The Lion and the Eagle |Nevil...

By arrow_to_the_heart

8.1K 103 369

Some things stick with you forever. For me, it's May 2, 1998. The Battle of Hogwarts. The day I lost some goo... More

Quick Intro
01. A Shell of a Girl
02. Fresh Air and a...Job Offer?
03. First Shift
04. A Dying Breed
05. The Rumor Mill Strikes
06. The Breach
07. Squatters
08. 'A Fugitive is a Fugitive.'
09. Territory War
10. Sheltered
12. First-time Camper
13. Fetching Food
14. Bed Rest, Bad News, and a Visitor From the Past
15. The History Behind the Hysterics
16. "It's Good, Feeling Something Other Than Pain Again."
17. A Sweet Gesture Turns Sour
18. Evading Capture
19. Out of Time
20. A Bad Day Gets Worse
21. Roommates
22. The Next Destination
23. Sidelined at St. Mungo's
24. The Picture Widens
25. A Winner's "Reward"
26. A Potential Crack in the Case
27. Pulled Into the Past
28. "Who's the Lucky Girl Today, Warden?"
29. A Special Match
30. An "Upgrade"
31. The Raid
32. The Golden-Haired (Delusional) Woman
33. A New Neighbor
34. The Dreaded Moment Comes
35. All Hell Breaks Loose
36. "It's Really Over."
37. Some Insight into Ember
38. The Return Home
39. "You Chose Me, and I Chose You."
40. Christmas
And There You Have It!

11. Helpful Hermione

132 2 9
By arrow_to_the_heart

"Jenelle." Someone was shaking me on the sofa. "Jenelle, wake up."

My first instinct was to reach for my wand as I sprung off the sofa. Hermione had woken me up. She gestured to a ball of bright light, which soon formed a bear Patronus. There was one person I knew that had that.

"Your mum and I are fine," the Patronus said using Dad's voice. Hermione edged in carefully. "Do not respond for safety reasons."

I knew this was no trick, this was legitimately from my dad. I had worried all of yesterday, waiting for Neville to come back or somehow get information to Hermione. The vice around my heart loosened a little. But this didn't mean my parents were out of danger completely.

"That's a way to start your morning," Hermione breathed. "Breakfast?"

"Sure. Did Ron leave?" I made my way to the table to see Hermione had food ready to go. I guess with Ron's erratic schedule, once he was up, she was as well.

"Earlier this morning. He must've done a good job at not waking you."

"I think so. He probably felt bad about my rude awakening yesterday." I plopped a seat down and began to munch.

"Once you're done eating, I have some clothes that might fit you."

"Don't donate half your wardrobe," I told her. "I'll manage."

"I want to help in any way I can. I insist." She gave a small grin.

I took my time eating. Hermione told me to shower afterwards. It felt nice getting a hot shower. Temporarily, all my worries evaporated like the water did, turning into steam that flew under the little crack under the bathroom door.

I came out; hair soaking the denim jacket Hermione gave me, a vibrant blue shirt underneath it. The jeans felt a little snug. I folded the towel I used and set it on the toilet seat. Hermione was offering me so much, the least I could was make cleanup easier on her.

Hermione almost knocked into me as she went back and forth from her room to the living room. She had almost everything laid out all over the floor: two weeks' worth of clothes, a hairbrush, pillow and blanket, some weird looking radio, and even food. It was like Hermione was packing for a hiking trip, and she was taking at least a good quarter of the house's stock out.

"Hermione, just how long do you think I'll be gone?" I gasped as I heard her scuffle back with the necessities I would need in the long haul—necessities only for women.

"You never know. I was gone for months one time," she explained. "This'll give you a decent start."

"More than decent," I grumbled. "How am I going to cram all this into a bag? I'll need at least five!"

"What makes you think all that can be jammed inside one tiny luggage bag?" she asked. "I thought this all out last night."

I was about to tell her that she shouldn't have done that, but it seemed pointless because she'd either ignore me or tell me that it was the least she could do. She barely knew me and she was treating me as though we had been friends for years.

"Make sure I got everything while I go fetch one more thing, okay?" she asked me.

Hermione flitted away, leaving me to take stock on what she was packing. Besides the obvious that I saw, Hermione packed a book—or was it a journal?—containing who knew what, and also tarp, rope, and some stakes.

Hermione came back, carrying a small pouch. My head tilted to the side. That bag was way too small to even handle the clothes pile that was on the floor.

"Hermione, I don't mean to sound rude, but how is that going to store anything?" I asked.

"Trust me, it will." She scooped up the clothes pile and thrust them inside the bag. My eyes widened as all the clothes disappeared, not one piece of fabric standing out. She continued cramming in everything else: the hair brush, women necessities, the journal, tarp, rope, and stakes.

