By JarriaJelese

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Nicole and Tae are closer than ever; Nicole's spa is really taking off while Tae thinks about finally throwin... More



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By JarriaJelese


"Good Morning, Nicole." Layla perked up in her chair, greeting me with a smile. "How's your Morning been so far?"

"Grand Rising, Lay." I spoke back to her, grabbing the Mail from behind her desk that I'd forgotten about from Yesterday. "It's been ok, but I should tell you not to talk to me— I seen you and Ray went to the Bulls game last night and didn't tell nobody." I stale faced her. "I see how it is between us."

She smacked her lips, immediately feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Nicole." She whined. "I won two tickets at my University and I mentioned it to Ray. He basically claimed the second ticket before I could say anything to anybody else about it."

"It's fine, Lay." I didn't like Basketball anyway, but I would've loved to show off a cute outfit.

"Ray said you and Korea would be putting y'alls Kids to bed around that time."

I scoffed "No he didn't." She nodded her head telling me he did. "I'm not an old Grandma." I was in fact putting my Kids to bed, but I didn't want Rayvon no responsibilities having self trying to rub it in.

"When he gets here, tell him I said fight me." I looked through the Mail in my hands as Layla began to laugh.

"Ok" She continued to laugh as I walked off towards the back, greeting every Employee of mine that I seen. We didn't open until Ten, but I truly appreciated my Employees that followed my lead and arrived to work and hour early each day. Not only did it allow time to set out products and materials, but it also allowed time to get your mind together before the workday started.

"Hey, Phylis. How are you?" I spoke to one of my newer Nail-Techs as I walked through the Nail Station, trying to ignore my heels clacking as I made my way to my Office.

A smile broke out on her face and I knew it was because I acknowledged her and remembered her name. She'd just started a few weeks ago, I remembered because it was the same Monday that Taejin started Kindergarten. I hadn't seen much of her since, but I made it my business to at least try to develop a relationship with each of my Employees. Although I didn't care to be friends, I also didn't want my Spa to feel like it was just work. None of us were working a typical job at the end of the day.

"I'm well." She gave me a closed mouth smile. "Thank you for asking."

"No problem, how are you liking things around here?" I looked from her Station to the Art I had on the walls, making a mental note to change some things around. I'd had the same Artwork since Tae surprised me with the remodel of my Spa a few years back now.

"I'm really enjoying it." She nodded, assuring me. "My Clientele is continuously picking up by the day and all the Ladies are really nice." She fluffed the Gold Pillow she had behind her back. "This work environment is really calming and I love that you actually keep the Break Room stocked." She laughed it off. "It's nice to be able to go grab myself a snack or a drink when I want it. I've never experienced that at any other Salon I've worked for."

I placed my hand over my heart. "Thank you and I'm so happy to hear that. I've heard nothing but great things, and I've actually read a few positive reviews with your name in them." I made her smile. "I'll have to print them out and show them to you later."

"Oh, I'd love that. Thank you so much."

"Of course, have a good day." I tapped her Station before walking off.

I went into my Office and immediately kicked my Heels off my feet, sighing in relief. I'd just gotten a new pair of Christian Louboutins over the weekend and I don't know why I decided to make my first time wearing them to work.

I took my sleeveless Blazer off, hanging it up by the door. By the time I got settled, my Spa would be opening in five minutes.

I hadn't even sat down before Ray barged into my Office. "I heard you wanted to fight me?" He asked with an attitude, placing his hands on his hips. "So what's up?"

"You're the reason I lock my door behind me." I didn't pay him any mind as I sipped my Chai Latte I'd picked up from Starbucks on my way to the Spa.

"Girl, you act like I haven't picked this lock before." He turned his face up, grabbing the wooden door in between his fingers like it was poorly made and disgusted him. "So you mad me and Lay Lay left you out?"

"I didn't wanna go anyway." I shrugged. "You're just greedy and didn't let her ask anybody else."

"She didn't ask me either."

"Thank you for further proving my point. You're full of greed." I messed with him just to stir him up even more. "Greedy ass"

"I would say something but I don't want you to fire me." I smirked to keep from laughing. "You know you like to play dirty!" He made me bust out laughing. "Dirty ass!" He spoke in my tone.

