A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Read...

By ramen_writez

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(Y/N), one of the last winter wolves left in the world, and the next leader of the well known mafia group, Ch... More

Thank You All ❤️
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By ramen_writez

"A date?" My head tilted slightly as the tall grey wolf stood in front of me, a small smile painted on his face. "We can't go into town though, remember?"

"I know, but we've been dating for a while now and I haven't taken you on a proper date yet," Legoshi scratched the back of his neck, nervousness in his voice. "I will plan the whole thing, we don't have to if you don't want to though."

I laughed. "Why the hell wouldn't I want to go on a date with my favorite wolf?"

I saw Legoshi's eyes light up, his tail wagging instantly. "Really? That's great!"

The bell rang, interrupting our conversation and signaling it was time for class. "We should get to class, I'll see you later." Legoshi nodded, pulling me into him. He wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I copied his actions, hugging his tall frame.

"I don't want you to go," Legoshi whined, hugging me tighter. I smiled.

"When school is done you have me for the whole weekend, it's just gonna be a couple hours," I said, not wanting to let go.

I heard Legoshi let out a sigh, loosening his grip. "Fine. I'll get everything ready and I'll text you the time and place later for our date."

I took a small step back, the smile not leaving my face. "You better."

Legoshi smiled, placing a large hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. "God you're so pretty," Legoshi leaned in, kissing my lips softly.

"Hey! Get to class now!" An angry voice yelled from down the hall. "And no kissing in the halls! I will write you up for that!"

We both jumped away from each other. "We should run before that teacher gets us," I said. "See you later, love."

"He's finally taking you on a date?! How long has it been since you two been dating?! Like 4 months?!" Asahi furrowed his brows. "Nah, I don't approve of this. He should of taking you on a date months ago."

"Well I don't care if you approve or not," I said, my eyes not leaving the textbook in my hands. "We've hung out so much already so I guess you can count that as dates."

"That doesn't count," Hinata sat next to me, also reading the book. Asahi was sitting in front of us, turned completely so he could face us. "What are you two even doing?"

"I'm not sure. He said he's gonna plan the whole thing."

I saw Asahi shake his head. "I don't have a good feeling about him, (N/N)."

"You don't have a "good feeling" about anyone," I hit the top of his head with my book. "Now start your assignment or you're gonna get in trouble."

"Has he even met your dad?" Asahi asked, rubbing the top of his head.

"Nope. And I don't plan on them meeting for a while," I answered. "He will just scare Legoshi away."

"He's going to have to meet him sooner or later," Hinata finally looked up from his book. "It's best if you get it out of the way soon."

I didn't say anything. He was right. My dad constantly texted me or brought it up when I called him, asking when I was going to bring Legoshi over to meet him. And each time I always said "soon" or "eventually".

"Fine. I'll try to get it approved by the Headmaster to take him into town to meet him," I sighed.

I laid in my bed, my phone on my chest as I stared at the ceiling. My dorm mates constantly entered and left the room, saying the usual hellos and how was classes. Every time my phone vibrated I instantly checked it, eager for a text from Legoshi. After what seemed like checking my phone 20 times I finally got a text from Legoshi.

I smiled, a surge of energy and excitement coursing through my body. I texted back a quick "ok <3" and jumped up. Sliding on my shoes I sped walked out the room. I was wearing a pair of black straight jeans with a slightly oversized tee paired with boots. (If you don't want to wear that just ignore it lol).

I ran down the halls, maneuvering through the groups of students littered in the halls. I didn't want Legoshi to wait super long so I was trying to hurry. I burst through the double doors at the bottom of the dorms, chill air hitting my face. I ran down the steps, my shoulder bumping into someone.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorr- oh, it's you," I turned to apologize to the animal but stopped in my tracks.

"It's fine. Aren't you Legoshi's friend?" The small white rabbit asked, her large dark eyes unreadable.

"Girlfriend, actually," I corrected.

"Right, right. Sorry, it's weird to think he actually got a girlfriend," the rabbit, who I didn't care much to learn her name, laughed. "We haven't talked much since you two met, actually."

"Is that so?" I crossed my arms. "Well don't think I made him stop talking to you, I'm not the type to do that."

The rabbit waved her small hands in front of her. "Of course not! I don't blame him for not talking to me actually, we had a... interesting relationship before you came," I heard a twinge of jealousy and malice in her voice. It's not like she can do anything though.

"Right. Well I actually should get going, I'm supposed to meet him for a date coincidentally."

"Oh, well tell him I said hi. And to text me, I'd like to talk to him again," the rabbit said, her piercing black eyes not leaving me.

I didn't say anything as I turned on my heels, walking away. I don't know what her problem was, it's not my fault he stopped talking to her. Plus rumors about her have spread a crossed school like wild fire, all of them being how she was "easy" to get with for both carnivores and herbivores.

