Random COTE One-shots

By yummy4203

171K 2.8K 1.1K

Random scenarios and situations that my mind comes up with or is inspired by other things I read. I'm not tha... More

Class S??
Author to the rescue
Nap time
<Insert Title> :DD
Why? #2
I uhhh, I'm alive
Eh? :DD??
Eh? :DD?? #2
You were useful Suzune
Reaction?? #2
Reaction?? #3
Reaction?? #4
Reaction?? #5
Reaction?? #6
Reaction #7
I'm June and You're October
Perhaps... take refuge with me?
My first day
Possessive are we?
Not a chapter
Memories and Fireworks
AU: Recovery

A deal??

4.2K 76 24
By yummy4203

A/N: This is not related to all previous chapters. Kiyo Class A because I like Class A. Kei didn't have a shitty past (I simply dislike bullying) so she wasn't subjected to bullying and was basically like Ichinose. But I'm not even going to involve other classes here so you can ignore this

As crazy as it sounds, my father, yes you didn't misread, my father made a deal with me. A family. In exchange fo-

"Kiyo, stop spacing out and help me finish up gathering the things we used to clean the pool!"

"Ah sorry"

"Hmph! You're gonna play the piano for me later, you told me you would last night!"

"I will I will don't worry princess"

A day ago

"How about you sit down Kiyotaka, I know I'm meeting you here on my own accord but this is very important and if you're thinking that I'm trying to force you back to that place then you are wrong" 

Huh? Did that man just say that? It's been a yea-, no it's been almost two years since I last heard this man's voice and the first thing he says is that he's not taking me back to that place? Something must have happened for him to let me be. Something's not right.


"Sigh The information leak that forced me to shut down that place temporarily allowing you to escape has made it's way to the higher ups. Only a few people know of this and most of them are placed at the very top of the government. Any attempts of me to hide the fact that I committed those crimes are futile"

This is honestly a surprise, not once have I imagine that place and this man to carelessly let a slip up like that. Of course I've considered the fact of a spy inside the white room. But to be able to contact people higher up in the government before that man could find him means that he was protected by a powerful person. There's only one family I know that's capable of this. The Fujiwara's.

"Because of that, I was forced to rethink everything. Do I want to simply disappear like this? Do I regret what I've done? Chuckle I guess being taken in secrecy is better than being announced along with that place, you will undoubtedly gather attention if that happens. Do I regret all that I have done? A part of me says yes and a part of me says no. Do you have any idea as to why Kiyotaka?"

"No I don't, I've never hated that place since it helped me gain the abilities I have now, but the methods you used were indeed inhumane"

"Well I guess you have a point, a part of me regret it because I failed to uphold the promise that I made to you m-mother.... The promise that I provide you a normal life. But when she died.... I-I lost it. As to why I don't regret it, it was the fact that the people who looked down on me and my ideals were shut up when you showed them what you can do during our trip to New York. I was honestly overjoyed that I was able to prove them wrong. When you reached the point no person has ever reached, I felt my dream getting closer and closer. But"


"I felt empty, during the times I was alone after you escaped, memories flooded me. The way you looked at the outside world for the first time. The way your mother smiled dearly for someone like me. Yet I let myself drown in darkness. So Kiyotaka, I will disappear from your life and you will be free. The deal I made with the Fujiwara's so that my crimes would go in secrecy, was to allow you into their family."

"But why? Wouldn't they normally decline? Considering I'm your biological son"

"What kind of nonsense is that, they wish to provide you the life you have been missing, they wish to provide you the things you lost, no, that's not right. They wish to provide you the things that were never given to you in the first place. A place you call home..."

"...." I couldn't say anything. This man went through all of that just to eventually give up at the end. While I am glad that I am finally free, I am disappointed that 'this man' who brought upon fear to those who defied him, is accepting defeat just because I would inevitably be dragged along with his name. 

Before I could say that to him, he looked at me. I was surprised if I will be honest. That man who's gaze could kill a person, that gaze which I of similar instances have, is nowhere to be seen on his face. His eyes screams regret, joy, anger. But none of those were directed to anyone else. All of it, was directed at himself. He regrets his decisions of betraying his promise, he is happy that he was able to achieve his dreams albeit a little. And he was angry that despite everything, he felt empty.

