Corrupted Souls | remus lupin

By slytherinsilk

9K 265 161

Only the dead have seen the end of war. -G.K. Chesterson [1977-1994] [remus lupin x oc] More

the order of the phoenix
summer perspectives, 1977
return to hogwarts
meetings and lemon drops
rat tonic
the long winter
a new chapter
chocolate cake, tea, and truffles
different cut, same cloth
party planning
fleeting moments of youth
a difference of opinion
one less secret
hogwarts class of 1978
cutting ties
alice's birthday
the patronus charm
search and rescue
22 ashwinder avenue

haikus for lisa abbott

326 11 10
By slytherinsilk

Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter sat around their dormitory, snacking on the treats they'd brought back from Honeydukes. James was joking on about Peter's little crush on Lisa Abbott, making up haikus on the pair's relationship. 

"Lisa my lover -

You make my rat tail shiver -

Oh please love me back."

"You're such a prat Prongs!" Peter laughed, shaking his head. "I swear she was givin' me the eye in The Three Broomsticks."

"You should write novels, Wormtail. Your imagination is next-level:

Lisa looked at me -

Her bosom heaved at my charm -

I am so happy."

Peter grabbed a balled-up sock from the end of his bed and chucked it at James, nearly knocking the boy's glasses off. 


Remus sniggered at his friends' antics, leaning against the wall. He glanced over to Sirius, who was being unusually quiet as he chewed on a taffy.

"Alright, mate?" Remus inquired. Sirius had promised the boys earlier that his conversation with Neoma was just her crying about "bullshit pureblood stuff", but Remus had a feeling that there was more to it. 

"Fine." Sirius mumbled, wondering exactly how to tell his friends that Dumbledore was recruiting people to, in Neoma's words, 'duel evil' - AKA stop Voldemort from killing any more people, stop him from infiltrating The Ministry, and stop him from turning students into psychotic murderers. 

Did Regulus have the dark mark yet?

Upon reflection, Sirius realized how terrifying it all was. He agreed to help before he really knew the extent of the situation, and he was positive that his friends would do the same ... but what was he getting them into? 

How long, how serious, would the war be? Surely it would be an easy win with Dumbledore on their side ... right?

Would they die? 

No, that was out of the question.

"My heart doth beateth -

For a woman so divine -

Lisa, please be mine?"

Peter started throwing half-chewed, rotten-tasting jellybeans that he'd spit out earlier towards James's head. One was mis-fired and fell into Remus's lap, who chucked it back in Peter's direction.

Sirius cleared his throat. "Prongs, as beautiful as your poetry is -"

"My name is Padfoot -

I like to lick my arsehole -

I am a good dog."

All four boys broke out into laughter. James looked incredibly pleased with himself.

"Seriously, guys, I have something to talk to you all about." Sirius regained his composure, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I hate to be a downer, but it's important."

The other three calmed down and looked toward their friend. Usually Remus was the one to remind them that life didn't consist of girls, stupid jokes, and the occasional prank. Sirius tended to avoid heavy conversations at all costs.

"Regulus is getting the dark mark this summer, if he doesn't already have it."

"And you're surprised by that?" James rose a brow. "I mean, we all knew it was coming, mate. It sucks, but ..."

"It's different to have someone confirm it."

"Nott told you?"

"Yeah." Sirius crossed his arms. "Regulus is an idiot."

"They all are." James mumbled. "Can't wait to never see their ugly faces again. Parkinson and Malfoy, especially."

"D'you think war - like, real war - is a possibility?"

"I'm pretty sure one's already going on, Pads."

"Yeah but ... I mean ..." Sirius frowned, trying to find his words. "We hear about Voldemort's shit in the papers and then a death eater or two will get locked up - and that's it. But it's only gonna get worse, y'know? What are we gonna do about it?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment. While these thoughts had a tendency to pop up from time to time when they were home, Hogwarts seemed to exist in a different dimension. They were safe - for now - and they didn't like to dwell on what waited for them outside of the castle.

"Dumbledore's starting up a resistance of some sort. Neoma told me about it."

"How did she hear about it? Her dad?" James inquired suspiciously, still not trusting the girl.

"No, Dumbledore told her. He wants her to get others on board before we graduate."

"Sorry, what?" Remus leaned forward a bit. "You mean to tell me Neoma's, like, a spy?"

