The Tardis' Girl (Previously...

By DisasterChild20

4.7K 165 53

The Story of Robyn, Captain Jack Harkness' daughter... or is she. More

The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
R.I.P Bernard Cribbins
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
Comic Relief 2011 - Time
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon

Cold Blood

79 3 0
By DisasterChild20

Robyn watches as Rory tends to an injured "I'm a nurse, you should've told me." Rory tells the older man. They suddenly hear screaming in the basement making the three of them jump up and rush down the basement stairs to see Alaya lying on the floor wheezing, Ambrose stood with a taser in her hand. "Stay here." Rory tells Robyn, not wanting her to see what's happening. He rushes to Alaya to see if he can help her "Ambrose... What've you done?" Tony asks his daughter. "She kept taunting me about Mo and Elliot and you." Ambrose responds. "We have to be better than this!" Tony exclaims, taking the taser off her. "She wouldn't tell me anything. I thought sooner or later, she'd give in. I would've done. I just... I just want my family back, Dad." Ambrose responds. "I'm sorry. How do we help you? Tell us what to do." Rory pleads with Alaya. "I knew this would come. And soon the war." Alaya responds. "You're not dying. I'm not going to let you, not today..." Rory trails off as she dies. "I didn't know it would go like that, Dad." Ambrose tells Tony. "Oh, my little girl, what have you done?" Tony says as he hugs her. "What happens now?" Ambrose asks. Rory goes over and picks up Robyn; covering her eyes so she doesn't see the body as he carries her over to a box to sit on, facing away from Alaya.

Just then an old computer monitor turns on to show a homoreptilia on screen "Oh, my God." Ambrose says. "Who is the ape leader?" the homoreptilia asks. "It's them. How are they doing that? How do they know that we're in here?" Ambrose asks, covering Alaya's body with a tarp. "Who speaks for the apes?" the homoreptilia asks. "Don't tell them what's happened." Tony tells Rory. Nodding he steps forward "I speak for the... humans. Some of us, anyway." Rory tells them. "Do you understand who we are?" the homoreptilia asks. "Sort of. A bit. Not really." Rory responds. "We have ape hostages." the homoreptilia tells them, the camera moves to show the Doctor, Amy, Nasreen and Mo all tied to pillars "Doctor! Amy!" Rory exclaims. "Mo! Mo, are you okay?" Ambrose asks. "I'm fine, love! I've found Elliot. I'm bringing him home!" Mo responds. "Amy! I thought I'd lost you!" Rory exclaims. "What, cos I was sucked into the ground? You're so clingy." Amy jokes. "Tony Mack!" Nasreen smiles. "Having fun down there?" Tony asks. "Not to interrupt, but just a quick reminder to stay calm." the Doctor pipes up. "Show me Alaya. Show me and release her, immediately, unharmed, or we kill your friends one by one." the homoreptilia tells them. "No!" Ambrose exclaims. "Ambrose..." Rory starts. "Steady now, everyone." the Doctor tells them.

Robyn looks at the Doctor hoping he can see that something is wrong, the Doctor nods subtly at her making her smile slightly "Ambrose, stop it!" Tony tells his daughter. "Get off me, Dad! We didn't start this!" Ambrose exclaims. "Let Rory deal with this Ambrose, eh!" the Doctor tells her. "We're not doing what you say any more. Now, give me back my family!" Ambrose demands. "No. Execute the girl." the homoreptilia declares. "No! No, wait!" Rory exclaims. "Rory!" Amy exclaims as solider take Amy from the pillar. "She's not speaking for us!" Rory tries as Amy is pushed to the center of the room in front of the soldiers. "There's no need for this..." the Doctor starts. "Listen! Listen! Whatever you want... we'll do it!" Rory exclaims. "Aim." the homoreptilia tells the soldiers. "Amy!" Rory exclaims. "Rory!" Amy shouts back. "Don't do this!" the Doctor tells them. "No!" Rory exclaims as they lose the connection and the screen goes static. Rory hits the monitor, trying to get the connection back "Nothing! I've got to get down there." he says, going to walk away. "Rory! Hello!" the Doctor smiles, the picture coming back. "Where's Amy?" Rory asks. "She's fine, look, here, she is." the Doctor says, moving to the side so Rory can see her. "Oh, thank God." Rory sighs as Robyn smiles. "Keeping you on your toes!" Amy smiles. "No time to chat. Listen, you need to get down here... Go to the drill storeroom, there's a large patch of earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport discs to bring you back down using geothermal energy and gravity bubble-technology. It's how they travel and frankly it's pretty cool. Bring Alaya. We hand her over, we can land this after all. All going to work, promise. Got to dash! Hurry up!" the Doctor explains before the screen goes dead again. "The moment we get down there, everything will fall apart." Tony sighs. "We have to return her. They deserve at least that." Rory responds.

