The Banished Guardian

By Gry167

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Gryphon Light... An old Guardian that's been around since the Traveller's first contact with humanity. Kille... More

Prologue: Banished...
Chapter 1: Mountain of Darkness
Chapter 2: The Locals
Chapter 3: Emergency Exit
Chapter 5: Chaos on the Highway
Chapter 6: The New Plan
Chapter 7: Old Vendettas
Chapter 8: Field Trip
Chapter 9: My Name Is...
Chapter 10: Of Light and Darkness
Chapter 11: Beaconfall - Pt. 1
Chapter 12: Beaconfall - Pt. 2
Chapter 13: New Sun Rising - Old Flower Blooming - Red Rose Blackened
Chapter 14: Convergence of Light
Chapter 15: Den of Wolves
Chapter 16: Reunions...for Better or Worse
Chapter 17: What's Cruelest? The World or It's People?
Chapter 18: Trick Question...
Chapter 19: Constriction, Confusion, Communion
Chapter 20: A New Nightmare Awakens
Chapter 21: The Torments of the Past
Chapter 22: Lingering Dread/Regret
Chapter 23: Absolution
Chapter 24: Reunion and Resolution
Chapter 25: Reaching Safe Harbor
Chapter 26: Conspiracy
Addendum 1: Character Themes
Chapter 27: Clash of Beasts
Chapter 28: A Hammer in a Room Full of Nails

Chapter 4: A Deal Struck

3.9K 60 16
By Gry167

Chapter 3 Synopsis:
Gryphon and Riven manage to escape capture by reactivating the Pyramid and flying it away from Mountain Glenn, unaware of the stowaway called Shae. Shae is soon discovered and captured by Gryphon before being questioned by him about the planet he's wound up on. Eventually, her teammates called her scroll and made a deal for the safe return of their comrade in exchange for allowing Gryphon into Vale unimpeded.


The ride back to Vale was quiet. Of course it was, none of them knew what might set this man in front of them off. Then again, he's only ever attacked in retaliation and it was only the one time. Still...he was kind of attractive outside of that armor- Ugh! What the hell are you thinking, Skylar! Just focus on driving!

Gryphon: Fuck, who's funeral are we driving to?!

Skylar: Pfft!

Skylar quickly placed her hands over her mouth, suppressing the spontaneous laughter that came from it before quickly putting them back on the controls.. Gryphon smiled at the girl in pirate attire.

Gryphon: Alright, someone with personality. What's your name?

Skylar: It's S-Skylar.

Gryphon: Well, Skylar, could you tell the rest of your team that they can stop holding their breath? I'm only here for a ride to Vale so I can look around and see this Beacon place. Hey, Riven? Scan their weapons for me please? If you could, could you think up a few schematics that fit me and get them going in the Bergusia Forge I'd appreciate it.

Riven: Of course, O Slave Driver Mine.

Gryphon: Thanks, love ya.

Imperia: Why do you want to see Beacon and Vale?

Gryphon: What would you do after discovering another planet inhabited with humans on the edge of the galaxy that's seemingly unplagued by the problems of your old home?

Nix: Compare them. See what's different, what's better and what's worse.

Gryphon: Exactly. Be honest with me, what do you think of the guy that runs the school?

Nix: You mean Headmaster Ozpin?

Gryphon: If that's the white haired one, then yes.

The room went silent again. During our second year as students we all had the same discussion. We all came to the same conclusion.

CBSS: He's hiding something.

Gryphon: Hmm. That's a surprising amount of honesty.

Nix: Alright, now I have a question for you before we land.

Gryphon: Alright.

Nix: What is..."The Traveler"?

Okay, what the fuck? Gryphon stared at her with his mouth slightly agape. He hadn't said a word to anyone about the Traveler to anyone, so how the hell did this girl know anything about it? Could the Traveler have been to this planet before?

Gryphon: How do you know about that?

Gryphon's normally friendly tone became low and aggressive which put all of the girls on edge.

