Hatefull Chibi Love(finally P...

By DarkCross347

13.5K 696 111

Chibi Romano x Chibi Reader :p I don't know why but I just kept daydreaming about something like this. But... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Authors Note
Ch 17
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26

Ch 16

397 21 0
By DarkCross347

Spain was laying on his stomach,  being lazy as he was staring at the moving pictures of the TV screen. Romano sitting on his back still hugging the tomato plushie to himself.

After a while of not realizing you were in weren't with Romano,  the Chibi perked up quickly and looked around,  hoping to find you.

"hey Spain... Have you seen the regazza?" Romano said,  standing up on Spain's back and looking behind the couch.  His plushie rolling off and onto the floor.

Spain gently shook his head with sleepy eyes," no la he visto." he mumbled with a yawn.

Romano frowned at him and jumped from the couch onto his plushie for a soft landing, " why talk Spanish when you are-a tired... You know I-a don't understand and is-a waste of energy.. "

Spain just chucked, " sure Roma dear... " he spoke as he placed his hand atop Romano's head. "I will be looking for (y/n). You lazy bastardo... "Romano mumbled as he pushed Spain's hand off and got up.  Spain picked up the tomato and placed his head on it with a sigh, "don't get lost... "

Romano rolled his eyes at the Spaniard and walked down the hall to your room.


You felt,  at peace.  Like nothing in the world could turn your smile upside down.

France was sitting in an open field, resting for a moment before he would be walking again. You both have been sitting there for a good long while,  catching up on your small growth and what you have been doing the past days without France.

"hey Francy-Pants? "you said nesseling into his lap comfortably before looking up at him. The little name you gave him made France smile, "yes (y/n)?"

You sat there paciently until your curiosity ate through you,"where are we going?"

Your question made France shrug. The wind blowing his soft blonde hair over his shoulders as his head dropped down to look at you,"I guess we shall just follow our hearts to find our place in the world... "

You looked back out at the hills of grass that moved with the wind,"what does your heart say papa?"

France lifted his head back up with a humorous laugh that made you giggle,"well sweet'eart...my heart says, that if your happy.. I should be too..... What about you? "

You played with the hem of your lavender colored dress you still had on before you left, "it..... "

France brushed some of your hair back from your face with his hand as you spoke,"it says, it hurts... " you criss-crossed your legs in his lap like France had his,"I don't know why,  but it does alittle..."

"maybe.. You just miss being around lots of people... Spain is a big people's- person..." France said,  trying to help with something.

You masked your little frown, that France couldn't see, with a smile,"you are probably right papa.. "

France than carefully picked you up,  as he stood on his feet,"we better get a move on then? "

You hesitated but nodded with a big smile.

For some reason,  your heart felt like it shattered. 

Haven't seen her- no la he visto

Sorry for the wait but I finished...finally... It seems like its a short chapter... But I am writing on my tablet so it could just be the big screen?

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