Red moon notice

By SaberTrueno86

491 121 910

"Mia!? Alice!?" He yelled getting up, he didn't even bring a torch, didn't even plan to stay out so late, squ... More

Ripped from me
It came in fives
Peppy partner
A woman's touch
In a castle of glass
A new leaf of respect
A hailstorm of gunfire
Riding shotgun
My partner
Dale Faust
Eddie's note
Bad omen?
Another murder
A possible copycat
Suspect in cuffs
Another suspect
Three sets of prints
Bad security
Not the cells in his brains
Not doing your job
Doesn't look evil
The boss
Two killers
An insult
One girl too small
Farewell cruel world
Red Notice
Women like her
Nosy press
The suit...
Behold its Alice
Unexplained attacks
We meet again

Bird cage

6 1 1
By SaberTrueno86

The bird cage, called that thanks to the contractors who couldn't spend an extra dime on concrete to build steps to the upper floors, instead there was an ugly mesh of what looked like fire escapes in front leading to the doors.

Its a rusty old accident waiting to happen, the owner has sold, and that owner has sold again, no one wants the place anymore not only for its dumb and dangerous design but it has also become a nest for dealers and druggies.

Tom for all intensive purposes assumed Alison would know his car now, considering the latest murder were two men he last spoke to, so he found an underground parking area to leave the Victoria five blocks away and continued on foot.

He kept to the shadows, making sure as little light hits him as possible, death didn't scare Tom, he was open arms standing ready for it in fact, Leya and Mia was waiting for him, he had no one here left to lose but his own life.

It was then the smile of Angela flashed in his mind, he stopped as that worry crept up on him again, checking the time told him she might be out with Robin by now, if she went at all.

He stepped back into a heavy shadow and dialled her up again, this time the phone rang but she didn't answer, Tom almost felt like calling it in, but free drinks with Robin made him accept she's slaughtered by now.

He wanted to walk but his phone rang, it was Angela, wanting to scold her he instead held himself in, Tom didn't want to piss her off further.

"You're hard to find?" He answered.

"Is it an emergency?" She asked, Tom heard her still crystal sober.

"No, I just wanted to check up on you"

"Oh, so now you care?"

"I always cared Angela, you misunderstood me"

"By giving Robin my number?"

"Not that! The lead I have"

He heard her sigh "Fine, how's that lead going?"

"I'm on it now... You are welcome to join?"

"Forget it, you told me it was drug related right? I'm waiting for Robin, he's going to pick me up soon"

Tom felt that hint of jealousy again, but contained his voice "Good then, maybe you two click"

"I already told you I'm not interested in him, I'm merely going with him to piss you off"

He chuckled "I'm busted hey?"

"Yes, and that saddens me, I started liking you"

He brushed his hair "Me too"

She remained quiet.

"How about... Tomorrow I stick you for breakfast then?" He asked.

"I'll... I'll think about it"

"Good, uh– yeah, remember to fish Robin out"

"That's the real reason I'm going, you hear!"

"Yes mam"

After a soft scoff she greeted "Be careful, if you get shot I'll beat the crap out of you"

"Deal" he said and pocketed his phone.

Feeling better that she's safe he continued his walk, reaching the last corner before the flats would come into view he hugged the wall and peeked around the corner.

He blinked, as if fate wanted them to meet he saw her walking across the street towards the flats, Tom held his pistol but didn't draw, should he draw on a teen? She had a knife that he knew, but unless she's Houdini she can't throw it to kill him from that far.

He decided to draw just to threaten her, he came around the corner and aimed, she's a murderer after all.

"Freeze Alison!"

Quicker than one could say 'draw' she turned and the flash of the pistol made Tom fire a warning shot into the wall next to her, but the rapid pops from her direction made him dive back behind cover.

Burning in his leg told him she got lucky but the pain didn't stop him, he fell on his stomach aimed around the corner and fired a precision shot which landed, her shriek insured that, but she returned fire again and he had to duck back as the rounds tinged and wined against the wall he hid behind, leaving dust and debris spattering in defeat.

The shots stopped so he forced himself onto the wounded leg and aimed again, she still ran, he fired hitting the other shoulder this time and after her shriek he heard the clattering tumble of a gun.

Tom saw the long arm of the law as a lion, you can wound it, but that only makes it angry, he hauled his bleeding leg and started to limp in her direction as fast as he could, the radio was out.

"Shots fired! I need backup at the bird cages! Officer wounded, suspect wounded and fleeing into China town!"

"On our way!" There was a response along with the background noise of a siren being activated.

Tom limped until he found the Norinco lying on the pavement, blood sprays and drips, Tom felt good about this, it pays to know how to shoot.

"Some officers insure to head to the neatest hospitals around China town, the suspect is badly wounded!" He called taking out a plastic bag, carefully placing the gun inside then pocketed it.

The hunt was on, Tom had his pistol out again and followed the blood trail, this was it! He was going to chase this little sneaky bitch until he bleeds out if he has to! This butcher nonsense has gone on long enough!

He tipped and heaved, making sure he passed wide around a corner if he has to go round one, Alison might have lost her gun, but the murder weapon was a knife, that she probably still has and nothing accept her wounds would stop her from setting up an ambush.

He looked as he ran every few seconds to the blood trail, but to his dismay it started getting less and less, he sped up, grunting at the pain, it made no sense! He hit both her shoulders! Those areas will bleed and continue bleeding! Unless she's drying and patching up as she went.

"Blood trail going down park way! South!" He yelled into the radio again, already in the distance he heard the wails of sirens approaching, he wanted to time it well, as soon as he catches where she collapsed, the boys in blue must be there to just cuff her!

He went wide around another bend but saw her standing leaned against a wall, only a blip dot of light had the side of her face, he aimed but she glanced at him before she darted again...

Tom felt his heart stop...

The wails now drowned out the ambient of air conditioners in that alley, he watched her disappear around the corner but didn't pursue, her speed told him she was still good, no matter how hard he chased he wouldn't catch her.

"Snyders!?" He heard a familiar voice, he turned to the unmarked Charger still sporting its blue, Angela came running up to him just as he collapsed.

Author's note:

Hehe okay so it wasn't a reveal, but why didn't Tom shoot?

Find out next.

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