The Black Infectious Thingy |...

Bởi GenderentDemon

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CW: This story generally contains ships and swearing, as well as fights and weapons, each chapter contains a... Xem Thêm

(1)Taco's plan
(2)The first victim
(3)Party preparations
(4)Just a Cheese and a Trophy
(5)And so the party starts
(6)Not Paper.
(7)Paper is acting strange
(8)Poisoned drinks
(9)Party and chaos
(10)After-party with Nickel
(11)The lab has been destroyed
(12)Another one has fallen...
(13)Contestant grounds
(14)Getting to tha hotel
(15)Salt in the pool
(16)Someone is in danger
(17)Memory problems
(18)Who are you again?
(19)Night Noises
(20)Two injured ones
(21)Mic vs Bowties
(22) Those Fucking Twerps.
(23)Nearly Caught
(24)Unexpected visit
(25)In need of an Aid-Kit
(26)Painty Investigations
(27)Light in a Lab
(29)A pain in a leg
(30)The "Evil" Ones
(31)Issues with tissues
(32)Unlucky Trophy
(33)Soap talk
(34)A long walk
(35)My head is spinning
(36)We just need a boat
(38)"Chill" time
(39)The TEO escape
(40)oh... Taco.
(42)Purgatory Mansion Visitors
(43)Midnight chat with the girls
(44) Paper.. What the fuck.
(CH.45) A very comforting coin
(CH.46) The Crowbar Test
(CH.47) Last Warning, Paper.
(CH.48) Fightin' With One-Another
(CH.49) The... Traitor?
(CH.50) Time For Some New Members
(CH.51) An Attempt To Escape
(CH.52) A Guest At The Mansion
(CH.53) Forgive And Forget
(CH.54) What have we done...
(CH.55) Plan B
(CH.56) Two Ideas Have Sparked
(CH.57) Midnight Accidental Meet-ups
(CH.58) Sneaking Out, Attempt 1
(CH.59) Pancake time!

