Drarry - Possession - Part 2

By peachydreamsxo

117K 1K 2.4K

Draco just wants be treated like he's nothing. He wants to endure punishment for being a filthy whore whilst... More

Good Boy, Draco
Kneel For Me, Little Slut
Draco Malfoy: Slut of Slytherin
Touch Me
Are You Proud Of Me?
Draco The Submissive
My Sweet Prince

The Tease

10.6K 126 209
By peachydreamsxo

Saturday mornings at the Potter-Malfoy residence started the same every week. The racket of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen was thanks to Harry in the process of making savoury breakfast muffins, following a recipe he'd found in an old 1980s cookbook

Draco, on the other hand, was neck-deep in a lavender-scented bubble bath, surrounded by flickering candles with his cucumber eye mask resting over his face

The tranquil silence was abruptly broken by Harry bursting through the doors of the bathroom

"Draco, I-" he stopped mid-sentence and began smiling down at his boyfriend

"Mm?" Draco slipped the eye mask up to his forehead and peeped one eye open "What is it?"

"You look so cute right now"

"You always think I'm cute," he rolled his eyes "Did you want something?"

"Breakfast is ready, you getting out soon?"

"But it's so relaxing and warm in here." Draco sunk a little lower under the bubbles

"Your coffee will go cold."

"Bring it in here then."

"But I was hoping we'd eat together."

A cheeky smile emerged on Draco's face as he gestured down at the steamy water below "There's room for one more."

"I don't really like baths."

"You do when I'm in them... naked..."

Harry thought for a moment, considering his options before hastily exiting the doorway, the sound of footsteps patting across the floorboards, growing more distant and then closer. He emerged again with two cups of coffee, placed them on the bath side and eagerly dropped his pyjama bottoms and boxers

Draco watched in awe as Harry stripped naked and climbed into the soapy water in front of him, the usual heat rising in his chest whenever he saw Harry's gorgeous body

It was a tangle of long legs and awkward positions until they came together, face to face. Draco ran his soaking wet hands over Harry's face, who squirmed and scrunched his nose in response to getting wet.

"Couldn't have you looking so perfect in the bath." Draco teased, his own blonde bangs hanging over his forehead, dripping and slightly darker than the usual platinum shade when it was dry

Draco's hand caressed Harry's cheek and pulled him into a soft kiss, their lips warm and hungry for one another. Draco tilted his head to the side opening up his neck for Harry to kiss and bite gently.

From his jaw to his collarbone, Harry sucked at Draco's steamy skin feeling the boy moan softly against him. Draco involuntarily let his eyelids droop closed, his jaw dropping open at the arousal pooling in his groin from Harry's touch

"You're my favourite thing for breakfast" Harry whispered, nipping at Draco's skin whilst Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's back and held him close

They broke apart, lightheaded from the heat of the mist surrounding them and the blood shooting from their heads to their cocks

"Drink this," Harry said, offering Draco's coffee out for him "I added some vanilla syrup."

"Look at you getting fancy with your beverages." Draco smiled, taking a cautious sip "Thank you."

"Remember the last time we had a bath together?" Harry asked, and Draco brought his gaze up from his coffee "The day we got into a pretend fight on the quidditch pitch and got covered in grass stains."

Draco smiled to himself at the memory, but it turned sour as another thought crept in "The day my father found out about us... you clean me up after he..."

"Hey," Harry hushed, bringing his forehead against Draco's whilst lacing their fingers together "It was also the day we made love for the first time, remember?"

A smile ghosted Draco's face, the memory sparking a sweetness in his heart "You told me you loved me."

"And you said it back." Harry caught Draco's lips in another kiss before ruffling his hair into its usual mess and grinning, crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back against the bath end "I still love you more and more every day... Merlin knows how, you still drive me nuts every day."

"You wouldn't last five minutes without me." Draco teased, flicking water in his direction

"I'd kill for some peace and quiet without you." Harry smirked, silence falling between them as smiles widened before they broke into laughter together

"I love you," Harry said "Even though you're so high maintenance and you refuse to eat spicy food with me, you spend three hours just doing your hair and what else? Oh! You buy far too many stupid plants!"

