Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC...

By zer0420

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Before anything can begin, it must first Start from Zero. Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project F... More

Prologue Zero and One
Chapter 1 New Agent
Chapter 2 The Heist Pt 1
Chapter 3 The Heist Pt 2
Chapter 4 Baited
Chapter 5 Metastability.
Chapter 6 Fall From Heaven Pt 1
Chapter 7 Fall From Heaven Pt 2
Chapter 8 3 V 3
Chapter 9 Instigation
Chapter 10 Break In
Chapter 11 Recovery Squad
Chapter 12 Investigation
Chapter 13 Best Friends Reunion
Chapter 14 Unexpected Meet Up
Chapter 15 Enter The Reds
Chapter 16 Memory Is The Key
Chapter 17 Catch A Ride
Chapter 18 The Alpha
Chapter 19 End Of The Line
Chapter 20 A Deal For Freedom
Chapter 21 Recovering One
Chapter 22 Scvanger Hunt
Chapter 23 Returning Home
Chapter 24 Relapse
Chapter 25 New Team
Chapter 26 Unwanted Rescue
Chapter 27 Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 28 An Unrequited Reunion
Chapter 29 Falling Out
Chapter 30 True Colors
Chapter 31 Don't Say It...
Chapter 32 Shipwreck
Chapter 33 S.O.S
Chapter 34 Enter Freckles
Chapter 35 Much Needed Talk
Chapter 36 FAQ
Chapter 37 Ready... Aim... Fire...
Chapter 38 Lost But Not Forgotten
Chapter 40 Debrief
Chapter 41 Team Building
Chapter 42 Resucue Mission?
Chapter 43 The Federal Army of Chorus
Chapter 44 Reunion
Chapter 45 Long Time No See
Chapter 46 Catching up
Chapter 47 Catch Up, No Mustard
Chapter 48 Site Crashers
Chapter 49 Set In Motion
Chapter 50 Trap Within a Trap
Chapter 51 This Is War...
Chapter 52 Job Interview
Chapter 53 Capital Assets
Chapter 54 Tourist Trip
Chapter 55 No Fighting in the War Room
Chapter 56 Loosening Up
Chapter 57 Test Your Might
Chapter 58 Hook, Line...
Chapter 59 And Sinker...
Chapter 60 Frustration
Chapter 61 Counseling
Chapter 62 Invasion Of Armonia
Chapter 63 A Coward's Sacrifice
Chapter 64 All or Nothing
Chapter 65 The Great Destroyers
Chapter 66 The End Is Here...
Chapter 67 Previously On
Chapter 68 Reacts
Chapter 69 Hold The Past, But Start Anew
Chapter 70 Unexpected Help
Chapter 71 Danger Zone
Chapter 72 Recovery
Chapter 73 A Lesson In Time Theory
Chapter 74 Docudrama
Chapter 75 Consequences
Chapter 76 Paradox
Chapter 77 Man Out Of Time
Chapter 78 Breaching The Torus
Chapter 79 Red Thread
Chapter 80 The Gang Back Together
Chapter 81 Succession
Chapter 82 Killing Time
Chapter 83 Back To The Statusquo
Extra Chapter #1 Tower Of Procreation
Extra Chapter #2 Bad Dreams
PSA New Holidays
Restoration Thoughts...

Chapter 39 Hit And Run

792 43 2
By zer0420

No one's POV

2 months later

Currently with an Outpost called "A.C. OUTPOST 22", One was looking through a sniper scope, as Maverick, Felix, Tucker, Palomo, and two other soldiers in a tunnel.

Tucker: Hey, One... You think I could have a turn with that sniper rifle?

One: ...-_-... Absolutely not.

Tucker: Unhh...

Palomo: Uh.. sometimes I.. like to take my hands and cup them around my eyes. Like little hand binoculars.

Tucker: Shut the fuck up Palomo.

After they finished scouting, everyone returned to the cave and began going over a plan.

One: It doesn't look good, guys. They have some real heavy duty security.

Rogers: Why? What's goin' on?

Maverick: Well, it could be that someone from up top is coming to visit.

Felix: Ooor it could be a response to the weapons we stole from this place a few weeks ago.

Tucker: Geez, I wonder which one it is.

Palomo: Uughh...I think it's pretty obvious that it's the weapons...

Tucker: Stop talking.

Felix: We're gonna have to go with to Plan B.

Tucker: Wait, whaddya mean? What's Plan B?

Maverick: We plant C4, we leave and then we blow this outpost to hell.

One: A Demolition hit and run, huh?

Tucker: What!?

One: A Demolition hit and run.

Felix: We've done it a million times, we'll be fine.

Tucker: Uh, actually no we'll not be fine. I thought we came here to gather intelligence? That's gonna be pretty fucking difficult when their computer system is in about forty thousand pieces!

Felix: Okay, I understand you wanna save your friends. I do. Really. But data retrieval is no longer an option.

One: I know how you feel, Tucker. I want to find Wash and the others just much as you do, but the faster we can get this done, the faster we can gather information.

Maverick: Once we find out where they're holding Wash and the others, the New Republic will do everything they can to save them. But today isn't that day.

Tucker: (sighs) Yeah, whatever...

Felix: Now, we've only got one active camo unit. Tucker, that goes to you. It's a little damaged, so try not to run it constantly. Only when you need to disappear. Got it?

