A 4th Warner? Why Not!

By Myhairyleg

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Wow another book where some random teenage girl inserts their baby oc in the animaniacs! lol. More

Bun control
Zoo Disaster
The Longest Word
If roles were reversed..
Who Donut?
The Warners meet Bendy.
Quarantine Zone
The Warners meet Springtrap
Fanart of Royce Warner!
Prototype Rain
β€’π™π™–π™žπ™£ π™žπ™£ π™’π™€π™£π™™π™šπ™§π™‘π™–π™£π™™β€’ 𝙋𝙩 2
β€’π™π™–π™žπ™£ π™žπ™£ π™¬π™€π™£π™™π™šπ™§π™‘π™–π™£π™™β€’ 𝙋𝙩 3
The Warners in Among Us
π™’π™šπ™‘π™˜π™€π™’π™š 𝙩𝙀 π™π™–π™žπ™£π™¨ 𝙒𝙀𝙧𝙑𝙙!
Rain's a 4townie!
Girls night out!
I have one question..
Dots Discovery
Rain vs The bumble bee
Mystery hole
Rains first ever crush!
Wolf Balloon!
The Warners in Hazbin Hotel!
Animaniacs meets the Warden!
Fanart Show!
Unfortunate Events
New Animaniacs book coming up.
Suspicious Ghost Boy.
Matthew Warner

β€’π™π™–π™žπ™£ 𝙄𝙣 π™’π™€π™£π™™π™šπ™§π™‘π™–π™£π™™β€’

251 11 4
By Myhairyleg

Rain got her chickens from out of her baby crib and put them on the floor. She then ran over to her closet and ran into it.

"Twadwa!" Rain came out of the closet and she was wearing a beautiful blue puffy dress!

She pick up her chickens that she put on the floor earlier and went outside to go play princess with her sibligs!

When she got outside, she saw her siblings sitting down on the floor reading a book together.

"Haha!" Yakko laughed, "This is funny!"

Dot nodded, "Yeah! Books with no pictures or text sure know how to make you laugh!"

Wakko agree'd with both Yakko and Dot, "Yeah!"

Yakko felt a light tapped on his shoulder. He looked up from his book to see his baby sister Rain holding up her 3 chickens over her head.

"Pway?" She asked nicely.

"No im sorry Rain, We're reading this funny book with no pictures or text!"

Rain looked down at the book her sibs was reading and they were not wrong.. The book had nothin' in it!

Rain pouted.

She then climbed down the water tower to play princess (with her chickens!) alone..

Rain was walking around the studio with her 3 chickens in her hand.

"Why did you walked off like that Rain?" one of the chickens asked,

"Cwause the bwook thwey was rweading swounds bworing!"

"I like books with no pictures!" one of the chickens said, "or text!"

Rain scoffed, "In ywou're world perhwaps. bwut in mine world, bwooks are nwoting bwut pictwures!"

"Amen to that!" Another chicken said.

"ywou swee"

Rain put her chickens on the ground, then bent down to their level.

"In my world, ywo gwuys wouldn't be wittle (𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞) ywo gwuys would be bwuff and bwig!"

Rain showed off her muscles to the chickens and they all looked at her weird.

"We wouldn't.."

"Oh bwut ywo would!" Rain picked them up and squeezed them tight.

"ywo gwuys will jwust be like the rwock!"

She got up and resumed walking in the studio lot. She stopped and saw a bunny who had on a red coat, purple top hat, and was wearing bow tie, walk by her.

"What thwe hweck!" Rain said, having a dumbfounded look on her face.

The rabbit looked at his watch and his eyes widen, "OH MY GOODNESS, IM LATE! IM LATE!"

The rabbit started to hop away at full speed.

Rain dropped her chickens on the groumd and started to run after the bunnie, "MR BWUNNIE STWOP!" She screamed.

Rain chickens got up and followed behind her.

The bunny was too fast for Rain little legs to keep up. He kept repeating the words, "Im late! Im late!"

The bunny went behind this studio building. He jumped in this big hole that lead to....somewhere!

Rain stopped running when she saw the bunny jumped in the hole. She stopped to examine it,

"A hwole?"

Rain chickens stopped behind her. They ran into each other and all fall on their butts.

When ons of the chickens saw the baby examine the large hole infront of her, They got up.

"RAIN DO NOT GO IN THAT HOLE!" The chicken screamed.

Rain did not listen to the chicken at all and jumped in the hole with no hesitation, "gwoodbye chwickens!" She waved.

The Chickens all watched as the baby felled down the magical hole.

"So we ain't saving her right?" One of the chickens asked.

"Yeah... lets just go back to the water tower."


Rain was falling through mid air until her blue puffy dress turned into a parachute!