Draco began chuckling to himself knowing Harry secretly wouldn't change a thing. "I love you too, even though you leave your clothes all over the floor for me to trip over, you don't stop singing despite being tone-deaf and you continue to leave empty milk cartons in the fridge."

"Boyfriend of the Year, I am!" Harry joked, roaring with laughter

"Yeah, yeah, you wish!"

"Alright, I'm getting out. I don't know how you stew in here for so long, I'm already bored." Harry groaned, pushing himself up to standing, the water crashing from his body

"That's because you have the attention span of a squirrel."

Harry ruffled Draco's hair with a soaking wet and a patted his cheek, spraying bubbles everywhere whilst Draco scrunched his face and chuckled

"Don't be long, ok? We're leaving in an hour to meet my friends." Harry said, wrapping a towel around his waist, and slicking his hair back with one hand. Draco sunk back into the water and pulled the eye mask back onto his face.


"We're gonna be late, Draco!"

"We're fine!"

"We were supposed to leave at noon, it's 12:15 already!"

"But it's barely a ten-minute walk, relax. Calm your tits."

"I'm gonna clamp your tits if you don't move your arse." Harry growled

"How kinky." Draco teased

"I'm serious. Move your arse!"

Draco pulled his jumper over his head and re-emerged with a smirk, running one hand through his scruffy blonde hair "Or what?"

Harry gave him a look, a look of total dominance. "Are you asking to be spanked again?"

"I might be."

Secretly he adored it when Draco got playful with him, his cheeky smile was so fucking sexy it did all sorts of things to his body. Tongue in cheek, he quietly walked across to where Draco was busy looking in the mirror, approaching him from behind. He slipped one hand into the back of Draco's hair and tugged, forcing his head up, making eye contact through the reflection

"If you're looking for punishment then I'll gladly deliver. I'll tear those clothes off you so fast, strap a collar around your neck and parade you out in the street on a leash like the pathetic fucking animal you are. Sound good enough for you, Slut?

Draco's breath caught in his throat, it always did whenever Harry forcibly took control of him

"I'll make you crawl on your hands and knees, maybe gag you, blindfold you, plug your arse? Who knows. Would you like that?"

Draco didn't answer, his eyes were wide with shame and arousal

"Or are you going to behave for me? Like the good little whore you are?" he asked. Draco nodded, and Harry tugged his hair harder, leaning into his ear "Answer me."

"I'll behave."

"Good boy." Harry let go and stepped back, smacking his arse playfully as he moved "Though I think you ought to prove it to me"


"Show me how well you can control yourself and I'll reward you." Harry opened up the drawer on the side of his bed and pulled out the velvet bag of toys, unfolding it across the sheets. He plucked a tiny black vibrator from one of the pouches and held it out for Draco, whose jaw dropped putting two and two together

"Harry, no..."

"Yes," Harry grinned mischievously "I want this vibrator in your arse the entire time we're out today, I can control it with my wand and tease you whenever I want"

"I'm not having an orgasm in front of your friends!"

"I didn't say that, I just said wear it. If you behave well enough I may not even use it much, though I know how much you love the idea of your arse being stretched and teased in public. Go on, tell me you don't want it.."

"I... I..."


"What if they notice it?"

"They won't. It's silent once it's inside you and if I can see you squirming a little I'll turn it off. C'mon Draco, don't you want to know what it'd feel like?"

Draco hesitated. On the one hand, the idea of arousal and orgasm delay in public sounded hot as hell, it would certainly spice things up for sure. On the other hand, the thought of climaxing in his pants in front of Weasley and Granger was mortifying. Would Harry really be that good at controlling it?

"You promise you'll be sensible with it?" Draco asked

"Of course, nothing you can't handle."

"Fine, give it here."