Tucker: Got it.

One: I'll be sniper support and your eyes.

Felix: As for they rest of you, that's up to your Captain...

Tucker looks at his squad.

Tucker: Ooooh. Right!

After a few minutes, Tucker returned with two suits of Federal armor, giving them to his men.

Tucker: Perfect!

One: ...-_-...Tucker...

Tucker: Now, you look just like the rest of those assholes.

Maverick: That was extremely stupid.

Felix: I was going to go with stupidly fortunate.

Tucker: Waddya mean?

Felix: I mean, what if we had ended up with two really fat bad guys? What size are you, Cunningham? Like a medium?

Cunningham: Youth extra large, Sir.

Felix: See? Whole plan. Whole plan would've been ruined.

One: Tucker, Just 'cause you watch something on TV, you think that it's good idea?

Tucker: You don't? (to Cunningham) Also, really man? Youth extra large?

Cunningham: It's very sliming, Sir.

Palomo: Heeeey uhhh. What about me? Do I get a disguise?

Tucker: No. Palomo, you'll be guarding our escape rout.

Palomo: Oh, okay.

Tucker: It's because I don't trust you.

Palomo: Got it.

Tucker: Honestly, if you were out in the field, you'd probably get all of us killed.

Palomo: I can totally see that. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be me.

Maverick: Both of you, shut up. Let's get to work.


After coming up with their plan, One got into a sniper position, watching over everyone. Maverick and Felix sneaks off to the side, while Rogers, Cunningham and an invisible Tucker walk further into the base.

Cunningham: Okay, just play it cool.

Rogers: You- you really think this plan is gonna work? I know the Reds and Blues are supposed to be like war heroes. But, they all seem kinda dumb.

Tucker: Dude, I'm invisible, not deaf.

Rogers: Oh... Sorry, Sir.

Felix: (over radio) Okey dokey, boys. Everyone take your modified sticky detonators, find something that looks expensive and strap a bomb to it. Once you're done head back to the cave.

Rogers: (over radio) You sure you're both gonna be okay out there in your armor, Sirs?

Felix: Don't worry about me, kid.

Suddenly, two Federal troopers appears behind Felix and Maverick.

Fed trooper: Freeze!

Felix quickly pulls out his knife and throws it, hitting the Fed in the head, killing then, and Maverick swept the leg of the other one, stabbing them in the back with his machete.

Felix: I am fucking awesome.

Maverick: You're an idiot.

Felix: Don't be jealous of my awesomeness.

With Tucker, he had uncloaked by a building with his detonator.

Tucker: Okay, bomb. Do me a favor and don't go off in my face. (looks to his side) Am I right? ...Who am I talking to?

One: (over radio) Tucker, you have two soldiers coming your way, get to cover.

Tucker: (whispering) Shit.

Tucker gets behind cover, as two soldiers started walking past.

Fed trooper 1: So, he's really here?

Fed trooper 2: Yep, just came in from the city.

Fed trooper 1: They still got the Freelancer up there?

Fed trooper 2: I dunno. Look it up inside.

Fed trooper 1: Fuuuuck that. I'm not gonna let him catch me slacking off.

The troopers run off.

Tucker: Wash...

Felix: (over radio) Tucker, what's your status?

Tucker: Good. Good. Aaalmost done.

One then looked over and saw Tucker entering the base.

One's thoughts: What the hell is he doing?

One: Tucker, what are you doing?!

Tucker: (over radio) I'm getting intel, they were talking about Wash, they may have intel of them.

One's eyes widened, as she just sighed.

One: I don't have a visual on you, and can't cover you.

Tucker:(over radio) It's fine, I won't be long!

After a few minutes, One saw the flare of a gun being fired and a shot.

One: Tucker? Tucker what was that?! Tucker say something!

Suddenly, the alarm started going off, as multiple soldiers started running out the base.

Felix: (Over radio) Goddammit! Everyone move! We are aborting the mission!

Multiple bombs  planted all started going off, as Maverick started moving.

Maverick: I detonated some of the C4 as a distraction, so get out of there! There's a good chance they'll be searching for, and disarming the bombs.

One: Shit...

One jumped down from her positions, landing on a soldier, before drawing her SMGs. She then began running, firing at soldiers as she did, but got cornered.

Federal soldier: Surrender!

Without warning, Maverick's machete comes flying past One, hitting one of them on the head, as Maverick rolled in, with his SAW, firing at them, getting back to back with One.

One: Thanks for the back up.

Maverick: Don't worry, I got your back.

One looked at Maverick for a second and nodded.

One: Right.

Both One and Maverick began taking out the soldiers together, surprisingly complementing each other's fighting style, surprising One. Once taking out all the soldiers blocking their path, they made their way back to the cave, where Felix, Tucker and Palomo were firing at the soldiers.

Felix: Talk to me people! Where's Rogers?

Tucker: Not here!

Felix: Cunningham?

Tucker: ...Locus got him.

Maverick: Locus?!

Felix: He's here!

All of them see Locus uncloaking through Felix's scope. One ducks Locus' sniper shot, as Maverick fired at him.

Felix: Run!

One: What about Rogers!?

Maverick: Felix!

Felix: Yeah, I know!

Felix pulls out his detonator.

Felix: Get down!

Tucker: No wait!

Felix pulls the trigger. All bombs start beeping, before they all explodes, covering their escape.

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