Nix: For the last few months I've been having these strange nightmares. Four armed monsters with glowing blue eyes attacking humans. But, they always end with a giant white ball showing up and people in armor exactly like yours show up and saving the day.

Riven: Guardian. A can sense traces of light in her.

Gryphon:.....The Traveler is a living machine that has the ability to create smaller machines called Ghosts. Ghosts are conduits for the Traveler's power, The Light, which isn't what I showed off in the mountain.

The ship jostled slightly and Skylar looked to the others.

Skylar: We've landed and we've got quite a welcome party apparently.

Gryphon: Before that, you with the glasses.

Nix: Nix.

Gryphon: Nix, keep in touch.

Leaving the girl confused, Gryphon stepped out of the ship as her scroll buzzed. She looked at her scroll to see that his name was added into her contacts.

When Gryphon exited the ship, he was met with the rifles of Atlas soldiers. Ironwood was there as well, pointing his weapon at Gryphon again.

Gryphon: All this for me? You shouldn't have.

Ironwood: Come quietly and you won't be harmed.

Gryphon: I doubt that. Morals go out the window when your lives are under threat. You want to see what makes me tick and nothing more.

Ironwood: What I do, I do for the survival of the people!

Gryphon: You act like you're the only humans in the universe. Enough of that though, I'm sure you realize that you can't open fire with all the prying eyes around here.

Ironwood glances around and see many civilians recording the scene with thee scrolls, causing him to click his teeth in annoyance. He raises his hand and the soldiers put their weapons away. Team CBSS come out of the ship and stand off to the side.

Ironwood: Just come quietly.

Imperia: Maybe you should just listen to them?

Gryphon looks at the girls before chuckling.

Gryphon: Were it so easy...

Gryphon set off a smoke bomb he had hidden behind his back. He was gone when the smoke cleared, ironwood growls before turning his attention to the girls.

Ironwood: Did he say anything that might be of use?

Nix: He only said that he wanted to see how similar Remnant was to where he was from. I don't think he means any harm.


Gryphon walks through the streets of Vale with a curious expression, eyeing everything he comes across.

Riven: Gryphon. What about the pyramid?

Gryphon: You know as well as I do that the storm will keep anyone from getting to close and anyone who does get inside will go insane the moment they do while I'm not there.

As they continued to walk they walked past a certain building that made Gryphon stop and turn around.

Gryphon: Junior's...

Riven: Gryphon...

Gryphon: What? A disreputable place like this is somewhere we can gather all kinds of information if we just hang around.

Riven: I swear, if we get wrapped up in something ridiculous...

Gryphon ignored her as he walked up to the entrance. The bouncer at the front wore a black suit with a red tie and red shades.

Bouncer: Sorry pal, you can't enter without an-

Gryphon's eyes flashed green for a fraction of a second.


Junior, owner of the club, serves a drink to a patron while the music plays loudly in the background.

He begins to clean out a different glass when the doors suddenly burst open and the bouncer from m outside comes flying through them.

Junior: Damn it...*to his men* Go deal with it!

Two more of run out of the front entrance and are immediately launched back through it, landing comically on top of the bouncer in a pile.

Gryphon enters the room, his fists burning with Soulfire.

Gryphon: Who the hell needs an invite to get into a club?! That's just bad business.

The emerald blaze extinguished as he took a seat at the bar and winked to a woman sitting on his right before focusing on the bartender.

Gryphon: Tell me something, why the hell would you require an invite to get in a club? You're losing customers.

The assortment of clicks behind him made Gryphon assume that he was surrounded by guns.

Junior: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Gryphon: A financial nightmare if you don't correct your tone, because I know repairs must cost a fortune on this place.

A set of three weapons transmated onto Gryphon's body and he took a black Ahamkara bone knife into his hand.

[In order: Dragon and Wyvern, The Sudden Stop,Vehement Apocalypse, Ahamkara's Teeth.]

Gryphon: It'd be a shame if it were to get thrashed.

