The Kings of Hearts.

By Locatlie

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This is the sequel to the Locatlie series. To be able to understand this story, you will have to read the sev... More

Q&A Chapter + Information
Epilogue Locatlie 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 97
Chapter 98.
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Epilogue: Part 1.
Epilogue: Part 2.
Epilogue: Part 3.
Epilogue: Part 4.
Epilogue: Part 5.
Epilogue: Part 6.
Epilogue: Part 7.
Epilogue: The Last Part.

Chapter 96

72 8 7
By Locatlie

"I can't believe this. Do you actually think there is a shot?" Ana said as she sat back down and Luther went to his seat. I looked at Olivia whom took a sip of her drink, but she was staring ahead and she looked really sad. Tonight she'd be with Daniel, and Daniel seemed to luckily see she was upset too and he grabbed her hand. She turned her head to him and gave him a small grimace, which annoyed the crap out of me.

"I think so. Although, I also know that if it goes wrong that you'll be on the first plane back to wherever you want to go." Luther said and Ana nodded carefully at that. "And you'd have to abide to the rules of a normal Local and not the life you have now. You can have a phone and an instagram, but the account would be just for Local people. You can't have contact with anyone in the outside world." He added and she looked at Luther and I saw some sadness in her eyes.

"I can't have an exception for these four then?" She asked very carefully and Luther looked back at her with this look of 'you're pushing your luck'.

"That all depends on how well you behave during the conversation with the fathers and mum." Daniel said and she nodded slowly at that and she then started to tear up again.

"What happened to Papa?" She whispered softly and it sounded so sad as she said that and Daniel let out some air and nodded.

"He had a brain aneurysm." Daniel replied. "Rose fixed it but then uhm, then he had blood clots and they got to his heart." She nodded slowly at that but then looked sideways and she took that information in. Then suddenly she frowned before turning her head.

"Rose?" She asked.

"Head of neurosurgical department in Gotar." Daniel commented and she nodded at that.

"Of course she is." Ana said with a huge smile on her face and she wiped some tears away. She then looked at me and I saw some desperation in her eyes, as if she wanted to know what happened to me. But I couldn't tell her that right now, in front of all the people. I also didn't feel like talking about it, as Olivia didn't even know the full story yet.

"Freya is doing a triple masters in Yordan. She'll finish before the summer obviously." Luther said and Ana looked away from me and looked at Luther with her eyes wide. "Isla works at the tea plantations, she is currently the second man to Aunt Wendy's husband. Will take over once he retires. She has a boyfriend named Jeffrey. Was apparently a schoolfriend of Rose, but Rose didn't know they were dating until she introduced him to her." Luther said and Ana's eyes widened in excitement at this news. "They've been together for what? Two years now?" He said looking at me and I nodded at that. "Yeah, two years. They're adorable. She introduced him to the whole family about a year ago or something like that."

"How long have you guys been kings again?"

"A year and a half." Luther replied to Ana and Ana nodded at that. "Carrie is being Carrie. She's studying the medical degree we have in Locatlie and will work for Gotar afterwards. She is going to be the Aunt Natalie of Papa, to Christian."

"That's good. You must be busy though?" She said looking at me worried and I didn't understand that. "Normally the previous King of Security will help with the reigning King of Security as it's a lot of work." She elaborated and I nodded at that.

"Aunt Natalie and Tiffany help me with that, but mainly Aunt Natalie." I signed to her and she nodded at that.

"Good. Good." She confirmed with a small smile. "Mum must've been devastated after Papa?"

"She was, for a very long time. She didn't get out of bed for like six weeks after the funeral." Luther said and she nodded slowly at that, tears in her eyes again. "But she uhm, father really helped apparently."

"Good." Ana said and all of her friends stared at her with a bit of sorrow. "It's good to hear that, really."

"Yeah. We're happy about it too." Luther replied and Ana nodded as she looked at Olivia and she was still staring ahead.