"Fuck you, Stupid." I continued to laugh. "How was your Weekend?"

"Oh my God, Nicole!" He flopped down on my white leather Loveseat, kicking his feet up on the arm of it. "My Weekend was amazing." He stared off into nothing, thinking about it. "I went to Bar 67– you heard of it before?"

"Yes, Julio goes there all the time."

"Ouuu, next time I see him I'll have to ask him about his experience, because I had a blast! Gay night is every third Saturday and I met this new lil Boo." He lifted himself, retrieving his Phone from his back pocket. "Let me show you him."

I shook my head. "The way you're over there grinning, I hope he's truly worth your time." I gave him the eye as he stood up, making his way towards my desk.

We all knew Ray had it rough over the last six months or so. He had his heart broken by his high school sweetheart, someone who he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with. To make matters worse, they lived together, did everything together, shared a joint account, and had a lot tied into one another. He had to literally change everything around and it took him a while to adjust. Although he said different, I knew he was still healing and six months definitely wasn't enough time to heal completely, rightfully so. I just didn't want him to get hurt again, especially by someone he'd just met.

"Don't be like that, Bosslady." He got in my personal space, leaning on me as he placed his arm around my neck. "Look" He showed me a picture of the two of them together at what I assumed to be Bar 67.

"You looked cute, I like that outfit." I didn't comment on the Man.

"Yeah, but what do you think about Jessie?"

"That's his name?" I asked rhetorically, using my pointer finger to scroll over to another picture. "He's cute, but cute means nothing Ray." I glanced up at him before looking back down at his phone. This wasn't the first Guy he'd shown me since Byron, and I picked up on his habits. He had a tendency to fall head over heels simply because of appearance. I enjoyed a fine Man every now and then too, but that didn't mean I immediately became blind to their bullshit.

"I know that!" He rolled his eyes playfully. "We met up Yesterday Morning for Breakfast at Rosè, Downtown."

"And you didn't bring me any French Toast? You know that's my spot and it's not too far from-"

"Girl, I thought about it." He cut me off. "I know it's right down the street from The Oddessy. I even told Jessie we should've stopped by to see y'all, but I know how you feel about strangers being in your House."

"Glad you remembered." I would've loved to see Ray and get some free French Toast but if he would've shown up with some Man I didn't know, I would've been pissed. "Tae made Breakfast yesterday anyway."

"Awww, your Husband." He made me roll my eyes. "He needs to go ahead and buy you another Ring." His comment made me look down at my empty ring finger. "Your last one was nice as hell."

"I knowwwww" I dragged, placing my head on my desk. Sometimes I still could feel the weight of my old engagement ring on my finger. I didn't necessarily regret my decision of throwing it off in the Church Daycare parking lot, because at the time I had my reasons, but it was pretty stupid. I couldn't even bring myself to look at old pictures of me wearing it. "If he does, this will be my third one." I nervously laughed it off, putting my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, you dumb." Ray disapproved of my choices. "If I were Tae, I wouldn't buy your ungrateful self another one either."

I flipped him off. "We haven't talked about it not once." I thought back to the conversation Taelor and I had the last time he proposed. He told me if I fucked around and took that one off, he wouldn't be replacing it. I didn't want to believe him but I knew he was dead serious and I couldn't blame him.

"I'd get your spoiled self one from the gum-ball machine." Ray laughed like he'd just told the joke of the day.

"Fuck you!" I lightly smacked his head. "Get off of me!"

"Don't be mad, Bosslady." He kissed my cheek. "You know I love you, but you still dumb for that. You'll always be dumb for that! You could've at least sold it and got some money." He shrugged his shoulders, putting his phone back in the pocket of his black pants.

"I didn't need the money."

"Oop! I forgot you the rich one around these parts." We shared a laugh. "Let me go and get my Day started." He sighed. "Montana is suppose to be here within the next couple of hours." He looked at the time on his Apple Watch. "We need to be done with these shoots before 11:45 because I be damned if I have to skip Lunch like I did on Friday."

I shook my head, letting out a chuckle. "You're always hungry."

"Well I am a Man." We made eye contact.

"Barely!" I blurted out as we shared a laugh again. "You're barely a Man, barely making it by." I held up my pointer finger and thumb, showing him just how much of a Man he was.

