His Personal Nurse /Corpse Hu...

By NerdyFantasy

6.2K 149 57

It was just a normal day at my clinicals... or that is what I thought at least. Never thought I would meet s... More

Chapter 2
The Post
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

1.1K 18 0
By NerdyFantasy

It was just another day for me.  Or that is at least what I thought while I was working the ER, trying to get my clinicals done for this semester.  It was kind of slow at the moment, which is good considering the fact that a lot of people had come in freaking out thinking that they had Covid.  Which again those patients didn't have it.  So we could send them home to see their regular doctors.

I was finishing up some charting for one of my patients that had just left.  I heard that they were bringing a young man back and he was gonna be put in one of the rooms that I was covering.  I sighed softly and got up to get the room ready for the young man.

"Just my luck... I thought I was gonna get a small break from this.  I should just not have thought about it..." I muttered to myself while I fix the bed.  I sanitize everything in the room just in case.  I didn't know why this man was coming into the emergency room.  Then again, this was a decent sized hospital right off the highway.  So, it was convenient for the people who were making trips.

I looked up from what I was doing and saw that they had brought the young man back to me.  I went up to him and helped him up on to the bed.  "Hello, My name is Kaylee.  I'll be your nurse.  Student nurse that is.." I said softly and began typing away on my computer.  "What is your name sir?"

I looked up at him.  He was fumbling with his fingers a little bit with the rings on his hand.  I looked up at his face and I could see fear was written all over his face.  Some of the mans curly hair was covering his eyes.  He was also wearing a black mask and a black eye patch.  This man looked familiar to me.  I don't know why.  There was just something about him that was familiar.

I shook my head and then proceeded to ask him again what his name was.  "Randall...." he muttered softly.  That voice was so fucking deep.  I jumped slightly not really expecting that from the young man in front of me.  My eyes squinted as I was typing and trying not to look at the man.  I had so many thoughts running through my head at that given point.  

I had one of my headphones in my ear and it was playing my playlist on spotify.  At that exact moment one of Corpse's song started playing.  Most of us girls in the ER were talking about him earlier.  Thats when I stopped typing and looked at him.  "What are you here for hun? What kind of medications are you on as well?"

He looked at me confused and very uncomfortable.  "Pain... I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia."  The man in front of me then started telling me all the medications he was on.  During that I was typing, and realizing that this mans voice and the voice in my ear at the moment were the exact same one.

"Hold on."  I got up and closed the curtain to the room.  Some of the girls were staring over here at us.  I shook my head to them.  I looked at him up and down.  He was bouncing his leg up and down quickly.  His knuckles were now white as could be from him gripping his own hands.  I sighed softly. I went into one of the drawers and grabbed out a small plastic bag and a surgical face mask.

I hand them to the man in front of me.  "If I were you, I'd take those rings off, bracelets, and the chains...  Switch out your face mask as well..."  He looked at me shocked.  I turned away.  "Hurry up so I can open the curtains before the wonder what the hell I'm doing to you..."  I heard him moving around taking the things off.

"You know who I am..." he said softly.  I nodded my head and didn't say anything in response to that.  It didn't matter.  I was absolutely fangirling over the man in front of me.  I just hid it very well.  He was already uncomfortable about coming in here to begin with.  Plus, what can I say I'm part of team faceless.  "You... can turn around now."

I turned around and went back to my computer.  I couldn't meet his gaze that I felt on me right now.  There was a small blush on my face.  "Well... When is the last time you have taken your medications?  This flare up could be because of that..."  My hands were on the keyboard typing away but there were slightly shaking.

He rubbed the top of his thighs, still nervous as hell.  "Uhh... a couple days ago.  I've kinda been driving across country at the moment."  I nodded softly, typing in the information he was giving me.  I could feel his eyes on me.  I messed with my face mask.  I was starting to panic and it was getting hard to breath with this thing on my face.  "Are you okay?" 

