How NOT to write a Vampire Di...

By polaroized

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Ever wonder how to get started with a Vampire Diaries Fanfic? Having trouble with your OC? Need some face cla... More

proper related face claims
proper age face claims
more face claims
more sibling face claims
overpowered OC's
a plot for your OC
correct characterization
a vampire's humanity switch
characters names and OC names
slowburns, fastburns, and sexual activity, oh my!
'changing' a bad guy
the vampire diaries vs true blood
overused face claims
covens, packs, and what else
diaries everywhere
titles and descriptions
hayley marshall
hope's twin
mikaelson love interests
new reading material
creatures ideas part one
creatures ideas part two
ya'll need to give elena a break
i cant believe i forgot this
racial diversity
legacies fanfics so far
roasting legacies for its untapped potential
roasting legacies part 2. and season ideas
where did the legacies reactions go??
what no one wants to talk about
OC's around CC's
klaus vs kai
siphoners and heretics
salvatore siblings
adoption plot vs. adoption element
lets talk about soulmates
the truth about rippers
a not-so self insert fic
thank you Anna!!!
fuck off with the scoobies
new legacies story!
AU's, to do or not to do
legacies, we could've had it all

even more face claim choices! (plus ideas)

2K 44 73
By polaroized

even more face claim choices bc why not,
we gotta get you kids off of the Teen Wolf ladies and Nina Dobrev,

give their faces a friggin break and explore the multitude of diverse, fresh, and incredibly talented actors that you might have heard of but haven't used bc you need to be reminded that they exists my babies

Oscar Isaac

the guy didn't just understand the assignment, he taught the entire friggin' class okay, the entire school
i think he could play a ripper if you base it off his saddest gifs. if not, you could turn it around and use him for a regular older vampire, maybe a sweaty stressed out werewolf? bc why not? or a stressed out witch in New Orleans?
but honestly, i like him as a vampire

May Calamawy

and let's not forget, the other face of moon knight (which i guess technically is also oscar isaac but im talking about the love interest)
please to welcome the fine lady that made an impression on me in the 4th episode, when i see her i can definitely see some type of hunter, whether she's supernatural or human won't matter, she's that cool. maybe even someone like Bela Talbot from Supernatural where she isn't a hunter (and she isn't supernatural) but she knows about the world and she gets difficult-to-acquire items to sell to witches and vampires and werewolves bc why not. a human procurer of magical artifacts if you will.
and if not, i recommend her for a nice witch story in new orleans

Meaghan Rath

a.k.a Sally, our favorite ghost roomie.
who could ever forget this precious bean from Being Human (US version); anyway i love her, she's great, and she's got a whole four seasons of being a ghost (well the majority at least) but she's nice inspiration for like a ghost character told from the Other Side. who says she can't fall in love with Kol Mikaelson when they're both ghosts together? hm? maybe she was a witch and she was crafty and so she's able to pop back and forth into other ghosts sides (you know how the Other Side is basically one-on-one for ghosts but witches can sorta like join up or move in on others? like Esther had the help of the Bennett ghosts and could talk to Vickie [a vampire ghost] so i say she was able to pop in on Kol's side and idk fucking fall in love or some shit, and he takes her with him when Esther resurrects them and you could figure out the body shit on your own)

Andrew Garfield

andrew garfield, my king, my heart, my joy

okay, i fully admit that i put him up bc i love him and would gladly have his children. but im not kidding, it would be a waste not to use him. if you wanna give bonnie a love interest, or even elena a new one, there's an abundance of high school gifs out there and since the actor was like 25 during his spidey role he'll fight right in with the TVD cast.

or hell, use him as a witch or a pacifist vampire that Damon or Rebekah fell in love with, maybe even a scruffy werewolf over at New Orleans. or just another brave human like Camille. the possibilities are limitless

Raymond Ablack

let me tell ya'll that i've been rewatching degrassi (bc i hate myself) and i remember the biggest crush i had on Sav when he got that haircut, oof. anyway, stop sleeping on raymond, and if you'd like he played a recurring character on Shadowhunters so you got him w/ cool tattooes, woohoo) so if you were going to do a crossover you got that, if not it could work for a type of hunter as well