Rory holds Robyn's hand after placing Alaya's body on the floor of the room in the drill site, next to five geothermal disk "So we get on those, and they take us down through the Earth?" Tony asks. "Geothermal gravity bubbles, or something." Rory explains making Robyn nod. "They sent five. She was our only bargaining chip." Ambrose says. "We have to hand her back." Rory tells her. "Wait. Before we go down, there's something I've got to do... Dad, I need your help." Ambrose says, walking out with Tony following her. Robyn plays with Rory's fingers while they wait making him smile and pick her up "What's wrong?" he asks her. "Don't like being away from the Doctor for too long." she responds. Rory nods "Well we're going to find him now." he tells her. Robyn nods and hug him round his neck, Rory smiling and hugging her back as Ambrose and Tony walk back in.

Rory holds Robyn's hand as they walk through the Silurian City, finding the court "Here they are." the Doctor smiles. Robyn smiles and runs over to the Doctor, making him pick her up and hug her "You alright?" he asks. "Missed you." she tells him, putting her face in his neck. The Doctor smiles "I'm with you now though, not planning on leaving you for a long time." he promises. Just them Ambrose walks in making Elliot run to her "Mum!" he exclaims. "Rory!" Amy smiles. Rory opens him mouth trying to find the words to explain what happened, Robyn whimpers slightly and tightens her grip on the Doctor "Something's wrong..." he realises. Tony walks in carrying the covered body of Alaya "Doctor, what's he carrying?" Amy asks. The Doctor passes Robyn to her, Robyn immediately snuggling in to Amy "No. Don't do this. Tell me you didn't do this." he says. Tony lays the body on the floor making the Doctor squat down and pull the cloth away from Alaya's face, covering quickly after and giving Rory and look before motioning to Robyn. Rory shakes his head, letting him know she didn't see the body "What did you do?" the Doctor asks Tony. "It was me. I did it." Ambrose pipes up. "Mum?" Elliot asks. "I just wanted you back." she tells her son. Elliot walks away from her "I'm sorry. I didn't know. You have to believe me, they're better than this." the Doctor tells Eldane, the Silurian leader. "This is our planet!" Ambrose exclaims. "We had a chance here." the Doctor tells her. "Leave us alone." Ambrose continues.

The Doctor strides over to Ambrose "In future, when you talk about this, you tell people there was a chance but you were so much less than the best of humanity." he tells her. Just then armed soldiers enter the room with Restac, the army commander "My sister." she says, she sees the body and uncovers it. She wails before gently putting the cover back over her "And you want us to trust these apes, Doctor?" she asks. "One woman. She was scared for her family. She's not typical." the Doctor defends. "I think she is." Restac says, looking at Ambrose. "One person let us down. But there's a whole race of dazzling, peaceful human beings up there. You were building something, here, come on... an alliance could work." the Doctor tells them. "It's too late for that, Doctor." Ambrose tells him. "Why?" he asks. "Our drill is set to start burrowing again in... 15 minutes." Ambrose says, checking a stopwatch. "What?" Nasreen asks. "What choice did I have? They had Elliot." Tony responds. "Don't do this, don't call their bluff." the Doctor says. "Let us go back. And you promise to never come to the surface ever again. We'll walk away, leave you alone." Ambrose tells them. "Execute her!" Restac exclaims. "No!" the Doctor exclaims, pulling Ambrose to safety as the soldiers fire "Everybody, back to the lab! Run!" he tells them. Amy makes sure Robyn is safe as she runs out the room "Execute all the apes!" Restac shouts. They all run into the corridor "Take everyone to the lab! I'll cover you! Go! Go!" the Doctor tells them.