(41)Noodles and Drama

501 11 4
Bởi GenderentDemon

I was ordered to go get some instant noodles, yes its uh. Not the best thing to eat but uh...
It's just been some very VERY busy days lately and this is the only thing I can do without getting stressed out
With all the drama and all the chaos nobody can be thinking clearly and I'm not an exception
Everyone is distracted or busy with keeping themselves isolated and away from trouble, well isolated as in away of getting away from most people except for when its lunch time since that's when Pickle tries to make everyone calm down and eat together
We never go to eat with anyone tho. We just stay in the lab,,
Most people will just not go because they're busy with something important but uhhh... in my case I'm not really THAT busy since I just have to go to the kitchen cabinet in front of me and grab noodles and my job would be done
The good thing about all of this? They no longer hate me! Not because they have forgiven me but it's because they're all more concentrated on finding out who's working with Taco and isolating themselves from everyone with barely any exceptions that they have completely forgotten about me! Haha- haha...
Come to think about it... the only one of the hotel that I think has genuinely forgiven me seems to be Test Tube
But she didn't really hate me all that much before, and she wasnt there during the party to drink the uh. Poison.
We had actually- barely talked too while we were on the competition
So I guess technically speaking umh.. nobody has actually forgiven me... yet
BUT- That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate Test Tube, she has helped me a LOT and I really owe her one
Since she is also the only one giving me a room to sleep where I am able to be safe from the TEO
What I do in return is helping her out with her experiments and investigations... also i'm the one that goes to get us food from the kitchen while she's working, if you haven't figured that out yet
She usually sends me to go get instant noodles for us both to eat, sometimes Fan joins us but he's usually with Mic in their room
I always wondered what they're doing in there, but i'm not allowed to go out of Test Tubes room/lab unless i'm going to go get food
Which usually I would complain about but lately everyone seems to be very stressed out and I think we're all better off isolated
And just when people were starting to forgive me... dangit.
Why am I always so unlucky?!...gosh this is so unfair
"Balloon! Where are you?!" I heard someone shout from the distance
Wha huh- oh, right!!
I grabbed the instant noodles bag that was in the cabinet in front of me and left the kitchen
"I'm here, I'm here!"
I went over to Test Tube who was looking extremelly anxious
She rushed over to me and looked down at me
"Did you find them?"
"Mhm!" I said cheerfully as I showed her the bag
"Great!" She said as she took off her backpack and placed it on the floor
"Here!" I said and passed her the bag for her to put it inside of her own backpack
She then closed and put on the backpack once again and patted my head
"Good job assistant" she said to me and we started to head off to her room
Test Tube is so nice to me, even if it's an extremely difficult moment to be nice she is still very nice to me
"What was taking you so long?"
"Huh? Oh,, I was just lost in my own thoughts, nothing happened"
"Awh, again?"
"Mhm, but it wasn't bad, dont worry"
After that it was silence for a while, it's sometimes better not be talking around the halls since you could accidentally call for unwanted attention from people
Okey maybe from the way I'm explaining everything you'd think that all of the hotel is apocalyptic- but it really isnt!
It's just that Test Tube really wants to avoid questions from people as well as that we just kind of are better off isolated from the danger, I mean, who knows when the next attack will happen!
After some walking we finally reached Test Tubes room
She opened the door with her keys and held it open for me
"After you, assistant"
"Thx!" I said as I entered the room
She followed me and locked the door behind her
"Oh, um... Balloon?"
"Fan will come eat dinner with us today, he said he has free time and all"
"Oh! Cool!"
"He told me he would be over at 10pm, so that's in 15 minutes, could you please go get everything ready?"
"Mhm! I've got it!"
"Great!" She said as she threw me her backpack and I grabbed it mid-air
"You've got the noodles in there" she said as she smiled at me
"Okey!" I smiled at her back and went over to the mini kitchen we had set up in her room
Her room is filled with so many things that other rooms dont have, that's why I like it so much!!!
It has the basic stuff like the toilet and the beds and the closet but she also has a small kitchen (which is actually just a water boiler + a coffee maker, as well as a microwave- oh! And a small fridge we set up on a big table) and she also has a portal room with a portal to her lab! AND ITS AWESOME-
I'm not allowed in the lab without her though
And if I'm gonna be honest I completely understand why I am not allowed in there
After all,, I'm not really the most trust worthy person ever
ANYWAYS- I really shouldn't get distracted now, after all, Fan is finally coming over to visit hehehe
I went over to the water boiler, ok. Balloon, you've got this...
I opened the backpack to grab some of the noodles
I grabbed 3 of them and placed it on the table
Ok balloon now you get the water ready and you'll be ready for dinner!
I started the water boiler and patiently waited
Oh shoot- the chopsticks!
Fan and Test Tube usually eat them with chopsticks, I am unable to do that though- Haha... what? ITS DIFFICULT ALRIGHT-
I went through the backpack
Oh, come on! Test Tube always has the chopsticks over-... here...?
