Kanao Can't Communicate

By m0chii-

36.9K 1.4K 1.4K

When a person has extreme social anxiety, they struggle to communicate with others. Bear in mind, they only s... More

•~chapter one: crossing paths~•
•~chapter two: friends~•
•~chapter three: change of plans~•
•~chapter four: over the top~•
•~chapter five: zenitsu agatsuma~•
•~chapter six: it's a misunderstanding~•
•~chapter seven: cell phones~•
•~chapter eight: the physical exam and the student council~•
•~chapter nine: ramen~•
•~chapter ten: clothes shopping~•
•~chapter eleven: haircut~•
•~chapter twelve: summer begins, the pool awaits~•
•~chapter thirteen: summer festival~•
•~chapter fourteen: video games~•
•~chapter fifteen: an emergency...study session?~•
•~chapter seventeen: girl talk~•
•~author's birthday q&a!~•
•~chapter eighteen: sports festival~•
•~chapter nineteen: photo booth~•
•~chapter twenty: the class president's job~•
•~chapter twenty-one: typhoon~•
•~chapter twenty-two: what should we do for the culture festival?~•
•~chapter twenty-three: preparing for the culture festival~•
•~chapter twenty four: the culture festival~•
•~chapter twenty-five: afterparty~•
•~chapter twenty-six: karaoke~•
•~chapter twenty-seven: feelings~•
•~chapter twenty-eight: winter's arrival~•
•~chapter twenty-nine: cat cafe~•
•~chapter thirty: the end of term exams~•
•~chapter thirty-one: games, sweet potatoes, memories~•
•~chapter thirty-two: fun in the snow~•
•~chapter thirty-three: hanafuda~•
•~chapter thirty-four: new year at the shrine~•
•~chapter thirty-five: a cold~•
•~chapter thirty-six: what really happened~•
•~chapter thirty-seven: groups for the field trip~•
•~chapter thirty-eight: the fieldtrip begins~•
•~chapter thirty-nine: mitsuri makes her return~•
•~chapter fourty: free day~•
•~chapter fourty-one: the yo-yo and the night after~•
•~chapter fourty-two: second night~•
•~chapter fourty-three: the train ride home~•
•~chapter fourty-four: chocolate making~•
•~chapter forty-five: friendship day~•
•~chapter forty-six: the kind girl who is also a demon~•
•~chapter forty-seven: too sweet~•
•~chapter forty-eight: prep for white day~•
•~chapter forty-nine: the struggles of white day~•
•~chapter fifty: eraser drop~•
•~chapter fifty-one: new year, same me~•
•~chapter fifty-two: strange~•
•~chapter fifty-three: hay fever~•
•~chapter fifty-four: bowling~•
•~chapter fifty-five: athletics~•
•~chapter fifty-six: sweat~•
•~chapter fifty-seven: summer vacation to-do list!~•

•~chapter sixteen: country girl~•

731 31 19
By m0chii-

(Listen to the song for a better reading experience <3)


Many students are depressed today.

Perhaps, they're feeling uneasy in their surroundings, or they just lament the end of summer.

But when he looked at the other students, he thought:

"The students here today look perfectly giddy!"

...but, they were giddy because they saw Kanao again after a whole month.


But, there was one particular person that was VERY depressed on this day of returning to school.

And that...was a student in class 2-B. Her name is Yoshida Mio.


Ah'm really depressed...

That was Mio's constant thought as she walked toward the entrance of Kimetsu Gakuen.

Ah don' even know how ah got inter this here private school...since ah'm...ah'm...


Mio shouted this last part out loud, much to the shock of her fellow students...she is indeed, a country bumpkin.

First semester really was a-frightful, Mio thought, as she walked through the halls. Ah didn't talk much, because if the other students found out erbout me...they would definitely throw rocks at me.

While the other young-ins were all talking and having fun...I didn't say nuthin'. she thought, as a tear came to her eye.

While the other gals wore their skirts short....mine was five centimeters above mah knees. she thought, sighing. Short jus' wouldn' suit me!

But then, Mio looked down with an expression of triumph on her face.

But today, mah skirt's three centimeters above me knees! Ah'm a new gal!

But, as she walked through the hall, she began steaming with embarrassment. She fixed her skirt, making it cover her knees a bit more.

Ah can' live like this any longer... Mio thought sadly. It's real depressin' to be so countrified.

But then, Mio saw something that snapped her out of her funk. Actually, it was someone who snapped her out of her funk.

Gasp! There's the class goddess! It's really Kanao~san! Mio thought, gazing at Kanao with stars in her eyes. She's so purty! A real city gal, ah reckon!

Mio began to fantasize about being a 'city girl', as she thought, Jus' like Kanao~san, ah wanna be a city gal with a take-out coffee in one mitt and documents under mah arm, while ah stroll down a busy city street lined with office buildings!

Mio was suddenly jolted out of her fantasy by the loud voice of Inosuke. He stood by Kanao's and Tanjiro's desks, as he clearly panicked about something.

"We don't have a half day today because of the opening ceremony? I didn't bring lunch again!" Inosuke shouted, out of frustration. Then, his eyes lit up with the fire of an idea.

"Manao!" Inosuke shouted. "I want you to get me my usual sandwich from Platter Palace! In case you forgot, it's a combo meal with turkey avocado sandwich with a tons of honey, oats, cheese, lettuce, pickles, olives and balsamic dressing on toasted bread, with basil fries and a large soda."

