Vampire Blood

By Peepodotcom

31.8K 822 1K


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (tw: smut)
chapter 7
chapter 8 (smut)
chapter 9
chapter 10(smut)
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16 (smut)
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 11

1.3K 35 74
By Peepodotcom

tw: mention of blood and torture

George pov

My heart sped up as he smirked and leaned in closer to me, alarmingly close to my neck. 

'Hold still and just relax.' He breathed into my ear, his cold breath lightly caressing my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I seemed to melt into his touch when his lips lightly trailed kisses from my jawline down to the place that he always bit me. 

My sight seemed to blur when he extended his midnight black wings, red rubies embedded into the feathers. That probably should have been a red flag but I couldn't feel anything except his touch, the places his lips trailed over igniting tingles and sparks. I have never felt anything like that before, I felt a slight prick on my neck and mewled in pleasure, tingles erupted all over my body as my vision blurred completely, I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears as a new sensation flowed through my veins.

I threw my head back as I felt a deeper connection to Dream, as if I had known him my whole life. My senses came back to me as the alien sensation slowly dulled and disappeared. I leaned into Dream's touch as he leaned back and licked his lips, which were stained with crimson, my blood. 

A purr resonated from his chest when I snuggled closer into him, my heavy eyelids drooping so much that I could barely keep it open. There was still a lingering burning sensation where he bit me, I started slipping away from consciousness and Dream wrapped an arm around me protectively, leaning in to speak to me.

'Sleep George, you need it.' He whispered into my ear, his words sending tingles through me, it's almost as if it was calling to me, making me want to lean into him, close the distance between us and just stay there forever. 

I felt like I was high as I drifted into the dark abyss of deep sleep.

time skip

George pov

I groaned as I slowly stirred awake, my head felt like it was splitting apart, and there was a burning sensation on my neck, but oddly enough, it didn't hurt. I opened my eyes slowly as my eyes adjusted to the light, I found I was still in Dream's arm, the events of yesterday poured into my mind and I blushed, I lifted my head up to see Dream staring at me with amusement in his eyes. 

'Morning George.'  I jumped when I heard that in my head.

'wait... Dream? ' I asked in my mind, hoping that I haven't gone crazy.

'Yes, George?' He said again, my face scrunched up in confusion and I stared at Dream questioningly. 

Dream chuckled at my reaction and sat up, taking me up with him in the process so that we were cuddling each other. 

'I have something to tell you about the mark, George.' He said, a purr resonating from his chest when I snuggled in closer to him. I nodded my head and stared at him expectantly. 

'First of all, as you already know, I can telepathically talk to you, and you can also talk to me like you just did. Also, the mark signifies that you are mine.' he explained while reaching to the drawer take what seemed to be a small bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. He unscrewed the lid of the aspirin and handed me one pill. I took the gladly took the pill and popped it in my mouth. I reached for the glass of water but Dream backed it away and out of my grasping range. I grumbled in protest and reached for it again. But instead of giving me the water, Dream took a sip and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into him. I squeaked out in surprise as he pressed his lips to mine and water flowed into my mouth. I gulped as he leaned back with a smirk.

he mouthed the word mine as he got up to go wash. I sat there dumbfounded as I processed what had happen last night. I gingerly reached up to touch where he had marked me, as soon as my hand touched the bite mark, tingles shot through me, causing me to flinch and nearly fall off the bed. 

I shuddered as Dream came out of the bathroom with his iconic lime green hoodie and his hair dripping wet. I grabbed a blue T-shirt, grey hoodie and jeans while rushing into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and leaned against the door as I felt another headache coming up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath when my vision started blurring again. 

I staggered to the sink and hastily washed my face, my vision clearing a little and the pounding in my head dulled down. 

'are you ok, George?' I heard Dream ask and I nodded my head, then I remembered he couldn't see me.

'yeah, I'm fine.' I responded slowly. I took off my shorts and stepped in the shower, the warm water trickling down the tip of my nose and fell as I bathed in the warm waters. 

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and stared at myself in the mirror. There was a weird glowing symbol on my neck where Dream had marked me. It was slightly glowing with a weird green light, the symbol sort of represented a smiley face inside a pentagram, which was weird, but it looked kind of good. 

I put on my clothes and dried my hair, stepping out of the bathroom shortly after. I see Dream sitting on the windowsill, his back leaning against the window pane as he mindlessly fiddled with his hoodie, seeming deep in thought. He had a notebook and a pencil in his lap, the book was open as if he was just writing in it.

His head snapped to me as I walked towards him, he quickly closed the book and stuffed it in his desk drawer. He slipped off the window sill and walked over to me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. 

'Let's go get breakfast and then you can go talk to the hunters ok, George?' He said softly and I nodded my head obediently. He leaned down to place a small kiss on my forehead, causing me to blush wildly. 

He clipped the black collar on my neck and held up his hand. I looked at him in confusion before my jaw literally hit the floor. A green line made out of what seemed to be pure magic, extended itself out from my collar and into Dream's hand. It probably is some "mark" shit since he wasn't able to do that before. 

I followed Dream out of the door and I noticed that a lot of the vampires staring at me in astonishment but quickly averted their gaze when Dream noticed them. I dropped my gaze down to the ground after a few minutes of vampires and their slaves/pets staring at me. 

We entered the dining hall and I could feel both Lila's and Technoblade's gaze on me. I shifted uncomfortably in my place as I followed Dream to his seat. He pulled me into his lap and rested his head on mine. 