"You know, I'm not even offended. I love being one of the Girls."

"We know." My laughing died down as I started to type on my Computer, getting my Day started as well. I didn't have much on my agenda for today, so I'd basically just be filling my schedule with whatever came my way.


"No, seriously Y'all.." I paused, looking between Korea and Rayvon. "I know what I seen."

"Explain it again." Ray crossed his legs, entangling his fingers as he rested his hands on his knees. "So you seen a storage unit in the background of a dead body?" Ray questioned me, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

A few hours had passed and Korea stopped by to shoot with a few of my Products. We now were in my Office, running our mouths as always and I brought up what I seen in Taelor's phone.

Korea giggled, causing them to make eye contact and bust out laughing at my expense. "Yes! I'm not joking!"

"Bosslady, I don't mean to be rude." Ray held his hand up in defense. "I'm just saying so don't get mad— but did watch this on TV last night? Maybe you had a bad dream. I do that all the time." He turned his face up, shrugging as he made a poor attempt at making me feel better.

"Shut up Ray, I didn't have no damn nightmare."

"Nicole, why would Tae have a storage unit?" Korea looked around at my Office decor, searching for her answer. "And why would he be taking pictures of a dead body at that same storage unit? Most importantly, why would he have that type of evidence in his Phone?"

"Obviously he keeps the Car he uses to kill people in there!" I felt like it was so obvious. All I wanted them to do was confirm my suspicions so I knew I wasn't crazy, yet they thought it was funny. "I'm trying to play it cool but-"

"Ok, game's over." Korea sat up straight, sitting across from my desk. "What happened that you came up with this? Tae made you mad this Morning or something?"

"He must've of did." Ray answered Korea's question before I could. "Must've been real bad too if this Lady in here telling us she seen storage units and dead bodies in his Phone."

Korea chuckled, hurting my feelings without knowing. "That's what I'm saying, Ray."

I smacked my lips, using the tips of my feet to scoot myself closer to my Computer. "I'm not confiding in y'all about nothing else." I clicked down on my mouse, acting like I was busy since I no longer wanted to be bothered.

"Nicole, I know you hear us talking to you." Korea clapped at me. "Don't be rude when you're the one that brought up this ridiculousness." I had been ignoring them for a couple of minutes and they were acting like they couldn't take it. I could've sworn they were Taejin and Troi.

"Obviously the conversation is over." I sighed. "Feel free to leave when you're ready but I'd prefer now."

"What?" Korea laughed. "You're mad at us now?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Ray stared at me in disbelief. "You didn't even get to the point of your Story."

"Doesn't matter now." The room went completely silent again.

"Well, I'm gonna go ahead and go." Ray groaned like an Old Man as he stood to his feet, putting his hands on his knees and standing up straight. "The tension is thick in here and I'm not getting fired Today because of you, Korea!" He jokingly pointed his finger in her face. "Now you got Bosslady mad at me!" He whined. "I gotta work here and you don't!" He quoted a line from Next Friday causing Korea and I both to laugh. He always thought somebody was firing him, like I hadn't chased him down to get him to come back to the Spa when he quit.

I quickly covered my mouth, not wanting them to see me. "I saw it anyway, Bossladyyyyy!" Ray sang as he gave me a cheesy grin. "Don't try to cover up that beautiful smile."

I flipped him off in response. "Ew, you real emotional Today." He turned his face up. "I'm not liking it."

"Me either" Korea agreed. "What time is it?"

"Six minutes away from my favorite time of the day." Rayvon mentioned Lunch. He claimed he was about to leave my Office but was still standing in the same spot, running his mouth.

"Do y'all have any Lunch plans?" Majority of the time Layla, Rayvon, and I would have a spot picked for Lunch as soon as we got to Work in the mornings. I actually looked forward to it.

"Oh, you know it, Girl." Ray grinned. "Panera Today, right Bosslady?" Him and Korea looked towards me for approval.

"I don't think I want that, Ray." I focused on typing as I replied to a couple of Emails I wanted to get taken care of before Lunch.

You would've thought I broke his Heart the way he started whining and complaining.

"What do you mean you don't want Panera anymore? I been thinking about that Chicken Panini all day long." He dragged. "Why you change you mind?"