"How did you guys meet Olivia? Or do you not want to talk about that yet, is that too much?" Ana asked and I saw Rachel and Lisa looking up in excitement now and I giggled at that. Olivia looked up now and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Uhm, I was brought up as an orphan in Brusta. Why I'm an orphan, I don't want to talk about." Olivia said and everyone was looking at her in interest. "As part of the orphan programme, you can go to another school in another sector for a year. I did that for my last year of studies." She said and Ana stared at her with a huge smile on her face. "I became close friends with Ruby, your half sister, cousin situation? Well no half sister because you're clearly King Hugo's." She added and Ana nodded at that. "I saw them every now and then in passing in Prangie you know, but they were busy getting used to becoming King and stuff like that." She said looking at Daniel with a small smile. "Then during the new years party, Ruby and I went to this place where they were as well. I talked to Daniel that night for hours." She said and Daniel nodded at that. "And he then exchanged numbers and wondered if I wanted to hang out with him a bit more. I was sixteen then, almost seventeen, but I thought why not you know?" She said with a shrug and Daniel giggled at that and she smiled very widely. She was so good at this. "I uhm, well every woman in Locatlie whom is in the range of their dating spectrum in age, knows that if you hang out with one of them, then that would lead to more, if it is serious enough of course, but I didn't really think about that at first." She said looking at Luther now whom smiled looking at her. "I thought, I'm an orphan, still a child of Seglusa, but an orphan and yeah I mean. I don't have the model type look or the looks of your mother." She said looking at Ana whom showed her the biggest smile ever, as she was eating this fabricated story up. "I then hung out with Dan for the afternoon and he then reminded me of the fact that he was obviously the King of Locatlie and he wondered if I wanted to meet with Luther and Christian." She said and I smiled very widely. "I thought, why not? I mean what's the big deal right, just hang out with the Kings of Locatlie like it's nothing." Ana laughed at that and Rachel and Lisa did that too. Zack, Lisa's husband, and Travis all stared at Olivia with a huge smile. "Then I met them and we had a fun time, we wen't bowling, but I'm horrid at it, and Christian is just an arse with how good he is."

"He's good at everything, it's annoying." Ana confirmed and Olivia nodded at that.

"Really annoying." She confirmed. "I only told Ruby about all of this, as she is sort of part of the world, and I was very nervous about everything of course."

"Yeah." Ana said with a huge smile.

"And I was like, well it's not going to be serious, I'm just going to have a bit of fun, I'm seventeen, young and having fun." She said and I laughed very loudly at that and Olivia laughed as well. "Well that went wrong because after like two or three months I had fallen for all of them. This scared me though, so I told them like 'I have my last exams, I want to focus on that, and not on you guys. I want a bit of distance, it's getting too close. Give me like three or four weeks You guys scare me. Bye'."

"As you do." Lisa said with a huge smile.

"But then they were like 'of course, no hard feelings'."

"Pardon?" Ana said shocked at the three of us, she was a brilliant actor.

"Well that pissed me off royally." Olivia said.

"You guys are dicks." Ana confirmed and Luther laughed at that.

"And I had told myself three weeks, but after a week I was missing them, because like for the previous what? Four months we had been hanging out 6 of the 7 evenings with one another you know, and apparently they're quite missable. So, I called up Christian, as he can't talk and I thought it would be good to just go ranting and ranting to him without him being able to talk. That worked"

"It was a marvellous conversation." I said and Ana was eating this up, trying not to laugh.

"Well, I told him that they were all assholes for stating that it was all good, no hard feelings, figure out what you want and all that crap and I hung up. Ten minutes later those two are at my doorstep." She said pointing towards Luther and Daniel. Everyone, apart from Ana, was sitting at the edge of their seats in interest. "We then had a very long conversation where I stated they were assholes, and they said they were sorry, that they didn't want to overstep and all that crap."

"Well actually we didn't want to pressure you, because like you said, you were freshly seventeen, and you were young and we knew that you have other aspirations." Luther said and Olivia turned her head towards him. "So when you came to us to tell us that you needed some space, we were upset by it because it had been the first time all three of us liked someone, and we really liked you, but we understood why you needed space. You can imagine our surprise when Christian calls up and in a speed train starts to sign everything that happened. Luckily we were having dinner and Carrie was there whom could translate for us. Mind you, our parents and family didn't know we were seeing her."

"O no." Ana said with a huge smile and we all nodded at that. "So they found out because Carrie was screaming in her 'Christian voice' everything that happened?"

"Yes. For everyone whom hasn't seen Christian and Carrie converse for each other; Carrie always puts on an immensely loud and deep voice whenever talking for Christian and when he's angrily signing, she yells immensely angry. Its a lot." Daniel started and everyone nodded in excitement, wanting to know what happened next. "So anyway, our parents were very confused, but we then decided that wasn't important, what was more important was Liv, cause we could imagine that she was very upset." Daniel said and Olivia smiled very widely at him, with that pure look of love. It was great to see that she was happy again; thank Seglusa Ana realised that Liv was upset and needed some cheering up.