My eyes opened wide.  I nodded softly at him.  "Ummm... I'mma go see what tests the doctor wants to run just in case.. It might just be a few blood tests to make sure about your medications you are on..."  My throat was starting to close or at least was feeling like it was closing on me.  I quickly left the room and pulled my face mask down to breath heavily.

My best friend, Ashley, walked up to me.  She saw the cold sweat on my forehead.  She put her hand on my shoulder worried.  "Dude, are you okay? Do I need to get another nurse to take of that man?  Did he try to do something to you?" Her voice started getting angry.

I hadn't closed his rooms door.  My black and pink hair almost hit her in the face as I shook my head no.  "N-No!  He's fine.  He's actually in a lot of pain.  I started having a... panic attack in there and I couldn't breath..."  Ashley frown at me and was worried.  I was usually good at hiding my panic attacks at work, but this one was one of the worst.  "While I go talk to the doctor... can you make sure none of the other nurses go in there?"  She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Kaylee, what is going on?" she asked me curiously this time.  I shook my head softly.  The one time I actually can't share with her what is going on.  I couldn't do that to him... He needed his privacy and he was already nervous walking into this place.

"Ashley... please don't ask me questions." I said softly and unsure, feeling a little guilty that I couldn't tell her.  I knew she was a major fangirl.  There was no way to tell how she was going to react to him being who he was.  Then again I could also be wrong, he never came out and exactly told me he was Corpse.  Though I feel like those words weren't exactly needed at this point.  She didn't argue with me.  Ashley just nodded her blonde little head up and down, accepting what I was saying.

About thirty minutes later, I was back in his room and telling him what kind of tests the doctor wanted to run.  "Yeah... Go ahead." I could feel his eyes on me still.  He had calmed down quite a bit compared to how he was a little while ago.  "You know.  I heard you with your friend.  Why didn't you tell her who I was?"  His voice made me shiver slightly as I tied the tourniquet around his arm.  I already knew that I wasn't going to need it.  He had really nice veins.

I looked him in the eyes finally.  They were really pretty and I bit my lip.  I was just glad that he couldn't see much of my face at the moment.  "You deserve your privacy...  Just like anyone else." I cleaned his arm with an alcohol wipe.  I got the needle and tubes ready to collect his blood.  My hand was shaking slightly.  I groaned softly.

He chuckled a little bit.  I glared at him slightly.  This man has the nerve to laugh at me because I'm nervous.  "Would it be easier for you if I look away and let you do what you need to do?"  I growled at him softly and then thought about it for a minute.  Then I nodded softly, my dark eyes meeting his own for a moment.  He smiled softly and I only could tell because his cheek bones went up slightly.

He looked at the wall and away from me finally.  I found the perfect vein and I slid the needle into his arm and pushed the first tube in.  I watched it fill quickly.  Switching the tubes as they fill as much as they are needed.  I had to take 5 vials of his blood.  On the last vial, I took the tourniquet off and pulled out the needle when I finished.  "There..." I said softly and turned around making sure to mark the vials properly.

My hand was starting to shake again.  I really hate this.  I needed to calm down and just relax.  This young man was no different then any other patient I have helped take care of.  He was just an average man.  I peeped over my shoulder and saw his eyes on me.  He tried flipping his hair out of his eyes.  I sighed softly and went to leave the room.  "I'll be back in a little bit to check your vitals again...  Feel free to watch tv.. and did you want your aide to get you water or did you want me to bring you some?"

"If you could bring it in.. That would be great.. I'd rather not any more people recognize me." He said softly to me.  I nodded and quickly left the room to get the blood where they needed to go and to get the man his water.  He was pretty handsome now that I let myself think about it.  Gosh dangit... I should have not that about him that way... I am so screwed....



Yes... Yes I did this.  I told myself that I wouldn't make a Corpse fanfiction... But this idea was in my head all night at work.. So I decided why not?  Who knows where this will lead but thats okay! It's all meant in good fun...

As for the name... I just pulled off whatever I found on the internet do noooot come after me for it.  

Anyways have a nerdtastic day or night!!! Stay awesome <3

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