I Am Who I Wanna Be (Mike Whe...

By NatashaTasyaar

18.6K 358 105

Y/N and Mike have been reunited after over a year of being away from each other. Their love for each other is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (1/2)
Chapter 20 (2/2)

Chapter 3

1K 22 7
By NatashaTasyaar

Previously on Chapter 2

"Nod if you understand!" He said. I flinch at his tone and nod my head rapidly. He starts the car and start to drive. Man... he's scary. I'm sorry, Y/N... looks like I won't be able to see you tomorrow. Oh God, I really hope she won't be too mad at me.

-Mike's Lies-


I've been waiting for a while. Mike should be here by now. But there's no sign of him. I let out a sigh as I look out the window. What's taking him so long? Is he even going to come??

I let out a huff and get up from the bed. I make my way out of my room. I take the phone from the wall and press Mike's number. I place it on my ear, and wait for him to answer.

"Hello?" He said. "Mike... where are you?" I asked. "Sorry, Y/N... I can't come right now. Nana's sick" he said. "Dad said it was a lie..." I said. "Yeah. I thought that too. But when I got home, it turns out to be real. She might die..." he said. I can hear Mrs. Wheeler's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Do you lie?" I asked. "What no? Friends don't lie. I will talk to you soon, okay? Miss you already. Byee!" He said. He hang up before I could even say a thing back. I look at the phone in confusion.

"Is there something wrong, Y/N?" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Eleven. "It's Mike..." I said. She lets out a sigh. "Let's just go and see Max, okay? Maybe she'd know what to do" she said. I nod my head.


I can see Max playing her skateboard. It slips from her feet. I stop it with my feet. I walk towards her and hands the skateboard to her. She looks at me. "Y/N? Eleven?" She said. "Hi... can we talk?" I asked. She nods her head. She leads us to her room.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked. I told her what happened with Mike. I can see annoyance in her face.

"He's a piece of shit" she said, as she walks back and forth. "What?" I said. "Mike doesn't have a jack shit to do today. And Nana obviously isn't sick! I can guarantee you. He's probably playing Atari right now" she said. "But friends don't lie" I said. "Yeah... but boyfriends lie. All the time..." she said. I just let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"You're gonna stop calling him... don't talk to him. As far as you're concern. He doesn't exist" she said. I turn to look at Eleven, unsure of what I should say. She just shrugs her shoulders.

"Doesn't exist?" I said. "He treated you like garbage. Now you're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine..." she said. I froze at the mention of medicine. I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate.

Eleven moves closer to me. "Hey, Y/N... shh... just breathe. It's not that kind of medicine. It's okay..." she said, wrapping her arms around me. Max looks confused. "What happened?" She asked. Eleven move towards her and whisper in her ear.

"Oh... I am so sorry, Y/N" she said. I shake my head and give her a weak smile. "It's fine, Max..." I said. She nods her head. "Anyway... what I'm trying to say is... just make him feel what you're feeling right now" she said.

"If he doesn't fix this... if doesn't explain his act. Just dump his ass..." she said. I just nod my head, not really knowing what to say. "So... what am I going to do now?" I asked. "This is why you should spend time with girls more. There's more in life than stupid boys" she said. She grabs my hand and start pulling me. I grab Eleven's hand in return, pulling her with me.


The three of us gets out of the bus. I stare at the building in front of me. "What's wrong?" Max said. "Too many people... against the rules" I said. "So... you two have superpowers. What could go wrong?" She said. I turn to look at Eleven. She starts to grin, making me grin as well. We quickly make our way inside the building.

Once we are inside, I look around in amazement. "So where should we go first?" Max said. I turn to look at her and look around again. "You two never been to shopping before, have you?" She said. We shake our heads.

"Well then... we'll just have to try everything then. Oh! Come on!" she said. She starts pulling the two of us towards a shop called The Gap. It appears to be a clothes store.

Eleven and I take a loon around the place. I touch the clothes here and there. I turn my head towards a statue... or mannequin?

"Do you like it?" Max asked. "How do I know what I like?" I asked. "You just... try things on. Until you find the one feels more like you" she said. "Like me?"I said. "Yeah. Not Hopper... not Mike. You..." she said. I turn to look at the mannequin and smiles.

We start going from stores to stores. I try various of things. I even try to walk on heels, but failed. It's so hard to walk on it. I can hear laughing and turn my head to see a group of girls. They look at us with a look of disgust. But the three of us just laughs it off.

We go to a photo shoot and start posing for some photos, mostly just fool around. It's honestly really fun. Even when mom was still alive, she never really take me out for these. But she said she only wanted to keep me safe, so I don't really blame her. It was really hard back then. Today is the first day that I feel so alive... it's all thanks to my friend, Max... and sister, Eleven.

*to be continued*

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