"Eh, spy probably isn't the right word. Traitor, maybe, but she wasn't really on Voldy's side to begin with, so I dunno if that counts." Sirius mulled over Neoma's situation, trying to find a word to best describe her. "She's just defective, I guess. And this stays between us, 'cause this can't get back to the other twats in her house."

"So she's just been talking to us to - what - recruit us for Dumbledore?" Remus frowned, not wanting to think her kindness was so ... premeditated.

"Essentially, yeah." Sirius shrugged. 

Remus scoffed. "She really is a Slytherin."

"Well yes Moony, she is. How observant of you," Sirius mumbled.

"So she's just been nice to me - and Lily - to use us?"

"Stop being so dramatic, mate. I think she's genuinely interested in getting some new friends. Hers are, eh, not the best."

"So she thought lying to us would be a good way to make friends?"

"Why are you getting so upset with her? If Neoma Nott randomly walked up to you last year and said 'hello Remus, please join a resistance against Lord Voldemort', do you really think you would have taken her seriously?"

"Well, no -"

"Alright then, so unknot your knickers and stop acting like she's some evil mastermind."

Remus crossed his arms, and upon meeting James's questioning look he just shrugged. 

"Some conversation you two must have had if you're standing up for her like this," James observed. "What makes you trust what she's saying?"

"Neoma's gone through some shit. I'm sure we could just ask Dumbledore if we really wanted to confirm what she's saying, but I believe her."

"What 'shit' has she gone through?" Remus pried. Sirius picked at a loose thread on his blanket anxiously. 

"It really isn't my place to say, mate."


"Would you like it If I told her you were a werewolf?" Sirius replied hotly. 

"Well, no, but it's different. We're close friends."

"It really isn't. A secret's a secret. She'll tell you in her own time, I'm sure, if you don't scare her away by being such an arse."

How would Neoma even react to Remus being a werewolf? Sirius wondered. Probably not well.

"So back to the more important issue of war," James interjected. "Not that I don't love watching you two fight over a Slytherin girl:

Girl in green so hot -

Her name is Neoma Nott

Who will claim her love?"

"Fuck off, it's not like that Prongs." Sirius scoffed. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, like, how serious is this resistance?" James's face was set with determination, as if he weren't reciting a terribly-composed haiku moments before. "Because things are only getting worse out there. I know we all avoid it, but you lot read the papers. Lily's scared out of her mind, people are dying left and right, and your brother's about to be on the wrong end of it all. We have to do something, right?"

"Surely The Ministry is handling it just fine?" Peter asked, stomach turning at the idea of going directly against the dark wizard. "I mean, what could we do?"

"Neoma really didn't tell me much, but it seems like Dumbledore started this whole thing outside of The Ministry. Sounds to me he doesn't think they're that reliable."

"Dumbledore had to defeat Grindelwald, too." Remus pointed out. "The Ministry really is bad at handling threats of this size."

"So how do we help out?" James questioned, tilting his head. "Did Neoma say anything about what to do next?"

"We really didn't talk about it much - we were around too many people. Should I ask her?"

"Let's all talk to her," Remus suggested. "I mean, I would personally like to hear things directly from the source." His voice still held a slight edge to it, undetectable to the others.

"So what, we just ambush her? Where?" Sirius frowned. "We can't go asking her at dinner or something. If the wrong ears hear about it ..."

"Shouldn't we tell Lily?" James crossed his arms. "And Marlene and Dorcas? And Alice? She told me Frank's almost done his auror training, I'm sure he can help, too..."

"Let's just keep it between us four until we know more." Sirius urged. "We just have to talk to Neoma."

"We could invite her to play quidditch?" Peter proposed. "I mean I'm a terrible keeper ... and it would be pretty inconspicuous. Not many people are down near the pitch at this time of year unless it's for official practice or matches, so we'd have privacy."

"Since when did you know that much about the pitch schedule, Pete? Unless...

Lisa, quidditch queen -

Your quaffle skills make me scream -

You fly through my brain."

"God Prongs, you're atrocious," Remus groaned, falling back onto his pillow. 


"Hey ... can I sit here?"

Neoma glanced up from her table at the library, eyes widening slightly when she saw Alder Korbin standing above her. 