"Honestly, that was all you and Lay. I never said I wanted Panera Bread." I began closing tabs, getting ready to logout. "Nothing from there is sounding good."

"Fine, Ms. Picky. What would you like to eat then?"

There were three small knocks on my door before Layla pushed it open, sticking her head inside. "Y'all ready?" She asked with a smile on her face. She looked so cute in her black and white striped Button-Up and hot pink Trousers.

"We would be if your Boss wasn't so picky." Ray placed his hands on his hips, glaring at me. "She doesn't want Panera.

Layla furrowed her brows as she came further into my Office, letting the glossy White Door close behind her. "Why not?"

"I cooked last night." I answered, opening my file cabinet so I could get my Purse.

"What does that mean for my hunger right now though, Bosslady?"

"You're always confused about something." I stood to my feet. "Obviously I mentioned it because there's leftovers at my Place. Pot Roast, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, and Roasted Broccoli— I've been thinking about it for the past hour now."

"Oh hell yeah." That was all Ray needed to hear. "You should've been said that girl, and we don't gotta spend no money? It's a go for meeeee!" He sang. "Y'all ready or not?"

"I am and we can take my Car." Layla offered. "I planned on getting gas while we were taking our Lunch anyway."

"Oh nah, Baby. Uh uh, get somebody else to do it." Ray declined as he quoted a TikTok, causing Korea and I to laugh. All he did was post and send Tiktoks, it was a surprise that he made it to Work on time every day. He held the Door open for us to walk out ahead of him. "I've rode with you before and I'm not a fan of your driving."

"Ray, quit lying! You ride with me all the time and you're always asking me to take you somewhere!"

"Why would I do that when I got my own Vehicle, Lay Lay?"

"I don't know but you do! That's the same thing I've been trying to figure out for over a year now."

"Still, I'd rather Nicole or Korea drive us if we going all the way to Nicole's Penthouse."

She smacked her lips in response. "It's not even a ten minute drive. If you just wanna ride in Nicole's G-Wagon, why don't you say that?" She showed him up as we walked outside.

We all shared a laugh as Ray lied, trying to convince us that wasn't the case.



I sighed heavily, knocking myself from my thoughts as I twisted the handle to turn on the hot water, scrubbing dried blood from underneath my fingernails. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, turning my head from side to side as I observed myself. My eyes looked like I hadn't gotten any good rest in months. I wasn't sure if that was because of the weed, or because I truly hadn't.

There was a loud knock on the other side of the door before I head Tae's impatient ass. "Fuck you doing in there, Ju? Building a Fort?"

I laughed "Man, fuck you. Can't a Man clear his head for a second?"

"That's what this weed do! I know you smell this gas on the other side of this door." He knocked again, creating a horrible beat. "Come up outta there Nigga before I smoke mine and yours."

I swung the door open, seeing him with the blunt to his mouth. He took a few puffs before handing it to me. "You had to shit or something? You already know how I feel about waiting on a Mothafucker after the blunt been lit."

"Why you always complaining bout some shit? Sounding like a Female." He sure could work a mothafucker's nerves when he wanted to, just like a Woman.

"Fuck you." I followed behind him into Nicole's living room, sitting down on the fruity ass couch she had. "Nicole gone kill you for smoking in her house." The color wasn't the problem, she'd picked out a nice simple beige— it was the shape and legs on it. I hated the fact that Women always felt like they had to put a theme on some shit.

"That's why I'm gonna spray something after we finish." He leaned over the coffee table, taking the blunt from my hand as I passed it. I busted out laughing while he smacked his lips, shaking his head.

"Nigga, you wish you had a Woman you had to spray for." He told me, certain. "Laugh all you want to."

"Bullshit, Nigga! I never even sprayed the house for Korea." He straight-faced me. "Alright that's a lie, but that shit sound bout simp as hell coming from your mouth."

"Call it what you want to." He stood up, blowing smoking as he coughed. "Ain't bout to get my ass chewed out behind the house smelling like weed." He turned on the Kitchen light, opening one of the cabinets. "You want a pack of muffins, some candy, or something?"

"Y'all got some noodles?" I lit the second blunt, looking over the couch into the kitchen.