As they get to the lab Amy sits Robyn on a chair "You alright?" she asks. Robyn nods as the Doctor uses his sonic on the doors, making them slide shut "Elliot, you and your dad keep your eyes on that screen. Let me know if we get company. Amy, keep reminding me how much time I haven't got." he says, tossing the stopwatch to Amy. Mo and Elliot watch the screen showing the tunnel outside "Okay, 12 minutes till drill impact." Amy tells him. Tony sits down with Nasreen standing next to him "Tony Mack, sweaty forehead, dilated pupils, what're you hiding?" he asks. Tony opens his shirt to show the venom has spread across his chest "Tony! What happened?!" Nasreen asks. The Doctor uses him screwdriver as a scanner "Alaya's sting. She said there's no cure. I'm dying, aren't I?" Tony asks. The Doctor moves to the control panel next to Robyn and checks his readings "You're not dying, you're mutating. How can I stop it? Decontamination program! Might work, don't know. Eldane, can you run the program on Tony?" the Doctor asks. "Doctor, shedload of those creatures coming our way! We're surrounded in here!" Mo tells him.

Eldane helps Tony to the decontamination chamber "So, question is, how we do stop the drill, given we can't get there in time? Plus also, how do we get out, given that we're surrounded? Nasreen, how d'you feel about an energy pulse, channelled up through the tunnels to the base of the drill?" the Doctor asks. "To blow up my life's work?" Nasreen asks. "Yes. Sorry. No nice way of putting that." he tells her. "Right, well, you're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in..." Nasreen trails off, looking at Amy. "11 minutes, 40 seconds..." Amy tells them. "Yes! Squeaky bum time!" the Doctor says making Robyn smile. "Yes, but the explosion is going to cave in all the surrounding tunnels so we have to be on the surface by then." Nasreen points out. "But we can't get past Restac's troops." Rory tells them. "I can help with that... Toxic Fumigation , an emergency failsafe meant to protect my species from infection. A warning signal to occupy cryo-chambers. After that, citywide fumigation, by toxic gas. Then the city shuts down." Eldane pipes up. "You could end up killing your own people." Amy says sadly. "Only those foolish enough to follow Restac." Elf and responds. "Eldane, are you sure about this?" the Doctor asks. "My priority is my race's survival. The Earth isn't ready for us to return yet." Eldane responds. "No." the Doctor sighs. "10 minutes, Doctor." Amy tells him. "But maybe it should be. So here's the deal. Everybody listening? Eldane, you activate shutdown... I'll amend the system, set your alarm for 1,000 years' time. 1,000 years, to sort the planet out. To be ready. Pass it on. As legend, or prophesy, or religion, but somehow, make it known. This planet is to be shared." the Doctor tells everyone. "Yeah. I get you." Elliot smiles. "Nine minutes, seven seconds." Amy tells the Doctor who joins Eldane at the controls. "Yes, fluid controls, my favourite! Energy pulse timed, primed and set. Before we go, energy barricade, need to cancel it out quickly." the Doctor says, using his screwdriver on the controls.

"Fumigation pre-launching." Eldane says. "There's not much time for us to get from here to the surface, Doctor!" Rory exclaims. "Ah-ha, super-squeaky bum time! Get ready to run for your lives. Now..." the Doctor tells them as Robyn giggles. "But the decontamination program on your friend hasn't started yet." Eldane tells them. Everyone looks to Tony in the chamber "Well, go. All of you! Go." he tells them. "No, we're not leaving you here!" Ambrose exclaims. "Grandad!" Elliot says, running to Tony and hugging him. "Eight minutes, 10 seconds." Any pipes up. "Now you look after your mum. You mustn't blame her. She only did what she thought was right." Tony tells Elliot. "I'm not going to see you again, am I?" Elliot asks. "I'll be here. Always. I love you, boy. You be sure he gets home safe!" Tony says, tapping Elliot's chest where his heart is. Elliot goes to Mo who pulls him close. "This is my fault." Ambrose cries. "No, I can't go back up there. I'd be a freak show. The technology down here's my only hope." Tony tells her, pulling her into a hug. "I love you, Dad." she tells him. "Go. Go. Come on.. Go on." Tony says as they pull away. Eldane activates the fumigation "Toxic fumigation initiated. Rturn to cryo-chambers." the computer announces.