Tanjiro sighed in annoyance while scratching his head. He asked Inosuke, "Why don't you go buy the sandwich yourself, if you're so desperate to have lunch, Inosuke?"

Inosuke shook his head at this statement of Tanjiro's. "Now, don't be rude to your master, Pontaro. I still haven't finished my homework!!" He said the last part in a trembling voice.

"And, since Janao is getting lots better at talking, she should give it a try!" Inosuke said, while Tanjiro shook his head.

"Don't be lazy to go, Inosuke." Tanjiro muttered.

Mio, meanwhile, had been eavesdropping on their conversation. She had indulged into another fantasy, this time one where she could say something like: "'It doesn't comply with regulations'" as she ate a sandwich.

Mio nearly jumped for joy when Kanao agreed to go to Platter Palace for Inosuke.

This is mah big chance! Mio thought. I'll watch how Kanao~san orders sandwiches, so that I can be a city gal that's capable of ordering, too!


Tanjiro followed Kanao as she went on her way to the sandwich shop for the second time. Once Kanao had reached the doorway, she began trembling, per usual.

Tanjiro noticed that Mio had been following Kanao. But, he focused on cheering Kanao on, hoping that she would stop shaking and start going inside.

But, Mio got the completely wrong idea.

Golly! she thought, sighing dreamily. As cool as a cucumber on a hot summer day, all she does is stan' there, facing the swank shop! Ah'd get the jitters and rush in! She's so calm and nifty!

Tanjiro sweatdropped as Mio's eyes continued to sparkle. Mio~san has definitely gotten the wrong idea... he thought.

Kanao finally found the courage to enter, and with shaky steps, she walked inside. Mio jolted, and ran inside after Kanao did.

Although Kanao had visited Platter Palace once before, she was still trembling at the sight of the stylish space full of competent, working people. Mio, on the other hand, was practically convulsing at the sight of the stylish space full of competent, working people.

The cashier, who was a woman this time (see chapter 4), waved to Kanao. "Hello! I can take your order if you're ready!" she called.

Eep! Mio thought in panic. You'd better be ready with yer order, so that the cashier don' have to wait! She looked at Kanao, to see what to do next...but...

Kanao walked out of the shop, much to the shock of the cashier and Mio.

Eeeeeeeeeh?! Mio thought incredulously. Sh-she went back out?! Why'd she do that? (She got scared and fled.)

But then, Mio suddenly regained her admiration.

How cool is that?! Mio thought. She didn' care one lick fer that cashier's feelings! Yer own pace and style! That's what everyone does because it's cool!

Ah'm learnin' gobs of stuff! Mio thought, as Kanao walked in once again.

Kanao began to order, as she tried to keep her cool composure.

The cashier gave out a barrage of information once Kanao had chosen the sandwich that she wanted made.

"A turkey avocado sandwich?"

"Is that to go?"

"Which bread would you like?"

"Which toppings would you like?"

"Would you like a combo meal?"

"Shall I toast it?"

"Any dressing?"

"Would you like to have all the vegetables?"

Mio was having a complete information overload as she heard all the questions of the cashier.

H-huh? Orderin' seems real hard! she thought, as she tried to process everything she just heard. Ah don' reckon ah c-c-can....

Mio looked at Kanao, to see what she would do. And, she and the cashier were met with a huge, but beautiful shock.

Kanao simply smiled.

"Urm...if you don't have any particular preference...I can recommend something." the cashier stammered.

(Kanao just had an information overload.)


Kanao promptly walked out of the shop once her recommended order was complete. Her face was steaming in embarrassment. All while this was happening, the cashier was bowing behind her, saying, "Thank you for your purchase!"

Meanwhile, Mio's face was overflowing with tears at all the events that she had just witnessed.

She withstood that whole barrage and ordered with a single smile! That gal's really got grit! she thought. Ah'm gonna follow her everywhere, and ask her for tips! Then someday, I reckon ah'd be a city gal too!

Ah've made up mah mind! Jus' like Kanao, ah'd better buy a sandwich! she thought, now stomping into Platter Palace.

(And she did it well enough.)


"Erm...Manao, this is wrong." Inosuke said, when the wrong sandwich was brought to him.

Kanao nearly burst into tears (again!), but, while Inosuke was being forced into an apology bow by Tanjiro, she felt a light tap on your shoulder.

She turned around to see Mio. The country girl was fidgeting, and she looked like she wanted to say something.

"Urm...K-k-Kanao~san!" Mio exclaimed. "You taught me so much on my road to be a city gal...c-c-can yeh be my mentor and friend so I can keep learnin'?"

Kanao titled her head in confusion. But then, she nodded slowly, since Mio had asked to be her friend.

"W-w-wow!" Mio stammered. "Th-thank you for agreein'! Bye!"

Mio immediately ran off, steaming in embarrassment. But, nonetheless, Kanao was happy, since she had just made another friend.


A/N: Thanks guys for reading this chapter! Sorry it took me so long to write a chapter (AGAIN), I've just been busy with things in my personal life.

I'm happy to announce that, thanks to a friend of mine, all the OC slots are completely full! So, as of this chapter, there's no more OC requests.

Also, I'd love it if you guys would check out my other new book, A New World! It's a crossover between...Genshin and Demon Slayer! Check it out by pasting this link in your browser👇


That's all for me...don't forget to comment, vote, and maybe follow me! Also check out my other books!


(It's our favorite Genshin bard! It's our boy Venti!!)

Word Count: 1475 Words ❤️

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