"Then to make matters way more dramatic, after like an hour and a half, Christian rings the doorbell." She says and Rachel bursts out into laughter at that and Olivia nodded. "I know right. So there they are, the three of them, being all nice and shit, and that was just absolutely annoying to be honest, because you know I wanted some space, but at the same time I didn't want it, and it was very confusing. They stayed the night with me, not in a weird way, because I was rather confused and I had an important exam the next day. They all helped me study for it as they all aced them because their brains are annoying; I got a B+ which was way higher than I ever thought I would get." She said with a proud smile and I giggled at that and Olivia smiled back at me. "Then during the summer holidays we hung out loads, like way too much. You tell your part love?"

"And we went back home after that night to our parents wondering what the hell was going on. Well, we had to confess. For the people here that aren't Local." Daniel clarified. "We aren't allowed to court anyone without permission of all the female members of the family, as the person we're courting is to be the Goddess of Seglusa." He elaborated and everyone nodded and Ana was staring at me with this look of 'this is fucking a goldmine' and I nodded. "Anyway, we then had that meeting where Ruby all of the sudden shows up with a note from Papa stating that she's great and stating that she knows Olivia, well that made things immensely difficult."

"O no."

"Yeah, we had a meeting for about three days to talk about Olivia and Christian went all crazy with the signing again. Luckily Carrie was there. Mum saw how passionate we are about her, because well she's amazing." Daniel said and Olivia blushed at that. "Then Olivia met our fathers and mum around august?" He said looking at me and I nodded at that. "And they hit it off greatly. But then, she had to go to university, or that was her plan, but she had decided to take a gap year to focus on what she wanted to do."

"It was a stupid excuse, I wanted to stay in Prangie because I couldn't bear being away from them, disgusting I know." Olivia said with a huge smile on her face, she was enjoying this.

"And then on the first of November we were at this amazing place near Gotar, just chilling with the four of us, and before that the three of us had already discussed that we were obsessed with her and that we loved her and all that romantic crap." Daniel said and Olivia laughed very loudly. "And Christian, the idiot that he is, signed to her 'Do you want to marry us'."

"But I didn't know what the word Marry in sign language was." She said and everyone laughed at that."So I was like, you want me to do what to you guys?" The guys then burst out into laughter at that, Olivia really shining now. "But then Luther said marry. Well then I freaked out a bit, because on the one hand, obviously, yes, I mean no other woman is allowed near them, but on the other hand, I'd have to be the queen." She said her eyes wide and everyone stared at her in interest now. "Well, we then talked for like four days, as a group, me separate with everyone, and at that moment Christian decided to take me jet skiing around. I then fell into the water and we all know how that goes." She said and Ana's eyes were shining as she was hearing this. "He saved me though, but I was freaking out, because you know, I almost drowned and he couldn't calm me down with sign because I wasn't looking at him. So he then tells me to calm down, like actually talk. For clarification, I hadn't heard his voice ever, we always communicated in sign and everything." She said and Ana nodded at that in interest. "So anyway, we then went back and I looked at these three idiots and decided, that I genuinely couldn't be without them anymore so I accepted And now we're here." She said.

"That is beautiful." Zack said. "I love the part about 'you want me to do what to you guys'. Hilarious."

"Yeah, it was a very funny moment." Luther said with a huge smile on his face.

"Who did you fall in love with first, or was that a gradual process?" Rachel asked. "If these questions are immensely intrusive or something, please say, I'm a sucker for details?" Olivia laughed.

"Uhm, I told Dan first." She said looking at Daniel whom nodded. "But I knew him a bit longer, like a week, so it kind of makes sense. I told Luther a little while later as well. I told Chris last, not because I fell in love with him last, cause it was sort of a gradual process I guess, but you know, I was a bit intimidated by him."

"You were?" Ana said.

"Look at him, he's large and muscular and has those immensely hot scars." Olivia said and I laughed very loudly at that shaking my head at that. "And he didn't speak so he had that mysterious vibe going on."

"Ok yeah I get that." Lisa confirmed and she nodded.

"We all fell in love with her after like a month though, but we didn't want to push, especially not after the exam situation." Luther said. "She told Dan before though, me after, and you?" He asked me and I signed end of summer and he nodded. "End of the summer."

"Yeah so all pretty quick." Olivia said with a huge smile on her face.

