Frost and Rain - Jack Frost x...

By vabclark

38.8K 973 564

I love this movie. So. Much. You have no idea. I just hope that other people, equally, love this movie. I'm... More

~ Prologue ~
~ Snow Day ~
~ We are not Guardians ~
~ Your Center ~
~ Tooth Palace ~
~ A Plan ~
~ Sandy ~
~ Loss ~
~ Saving Easter ~
~ What Have We Done ~
~ Remember ~
~ The Last Light ~
~ The Final Battle pt 1 ~
~ The Final Battle pt 2 ~
~ We Are Guardians ~
~ Author's Note ~

~ That Motherfucker ~

1.8K 57 33
By vabclark

What have I done.

Why did I just ditch her like that? I'm so stupid. I scream, releasing some built up anger as I soar above the ocean.

It's not really anger, more of a guilt.

(Y/n) would have never just left me when times got tough. So why in the world did I leave her? And what Pitch said. Oh my god I can't stand that thought of that being her worst fear.

If only she knew how important she is to me.

That she has always been my rock.

The person who completes me.

My second half.

And if I had it my way, it would not be just as a friend. Because I know I love her, and all that she is. Someday I pray that I will get the guts to do something about it. But now I've screwed up. I hate myself.

I spot a nice area beneath me and I land on an icy mountain.


Completely and utterly alone.

Because I bolted as soon as I couldn't handle the pain. "Stupid stupid stupid!" I curse at myself.

She must hate me.

Think I'm a total coward. I don't know where she is but I just hope she's safe. Fucking Pitch is out there and I just left.

Oh my god, Jack. What have you done!?

I stare at the object that lays in my hand. It's all their fault. These memories. They're the reason that I dragged (Y/n) down that stupid hole! They're the reason we destroyed Easter! They're the reason that the Guardians hate us!! All because I heard that voice!?

I'm going crazy.

I cry out as I run to the edge of this shelf. My arm is raised and I'm ready to throw this stupid vessel into the Southern Ocean. But I reach the brim.

And I can't.

"WHY!?" I shout, grunting in frustration. I stare at the unfamiliar face on the end of it. Who even was I? Who was (Y/n)?

"Alone and without your little lady love?" This motherfucker couldn't have had worse timing. "I thought this might happen," Pitch murmurs. "They never really believed in either of you... and it looks like she never truely did either. I was just trying to show you that," he expands, causing my eyes to widen and my expression to fall. "But I understand."

My face contorts with rage, "you don't understand anything!" I shout, blasting him with a sheet of ice.

He shields himself easily and if I wasn't so mad, I might be impressed. "No?" He ridicules, "I don't know what it's like to be cast out?!"

I dodge his next attack, becoming airborne and throwing back my own force with all my might. As our powers meet, a fog of flurries and ice unexpectedly clouds my vision.

"To not be believed in?!" I hear his voice echo. "To despise myself!?" Pitch comes into view behind me and I loathe the sight of him. It reminds me of what I've lost. I set my staff into an attacking position. "To long for a family?" The sincerity in his voice catches me off guard and I lower my weapon. "All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like..." I think of (Y/n), and how happy I felt when we met for the first time. "I see now that I was wrong. We don't have to be alone, Jack."

"We!?" I exclaim. "I'm not alone," I make clear, "I have (Y/n)."

"And where is she now?" He counteracts, walking around me. I want to scream and shout and inform him that it's all my fault... but I can't find the words. "I believe in you," he whispers, "and I know children will, too."

"In me?" I ask, unable to hate myself any further. I messed up. She's not coming. There's no going back.

"Yes!" He laughs, placing a shadowed hand on my shoulder to guide me. "Look at what we can do." A terrifying sculpture of blue and black spikes stands before us, I can't help but gape at it. "What goes better than cold and dark? He inquires. "We can make them believe!" I look at my reflection in the ice and wonder how I even screwed up this much to be here. "We'll give them a world where everything, everything is-"

"Pitch Black?" I interject.

He pauses, "and Jack Frost, too. I would suggest your little friend (Y/n) Rain can tag along but she is long gone." I scowl and it seems to be just what he wants. "The world can believe in the both of us," Pitch concludes.

"No," I argue, "they'll fear both of us, and that's not what I want." I turn around, walking away, "now for the last time, leave me alone."

A scream suddenly sounds from behind me and I swirl to see Pitch fly back, a mountain of water crashing into his form.

She came.


I needed to find Jack.

He wouldn't be anywhere tropical, obviously.

He would want to be where it's cold. So he has time to think. Be himself.

That leaves two main places. Of course he wouldn't go North, for obvious reasons.

So I headed South.

To the coast of Antartica.

I always forget how bloody cold it is down here.  Thank god I remembered to put on my navy blue hoodie, otherwise I think I'd have frostbite right now. Jack has brought me here a few times, it's a beautiful place in regards to the geological features. But still freezing. And extremely foggy.

Although it's not usually foggy.

Snow must've been stirred up meaning someone is definitely here. I hear voices muttering from down below and I slow my descent. If I wasn't on edge before this, I definitely am now. As I come down lower, I see this massive and daunting structure. A terrifying array of different sized spikes. They vary between shades of black and blue.

It looks evil.

That's when I see Jack walking steadily away from something. I bend around the frozen obstruction to get a better view on the situation. Not something.