"All you ever eat is fucking noodles. What's up with that?"

"Y'all the only people that get a lil money and act like they too good for classic shit."

"You take that up with Nicole if that's how you feel." He opened the doors to another set of cabinets. "Looks like we all out. Troi ate the last pack Nicole had last night— she don't buy them like that."

I scoffed "She makes me sick." I smacked my lips. "Ole fake bougie ass."

"Watch your mouth, Nigga." He told me bluntly. "You lucky you my boy— I guess I can let you have a pack out my secret stash." He went into the pantry, coming out with two packs of creamy chicken noodles. "I ain't making your shit, the fuck?" He furrowed his brows once he noticed I wasn't planning on getting up from my spot. "Fuck I look like to you?"

"Have some southern hospitality, Nigga." I ashed the blunt before standing to my feet, lifting up my blue lounge shorts.

"We ain't in the South and this isn't my house."

"Can't fucking tell!" I motioned towards him bending down to get me a plastic bowl out of one of the lower cabinets. "You know where everything at around this bitch— hiding noodles and shit."

We both laughed as I crushed my noodles, preparing to pour them into my bowl. "If I don't, Troi will eat them all."

"Sound like her Pops."

"Shit, worse than me." We heard laughing outside the door before the locks clicked.

"Oh shit" Tae mumbled to himself, beginning to fan the air and get onto himself at the same time. "She would come her ass home on the one day I decide to smoke in here." He angrily smacked his lips, putting his hands down realizing he didn't have enough time to get the scent out of the house.

"You didn't know she was coming home for lunch?"

"Do I look like I fucking knew? Make your damn noodles and stop asking me stupid questions."

I laughed in his face. "Why it's fuck me? I didn't do shit." He bucked at me as Nicole, Layla, Ray, and Korea came into the kitchen "What's up, Y'all" I nodded my head towards everybody, breaking my eyes away from Korea. "What you doing here?" I placed my elbow on top of Nicole's head, earning a smack to the arm.

"I live here, I should be asking you that." She put her purse down on the island. "Taelor, I know you and your dumb friend aren't smoking in my house." She held a scowl on her face, looking like an evil little leprechaun.

"I already know." He grabbed two different cans of Glade air freshener from underneath the sink, beginning to spray them both. "I'm sorry, Baby." He reached out for her, loosely wrapping his arm around her torso as he bent his head to kiss her temple.

"Is this what you be doing when I'm at work? Smoking your marijuana in my house when you know I don't like that?"

"No, it was only this one time as we just got here not even thirty minutes ago." He explained. "I said I'm sorry."

"Whatever" She finished washing her hands, using her elbow to back Tae up off of her as she reached for a paper towel.

"What you doing home at this time of day anyway? Don't y'all usually go out for lunch?"

"Yes, but you know we have a ton of leftovers." She opened the fridge as I glared at Tae.

"Nigga, y'all got leftovers and all you offered me is some bitch ass chicken noodles?"

"I ain't offer you shit, you asked."

"True, but you could've told me."

"Fuck you and your stomach, Bitch."

"Y'all talk to one another so vulgar." Layla laughed into her hand, leaning over on the island.

"That's just how we communicate, we're Besties." I joked with her causing everybody to laugh. "Nah but foreal, fuck these noodles." I went ahead and tossed the open pack in the trash. "What you cooked, Big Head?" I wrapped my arm around Nicole's short ass shoulder as she grabbed different pots and pans from the refrigerator.

I always talked big shit about her cooking, but she really could throw down. Sometimes I ate her food and could've sworn my Mama made it.

In little to no time, Nicole had heated up all the leftover and we were making our plates, getting ready to watch some wack ass movie on Netflix that Ray told us was pretty good.

I went ahead and flopped down besides Korea on the couch, hearing her sigh. We hadn't spoken much besides when we'd pass off our Daughters to one another, and that was usually just a quick hi and bye.

"How you doing today?" I asked politely, sitting my drink on the glass table.

"Use a coaster, Julio!" Nicole's nosey ass must've been watching us from the kitchen.

"Shut it, Nicole!" I yelled back at her.

Korea giggled a little bit, shaking her head at us. "I'm well, you?" She answered my question.