"And how is Carrie dealing with having to share Christian? I'm sure that was difficult for her?" Travis asked and I laughed at that a bit and Olivia giggled as well.

"If I promised her one Carrie/Chris day a week during the courting time, she was fine with it." I signed and Daniel said it and Travis nodded at that.

"And now?"

"She's having difficulty with it." Daniel said and I giggled at that. "But yeah, it's fine."

"I mean our story isn't like 'love story' by you, I'm obsessed with that song by the way." Olivia said and Ana stared at her with her eyes wide before a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you, yeah." Ana said and Olivia nodded.

"It's great. Mum loved it." Daniel said and Ana stared at her with tears in her eyes. "Dad was emotional about it, father was smiling the whole time."

"O good. Yeah." She said with tears in her eyes now and I smiled at that as Lisa nodded.

"But you guys weren't dating during the coronation then?" She asked and Olivia looked up at us and then took a sip of her drink.

"No, no that was another girl. But we broke up about a month after the coronation." Luther said and Lisa nodded at that.

"Why?" Ana said and I giggled at that a bit as I looked at Luther; yes Luther, why did we break up with a girl that didn't exist.

"Mum loved her more than we liked her." Daniel then said and Ana laughed very loudly at that and nodded.

"How is mum as a mother in law?" She said her eyes wide and Olivia giggled.

"She's ok. She's nice." Olivia confirmed and I giggled as I then signed something and Daniel said.

"She, as you just noticed, has to get used to the idea that she isn't reigning Queen of Locatlie and Goddess of Seglusa anymore."

"Can I please ask a rude question?" Zack asked.

"O lord." The whole friend group said.

"Go ahead." Daniel said.

"What about children? Are you guys like?" Zack said and I laughed at that as Olivia shook her head amused.

"A month before the wedding, we aren't allowed to do anything." Luther said and Zack frowned. "No self pleasing, no pleasing one another. This so that during the honeymoon it's yeah."

"Ok." Zack said confused.

"If we get pregnant during these three weeks, we'll be immensely happy by that. If we don't, then we will wait with trying until Liv is 20 years old." Luther said and Zack nodded.

"Totally understandable." Lisa confirmed.

"Yeah I'm a bit young, but it's an older ritual with the whole impregnating the queen during the honeymoon to bless the world." Olivia said and Lisa nodded as Zack started to open his mouth and Ana already covered her face.

"How did that go?"

"Did what go?" Olivia responded to Zack.

"The honeymoon, like?" Zack said.

"Zack." Ana asked and Zack frowned.

"What? I mean, you two obviously fucked like rabbits after getting married, I'm still scarred by it. But there are three men and one woman in that equation."

"You're talking to the Kings of Locatlie and the Queen." Ana reminded Zack.

"But I'm also talking to the three brothers of my best friend." Zack replied and Daniel burst out into laughter at that and Olivia had a huge smile on her face.

"The first three nights, we each had a personal night. After that we switch off." Luther said and Ana stared at Luther shocked that he'd answer that.

"That is understandable yes." Zack said.

"Zack, that's enough now." Travis said and Zack sighed dramatically at that.

"But there are so many questions I want to ask." Zack said and Rachel gave him a look. "What? I mean this is immensely interesting?"

"What do you want to know?" Olivia said and everyone looked at her. "I'm ok with sharing with you guys, as long as you don't tell the whole world?"

"They will sign an extra NDA before leaving tonight." Luther confirmed and Zack looked at her.

"Well, I mean, there are three of them and one of you right?" Zack said and she nodded. "And one night you're with Danny, and you do your thing, and then the next night you're with Luther, and then after that with Christian. Isn't that exhausting?"

"I have no problem with that. Think back on when you were 18." Olivia said and Zacks eyes widened and he then nodded.

"Ok. And like, they're all different, like do you like them equally?"

"In bed or in general?" Olivia asked and Luther spit out his drink and Zack looked at her shocked.

"Both I guess?"

"To both answers; yes. I like them all equally." Olivia confirmed.

"Ok good to know." Zack said nodding. "What about you guys?"

"O no, Chris is totally not my type." Daniel said and I laughed very loudly at that and Olivia burst out into laughter as well.

"I meant, what about jealousy, I mean your wife is sleeping with your brothers?"

"Her happiness is our priority. Ever since we were kids we knew that we'd be sharing a wife." Luther said and Zack nodded at that. "We know that she likes all of us"

"Loves" Olivia corrected.