Yvette Monreal

aka Yolanda Montez from Stargirl

i really liked her in Stargirl and she has a buttload more shows to get gifs from. recommend for a younger role, either as a newbie witch, a newbie vampire, or newbie werewolf. hell you can even use her as a Lockwood my peeps

anyway, because i watched Kinnporsche (a Thai queer drama about a mafia leader [Kinn] and his new bodyguard [Porsche] falling in love and lemme tell you it's good), let me also introduce a batch of the attractive fellows on that show

'Mile' Phakphum Romsaithong

aka Kinn,
plenty of gifs where he looks badass, rich, and at command. i recommend him for a vampire role, just very alluring and his eyes tell you that he's lived for a long time

'Apo' Nattawin Wattanagitiphat

aka Porsche
the amount of hilarious gifs that you will find of him are amazing and just about the same amount of gifs where he looks badass and sexy; the guy can make you laugh, swoon, and blush (and not in the PG-13 way)
funny enough, the guy can go for any of the three main species. he's got the charisma and fearlessness of a vampire, the aggression and the impulsiveness of a werewolf, and if those don't work he can totally play a witch that works with vampires, or just a witch that uses magic for the wrong reasons (like an Alex Russo type)

Jeff Satur

aka Kim, he's Kinn's little brother (his mysterious, enigma filled, music loving, smartest in the family brother) and he plays guitar and he's hot and spooky and honestly in my very own opinion the prettiest of the entire cast. i'd go with a witch for this guy

that's it for my three favorite boys from the series, again if you wanna check it out, i add the trailer to this chapter, it's a doozy

if ya'll wanna watch it i just watch it for free on Dailymotion, there are ads but it's worth it or get an acc on: iQiyi

but still, there are plenty of other sites that have the aired episodes by now

Nathalie Emmanuel

and here we got one cool british lady, gimme her as a witch with some huge authority, gimme her as a vampire who knew the mikaelsons once upon a time ago. we've got a huge amount of game of thrones gifs if you wanna use her in the Mikaelson's time or for flashbacks, hell i think you could pull it off with Silas if y'all wanted.

Sean Teale

ya'll got historic gifs of him during his time on Reign, the actor is actually British and so i mean i can totally see this dude being a vampire and meeting the Mikaelson's way back when and then you have current day gifs to match it. he's perfect for a love interest for an older character just like the Originals or either Salvatore bro's or even just pair him with a new OC, who says you can't? nobody.

Kiana Madeira

she's got witch vibes but also has the aggression of a werewolf if you wanna use that. if you use her gifs from the Fear Street trilogy she totally has that angry lesbian werewolf vibe, trust me. if you think you've seen her before still, she's one of the three main characters from Trinkets on Netflix (you should absolutely watch it, it's about friendships, shop-lifting, and queers) it's only 2 seasons and has a conclusive ending. so what does this tell us? there are plenty of gifs out there with her in high school (Trinkets, and a couple from Fear Street) and also gifs of her bloody and fighting (Fear Street).

hell if you watch the third movie, Fear Street 1666, there's over an hour of footage of her in colonial period wear and where she's accused of being a witch. you could build a story off that, have her be a resurrected witch from the Salem trials, maybe a descendant of one that died, etc. but personally angry-lesbian-werewolf works so well for her

Nicole Maines

aka Nia Nal from Supergirl

i love her, i love her Dreamer powers, especially when she's actually sleeping and dreaming up a bunch of prophecies and warnings, maybe a witch OC? she's a beautiful trans woman as well and i can totally picture her as a newbie witch or even just a human high schooler who helps jeremy uncover the truth about vampires and such. it'd be a good jeremy fic, ngl.

Sophia Ali

also known as my third crush from the Uncharted movie. (the other two, in order, are Tati Gabrielle and Tom Holland). so i watched the Uncharted movie (i had higher expectations) it's not terrible but it's also not winning any awards. but still! it re-introduced me to Sophia, i remember her from Faking It and Truth or Dare, i loved her in the movie and for an OC i could totally picture some type of huntress. maybe someone like my May Calamawy idea, where she's a thief or treasure hunter and sells to supernaturals. thanks to the Uncharted movie there are a bunch of gifs with her underground and such so imagine she's a professional that Damon or Stefan or hell even Shane hired to help them in Nova Scotia when they were on a quest to get the vampirism cure.