"I'd be better if you stopped acting like we enemies." I glanced over at her as she stuck a fork full of mashed potatoes in her mouth. She hadn't said a word to me and it honestly was awkward as fuck, especially being that the vibe was cool with everybody else. "I wanna be cool with you at all times." I honestly did but I fucked it up every time. I felt so many different emotions when it came to Korea but out of them all the two I felt most were rage and love. I knew it sounded like some fatal attraction type shit but I'd never intentionally hurt Korea, at least not physically.

"I'm not interested in doing this with you right now, Julio. It's draining and I don't have the energy."

I smacked my lips. "Why it gotta be all that? I'm just saying."

"We always have this same conversation then your actions prove otherwise— every single time."

"Well, I'm sorry I sent you all that mean ass shit the other night. I went out for some drinks and my anger got the best of me."

"I'm aware and I forgive you." She told me sincerely. "I just don't have much to say to you outside of Cali and Cari." She made me sigh. "We're good but I'm not trying to be all buddy buddy like we've been in the past."

"Alright, I guess I'll respect that."

"Please because that's all I ask from you."

"That Montana nigga treating you right?"

"Of course, we wouldn't be talking if he wasn't." I was hoping she'd say they were no longer talking romantically at all. The shit pissed me off every single day that I opened my eyes. I couldn't stand the shit, but it wasn't like I could really do anything about it that wouldn't have Korea hating me. If I tried to hurt the nigga, she'd turn me in with no questions asked and blame it on her morals and principals.

"I miss you." I had no shame when it came to expressing how I felt about something. She knew that and regardless of her situation with ole boy, I wasn't gonna stop.

"Don't start, Julio."

"I ain't tryna start shit, I'm just saying I miss you."


"One day we gone get it right, Ma."

"If that's what you wanna think in your delusional mind."


"Scoot over, Julio!" Ray came around the couch. "I wanna sit in the middle so I can use the cup holder."

I smacked my lips, suddenly irritated as hell with him. "Man, sit your ass on the other side of Korea— Fruit Basket!" Korea gasped while Tae started laughing.

"Ow!" I heard him yell from the kitchen. Nicole must've smacked his ass. "Damn Bae! Julio was the one who said it!"

"So! You don't laugh at ignorance like that!"

"It's cool, Nicole." Ray waved her off, sitting in the middle of Korea and I anyway since she scooted over for him. I refused to move even an inch. "I know he just tryna be funny with his stanky breath self!" Ray roughly got comfortable, knowing he was getting on my nerves. "Don't get mad at me because Korea don't wanna fuck with you. You should've thought about that before you starting slinging your dick around with your reckless ass mouth. I've been called a lot worse than a Fruit Basket so come harder, Stink Stink." He ranted.

"My bad, Ray." I sighed, knowing I was wrong and should apologize. "I didn't mean no disrespect. You know you cool in my book everyday of the week."

"Mhm, Stink Stink." He made me self conscious. I slightly turned to the side, blowing my breath into my hand.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Layla came around the couch, carefully carrying her plate.

"Nah, Lay Lay." I stood up so she could sit next to Ray, sitting back down by the arm of the couch. "Sit wherever you'd like." I figured she only asked because of what I said to Ray.

"Thanks Julio." She grinned.

"No problem, what y'all doing later?"

"Who is y'all?" Nicole questioned.

I smacked my lips, turning my face up at her. "Not you, Ugly. I know what you gone be doing."

"And what's that? Mr. Know it all."

"More than likely, sitting right here in this stuffy ass penthouse with your bad ass demons you got for kids." Korea smirked while Ray and Layla laughed, knowing it was true.

"Oh whatever!" She shot back at me, coming into the living room with the rest of us. "I'm tired of y'all acting like I'm just some boring ass Mama. I do have a life outside of my kids."

"When?" Ray asked in a shocking tone. "Could've fooled me!"

"Watch it" She pointed her finger at him, waiting for Tae to join us so she could sit on him like the annoying pest that she was. "I just don't like the clubs and that's all y'all wanna do."

"All you wanna do is shop." I told her simply. "Why we gotta blow a bag every time we hang out? Nigga got money but that don't mean I'm trying to spend it."

"I second that." Korea backed me up. "You gotta have at least five thousand to blow in order to get Nicole out the house." Everybody agreed including Tae.