Amy looks at the screen "They're going! We're clear!" she smiles. "Okay. Everyone follow Nasreen. Look for a blue box. Get ready to run. I'm sorry." the Doctor says,opening the doors and looking at Eldane. "I thought for a moment, our race, and the humans..." Eldane says sadly. "Yeah. Me too." the Doctor sighs as Robyn holds his hand. "Doctor! We've got less than six minutes." Amy tells him. "Go! Go! I'm right behind you!" the Doctor tells them, passing Robyn to Amy. Amy, Rory and the others run out the room and start heading through the tunnels, turning Amy sees the Doctor isn't following "Oh, for goodness' sake!" she exclaims before running back to the lab "Doctor!" she exclaims. "Thank you, Doctor." Nasreen tells the Doctor. "The pleasure was all mine." the Doctor responds, hugging her then taking Robyn from Amy and holding Amy's hand as they head to the door. "Come and look for us." Nasreen tells the, before the doors close.

The three of them meet up with Rory who is running towards them. "Other way, idiot!" Amy teases. They reach the Tardis and the Doctor opens the door "Come on! No questions, just get in! And yes, I know it's big! Ambrose, sickbay up the stairs, left, then left again... get yourself fixed up. Come on! Five minutes and counting..." he tells the family of three. The Doctor stops and places Robyn down in the entrance of the Tardis as he sees the crack in the tunnel wall, the same crack from Amy's childhood bedroom "Not here. Not now. It's getting wider." he remarks. "The crack on my bedroom wall." Amy realises. The Doctor walks up to the wall and squats down "And the Byzantium. All through the universe, rips in the continuum. Some sort of space-time cataclysm. An explosion, maybe. Big enough to put cracks in the universe. But what?" he asks. "Four minutes 50... We have to go!" Amy exclaims, checking the stopwatch. "The Angels laughed, when I didn't know. Prisoner Zero knew, everybody knows, except me!" the Doctor exclaims. "Doctor, just leave it." Amy tells him. "But where there's an explosion, there's shrapnel." the Doctor says, pulling out a red handkerchief and walking to the crack. "Doctor, you can't put your hand in there!" Rory exclaims. "Why not?" he asks, reaching in and crying out in pain as the light gets brighter. "I've got something!" he tells them. "What is it?" Amy asks. The Doctor falls to the ground, clutching the item wrapped in the hankie as it sizzles with heat and energy "I don't know." he responds.

"Doctor!" Rory exclaims as a dying Restac crawls into the tunnel. The Doctor jumps up off the ground "She was there, when the gas started... She must've been poisoned." Amy tells them. "You!" Restac exclaims. "Okay, get in the Tardis, all three of you." the Doctor tells them as he reaches into a jacket pocket. "You did this." Restac says as she aims her gun at the Doctor. "Doctor!" Rory exclaims, pushing the Doctor out the way as Restac fires. "Rory!" Amy exclaims as he's shot. Rory groans in pain on the ground "Rory, can you hear me?" the Doctor as as he uses his sonic on him. "I don't understand." Rory says. "Shh-shh. Don't talk. Doctor, is he okay? We have to get him into the Tardis!" Amy exclaims. "We were on the hill. I can't die here." Rory says in confusion. "Don't say that." Amy tells him tearfully. "You're so beautiful... I'm sorry." Rory says before dying. Robyn feels tears start streaming down her face "Doctor, help him." Amy pleads. The Doctor looks towards the crack and sees beams of light reaching out and touching Rory's feet "Amy, move away from the light, if it touches you you'll be wiped from history. Amy, move away now." he tells her. "No! I am not leaving him! We have to help him!" Amy exclaims. "The light's already around him, we can't help him." he tells her, gently taking her by the shoulders. "I am not leaving him!" Amy exclaims. "We have to." the Doctor tells her. "No!" Amy exclaims. "Sorry!" he apologises. "Get off me!" Amy shouts. "Sorry!" he says as he lifts her up and drags her to the Tardis, Robyn running ahead and sitting by the console. "Get off me! No!" Amy shouts, running back to the door. "No! No!" she cries as the Doctor uses his sonic on the door to prevent Amy from going outside "Let me out, please let me out... I need to get Rory." she pleads.