Alder and his twin sister, Glinda, had been in Neoma's Potions class long as she could remember. She and Glinda were even partners in their fifth year, but Neoma wasn't particularly interested in the art of friendship at the time. 

Alder was well-liked by pretty much everyone. He was a beater for Ravenclaw's quidditch team, and he was extremely intelligent. The rumor was that he'd already been granted an apprenticeship with the Council of Magical Law; they were just waiting for him to graduate. He was quite handsome to boot, which made him a popular choice for girls' attention. Even Narcissa had a crush on him when they were younger, though she would deny it until the day she died.

"Oh, uh, yeah!" Neoma smiled up at him, shifting her papers to one side of the table. 

"Why're you reading about flowers?" He inquired while sitting, throwing her a lopsided grin as he inspected her current reading selection.

"I'm just helping Remus with his Potions project." She blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Neither of us pay much attention in Herbology, so we've had to do some extra reading."

"But you're so good at potions, don't they go hand in hand?"

"I know how the plants can be applied, but I'm rubbish at the actual gardening part."

"The Slytherin doesn't have a green thumb? Where's your house pride?" He joked, pulling out some paper and a book from his bag. "I actually, uh, was wondering if I could have some help. Snape's been the worst partner I've had in ages, and I'm falling behind on my project."

"Ah, yes. He has a tendency to not explain what he's doing," Neoma sighed. "Remind me, what's your project on?"

"I'm making a broom polish to decrease slip. I really want it to be water-resistant because - well - the polish would be the most helpful in the rain ... but I can't figure out how to do it. Snape's no help."

"Some plants repel water ... " Luckily, Neoma already had an encyclopedia of botany in her possession for Remus's project. "Uh, here, look at the lotus flower. They're really repellant, that might help you figure something out."

"Would I just add the flowers to the potion or ...?"

"Oh, well ... I dunno, I'm sorry Alder, I would have to look more into it. I already have a lot on my plate."

"That's alright! I get it." He jotted down the name of the book and 'lotus flower' on a spare piece of paper. "You struggling with any classes this year?"

"I haven't found the time to study much for History of Magic, but that's about it. I don't know why I even decided to keep going with the class, I should have stopped after fifth year."

"Binns is awfully boring, isn't he?" Alder chuckled. "I'm surprised there's enough people taking it this year to justify two classes. It's a shame we aren't in the same one."

Neoma nodded absentmindedly, glancing around the library. She needed to find a book on colour theory - which section would that be in?

"We could study together? Y'know, hold each other accountable? I'm actually pretty good in the class."

"Yeah, maybe ... I do fear that I'll be a bit flaky, though. It really is a bore." She gave him a sheepish smile before standing. "I have to go find a book, I'll be right back."

"Alright! D'you mind if I look through this book to take some notes on the lotus flower?"

Neoma shook her head 'no' before heading off. 

Was she crazy, or was Alder Korbin making a pass at her?

She'd had boyfriends, of course. There was Torrence Travers, who she dated briefly in her sixth year before he graduated. She and Hadrian Fawley had an on-off relationship in their fifth year, however she was entirely too unstable at that time to keep up with it. Gideon Prewett kissed her - drunk - on four separate occasions, but never spared her a second glance otherwise. He was probably ashamed.

Neoma's reputation - or rather her father's reputation - was an effective relationship repellant. Nothing ruined the mood quite like 'my father is a death eater', and so she had a hard time understanding why Alder Korbin was suddenly interested in her.

A few minutes after Neoma left for her book hunt, Remus strolled into the library, heading toward their usual table. He tried to give her the cold shoulder earlier in the week, but quickly got over it when she told him all about some colour-changing dye she found in a muggle chemistry book.

To his extreme surprise, Alder Korbin was in Remus's seat, flipping through the botany encyclopedia that Remus had checked out for them the other day. Neoma's spot looked messy as usual, with her bag's contents strewn out all over the place. 

"Hey, Remus! What's up?" Alder grinned, gesturing toward the table. "Come and sit! Neoma's gone off to find a book or something."

Remus forced his lips to turn upward as he sat across from where he usually would. "Didn't know you and Neoma were friends."

"We aren't - yet." Alder winked, and looked around him before continuing. "I figured since she's - y'know - changed, that maybe she'd be open to dating a half-blood? I've had a wicked crush on her forever, but I was always worried about ... well, you know."

"Her dad being a death eater?" Remus bluntly questioned, raising a brow. 