"It seems like you've seen through what I am feeling right now Kiyotaka, however you got one thing wrong"

"What do you mean"

"I am happy that you are now free, with a proper family to welcome you with open arms"

"What are yo-"

"No, I suppose it's because even though it's already too late, I've managed to somehow accept that I was wrong. That it was never your mother's death, nor the people who looked down on me that caused me to become like this. It was simply myself, who was clouded with rage, jealousy and regret. And because of it, I've done many unforgivable things. I am not asking for your forgiveness, however promise me this. Allow Fujiwara Hina into your life"

"Is she the one who I'll"

"Yes, she is the one you will marry into their family, and the one who asked her father to accept my deal to keep everything about me locked away while you are taken into their family. She was the first person to agree to it."

"But she doesn't even know me how could she"

"Because they saw your data, and because of it they asked me about everything. Of course I complied, I was already cornered the moment the data leak reached their eyes." He closed his eyes and continued. "But despite that, she did not lose her determination to accept the deal. She was willing to go against her own father just to simply be with you"


"Chuckle You don't need to call me that, I do not deserve such title to be called the father of the masterpiece"


"Don't worry Kiyotaka, I will shelter everything I've done, and the one thing I can assure you right now, as I've repeated again and again, is a family who sees you as a person. Not a monster. So that will be all Kiyotaka. I will be going now, it seems like we've talked for quite a while"

I stood up and placed my hand on his shoulders before he could walk away

"Professor" Even if I did not consider him as a father figure, he was still the father who provided me with everything there was needed to learn. I embraced him as he was in shock

"Thank you.... Father...." I knew just how horrible he was, and I was the same, I knew that something forced him onto this. Yet he never had the courage to accept it. And now, he finally did. 

He cried and hugged me back and we stayed like that for a few minutes. After some time, he stopped and showed me a smile I've never seen before. A smile that shows all the weight he had shouldered gone. 

"Thank you.. Kiyotaka. Enjoy the rest of your life. Live not for anyone else's sake. But for yours. Satisfy that endless curiosity you have son"

I let out a smile. Guess I could smile too huh? Two people. Two monsters. Father and son. "I will father, I will"

"Sob sob A-ah sorry for that Professor and Kiyotaka-kun, I'm simply touched." The chairman entered the room and smiled at the sight. My father smiled at him before taking his leave. And with that the chairman placed his hand on my shoulders. 

"I can't believe that just happened, but. I'm happy for you Kiyotaka-kun"

"Thank you chairman, thank you for giving him the chance to talk with me"

"No worries, but regarding Fujiwara-san, she'll be coming in a few hours since she's transferring here. I hope you can open up to her"

"I'll try to chairman, talking with my father gave me a feeling, that I will regret it if I do not follow"

"Chuckle Well then Kiyotaka-kun, if you'll excuse me" The chairman returned to his seat and proceeded to take care of some paperwork. I excused myself and waited in front of the gate and saw my father off as he got in his limousine. 

I got stares from others but no matter. I will wait for her here. The person my father entrusted me to, the person who was willing to accept me for who I am. I would be lying if I said that I'm not excited and afraid. Excited to see the person who firmly wished to be with me, a monster. A monster whom she wishes to know as a person. And I am afraid that I will mess up and end up hurting her. But those thoughts were interrupted when a bus? arrived. Not what I expected. There I saw a girl with long brown hair that went past her waist. She had beautiful violet eyes and a gorgeous body. 

Seemingly in a trance looking at her, she noticed me and let out a big smirk before coming over to me snapping me from my thoughts

"Are~ enticed by my beauty eh~ *giggle* Hello there Kiyotaka-kun, I suppose you already know who I am but let me introduce myself. My name is Fujiwara Hina, you can call me Hina or darling~"

"Sigh Nice to meet you Hina, I also suppose you also know me, but since you introduced yourself I should do the same. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, you can call me whatever you want."

"Great! But first"

"Yes?" She dropped her smile and looked serious, I think I know what she wants me to do

"Kiyotaka, can you show me your true eyes?"

I knew what she was gonna ask but I was afraid, afraid to be rejected. I thought I sealed these emotions all those years ago.... Did they resurface after my talk with my father? It could be. But I will resolve myself, I've already gone this far, there's no turning back. 

"Alright.. but let's mo-" She placed her finger on my lips and gestured me it's fine here. I was surprised by this but I suppose if she accepts me when no one else would after seeing who I truly am, she would be proud or something

I showed her my true eyes which surprised me since she did not flinch, her eyes did not show pity, sadness nor sympathy. Her eyes were instead filled with overwhelming determination. 