I made my way a crossed school grounds as if I was on auto pilot, a little bit of sun filtering through the clouds above. It definitely was a good day, yet a little chilly since it was more towards the evening time in. 'Maybe I should of grabbed a jacket,' I thought as a breeze hit me, sending chills up my spine.

After a few minutes I was able to see the familiar tall grey wolf leaning against the wall of the drama building. He didn't seem to notice me by him, so taking that to my advantage I quietly snuck up on him.

"Boo!" I tried scaring him, but to no avail, he only looked at me, a small smile on his face.

"It's pretty hard to scare me when I know your scent," Legoshi laughed, pushing himself off the wall.

"You could of at least pretended to be scared," I huffed. Legoshi laughed again, holding out his hand. A small black bandana laid in it.

"Ok, I have to cover your eyes before I take you there."

I took a small step back, shaking my head. "Hell no, I am not covering my eyes. You could be kidnapping me for all I know."

"Oh come on, I don't need to kidnap you when you're always with me. And it's a short walk, I'll lead you there."

I sighed, snatching the blindfold. "If I take this off and I'm in the back of a van, I will kick your ass."

I quickly tied the fabric over my eyes. Once I finished Legoshi grabbed my hands, gently pulling me. I let him lead me to wherever he was taking me, occasionally saying "watch your step" and "careful". We made our way through what seemed like the woods until Legoshi stopped me. (I don't know if there are woods near the school or even the drama building but we gonna act like there is for this chapter :3).

"Alright, you ready?" Legoshi quietly said. It seemed like he was asking himself if he was ready, his tone very nervous. But nonetheless I nodded. Legoshi untied the fabric, letting it drop from my face. My eyes widened slightly, my mouth forming a small 'o'.

On the grassy floor there was a large fluffy blanket spread down, an assortment of snacks and a few drinks on the blanket. On the edge of the blanket, there was a few books stacked on one another, a small white projector on the top angled up slightly. A large white sheet was hung up in front of the projector, moving slightly from the breeze.

"Oh wow, Legoshi. This is amazing!" I fawned over the display of items in front of me.

"Jack helped me come up with the idea and set it up, but yeah, here it is. Do you like it?" I could tell he was anxious to hear my answer. I smiled and jumped at him, tackling him into a hug.

"I love it. Thank you so much, Legoshi," my voice was muffled as I shoved my face into his chest. His arms wrapped around my shoulders, hugging me back.

"I'm really happy you like it," Legoshi said, pulling away. We both walked to the blanket, plopping down. I felt Legoshi drop something in my lap once we sat. I looked down, seeing a blue and gray hoodie in my lap. "I figured you'd be cold so you can have that."

I smiled, giving him another thank you and put it on. The hoodie seemed to swallow me whole, the sleeves going way past my hands. I watched as the wolf fumbled with the projector, a light shining from it onto the sheet.

"We aren't gonna get in trouble for being over here, right?" I asked, not wanting Legoshi to get in trouble for doing this.

"No one ever comes to this part of the woods. Apparently it's haunted," Legoshi said, scooting back to me.

I smirked a little, bumping into his arm slightly. "Ooo~, maybe we'll see some ghosts," I teased.

Legoshi chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his lap. "If that's the case I'll protect you from the spooky ghosts."

I laugh, leaning against his chest. "I think it's me who'll do the protecting, Wolfie."

I felt his grip around me tighten slightly as he kissed the top of my head. "Whatever."

About two hours passed, the movie called "Hotel for Dogs" (if you haven't seen it I definitely recommended) coming to a close. The sun was nearly gone, along with the snacks that was on the blanket. I stretched my arms, sitting up. Both me and Legoshi were laying on the blanket, him hugging my waist as we watched the movie. Legoshi copied my actions, sitting up and stretching as well.

"I should get you back to your dorm before Kara or Haruhi gets mad at me," Legoshi sighed, standing up.

"You're right, let me help take this stuff back first," I stood up, helping Legoshi to his feet.

"Nope, I'll take care of it. You need to get to bed, you look exhausted," Legoshi rubbed my arm softly. As if on cue, a small yawn left my mouth, sleepiness filling my body.

"Yeah, a little," I rubbed the back of my neck. "Didn't get much sleep last night."

Legoshi nodded, turning around. I watched as he bent down slightly. "Hop on."

I smiled and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck and my legs slightly around him. He grabbed the back of my thighs, starting to walk the way we came. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, closing my eyes.

"Thank you for everything, Legoshi," I muttered loud enough for him to hear me.

"Anything for you. I love you," he replied, leaning his head against mine.

"I love you more," I muttered before letting sleep take over my body.

Oh my god I'm so sorry this chapter took so long! I tried making it a bit longer thought with some fluff added for you all <3

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