Daniela Melchior

you might've seen this sweet face as Cleo Cazo or Ratcatcher 2 from The Suicide Squad movie. honestly, i'd go either witch or werewolf for her. i get a very gentle but powerful vibe from her, especially her Cleo scenes. i'm thinking she's someone that's suffered a lot, she's on the run, never really stays in one place too long, but she's sensitive y'know. she's emotionally brave in other areas though, and it's something people come to admire once they spend a lot of time with her.

Zión Moreno

you might've recognized this gal from Gossip Girl (2021) or Control Z from Netflix, still she's such a beauty and another beautiful trans woman. i gotta say, from this gif alone i can totally picture her as a mischievous witch from the French Quarter or something. you could also always use her as a high school student in TVD and make her besties with Caroline and just have them both be mean girls? maybe instead of Caroline turning into a vampire, it's her?

Savannah Lee Smith

along the way with the Gossip Girl reboot we have Monet de Haan, a.k.a another angry lesbian. one thing i can say about her character was mark me down for scared and horny. honestly, gimme her as a Bennett sister (or cousin or distant relative) but point is, she's a badass witch that takes no shit. have her put Damon on his ass in S1 when he threatens Bonnie and have her teach Bonnie what she knows. make her ruthless against her enemies but only because she loves and protects her family (and later friends too). she doesn't even have to be a Bennett to be protective of Bonnie, witches are known to look for one another and honestly, after losing Grams so early in the show, Bonnie needs a fellow witch around her.

Victoria Pedretti

the absolute POWER this actress has on me. you might've seen her on You, or the Haunting of Hill House, the Haunting of Bly Manor, and probably is going to be a dozen other projects bc she's great. i once read like two chapters of her being an older Gilbert sister that comes back to help Jenna and falls for Elijah (i never saved it, boo) but still, that's what im talking about. you don't have to make her a Gilbert but they used an age appropriate actress to fall for Elijah rather than make the character a teenager (blegh). point being, use her for a human (like Cami for ex) that one of the vampires fall for, use her in Bly Manor gifs in the 80's where she falls for someone there and make the whole book in the 80's. you've got gifs where she's absolutely devastated, where she's in period timing, where she's a ghost, where she's absolutely batshit bonkers and just murders people. don't sleep on victoria.

Jessie Mei Li

yes, this is Alina from Shadow and Bone. honestly, the great thing about her gifs is we got her in period or historic clothing and in the show, we get her both in fancy outfits and in commoner clothes. maybe she's a commoner that became a vampire and she's moved up, maybe she met the Mikaelson's, maybe she's an immortal witch or smth. ngl she has more witch vibes than vampire ones, but still it's so much fun

Chloe Bennet

a.k.a the QUEEN that owns my very SOUL

my skye, my daisy, my very being. this actress can do it all, we can have a hunter and a shit ton of workout gifs or fighting gifs, we can have a witch that's attuned with the earth and she's well known for earthquakes or smth, we can have an angry werewolf that doesn't trust anybody and is new in town (Mystic Falls? New Orleans? don't matter, it's your story), we can have a vampire that's old buddies with Stefan or Marcel. we could have a hybrid that Klaus made and she's a pretty adept survivor and doesn't necessarily see him the way the others do, she liked being a wolf, she was at peace with it and so maybe she isn't sired to him? we could have her be a heretic, where she's still pretty attuned with nature only her vampire side is causing all sorts of fun and horrible incidents, like idk maybe she cause the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906? whom the fuck knows? maybe that's why she's isolated herself, she doesn't trust her powers? there's just so much potential

there's potential in all of these choices, i urge you to choose any of them or explore for yourself, did any ideas make you go "hm, i like that", did they inspire something else, something new? go out there and write it, have fun with it, tell me all about it

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