Unspoken Truth

By nerdalert11

12.4K 327 183

Miles Grace son of Jason has finally made it to Camp Jupiter find Reyna so he can ultimately reunite his fath... More

Unspoken Truth
I Accidently Butt Called My Dad
Just a little longer?
Sharp like swords
Hey there
Old faces
Whoa parents
Author's self rant ignore please
Youre not taking Miles!
This sucks
Things just.. Happen
Second time
Up for one more?
Let me clue you in
I Don't Know What It Is About Her
The trudge of confusion
We have to go now
They'll be fine

Its About Time

417 10 18
By nerdalert11

Umm how do I say this? I'll be ending this book soon. Thank you so much for the support and for reading my book. If you read the book before this "Lost In My Own Words" I want to thank you for that too. I started writing that when I was in fifth grade one winter because someone had suggested it and looking back I realized it's pretty poorly written with plot holes yet you guys stuck with it and now I have around 4.81K reads on that book. Just because I end this book doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing don't worry I'll probably write another
fanfic soon 😉 I love you guys. If this goes as planned I'll have at least 5 five chapters probably more but less than 15 hopefully. Again thank you and I love you so much.


Reyna POV

I knew this quest was doomed before I even started it. It had been three days since we left our children and we were nearing the center of the "west". I assumed Venus meant the center of the western civilization when she said I would find the key to mine and my daughter's happiness. If I could be happy Aleria never could... That's what Venus had said and though I never liked her I knew she wouldn't lie about my daughter right?

"Reyna" looking over at Jason I was snapped out of my daze as he slung his pack on the floor of a run down motel we were staying at for the night.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I timidly asked looking over at him as I dropped my pack next to his.

"I asked if you wanted to shower first?" Jason looked at me with his eyebrows creased in worry.

"Oh yeah thank you" I said giving him a small smile. We were dirty and I bet we probably didn't smell too well. We of course had gotten attention from monsters with him being a son of Jupiter. We were dirty and I felt as thought I probably wouldn't feel clean for a long time.

I walked into the small bathroom and looked at the shower for a long hard moment thinking of Aleria. How was she?

Slowly and mechanically I climbed into the shower and turned on the warm water.

It felt nice to just stand in and wash over me but then I remembered poor Jason who needed a shower too.

Deciding I should probably hurry up I kept the shower as short as I could before wrapping a towel around me.

"Umm Jason?" I called out peeking my head out the bathroom.

"Yes Reyna?" He called back looking towards me with a crooked smile.

"Would you mind handing me my backpack so I can get some clothes?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously trying to figure out what was going on in that head of his.

"I need to shower so why don't we switch spots? You can change out here and I'll shower" he said giving me a wicked look. What on earth was he going to do? Then I realized he was lounging on the bed. The bed.

There was only one bed holy cow how could I not have noticed that?!

"Um Jason.. Where's the other bed?" I trailed

"Took you long enough to notice" he said rolling his eyes as he stood up.

Suddenly there was only he was only ten feet away from me. Five feet.

Now he was right in front of me pulling open the door to the bathroom.

"Let's switch places get dressed before you get sick. I'll be in the bathroom" he said trying to be subtle about his eyes taking over my figure. Thank god I had my towel wrapped tight enough around me it didn't fall as I slowly walked out of the bathroom and towards my backpack.

"Perv" I muttered as he shut the bathroom door and I slowly started getting dressed.

Once I had pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt I took time to silently thank the gods I wasn't still a teenager. I never would've taken a quest so lightly as a teenager because they were never such a small task in the eyes of the camp. They were never to benefit me but the camp's well being.

"You dressed?" Jason called out from the bathroom.

"Yeah" I called as I quickly got the rest of the tangles out of my hair

"I'm coming out" he said I presume for me to turn around so he can change but to my surprise he wasn't indecent. Or as modest I as was.

Jason walked out of the bathroom with the towel hanging loosely around his waist. It looked ready for fall off as he dug through his bag.

"Reyna" he said looking up at me with a Cheshire smile on his lips.

"Yes Jason?" I asked pretending to be nonchalant as I tried not to notice his toned chest or the way it hasn't changed since I last saw him shirtless. That is give or take a few scars.

"Are you staring at me?" He asked making my cheeks flare up.

"Of course not your perv just get some clothes on." I fired back quickly turning away as I gave my cheeks time to cool off.

"Hmm yeah I'm the perv says the girl who was looking at my half naked body." He fired at me and I heard his towel drop.

"You're the one who walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on" I crossed my arms.

"I thought you had more control over yourself" he laughed as he pretended to chastise me.

"You're telling me about restraint? Aren't you the impulsive one?" I asked as I heard another rustle. Then suddenly he was behind me, his arms loosely wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah I am because I've exercised some great restraint." His voice was low and right next to my ear.

If he called this restraint then I wouldn't want to know what it looked like when he couldn't control himself. I knew what he looked like when he was being impulsive or when he couldn't stop in a fight but this was a different type of control I didn't realize he had so much of.

"You call this restraint?" I asked quietly as he turned me around. Jason had held me like this before yet it never felt like this.

Okay yes I had always had something for him but he.. He ended up going with Piper so how could he hold me like this? Like he loved me? He hadn't talked to me in so many years. Not since before even Aleria was born.

"Considering I've loved you since we were kids yeah I call this restraint." He muttered and I couldn't believe my ears.

What did he just say? He loved me?

"Did you just say you love me?" I asked looking at him dazed.

"I sure did."

"It's about time you said it. I've been waiting for years you idiot" I said and I felt like crying. I had spent years and years hating myself for not telling him I loved him before he met Piper. For not making him stay.

"I love you Reyna" he whispered again closing his eyes. "I'm sorry" he whispered as an after thought.

"I love you too" I kissed him. I had been waiting so long to feel his lips against mine and now that it was happening it was indescribable.

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