"Forget y'all then, I'm gonna find me some real friends that don't mind my type of fun."

"Good luck with that one." Tae chuckled.

"How about we go out tonight then?" Now she felt like she had to prove a point when that wasn't necessary. "It's Monday, I'm sure y'all heathens know a spot that has Monday night drink deals or whatever." She shrugged sitting her plate on the coffee table, picking up the TV remote.

"Girl, who? It's the beginning of the week, I don't feel like going out." Ray smacked away.

"Who's the boring one now?" She questioned him, rolling her neck. "Let's just go get a few drinks if nothing else.

"We could go to Bar 67 if y'all feeling it."

"Ouuu, I haven't been yet— Ray, didn't you say it's a good time?" Layla nudged him.

He rolled his eyes. "Mhm" I could tell he wasn't feeling me since the little joke I made and since it was my idea, he was gonna front like he didn't wanna go.

"I'll pay for everybody drinks all night." I offered. I may have not wanted to spend thousands shopping with Nicole, but I didn't mind blowing a few hundred at the bar.

"I'm there, what time?" Ray perked up. "I'm free after five."

"Say, 7-7:30?" I glanced at the TV as Nicole typed in whatever movie Ray wanted us to watch. "That's gives me enough time to go pick up Cali from school."

"I can see if Ms. Karen will pick all the Kids up today." Nicole told me. "That way we can go straight after work. I'm not trying to be out too late. I'd like to be home before nine." She began to eat her food as the movie started. "What do you think, Babe?" She glanced back at Tae.

"I gotta sit this one out, Baby."

"Why?" Her and I both asked at the same time. "Fuck you mean, Bro?" I furrowed my brows.

"I gotta work and I do my best work at night, unlike you all."

I sighed as Nicole began to complain. "Let that shit rest for the night. You act like your work not gone be there, waiting on you whenever you return." I spoke over Nicole's whiny ass voice.

"I'm not postponing shit just because y'all deciding to go to some hole in the wall on a Monday." He cut her off. "I got shit to do, Nicole."

"Well I don't wanna hear anything from you when you get home."

"Ok" He chuckled. "You doing me a favor. I'll be able to shower and go straight to sleep. Thank you."

She smacked her lips. "Sleep at your own fucking house."

"That's fine too."

"Why do you insist on pissing me off?"

"You piss yourself off. You can't get mad because I'd rather work then go out with y'all, and I'm not your child or pet to control."

"You may not be my child but you sure do act like a dog." Ray laughed a little bit but covered it up by explaining the movie to the rest of us.

"See y'all, this little white lady gone piss y'all off by the end!" He pointed at the screen. "She kept doing dumb shit."

"A bad ass dog!" Nicole continued.

"Get off me." Tae demanded, moving from up under her in the process. He stood up, sighing as he grabbed his empty plate from the table.

"Where you going?"

"Away from you if you must know." He threw away his trash, grabbing his keys off the island. "I'll see y'all later."

"Bye, Tae." Layla mumbled, while Korea simply waved her head over the back of the couch. "Catch you later, Tae! Maybe next time we can go for a joy ride in that Rolls Royce!" Ray joked with him, not wanting him to leave all angry and irritated. 

Tae laughed, caught off guard. "Maybe when you get your own."

"As long as I got somebody that believe in me!" He did a lil dance, bouncing his shoulders.

"Alright, Bro." I spoke to Tae as he opened the front door. "I'll fuck with you later."

"Cool" He closed the door behind himself, not bothering to say anything else to Nicole.

"Now, Nicole..." Korea trailed off. "Why-"

"Leave me alone, Korea." She sighed, putting her plate back in her lap. "He gets on my nerves."

"Girl, you know you wrong for doing all that. That was not necessary at all." Rayvon chimed in. "Even a deaf Man would've understood why he doesn't wanna go. It is Monday and he said he gotta work." He tried to talk some sense into her, although she wasn't trying to hear it. "You tripping, and remember what we talked about this morning?" He asked her. "How are we ever gonna get you another ring if you doing the absolute most over nothing?"

"I agree, Ray." Korea looked at Nicole with disapproval, whom was sitting in the recliner with her arms folded and bottom lip poked out. "Over there pouting over some free drinks at a dingy bar on a Monday night, really Nicole?"