Fury fills me before I can think logically and I send a spiralling wave crashing into Pitch. Believe me when I say that this asshole will pay for what he has done.

"(Y/n)?!" Jack shouts but I can talk to him later.

As soon as that bastard starts standing up, I send another violent blow his way. "FUCK YOU PITCH!" I shout angrily as he goes down. He aimlessly shoots his nightmarish sand in my direction but it's a rushed movement that is thankfully easy to dodge. I flood a stream of water on top of him and land near my friend. I notice Jack smiling at me and release my hold on Pitch. "I'm sorry," I mumble, slightly embarrassed by my outburst and remembering what happened just an hour before.

Jack doesn't look all that sad. He just tilts his head grinning, then he starts chuckling. A light blush creeps onto his cheeks and I wonder why he's so... happy looking. "There's nothing to be sorry for-"

That fucking evil laugh interrupts his sentence. "So nice of you to join the party, (Y/n)," he purrs, getting to his feet. "The lovebirds are reunited. How pitiful. I didn't expect you to show." I suspect I've missed a good chunk of their meeting beforehand. The dickhead stands a good 15 meters away from Jack and I.

"Pitch," I say, strolling closer to close the gap, "let me give it to you straight." He looks at me amused, an arrogant expression plastered across that stupid face. "Fuck you, and all your little nightmares because we aren't afraid," I make clear and hear Jack's proud laugh from behind me. The boogeyman's face falters slightly. "So screw you, and every single thing that you've done. It worked. Good job," I spit. "But I don't need the Guardians in order to survive," I tell him. "I have Jack."

I sense my friend stiffen slightly behind me, but see a smile on his face nonetheless. Pitch is really getting annoyed now. I probably screwed up some of his argument by showing up.

"So, really, you are just a fucking bad dream, Pitch," I stare at him for good measure and he seethes. "So please, finally go fuck yourself why don't y'a," I add as the cherry on top.

Jack's chuckling figure comes to stand next to me as Pitch sneers at the two of us. "Couldn't have said it better myself," my friend declares. "Now leave us alone," he states, turning me around as we begin to walk away.

"Very well," Pitch drawls, "you want to be left alone? Done. You two may not be afraid... But you still care."

That's when defenceless squeals fill the air and both Jack and I swirl, seeing Baby Tooth gripped hard in Pitch's hand.

"Baby Tooth!" Jack shouts, darting forward. I follow in his steps but the poor fairy's cries only gets louder as we approach.

He's crushing her.

"Pitch," I warn. Jack raises his weapons and I form a water spear to hold. If he hurts her I swear we will kill him.

"The staff, Jack!" Pitch yells, causing us to freeze.

"What?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Oh, so sweet and naive," he murmurs. "Jack has a bad habit of interfering," Pitch says as if that's an explanation.

It is.

Jack wields his power using that staff. It makes him stronger. It makes him a threat. Without it, well, I don't know what happens to Jack without it.

"Now hand it over," Pitch continues. "And I'll let her go." Baby Tooth shakes her head frantically but his grip tightens and I see her eyes water. I'm too scared to move incase it results with her getting hurt.

Jack clearly feels the same way and he drops his arms. He extends his staff and Pitch grabs it off of him. I let my water dissolve back into the ground, ready to hold Baby Tooth.

"All right," Jack says, his hand outstretched, "now let her go."

Pitch's features darken, if that's even possible, and he stares us down. "No," is all he says.

"You motherfucker," I curse while Jack's manner grows shocked.

"You two said you wanted to be alone," he taunts. "So be alone!" He outstretches his hand to show the barren ice scapes around us. 

I think Pitch senses my next move as an arrow of black sand swiftly appears at my throat.

As much as I hate myself, I stiffen.

"Okay, calm down," Jack seethes, raising his arm in surrender.

"Such a shame," Pitch taunts, "that Jack has a mere stick to steal that holds his power," his words trail off as he stares at my friend. I hate it when his eyes meet mine. "But you, (Y/n), it runs in your blood."

I furrow my brows at the statement. How the hell would he know something like that. Even I don't know that. Jack still stands tense next to me. We are both on edge.

The corners of Pitch's lips curl into a smirk. "I mean, I guess I could just kill you, and see how that would work."

That was Baby Tooth's last straw. She looks angrily at this evil man and stabs his hand hard with her beak. The lethal sand at my neck falls as Pitch shouts with pained rage. I move forward to grab him, or do anything but he throws Baby Tooth against an iceberg wall.

"NO!" Jack and I scream, watching as she falls into a deep crevasse.

We swirl back on Pitch but we are too late.

That same stupid dread imbeds itself within my chest.

The eerie winter wind blows cold against my face.

I feel myself try to lurch forward and stop his actions but I can't move my legs quick enough.

Pitch puts out his knee, bringing down Jack's staff horizontally.

The stick snaps in two, sending a shockwave and ear splitting crack through the air.

Jack's agonising scream brings me back to reality and I hate myself for not being able to do anything. He holds his chest, falling to the ground.

I go to help him, to be there, to try and heal whatever just happened.

But a sudden force knocks me off my feet.

A jarring pain laces through my back.

I lose my breath, completely winded.

Nausea creeps from my heart to my head.

And the world goes black.


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