Harry passed over the vibrator with an eager smirk and watched as Draco dropped his jeans to his ankles and bent over the bed, positioning the toy against his hole with a little lube and pushing in. He winced slightly but it was small compared to what he was used to, he would still be able to sit down comfortably and walk around, only now a gentle buzz would be keeping him occupied

He pulled his jeans back on and straightened out in the mirror, but Harry had more plans as he appeared behind him with a leather collar

Draco's eyes widened. "No. Absolutely not. I've already agreed to the vibrator but I'm not wearing a collar to lunch!"

"I don't think you have a choice, Slut," Harry pouted "Just humour me, ok? Try it on"

Draco didn't budge so Harry began unfastening it for him. "It's the skinny one, the leather is quite flat so if you wear it under your roll-neck jumper, no one will see it anyway."

At first, Draco wasn't convinced, but as Harry fastened the clip at the back and covered the collar with the high neck of his oversized jumper, he realised it actually wasn't visible under the fabric. It was smooth against his skin and tight enough just for him to notice something was there.

"Wear it all day for me, Slut."

"Fine." Draco whispered, his cock hardening in his jeans at being secretly submissive in public

"No one will know you're wearing your little whore collar unless you misbehave... if you're naughty then I won't hesitate to attach the leash and keep you on it. Understand?"



"Master." Draco's eyes hit the floor, his cheeks flushed

"Good boy."


Ron had invited Harry and Draco out for lunch at a new American diner that had opened up near Covent Garden. He'd been there a few weeks prior when his brothers dragged him along and ended up apparating home and crashing on the sofa in a food coma

Just like Draco, Ron was completely new to muggle life. His entire youth was spent either at Hogwarts or the Burrow, only occasionally heading into London on their way to Diagon Alley or King's Cross Station. Since leaving school, they'd spent their summer getting adjusted to life in the adult world among muggles, branching out into new places and trying new things

Harry and Hermione on the other hand, were fairly used to muggle life having grown up in muggle households. They'd visited plenty of sights already and were accustomed to the other way of life

When they arrived, Draco glared at Harry for rushing him despite them still being the first ones there

"Don't give me that look" Harry moaned, turning up the intensity on Draco's hidden vibrator


"That's what I thought, now behave" he smirked, planting a kiss on Draco's cheek as they slipped into the red leather booth. Moments later, Ron and Hermione burst through the door, wrapped in a bundle of hats, scarves, jumpers and coats. Ron looked twice his usual size under all the layers

Draco felt his chest tighten, suddenly feeling extremely visible despite knowing the toys he was wearing were hidden away. Harry turned off the vibrator to give him a moment to relax.

"Christ, it's not that cold outside" Harry laughed as the others joined them in the booth

"It's bloody windy!" Ron moaned, trying to unravel the scarf from around his neck and failing

"Sorry we're late," Hermione huffed "We got a bit lost and had to ask for directions, there are so many restaurants around here, but enough of that, how are you two?"

"We're good" Harry smiled at Draco and met his gorgeous silver eyes, he linked their fingers under the table and squeezed it tighter receiving an 'aww!' from Hermione and a pressed-lip nod from Ron before the waitress appeared to take their orders

Hermione then gathered all their menus and passed them back with a gracious smile, turning back to the boys "How's domestic life in your new flat? You must tell us all about it!"

Harry hesitated. Only one thought crossed his mind.

I've never had so much sex in my entire life, Draco's orgasm screams are literally etched in my mind day and night, my arse is so sore and we can barely make it one day without ripping each other's clothes off to make love

Draco went to respond but felt the vibrator teasing his hole and pursed his lips, attempting to readjust in his seat without letting a moan escape

"Umm... it's nice... being together all the time now and having our own space to ourselves is great. We're really happy." Harry said, trying desperately to keep a straight face, despite knowing through the corner of his vision that Draco was chucking beside him.

"I wish we could move out," Ron moaned "Don't get me wrong, Mum and Dad are great, but still drive me bonkers some days. Poor 'Mione has to put up with all the squabbling too, I reckon we'll look for our own place soon as well."