"Ok, Mom and Dad. I get it." She sighed heavily. "I'll apologize later." She sat up straight, starting to finish the rest of her food. "He just irritates me."

"Maybe you should apologize now to save yourself from him having an attitude later." Layla shrugged her shoulders, making a suggestion. "I know if I were Tae right now, I'd defiantly be pissed with you for the rest of the night."

"Was I really that bad, Ya'll?" She asked innocently.

"Yes!" They all said in unison. "You were ridiculous, Girl!" Ray added.

"Julio?" Nicole called my name, causing me to look from the the movie that was playing to her face. 

"Huh?" I knew exactly what she was about ask me although I'd been trying not to listen. I was the only Man in the room and I didn't wanna engage in their girly ass, sensitive, and emotional conversation.

"What do you think? Was I wrong?"

"You already know you were wrong and then you had the nerve to call the Man a bad ass dog. Who does that?" I couldn't help but laugh at her crazy ass. "You got some issues foreal, Sis."

"You also told him to sleep at his own place tonight like this isn't where he rest his head on the regular." Korea filled her in on the other slick ass comment she made. Tae also paid majority of her rent every month, but I wasn't gonna put her on the spot.

"Fine, I'll send him a text right now." She picked her iPhone up from the coffee table. 

"Girl, go call your Man and tell him you sorry and to come home tonight." Ray encouraged her. "Beg and plead if you have to! We still got a little a whole second hour before we gotta get back to your Spa." 

They did have a two hour lunch break everyday, which sounded real good. It made me think about working there from time to time as Security or something. I loved money and I already knew Nicole's ass paid well.

"You're right, Ray. I'll be back in a few minutes." She stood from her seat, lightly jogging to her room and closing the door behind her.

The room fell silent until I spoke up. "We still going to the Bar at five?"

"I don't know about nobody else, but I'm going." Ray got up to fix himself a second plate of food. "You still paying, right?"


"What about entry?" He made Korea and Lay Lay laugh as we all three turned our heads to look at him. "You know it's twelve dollars to get in."

"Damn, Ray!" I smacked my lips, turning my face up. "I already said I'd pay for the drinks, and that does mean all night long. You want me to pay for you to get in too? What type of sucka shit is that?" 

"Well, I don't carry cash!" He bucked his eyes. "If we're going straight after work, I won't have time to stop by the ATM."

"That's a you problem." I chuckled.

"I got you, Friend." Layla offered. "I have like forty in cash at the moment, but I want my money back Rayvon." She pointed at him. "You already owe me twenty from the snacks you got at the game on Saturday, and another ten from the Starbucks drink and cake-pop I bought you last Wednesday."

"You keeping track?" I laughed as he questioned her.

"Not exactly, but I am a struggling college student."

"Girl please!" He waved her off, putting his plate in the microwave before returning the leftovers back to the fridge. "You have a paid internship working for Nicole Parker, owner of Parker Spa & Nails; plus she likes you. I know you making good money."

"That's not the point, Sir." Korea took up for Layla since Ray was trying to bully her about her own coins. He tried to punk her from time to time since she was so much younger than everybody else. "She already let you slide with the thirty that you owe, and she's offering to lend you another twelve so that you can drink tonight. Wouldn't you rather pay back twelve than the whole forty-two?"

Layla clapped her hands. "Exactly, and I took you to the Bulls game this weekend when I could've taken anybody else."

"Like me!" I stirred the pot a little more, backing her up. "You know I fuck with the Bulls, Lay Lay."

"Alright, since ya'll wanna gang up on somebody." He dashed some hot sauce on his pot roast. "Lay, I'll buy you an extra glass of Similac milk." He paused, allowing Korea and I to catch onto the joke. "That should come out to about twelve dollars, right? Ain't it fifty for the can?"

"Go to hell, Ray!" She got even madder as Korea and I laughed loudly. "I'm not giving you anything! You might as well tell Nicole you'll be leaving work early so you can go to the ATM."

"I was just playing, Friend. I love you."

"Yeah whatever, love that drive you'll have to take at five o'clock!" She got up to use the restroom as we continued to laugh at her expense. 

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