Junior: Tch! Get this guy out of here!

One of the goons put a hand on Gryphon's shoulder.

Gryphon: Ah well, you can't say I didn't try.


A Soulfire chain manifested on his arm and he whirled around, swinging the chain in an arc that sent all of the henchmen flying across the room.

He walked away from the bar and into the center of the room. A henchman rushed him with an axe raised, so he dodged their sloppy swing and wrapped a chain around their leg before swinging the henchman into another group of enemies, causing the faint multicolored hazes around them to fizzle out.

Gryphon: Odd.

Gryphon shielded his face with his arm as gunfire came cascading down from a balcony where several goons were lined up. Bullets that landed burned away with wisps of Soulfire. Then a sudden burst of golden light came from Gryphon.

The light faded to reveal a blazing gold Sentinel Shield in his hands.

[Loading File: Bulwark]
The Bulwark class, a Sentinel remixed with Solar Light. Excels in offense with the defensive capabilities of a normal Sentinel.

[Closing File....]

Gryphon slings the shield towards the end of the line and it bounces from one to the other enemy, causing the same strange hazes to fizzle out around them too.

Junior takes out his weapon, which is a baseball bat/rocket launcher, and fires a rocket at Gryphon's back. The shield returned to Gryphon's hand and he uses the momentum of the shield's return to spin himself around and block the incoming rocket.

Junior: Sonova-

The flames on the shield become violent and a blazing projectile is launched at Junior, hitting him square in the chest and knocking him unconscious as he slams against the bar counter.

The Bulwark disperses into nothing and Gryphon put his hands in his pockets with a content sigh.

Riven: None of this was necessary.

Gryphon: I'm on my trouble maker shit today.

Satisfied with his nefarious acts, Gryphon walks over to the bar and takes a bottle of Vodka and begins downing it.

As he drinks the bottle the front doors open again and two people enter.

???: What the-?! Someone got to it before me?

???: Wait, what?

Still drinking, he spins the bar stool around to see the same blonde girl from Mountain Glenn and a guy with blue hair.
Yang locked eyes with him as she came down the stairs to the dance floor.

Yang: You?!

Neptune: Huh? You know this guy.

Gryphon finishes the bottle and throws it behind him, letting it shatter on the wall.

Gryphon: You could say that.

Yang: How'd you even get here? Why are you here specifically and why'd you trash my favorite spot?!

Gryphon: Eh, details details. I'm just a normal guy out for a stroll. Wanted to come and chill in the club, but they want invitations to get in.

Neptune: Why? That's terrible business.

Gryphon: Exactly! I came in and told the owner of the place that, but as you can see...

He motions to Junior, still unconscious on the ground.

Gryphon: He didn't appreciate the advice.

Yang: That's...

Yang's face began to heat up as she observed the amount of damage done to the establishment before Neptune waved a hand in front of her face.

Neptune: Now what? Your "source" is out of commission.

Yang: H-huh? Oh, yeah you're right...

As Yang began to think, Riven appears from Gryphon's backpack and draws his attention.

Riven: I've intercepted a long of frenzied radio chatter, take a listen.

Her shell extends outward, surrounding the center in a ball of blue light as audio begins to play from it.

-The Paladin is hot on the intruders' tails. They won't get far.-

-We should let Brother Adam know.-

-Yeah, he's not going to be happy about this...-

Riven ends the audio, returning her shell to normal. As she does, Yang's scroll rings and she answers it.

Yang: Hey-

Sun: (Scroll-call) Paladin! That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!

Yang: Where are you guys?

A massive crash comes from outside.

Yang: Nevermind, I got it.

Neptune and Yang turn to leave, but Yang stopped and turned to Gryphon, who had started on another bottle of vodka.

Yang: Hey, um- we might need some help. I'm sure there's gonna be a big fight.

The Taken King stopped drinking and looked at the girl.

Gryphon: Hmm. Aight.

He threw the drink on the ground followed after Yang, who was hiding her smile.


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