I looked down at the backpack...there was something in there that I had never seen before... a hidden compartment,,?
Huh. Why would Test Tube ever need that-
I looked around, and of course, nobody on sight...
I slowly opened that compartment and found myself looking at a small bag with weird stuff thrown in there which were inside of even smaller zipbags
What the hell- what's this...Test Tube didnt-
I took out some of the bags
This is so freaky I. Wait... are those flowers???
I took a small zipbag that was filled with flowers
I opened the bag and JEEZ- these smelt so good, oh my goodness
"Oh, hi there Fan!"I heard Test Tube say from afar
Shit shit shit- oh no what am I doing uMH-
I quickly looked around
I closed the secret compartment and snatched the few bags still out of it and threw them on the floor, that way as long as they dont look down they wont notice them
"Balloon! Are the Noodles ready yet?"
"umH. almOST" I shouted very nervously as I went to get the boiling water to get it into the cups of noodles
"Uhhhh... are you doing alright there Balloon?" I heard Test Tube say as she got closer to the room I was on
"YUP." I said and poured the water on the cups
Unluckily enough with all my shaking I accidentally poured some boiling water on my hands
"OUCH. SHIT-" I accidentally shouted as I finished pouring the water and backed away from the noodles
And then, Test Tube came into the room
"Balloon are you alright???" She looked at me very concerned and slowly began to approached me
I quickly backed away from her while putting my hands behind my back
She looked at me up.and down and noticed my hands
She then sighed and began to talk again
"Balloon if you got your hands burnt you couldve just told me, hold up I have something that might help you, please wait for me in here" she said as she got out of the room and left me alone
I sighed in relief, gosh, well that was scary-
Imagine what couldve happened if she looked at the floor-
Gosh why did I do that. Why did I-
"Heya pal, why so sad?" I heard someone say and I quickly turned around to see Fan standing right behind me
"WHA- HUH." I said as I backed away, freaked out by his talent of sneaking up to people with barely making any noise
"Oh my- I didnt mean to startle you like that, Haha." He said as he looked at me up and down
"Say, are the noodles ready or,,? I'm just soooooo hungry, yknow?"
"Yeah, they umh. Only have to cook and theyll be ready"
"Well that's great, isn't it?
Then, there was pure silence in the room for a while until Fan decided to speak up once again
"Hm... it's just so weird to think about though... the fact that I arrived here so long ago, and yet, these noodles arent ready yet, and you look all shakey and sweaty is just...unthinkable if you truly were doing what you were asked to do,, could you have been... perhaps... idk... doing something you're not supposed to,,?"
How does he- how did he-
I froze in place.
I had no idea how to answer i- how does he know I'm.
He smirked at me with his sharp teeth
"Haha im just kidding" he said as he patted my head
"I'm sure Test Tube can trust you, right?~"
I quickly nodded my head in agreement trying not to look suspicious
"That's what I thought..." he said as he looked away
"Yknow, I actually had to talk with Test Tube tonight so youd be doing me a huge favor if you just... left for a while, would you kindly do that for me? Or should I tell Test Tube you disobeyed her?"
I couldn't answer at the moment, since when Is Fan, the socially awkard one, so...INTIMIDATING?-
"Will you do that for me, Balloon?"
"Y-Yes." I said hesitantly
"Thank you very much then!" He said as he smiled once again
Were his teeth always so,, SHARP?
This all just feels so weird-
"Okey so for some reason I cant really find my aid kit but I do know some tricks for your hands to- oh, hi there Fan!" Said Test Tube as she entered the room and saw us both standing there
"Uhhh... Test Tube I think I'm going to go take a walk instead of eating dinner today" I said to her as calmly and normal as I possibly could
"Oh, is that because of something specific or...? You know you can tell me anything and everything that is bothering you or your mind!"
"Yeah...I just need to go walk for a while...does that sound good?"
"I mean I don't really want you to be walking around the hotel, you know how dangerous it is? I mean I-"
"Awh, come on Test Tube, dont let the kid down" said Fan as he approached Test Tube
"There hasn't been any actual attacks in so long, I'm sure he will be just fine" he said as he grabbed calmly Test Tube hands
"Hmm... I guess I could send him to go get me a new aid kit and he can go walk around while he's on that..." Test Tube continued to say as she also grabbed Fans hands
"That's the spirit! Go on kid. Leave."
"Uh- Yeah, just...give me a minute, I umh... gotta go leave my fork back-"
I then, as accidental as I could make it look, dropped my own fork on the floor, went down the table and picked up both the fork as well the small bags i had previously left on the floor
"Oopsie-" I said as I stood up and left the fork on the sink
"See yall later!" I said as I left the room
"See you later, assistant" said Test Tube as I shut the door closed
I sat down on the corridor
I curled up in a ball in front of the door and almost started crying
What am I gonna do now- oh no. oh no
I started having a full on panic atack and well, WHO WOULDNT?
I just stole something from TEST tube- OMG WHY DID I FUCKIN-
I started to feel myself hiperventilating
Nononono why did I do this oh gosh no
I fucked up really bad. I MESSED UP ONCE AGAIN AND I-
"Woah.. Looks like someone's doing alright"
Wait... I'd recognize that sarcastic tone anywhere...

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