"Well, yeah - you get it! And I was also kinda nervous that she had the same views as her friends, but I was thankfully wrong!"

"Her being more open-minded than the others doesn't change the fact her dad's a murderer, Korbin." Remus mumbled. 

"Well I was very much raised in a magical household, and I already have a job lined up for me when we graduate. I think I could persuade him to like me."

"I doubt it, but kudos for trying."

Remus was surprised at the attitude he was giving the Ravenclaw, but a full moon was approaching. Patience was not his alter ego's strong suit. 

"You can't blame me though, I mean, you'd have to be blind to not think she's pretty."

Remus decided to not reply as he began searching through his bag for the almanac Neoma had gifted him at Hogsmeade. A few minutes of awkward silence was shared between the two, and Alder was just about to open his mouth to ask about their Transfiguration homework when a soft voice cut through the tension. 

"Oh, Remus!" Neoma approached the table enthusiastically, a small book under her arm. "I didn't think you'd be coming today - Lily and I missed you in potions!"

"I slept in by accident ... and are you saying that Amos didn't miss me?" Remus joked, suddenly feeling less cranky. "I'm hurt."

"Oh, he was the worst of us all," Neoma fed into the bit. "I thought I'd spare him the embarrassment of bringing it up, but I guess I'll tell you ... he was so upset that he had to leave. He was a sobbing mess."

"..That never happened?" Alder interjected, looking between the two with confusion. "Amos didn't go to class today either."

It took everything in Remus's power to not roll his eyes, and Neoma couldn't help but throw the Gryffindor a cheeky wink before sitting down in her seat. "This was the only book I could find on colour theory ... I hope it'll help us. I really don't know how to get your potion to turn different colours on a whim - maybe we'll have to ask Flitwick to help us create a spell - this is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"Lupin, you're taking up all of Neoma's time!" Alder complained jokingly. "I need her help on my Potions project, too!"

Neoma awkwardly laughed. She had no interest in helping Alder with his "no slip" potion.

"Why aren't you working on your own project, anyways?" Alder continued to ask, turning his body so it was facing her directly. "What were you working on again?"

"A potion to help a werewolf maintain their mind on a full moon. Remus's project is much less depressing to research than mine, so I've enjoyed helping out." She sent the boy a small smile, who returned it gratefully. 

Alder scoffed, leaning back and crossing his arms. "What's the point of helping them out? They're labeled beasts for a reason."

Both Neoma and Remus tensed.

"Full moon's in a couple of days ... want me to help you find a werewolf to test it on?"

His words were meant to be charming, but they were anything but in the eyes of Neoma. Remus's sour mood seemed to have returned as he envisioned Alder Korbin falling off of a very tall, very deadly cliff. 


"Merlin, Alder is dreadful isn't he?" Neoma sighed as she and Remus walked together to their evening Herbology class. 

"He was trying to chat you up," Remus joked, nudging her lightly in the ribs. "Are you not enamored with him like the rest of the girls in our year?"

Neoma's nose wrinkled at the thought of being interested in Alder, especially after the grueling three hours they spent together in the library. "He's conventionally attractive - doesn't do much for me, though."

"Me either." Remus admitted, grinning when Neoma laughed at his joke. They walked in silence for a bit after that, wrapping their cloaks closer to their bodies as they fought against the bone-chilling wind. 

"Hey, so ... Sirius told me about how you're ... helping Dumbledore."

"I'm surprised it took almost a week for someone to bring it up," Neoma glanced up at Remus awkwardly. "I'm sorry I wasn't upfront with you - I just thought it would be better if you didn't hate me first."

"I didn't hate you."

"Yeah, okay."

Remus nudged her softly, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, the boys want to invite you to play quidditch next weekend - to talk about it."

"We couldn't just meet by the lake or something?" Neoma quirked a brow. "Why quidditch?"

"I think they're excited to try you out as keeper. Peter's no good, and James and Sirius like to practice on off-weekends."

"I hope they aren't getting their hopes up, I haven't played regularly since I was a kid."

"Did I say Peter was 'no good'? Sorry, I meant practically useless." Remus grinned. "A hippogriff could do better than him."

"Well I'll take them up on the offer, then. Do you play?"

"Yeah. When we're just messing around I'll play chaser, but if we're having a full on game with other people - we try to do a pickup game once a year with Hufflepuff - I'm seeker."