"It is pretty great," Harry beamed "Getting to do whatever you want, eat whatever you want-"

"Sing all the time until your neighbours are banging on the walls." Draco added, receiving a playful nudge

"Yeah... 'singing'" Ron teased, poking out a tongue as Harry gave him a snarky glare and Hermione burst into giggles

Their food finally arrived to break the teasing before Harry kicked Ron under the table. Plates were piled high with various burgers and fries, with dripping cheese and crispy onions. Draco's eyes lit up as the waitress handed him his triple chocolate milkshake with whipped cream, sprinkles and cherries on top

Ron wasted no time in digging in, picking up his cheeseburger with both hands and attacking it as though he hadn't seen food in a week. Sauce smeared around his mouth as he chewed with a satisfied smile. Hermione began cutting her burger with a knife and fork while Harry fussed removing the tomatoes and placing them onto Draco's plate as Draco watched and shook his head with a smile

With every swallow of his food, Draco was reminded of the discreet leather collar choking his neck. Overcome with shame, he cowered slightly and felt himself blushing, the thrill of being exposed both mortifying but gorgeously humiliating. A part of him wanted the others to see how much Harry owned him, but right now he wasn't brave enough

The sensation of wearing the collar in public though, was something he'd never considered before and he adored it. His cock twitched in his pants again.

"I still can't believe you two fell in love," Ron said, "It's bloody mental"

"We've been together over a year now, Ron" Draco said

"Actually we've been shagging for over a year-" Harry corrected

"Harry!" Hermione scolded, eyes wide making sure no one else could hear their conversation

"Fine, it's been ten months officially. Is it still that hard to believe?"

"Kinda," Ron laughed, swallowing another bite "You two were actual enemies for like... six years"

Draco chuckled and took another sip of milkshake "You know he never really hated me. He was jealous of me, obsessed some might say, couldn't get enough of me-"

"Yeah, yeah, you tell yourself that" Harry eye-rolled meeting Draco's smirk. Under the table he subtly moved his wand and Draco stirred in his seat, feeling the vibrator come to life

He side-eyed Harry, his cheeks flushing but the others were lost in their food and joking between themselves. He bit his lower lip ever so slightly and noticed how the corner of Harry's mouth turned up a little

"He was pining for you like crazy when you two stopped seeing each other-"

"Hermione-" Harry growled

"So nervous to bump into you-"

"Hermione stop-"

"Always talking about you, it was adorable really" she grinned

Harry pouted with a fake smile "Not cool"

"Aww poor Potter missed me, did he? Couldn't last a single day without the amazing Malfoy?" Draco teased, smiling onto the straw of his shake

Harry smiled back and waited for the reaction

The intensity of the vibrator increased and Draco's eyes widened, though he kept the forced smile to deter any suspicion from the others. His cock twitched in his pants and his arse tensed around it, waves of pleasure radiating through his body

He felt his cheeks grow pinker and prayed that the others would remain oblivious. It was a cruel but gorgeous feeling, and Harry was loving it

Harry smirked into his food and continued eating, knowing Draco was secretly squirming inside

The conversation continued merrily until all of them were completely stuffed and slumping back in their seats, though Ron and Harry still asked to look at the dessert menu too

Draco let his hand slip onto Harry's thigh, squeezing it subtly before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. He didn't know how much more of it he could take

"Going somewhere?" Harry said, pushing open the restroom door and leaning on the frame. Draco was leaning over the sink, dishevelled hair falling over his eyes, biting his lip and stifling moans

"Please... please let me take this out?" he begged under his voice, looking around to make sure they were alone "I'm on the edge here!"

"Good, that's just how I like it" Harry smirked, closing the door, approaching Draco from behind.

He slipped two hands around Draco's waist and seductively began kissing the back of his neck, nibbling his ear and moaning under his breath

"Oh Harry... please... take this vibrator out and fuck me right now"

Harry sucked on Draco's neck and whispered in his ear "Desperate little whore"

He slipped one finger under the hidden collar around Draco's neck and dragged him into the cubicle, slamming the door shut behind them both and meeting Draco's wild eyes with a look of pure lust

He launched himself onto Draco's parted lips in a desperate kiss and teased him with his tongue, pinning him back against the wall

"You know how hard I've been all day knowing your arse is being played with?" Harry breathed, unbuckling Draco's trousers, and shoving them to his ankles along with his underwear. Draco shook his head but was too awestruck to respond properly as his cock sprung free, already desperately hard

"Oh look how hard you are, Draco, so gorgeous.. so, so gorgeous..." Harry teased, his expression was one of total hunger, he looked starved of intimacy, craving Draco.