The Doctor walks to the console "That light, if his body's absorbed I'll forget him. He'll never have existed. You can't let that happen." Amy tells him, looking at the monitor. The Doctor pulls on a lever on the console "What are you doing? Doctor! No!" Amy shouts, running to the console as the Tardis begins to dematerialize. Amy begins to beat her hands against the Doctor's chest as he hugs her "No! No! Doctor, we can't just leave him there!" she cries. "Keep him in your mind. Don't forget him. If you forget him, you'll lose him forever." he tells her. Robyn cries and tries to concentrate on Rory and all the things she did with him. "On the Byzantium, I still remembered the Clerics because I am a time traveller, now you said." Amy cries. "They weren't part of your world. This is different... this is your own history changing." the Doctor explains. "Don't tell me it's going to be okay. You have to make it okay." Amy tells him. "It's going to be hard, but you can do it, Amy. Tell me about Rory. Fantastic Rory, funny Rory, gorgeous Rory. Amy, listen to me. Do exactly as I say. Amy, please. Keep concentrating. You can do this." he tells her, moving her to the seat and kneeling in front of her. "I can't." Amy says, shaking her head. "You can. You can do it. I can't help you unless you do. Come on. We can still save his memory. Come on, Amy. Please... Come on, Amy, come on. Amy, please. Don't let anything distract you. Remember Rory. Keep remembering, Rory is only alive in your memory. You must keep hold of him. Don't let anything distract you. Rory still lives in your mind." the Doctor tells her. The Tardis jolts upon materializing, knocking both of them to the floor. The box containing the engagement ring falls in front of the Doctor and Robyn making them stare at it "What were you saying?" Amy asks brightly. Robyn whimpers making the Doctor pull her into a hug "I have seen some things today, but this is beyond mad." Mo exclaims walking into the console room with Elliot and Ambrose. "Doctor! Five seconds till it all goes up!" Amy tells them, looking at the stopwatch. They all run out the Tardis, which has landed in the graveyard again, in time to see the drill site explode.

Late Robyn sits on the grass by the Tardis as the Doctor and Ambrose talk, Amy, Mo and Elliot walking nearby "All Nasreen's work just erased." Amy says. "Good job she's not here to see it. She's going to give Tony hell when they wake up." Mo smiles. "You could've let those things shoot me. You saved me." Ambrose tells the Doctor. ""An eye for an eye. It's never the way. Now you show your son how wrong you were. How there's another way. You make him the best of humanity... in the way you couldn't be." the Doctor tells her with a gentle smile. Noticing Robyn sat on the grass he walks over, sitting next to her "You want to talk about it?" he asks her. Robyn shakes her head but puts her arms out, smiling sadly the Doctor pulls her onto his lap and kisses her head "How about we make cookies later?" he suggests, making her nod with a small smile. "You're very quiet. Oh! Hey! Look! There I am again! Hello, me!" Amy exclaims waving at her future self, who is stood alone on the hill. The Doctor stands up with Robyn in his arms "Are you okay?" he asks. "I thought I saw someone else there for a second. I need a holiday. Didn't we talk about Rio?" Amy responds. "You go in. Just fix this lock, keeps jamming." the Doctor explains, letting her into the Tardis."You boys and your locksmithery." Amy smiles. Robyn jumps out of the Doctor's arms as walks into the Tardis, going over to the console and sitting next to it.

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