"Loves." Luther then corrected with a nod. "We love her and we're happy for her. If I ever do feel jealousy, I don't want to bother her with that, because she thinks it's difficult sometimes as well."

"Really?" Lisa said and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah of course, I mean it is weird for me sometimes, because I'm obsessed with all of them individually, and when we're all together I'm not really sure what to do you know?" Olivia said and Lisa nodded at that. "Like even now I'm thinking, ok I'm holding Dan's hand, are they ok with that? They always remind me that they are completely fine with it, but it's still weird to grasp. I mean when I was younger, younger than I am now." She added and I giggled at that. "I always imagined myself with one husband, getting kids, being happy and stuff like that. I never really thought about being with them in this way you know? I didn't wake up one day and think; I want three husbands. But I can't live without any of them now and I can't imagine a life without any one fo them. But it is hard sometimes, but communication is key. That's why I learned sign language as well; so I could communicate with Chris."

"How did that go in the beginning when you couldn't sign?" Ana asked.

"He wrote things on a whiteboard, or he had cards with questions. Also a bit hand gestures and stuff like that. Speaking of which, I'm having a flashback, babe, can you please massage my feet in that magical way you did last time I twisted my ankle?" She said and I giggled and nodded as I stood up and I went and sat on my old spot again and she put her foot on my leg and I took off the bandaging and massaged her feet.

"Thank you for being so open with us." Rachel said as I was staring at Olivia now the whole time, to make sure I wasn't hurting her.

"Of course, you're friends of Ana, you guys support her and stay by her side, even knowing the risks." Olivia said and I smiled a bit at that as she frowned for a second as I went a bit too hard and I right away stopped doing that. She looked at me and smiled a bit as she put her hand on my arm and rubbed it a bit.

"What is the planning now though?" Ana asked carefully and I felt Olivia's hand in my hair now, so I sat a bit more differently so it would be easier for her.

"Well, it is the 21st right now, we leave to Locatlie on the twenty fourth." Luther stated and Ana looked at him and nodded. "Your yacht can follow ours towards the airport, as we are slowly going into that direction. We are on our honeymoon though so we would like a tad of privacy continuing on."

"Of course." Ana said right away. "Totally understandable, yes of course"

"And then Travis and you can fly back with us. Your security team can take a flight a day later or a day before if you want that?" Luther said and Ana nodded at that as she looked at him. "Do you have all your stuff with you?"

"We live on that yacht, Luther." Ana said and Luther frowned.

"I thought you lived on the island?" Luther said.

"I did, but then people found out we lived there and people were coming by in not a friendly way. Think of La casa del paper kind of things." She explained and his eyes widened at that and he nodded. "So, I sold the island, bought this huge yacht and we're going around the world a bit."

"That's nice?" Olivia said in a questioning tone.

"It kind of is if we ever feel like there is a threat, we can leave. We have a helicopter in there just in case as well." She said and Olivia nodded. "And we bought the pilot of the ship or whatever it's called, so he's travelling with us for a year."

"How do you afford all of that though, as money is a thing in this world?" Olivia asked and Ana smiled.

"I got a hundred million from the Family." She said and Liv nodded. "And I also have some pretty good singles and albums that are out. I'm putting out my last album I guess then, tomorrow." She said and Olivia's eyes widened in excitement. "So I get money off of that. I'll put that into an account which my friends can then have."

"Ok, makes sense. Yeah no, totally." Olivia said and she smiled very widely looking at Ana whom smiled back at her.

"I think I'm going to head back." Travis said. "Or we should head back, it's already late and we have things to figure out and stuff like that."

"O, yes of course. Can our pilot person have contact with yours so we know where to go?" Ana asked and Luther nodded at that. They then stood up and all said bye, but I didn't, cause I was busy with Olivia's foot.

"That was something." Daniel said looking at Olivia and Olivia giggled at that a bit and nodded.

"I thought it was a pretty good plan myself." She said stretching her arms with a huge smile on her face and I giggled at that as I gave her a peck before putting her feet down.

It was a good plan, but it could go wrong in every single way.


Sorry for the late update! I've been so busy with work. I also am behind on writing a bit which means that i'm only 'ahead' on writing about 20 chapters. Everyone that's been with me from teh beginning, knows that I want to finish a story before posting it, but that has been thrown out the window!

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, and the upcoming 'drama' that's going to happen :)

Where do you think the story is going to go?

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