A smirk appeared across his face and he dropped to his knees biting his lip and slowly looking back up to meet Draco's eyes, who was frozen in sheer arousal. He placed his hands on Draco's hips, holding him firmly so that Draco's cock ached in front of him, longing for his touch. Draco moaned and bit his lip, he'd been teased with the vibrator for nearly 3 hours now, he'd never felt so desperate in his life.

"Oh my god... Harry...please..." he moaned, sliding his fingers through Harry's hair, holding him there

Harry parted his lips gently, sliding a hand around Draco's throbbing erection. Draco shivered at his touch and let out another desperate moan, aching to feel him. Harry held eye contact with him as he gradually leant forward and Draco could feel his warm breath on the tip of his cock, knowing for sure he would orgasm at the mere touch of his lips.

He was filled with desire, bucking his hips against Harry's hand but Harry remained smirking up at him, savouring every second of this torture he was inflicting on Draco, watching him squirm and moan and push back against the hand Draco was forcing on his head.

"Want me to suck your cock?" Harry teased

"Please yes, fucking suck me!" Draco begged, clenching his eyes shut in uncontrollable arousal and moaning more

"Are you sure?" Harry asked again, smirking up at Draco, who was practically coming undone just at the sight of him on his knees, the wait was torture

"Yes, you arse... please suck my fucking cock already!" Draco spat

"Aw that's no way to speak to your Master now is it, Draco," Harry tutted

Draco slumped his head back against the wall unable to hold on "Please... I've been a good boy... I've behaved..."

"Such a good boy..." Harry roused, parting his lips and sliding his tongue around the head of Draco's cock, causing the blonde to gasp and moan at the pleasure that overcame him

"Oh Harry... oh Merlin... fuck...yes... this feels incredible... fuck Harry!"

Harry allowed one hand to slide around to Draco's arse where he groped and stroked the skin, etching his fingers closer and closer to his hole. The other hand still working Draco's cock fiercely beneath his mouth as he swirled his tongue all around, licking up the shaft and kissing the head

The vibrator continued to pulsate through his arse leaving him trembling on the brink of climax

As Harry tongue-fucked him, Draco arched his hips and pushed deeper into his throat. Harry moaned at the size of what was filling his mouth and sucked fiercely, licking all over until Draco gripped down into Harry's hair and bucked his hips

"I'm coming... oh my god... I'm coming..."

Draco climaxed hard into Harry's mouth, his cries echoing off the walls of the bathroom. Harry moaned and sucked harder, looking up at Draco who was falling apart at his touch, barely able to keep himself upright as the pleasure overwhelmed him

"Fuck! Harry! Yes! Oh my god!"

Harry swallowed the load and licked his lips as he returned to standing in front of Draco, who was flushed and breathless, his eyes in a trance of exhilaration. He stopped the vibrator with his wand and kissed him gently, smiling against his parted lips

"Did someone enjoy themselves?" he asked, Draco nodded against him and slumped to the wall "You were so well behaved today, Slut. You deserved that"

"I... I love you..." Draco breathed, melting into a drunken smile

Harry caught his lips in another kiss and stroked his cheek "I love you more, Draco"

"Not possible"

"Oh, so possible!" Harry grinned "After seeing you whimpering and moaning for me to touch you all afternoon... I mean... wow"

"So are you going to let me take this thing out now, or not?" Draco laughed

Harry kissed him softly on the cheek, nuzzling into his neck and Draco bit his lip in arousal "I think we can leave it in until we get home, don't you? Then your arse is all mine"

Draco's heart bloomed at the idea of more pleasure because it was addictive, like Harry was a drug he couldn't get enough of. He cast a quick cleaning spell to freshen himself up, then linked his fingers with Harry's and left the bathroom with the biggest smile on his face

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