Nadia jumped to her feet and jogged down the hill. Two obnoxious laughter following her.

As the three half-bloods enjoyed a peaceful night in the cozy Inn. None of them could have known that a single wizards came back to search the rubbles.

Pieces of rubbles flew around him as he wildly swung his wand around.

"Where is it, she said it was here." He madly whispered to himself.

A glint of gold sent him into a burst of giddy happiness that left him jumping up and down.

"Oh the dark lord be so pleased." Barty Crouch Junior cackled levitating a piece of still intact ice impregnated with golden ichor.

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