"Don't worry about it Kiyotaka, I won't leave you, I won't hate you. I will accept you and love you for who you are. After all, you were the person who showed me the will to live. You showed that you were willing to sacrifice everything in order to survive. You locked away your emotions to live longer when others have already given up. I was depressed over two years ago, and when I saw how hard you worked just to survive and hopefully see the outside world again, I was angry at myself for seemingly giving up when there was someone out there who wished to be free. And I wished to be that person. Who will teach you all kinds of emotions" She flashed a smile brighter than what she showed earlier. I felt a tear come down my cheeks. I think I understand what that feeling was when I said I will regret it if I don't open up to her huh.

People were looking at us, some afraid of me, some bewildered by Hina's determination, some smiling while looking at the scene but I didn't care. I softened my darkness and embraced her as I cried quietly. She embraced me and after some time passed. We headed to the dorms as she held my hand. We arrived to her dorm where I will apparently transfer to. I started cooking, she wasn't surprised after seeing my abilities. She prepared the table while waiting for the food.

"Hey Hina" I called out to her while I was cooking and she went to me hugged me from behind

"Yes Kiyo?" Her tone was soft, I felt at peace being with her

"Thank you, for accepting someone like me" I turned around and smiled at her as I hugged her back

"No worries Kiyo, I will always be here for you" She looked up before pointing towards what I was cooking. I let go of the hug and finished cooking. We ate dinner and washed ourselves. I went inside the shower first before Hina suddenly barged in and suggested that she would wash my back. She was embarrassed but complied. We talked for a bit regarding the school and the S-system since she would be transferring here soon. After that we changed our clothes and went to bed. 

"Goodnight Kiyo" She hugged me and I covered ourselves with a blanket

"Goodnight Hina" I kissed her forehead making her blush a little

"Play the piano for me tomorrow *giggle*"

"Alright" With that we fell asleep. 

Thank you for everything father.

Flashback end

We finished cleaning up the pool and headed to the music club. A senpai allowed us to play before leaving. Now it's just me and Hina in the music club. I sat down and played one of the hardest pieces I could remember. 

I ran my fingertips elegantly and closed my eyes for a bit knowing I've improved since the last time I played this piece. I was at peace playing the piano. 

3rd Person POV

Outside the halls, a piano was heard and attracted some people walking by. They went inside the music club to see a brown haired boy playing with the piano. A brown haired girl was sitting beside him watching him play in awe as she didn't notice the others looking at them. Hashimoto being the SneKK he is recorded the piece live. Nishikawa was shocked that Ayanokouji could play the piano so well. Sakayanagi was happy that Ayanokouji has finally found someone whom he could feel human warmth. 

Ayanokouji finished and opened his eyes. He saw people clap at his performance but unlike before where he would simply run out due to unwanted attention. He smiled and took a bow before going to where Nishikawa, Hashimoto, Kamuro and Sakayanagi were. 

"As expected of the King, your princess wasn't even aware we were in the room since she was too focused on you playing the piano *chuckle*" SnekK said

"Ayanokouji-kun you were so good!" Nishikawa exclaimed

"Fufufu, it seems like you've really opened up Ayanokouji-kun, thank you for this Fujiwara-san"

"Hey Ayanokouji, teach me how to play the piano from time to time" Kamuro was interested in playing the piano 

"Hey teach me too!" Hina was also interested in playing the piano

"Alright, I'll teach you both, Kamuro did teach me how to cook and Hina is well. Hina"

"Hey what's that supposed to mean Kiyobaka, hmph!" Hina looked at Kiyo with a pout

Kiyo POV

"Cute" I accidentally said that aloud

"Of course I am!" Hina said proudly

"Fufufu, wanna go eat somewhere everyone?"

"Yeah, let's go hime" Hashimoto escorted her as Kamuro and Nishikawa followed. Me and Hina also followed them. 

This has really been fun. I never knew I could feel like this again. 
I really am glad I met you Hina, and I'm glad that I was given this chance thanks to you father. I will carry on our promise, I will open up and enjoy my life to the fullest for my sake. 

A/N: Whew, I got bored of reading so I decided to write another one. Anyways did ya enjoy it? I hope you did

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