"Seeker?" Neoma sounded surprised, not expecting him to play such a difficult position. "Did you ever try out for the Gryffindor team? If you can play seeker than you must be half decent at quidditch."

Remus sighed, his breath hanging in the air for a moment before dissipating. Quidditch was yet another thing he couldn't officially join due to his condition, even though being a werewolf did give him a slight advantage in the game. Having heightened senses - especially near the full moon - came in handy. "I would be far too irresistible if I played quidditch - I've got to give the other guys a chance."

"Oh, yes - how thoughtful of you." Neoma giggled. "Are you going to the game this weekend?"

"Probably not, I wanna get a jump on my homework for next week."

The full moon is also Saturday night, Remus thought bitterly. He didn't actually have any homework to worry about. 

"Lily invited me to sit with her at the game - I'm a little nervous." Neoma admitted, digging her hands deeper into her pockets. "I was hoping to have you there as a buffer from the rest of your house."

"I'll make sure Peter defends your honour," Remus promised, half-joking. They finally arrived at the greenhouses, and he hauled the heavy glass door open for the Slytherin girl. Light spilled out onto the darkened ground, and the chatter of their peers filled the warm interior. 


"I am sorry that your house has been giving you so much trouble, however I think we both expected such a reaction." Dumbledore offered Neoma a lemon drop, which she accepted. This meeting was far less nerve-wracking than their first. "It is good to see you becoming close with Miss Evans and Mr. Lupin, though. I also happened to notice that you sat with the Gryffindors at the quidditch match over the weekend."

"Oh, yes - that went over quite poorly with the others." Neoma smiled sadly. "Speaking of Gryffindors, that's actually why I wanted to come see you. I told Sirius about The Order - not by name - but I said you were gathering up some people to help fight Voldemort when we graduate. I asked him to not tell anyone except the other boys, and from what I can tell he's kept that promise."

"I'm assuming you would like some more details, then?" Dumbledore knowingly asked. "I am certain they will help - it's in their nature - but those boys are not foolish. They will want to know as much as possible."

"I think they're planning to interrogate me this weekend," Neoma agreed nervously. "Any information you could give me would be much appreciated."

Dumbledore nodded, understanding her position. "Still don't tell them the name of the organization - that can wait until after graduation. But I can provide you some details on what we have done so far, as well as what we predict to happen over the years to come."

Neoma zeroed in on the conversation, not wanting to miss a single detail of what Dumbledore was saying. She would be also be affected by this, after all. 

"While Minister Minchum has been trying his best, The Ministry has been infiltrated on multiple fronts. It's hard to tell who is on what side; many of Voldemort's followers aren't even aware of each other. He's been playing a very patient and secretive game, which is sending many departments in a tailspin. 

As I'm sure you've heard, Voldemort is now attacking muggle-borns and blood traitors as opposed to just muggles. He is growing bolder and as his army grows - which you have revealed is quite extensive - so does the panic amongst governing bodies around the world. We are even in communication with muggle Prime Minister Jim Callaghan, who is under extreme pressure for the mysterious attacks that have destroyed entire muggle villages across the United Kingdom. 

Some in The Ministry fear that Voldemort has placed a taboo on his name, but I don't think that he's gone so far - yet. I urge you to continue saying Voldemort; our side is rife with terror at the moment and it is quite damaging to morale. 

The Order of the Phoenix, while we operate outside of the law, has a silent agreement with The Minister to do whatever is necessary. We will be taking the fight directly to Voldemort, not waiting for him to strike first. It's important that the operation stays small, though. Our greatest strength will be the element of surprise."

Dumbledore grew quiet for a moment, staring off at some imaginary point in the distance. "I fear that things will get much worse before they get better, Miss Nott. When you graduate, I will ask you to gather as much information about Voldemort's operations as you can. I understand that you have probably lost trust amongst his ranks ... as I've come to understand it, some of your peers have already received the dark mark."

Neoma gulped. "Yes, Ern-"

Dumbledore put up a hand to stop her, a flash of sympathy crossing his features. "They are still but children, Miss Nott. It may be foolish of me, but I do not wish to take any action against students. These are their final months of relative normalcy." 

Neoma nodded slowly, relieved by this revelation. She didn't want her year to be more complicated than it already was.

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