I couldn't believe what I was watching. "Okay, where did you get this?" I asked in awe.

"It's just an ordinary pouch," she explained. "I put an Undetectable Extension Charm on it almost a year ago. It still works, as you can see."

"Hermione," I said as she was about ready to put the food in. She stared at me. "There's no need to empty out your kitchen. You already raided your bathroom and wardrobe for me."

"It'll give you a head start. At least you'll taste some good food before having to resort to wild game." She stuffed the food in the endless pit that was that pouch.

"I can't thank you enough for all this," I said as she closed up the gaping hole.

"You don't have to. I'm happy to help," she said, rising and offering the bag to me. I took it from her. Surprisingly, it felt light.

"You know...if I'm running from Death Eaters, why not throw me in the bag?"

Hermione laughed. "I'm sorry," she squeaked. "It's just; the thought of it is sort of funny. It could work, but I wouldn't recommend trying it. Damn, if I had thought of that, Harry would've been stuck in that bag the entire time we were on the run ourselves."

"I was being serious," I said.

"Oh, I know."

"Do you think Neville will come back today?"

"He's good about keeping his word, so I imagine that he will. If anything, he'll plan to move you after the sun sets. It's better to Disapparate in the dark."

"Not really. You can't see where you land."

"In your case, it's better. As soon as you land, set up camp. I'd bet anything you'll have some time before the Death Eaters catch on."

I groaned.

"What is it?" she asked me.

"I've moved more times recently than I ever have in my life! I want to be stationary, preferably back home. I wish this mess was over with."

"You won't get what you want, Jenelle. If you want to survive and get those Death Eaters to Azkaban, I suggest you don't argue with Neville and listen to everything he says."

Time sped up, and soon sunset was upon us. Ron still remained on the job, so I wouldn't get to see him before leaving.

Never in my lifetime had I ever thought I'd see the day where I'd go into hiding. Of course, I never thought any Death Eaters still roamed free either. I pictured a good amount to be dead over the course of the Battle of Hogwarts, and the rest locked up in Azkaban where they would remain the rest of their lives.

As predicted, Neville Apparated outside the front door. Hermione let him in.

"You have everything?" he asked me.

"I really appreciate everything you all are doing," I said, "but I can handle myself."

"We've been over this. I'm coming with you, and that's final." Neville's voice sounded commanding, very authority-like.

"Who said you were the boss of me?"

"I'm pretty sure I have been since I saved your life!"

"Last time I checked, you are not my dad!"

"True, but I am your protector until those crooks are caught and until the danger is gone. For now, you listen to me unless you want to end up handing yourself over to them."

"Hey!" Hermione snapped. We both stopped and stared at her. "Jenelle, he's going with you, got it?"

I flared my nostrils angrily but settled down. I uttered a sigh of defeat. "Fine. Oh, shoot! I forgot I left my wand in the bathroom. Hey, don't give me that look," I said defensively when both gave me an odd glance. "You never know when something can go wrong."

I abandoned them both briefly to seek my wand. When I was reunited with my lifeline, I came back to see Neville walking towards me in the hall. My head tilted a fraction. He grabbed my arm and pulled me deeper down the hall.

"What are you doing?" I snarled. Neville shoved and stood in front of me, wand hanging awfully tight at his side. "What's going on?"

"Someone's at the door," he whispered. "You can't be seen."

"I'm sure it's a friend of Hermione's."

"Take my word for it, it's not."

I could only think of one group of people in general we didn't want to run in to at the moment. "You seriously think a Death Eater is that stupid that they go knocking on peoples' doors like the police?"

"Yes, if they've used Polyjuice Potion."

"But that takes time to brew."

"They must've had some ready to go. The man out there is awfully convincing as your dad looks-wise."

"My dad wouldn't show here, he sent a Patronus this morning," I whispered. How in the hell could they have attained anything? Wait, the house. The one who escaped probably nicked some of Dad's hair. Nobody posed as my father and got away with it!

I knew how my father acted, Hermione didn't. However, she did know that my dad sent a Patronus to me, so she knew that he wouldn't come here.

"So what do we do?" I whispered.

"We have to wait, we've got no choice," he said lowly.

"That could take hours!"

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Something that doesn't involve any injury, with the exception to the bloke who's trying to pose as my father—I don't care if he gets hurt."

I heard Hermione and the Death Eater talking. She sounded calm.

"Excuse me for a moment; I need to put this bag back. Silly me, I forgot I left it lying around," Hermione said politely.

We saw Hermione come with the bag. She handed it quietly to Neville, giving a nod as in good luck to us both. I gave her one back.

Neville looked at me, snagged my hand, and, with a surprisingly small pop, we both Disapparated.

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