By 666Ancient_Queen666

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⚡ "Alice Slater the new girl at school, but she's not like the others she listens to metal, she's a total pun... More

First Day
Hot Rods
Guitar Hero
Tongue Tied
Corpse Bride
Axes, Asses And Alice

Fucking Cunt!

837 18 8
By 666Ancient_Queen666

It was Friday, I was driving to school. I had hung out with Hunter, Emily and Kevin almost everyday of the week. They were pretty cool. Today I was wearing black jeans that I ripped up and distressed, a white NAUSEA shirt that I had ripped the sleeves off, my usual boots and accessories. For makeup I did a blended black lipstick look as well as intense graphic eyeliner. I also teased my hair making it look messy and cool. I pulled into school, parking my car and making sure I had everything I needed.
As I grabbed my bag from the seat next to me someone opened my car door.
"Morning." Hunter said with a sly smile. I got out of my car pushing Hunter out of the way playfully. He smiled at me and we walked into school. I went to my locker with Hunter following behind. I greeted Kevin who was also at his locker.
"Hey dude." Hunter said tapping Kevin's shoulder. Hunter leaned against the lockers beside Kevin and they started talking about something else.
I got all the books I needed and then slammed my locker loudly causing Kevin to jump slightly. Hunter smiled at me sardonically.
"Are you guys gonna hold bassist tryouts today?" I asked.
"Yeah we're gonna do it after school, in the music room." Kevin said as he adjusted his glasses.
"Cool." I said walking to my first class.
As my mind wandered in one of my classes I remembered that it was Maya's birthday in a couple days. She was probably gonna have her party this weekend like she usually does.

It was lunch time I walked to our usual lunch table with Kevin. Emily wasn't here yet cause she was being held up in class for whatever reason. I looked around for Alice and saw her getting a mountain dew from the vending machine. I saw her talk to one of her friends as she took out her drink. I think she told me her friends name was Maya but I wasn't sure.
I talked to Kevin absent-mindedly about what getting a bassist will do for our band, not looking away from Alice. She seemed angry I wondered what was going on.


I hit the vending machine causing my mountain dew to fall down to the bottom, I grabbed my drink looking up as I saw Maya pass me.
"Hey dude could I bring Hunter with me to your party this weekend or no?" I asked stopping her in her tracks. She flipped her head around to look at me with an offended expression.
"If not that's totally cool dude I know it's your birthday party." I said trying to make her feel better. Maya looked away briefly, scoffing.
"I wasn't informed you'd even be coming." She said her voice drenched with malice.
"What?" I said the smile dropping from my face.
"I always come to your birthday party I'm your best friend." I said confused.
"Oh are you now? Cause you could've fooled me!" She said. Some people turned to see what was happening as this conversation was increasing in volume.

*Fucking hostile || Pantera*

"Maya what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked letting the annoyance into my voice.
"Woah honestly fuck you Alice! You've basically ditched me for your new heavy metal friends and now you want to bring them to my birthday party, that you weren't even invited to!" She exclaimed.
"Ditched you? Are you six? Just cause I hang out with other people doesn't mean I'm ditching you, I thought you'd be happy I'm making more fucking friends!" I began getting worked up.
"And also fuck you! Ever considered that you pushed me the fuck away because of your little obsession with Ally?!" I asked looking away and shaking my head.
"I pushed you away?! And how did I do that?" She asked slapping her hands together.
"You know for a fact I hate Ally, I completely despise her and it's not fucking one sided she hates me too so why the fuck would I want to hang out with her everyday?" I asked acusingly.
"Woah real mature Alice, you don't like her! Even though you have no real reason to hate her you're just being an ass!" Maya said scoffing.
"No real reason? She was a complete bitch to us in our last school! She litterally fucking bullied you, I had to stand up for you cause you couldn't do it yourself!" I said baffled that she'd forgive and forget so easily.
"Well I don't need you to protect me anymore! Ally's cool now, plus she was going through some really intense stuff at home-" Maya began Ally's sob story but I cut her off.
"Yeah I also have shit going on at home, but you don't see me being a dick to everyone!" I shouted.
"Actually Alice you are a dick to everyone, even me!" Maya exclaimed pushing me back.
"Wow I've always looked out for you bitch!" I said slightly hurt.
"I don't need or want you to! I'M MY OWN FUCKING PERSON AND I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!" Maya began I tried to stop her but she wouldn't let me interrupt her not this time.
"No shut the fuck up! I know that when your daddy left that really fucked you up or something and now you feel like you have to protect me, but I actually have a dad to look after me so I don't need you!" She spat. I felt my hands tighten into fists and before I could even stop my hand I punched her, I couldn't stop myself.
Her head whipped to the side.
" Don't you dare talk about my dad, don't you dare fucking tell me what my own goddamn issues are, fuck you Maya." I said my fists still clenched at my sides.
"Uhuh sure, do me a favor then. Stay away from me and Ally." Maya said looking up at me trying to be intimidating. I smiled baring my teeth like a hyena.
"Trust me I'd rather pierce my fucking pussy with a rusty safety pin than hang out with you two pretentious, preppy, privelaged fucking cunts!" I said as I stormed off, the last thing I saw was Maya's face, she looked genuinely hurt. Good. I didn't want to get so angry I couldn't control myself, she deserved to get punched but I still wasn't in the mood to go to the principal's office.

I didn't go far, just to an empty corridor. I pushed my back against the wall, sliding down and sitting on the cold floor.
Fuck me, of course my first fucking week here and I'd have a fight with my best friend, cause a scene, make new friends, and be ridiculously attracted to one of said new friends. Of-fucking-course. I heard footsteps of someone hurriedly walking around the corner.
"Hey." Hunter said as he sat down next to me. I smiled slightly it was nice of him to come looking for me.
"Hey." I replied.
"Are you okay? That seemed pretty intense." Hunter said leaning down slightly to look at me.
"Yeah I'm fine, it sucks that.. Well that, *that* happened but..." I trailed off shrugging.
"Yeah." Hunter said simply, I think he was still trying to decipher what I said.
I twisted the lid of my mountain dew open and took a couple sips.
I offered hunter the bottle and he gulped some down too. I knew he wanted to ask about it but didn't know how.
" You can just ask, I don't really care." I said looking down.
"What?" Hunter asked caught off guard.
"I can tell you want to ask me something." I said looking over to him. Hunter studied my face briefly.
"Your dad..." Hunter began.
"Oh yeah he left a couple years back." I said nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry, but your friend really is a dick if she mentions that when you guys fight." He said putting down the bottle of mountain dew.
"Yeah." I shrugged again. I wasn't a very emotional person, and even when I was I never showed it to anyone. I was the opposite of sensitive and I had alot of fights with my mom because of how quote on quote 'emotionless' I was.
For some reason though I felt like Hunter understood.
"My mom left when I was in 7th grade." He said breaking the silence.
"I don't really talk about it, but I get it. I'm not upset about it or anything anymore but I get being the kid with one parent cause the other bailed." He stared straight Infront of us at the off white walls.
"Yeah, it's like no matter what people always have this one thing to hold over your head and no matter what it'll always make you feel sick when they use it against you." I said looking at the walls now too.
Somehow our hands found each other.
"Fuck em anyway." I said with a smile looking at Hunter.
"Fuck em." He said interlocking our fingers.

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