I didn't really care what the servants served because I didn't have an appetite at all after what had happened, but Dream still managed to stuff some waffles into my mouth after a few minutes of me and Dream arguing and Lila and Techno watching us with amusement like they were watching a TV show.

after we had finished breakfast, we headed down towards what I assumed was the dungeon. I was very happy that I had only eaten a few pieces of waffles because I would've literally lost all of my breakfast. The walls of the dungeons are covered in slime and damp moss, it  smelled strongly of blood and mucus, which made me wonder how can anyone ever stay here without puking all over the floor, which I guess, is why it also smelled of puke. 

Dream accompanied me all the way to the hunter's cell, which was at the deepest, darkest, dampest, part of the dungeons. From what I've learned from Dream, the cells they stayed in were specially designed to keep hunters restrained and kept in there for as long as they live, which I guess wasn't very long. 

I shivered as we turned a corner, this place was like a maze, twisting and turning with cells on every wall. Some of the cells held people and some of them, thankfully, don't. Dream's emerald eyes were darkened and somehow glowing at the same time. The mark on my neck was also glowing a lime green, only the smile showing instead of the whole pentagram. 

I took a deep breath and bit my lip nervously as we approached the cell that held the two hunters. We approached the cell and I glanced around timidly and Dream reassuringly laid a hand on my back. 


I suppressed a gasp when I saw the cell that they were being held in, the walls were covered in splatters and patches of blood and moss, some torture tools that I could never imagine hung on the walls and littered the floor, some covered with spikes and drills that were covered in blood. The hunters were being held up to the wall by chains around there wrists and ankles, they were covered in blood and cuts, they barely looked like they were alive. There was a strange big collar on their necks that had a flashing green light on it. If they hadn't snapped their head to us when we approached, I would've thought they were dead.


I bit my lip nervously as their eyes followed us to where we stopped in front of their cell. I fidgeted around nervously with my hand while both the hunters hissed at Dream, their eyes full of resentment and hatred.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards them, but Dream said wait in my head and the leash extended out of my neck again. I turned towards Dream as a train of hisses and growls unleashed from the hunters when they saw the leash. Dream had a sadistic smirk on his face as he watched the hunters struggle against their chains.

'Dream, please let me go see them.' I silently pleaded and seemed to snap Dream out of his killer thoughts. He let go of the leash and it disappeared into thin air. Dream snapped his finger and a chain attached itself to the iron collar and the ones bounding their wrists and ankles opened and retracted into the wall, dropping them onto the floor where they immediately fell to the ground because of the injuries they had received during the time of their capture. 

I could feel Dream's gaze burning on my back as I rushed over and crouched down beside them.

'Are you ok?' I asked and helped them up onto a sitting position with them leaning against the wall. I mind linked Dream 'please go away, I want to talk to them in private' and to my surprise, he left us alone after shooting the pair of hunters a warning glare

As soon as he was out of hearing range, the hunters grasped my hand and pulled me into a big hug. I hugged back awkwardly and when they pulled back, their eyes were brimming with tears. 

'Are you both ok?' I asked and they both nodded, 'We've overcome worse.' 

I nodded my head and I saw the male hunter staring at my mark. The hunters shared a glance with each other and shuffled a bit closer to me.

'What's your name child?' The female hunter asked and despite the annoying fact that she called me a child, I still answered.

'My name is Niki and that's Wilbur, it's nice to meet you, and thank you for saving us.' The female, who's name is Niki,  said with a slight German accent and Wilbur nodded, 'We are ever so grateful and will forever be in your debt.' Wilbur added with a British accent. 

I nodded and smiled weakly at them, maybe I should've let them die, then they wouldn't have had to endure all those torture and god knows what those sadistic vampires could think of as torture methods. 

'I'm assuming your... um... vampire was the one who marked you.' Niki said slowly and I nodded, a sad smile appearing on my face.

'Yeah, he, um, Dream, marked me yesterday.' I said while staring into Niki's white irises which seemed to be flickering between white and black, Wilbur's doing the same. Their collars also seemed to be flashing a red yellow light instead of the green one I once saw. The hunters had one distinct trait that you could recognize everywhere, white irises. But the collar they wore seemed to be interfering with their powers and weakening them almost to the point of humans. 

'So, that vampire, Dream, is he a noble, or a very powerful vampire?' I heard Wilbur ask and Niki shot him a glare, making him quiet down. 

'Umm, yes, I think he is, he was able to create a barrier when I first met him. Why?' I asked and Wilbur shifted in his spot and his cuts and injures seemed to be healing. I suppressed a gasp when realization hit me, both of them nodded at me with excitement and I smiled at them, I could help them escape!

'No way...' I whispered in disbelief and they nodded at me once again, 'You have to help us!' Niki said while taking ahold of my hand and staring at me with puppy eyes, which caught me off guard.

'Of course I will, but how?' I asked while placing a hand over hers and stared expectantly at both of them. I felt them tense up and I heard footsteps approaching shortly after. I expected Dream to come here but instead, a vampire with purple glowing eyes and hair came in and a growl came out of him when he saw me and the hunters sitting on the ground. 

this was a long one but im proud :)

Niki and Wilbur is here~ 

Guess if they're a couple in this story or not ;) 

luv u all and please vote and comment :D, it helps me out a lot, and helps me write faster :)

word count: 2421.

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