Rain looked down and giggled. She was honestly having the time of her life! People in her situation would be freaking out right now!

It got dark all of a sudden and Rain felt light shining down her. She looked down to see what it was.

Rain came across a lamp. She cut it on and suddenly everything around her turned into items.

She looked at every item around her. she saw chairs, picture frames, candles, bird cages, everything!

The lighting even change too! The light hue around her kept changing into these rainbow colors.

Rain came across this big mirror, she can see herself falling slowly in it! Rain gigled and waved at herself.

Rain also came across this table that had books on it. She picked up one of the books and proceeded to read.

Rain heard a big grandfather clock going off. She looked at the grandfather clock. Rain was suddenly sitting on this rocking chair!

She relaxed in the chair rocking back and forth until the chair made her fall forward.

Rain dressed turned into a parachute again. She looked up at the chair and screamed,


Rain looked down and saw a much smaller hole. She fell through that smaller hole until her dress turned into a parachute.

She was suddenly going down the hole backwards! She came across this map that had the whole globe on it.

Rain hummed a little verse of Yakkos world before giggling.

Rain landed on something and stopped giggling. She then open her eyes and saw the bunnie she chased earlier, hoping through a upside down hallway.

Rain got up and chased the bunny again, "OH MR BWUNNIE!"

When Rain stopped running she saw the bunny went into this little home.

she bent down and proceeded to knock on the bunnys green door, "Hewwo?"

She got up and open the green door only to be met with a even smaller door! "What thwe?"

Rain kept opening doors that were smaller then her, until she was face to face with this tinyest hole ever!

Rain scoffed and grabbed a hammer from behind her back, she then smashed the hammer into the wall.

She walk through the hole she made and looked around her surrondings.

There was a Red, green, and blue wall infront of her and they all had some type of square pattern on each one of them.

She saw the bunnie went through these little curtains and smiled. "Oh mr bwunnie!"

She ran to the little curtains and open them. When she open them, she saw this little brown door that had a doorknob.

The doorknob had a face and that face was sleeping peacfully.

Rain grabbed on the doorknob nose and the lock proceeded to cry.


"YWO CWAN SPWEAK?!!" Rain yelled in exciment.

"Yeah I can speak! Would you please tell me why you're in such a hurry?"

"I was chwasing this bwunnie, and i saw hwim went thwis way!" Rain try to turn the doorknob nose again but he cried.

"Can you stop doing that?"

"I MWUST GET THRWOUGH!" Rain demanded.

"Sorry, you're much to big!"

"Thwen how cwan I gwet smwaller?" Rain asked.

"Why don't you try the potion on the table?"

Rain looked confused. What table is this little doorknob talking about?

Suddenly, a table flew into view and landed beside Rain. Rain looked at the table and frowned.

She tried to reach for the potion, but the table was too big for her!

"I cwant rweach it!"

The table suddenly dropped down to Rain level, giving Rain more acess to reach the potion.

Rain picked up the potion and read the purple tag that was attacthed to it.


Rain chugged the whole potion into her mouth and burped. She then threw the potion on the ground.

"I dwon't fweel anythwing..."

Rain still felt big.

"The pwotion didnt work!"

"Too bad!"

Rain growled. She then felt tears in her eyes.


Tears, nonstop, fell through Rains eyes. The door knob watch as the babygirl cried, creating a little flood.

"Gurl, stop cryin'!"

Rain didn't listen..She turned the weird room into a little swimming pool.

The bottle she drink before was magically filled up again and was hitting against the door knob face.

"OH LOOK, THE BOTTLE!" The door knob pointed out.

Rain picked up the bottle and was about to chugged it again until the door knob stopped her.


Rain looked at the door knob then back at the potion and drunk half the juice that was in it.

The potion worked this time, and shrinked down Rain to the same size the door was!

Rain fell into the potion bottle that was currently floating in the flood Rain created.

Rain looked around and giggled, "Hehe! I cweated a swimming pwool!"

The door knob drink the water and Rain into the next room!


The water Rain was floating in suddenly turned purple. Even the sky was purple too!

Rain looked infront of her too see a fat dodo bird that was wearing a tuxido and was sitting on another bird singing.


"SAIL ME TOO IT!" The bird that was pushing the dodo bird saluted him and pushed the dodo bird to somwhere.

Rain watched as the singing bird sailed away, "MR DWODWO PWEASE! HWEP ME!"

Rain turned around and saw a green bird, red bird, and yellow bird, floating on a log.

The three birds did not see Rain at all and passed by her, "ARE YWO ALL BWLIND!" Rain screamed.

Rain saw 5 lobster swimming in sinc. They also passed poor little Rain as she cried for help.

A waved turned Rain in the bottle upside down! Rain head was now in the bottle and her feet was in the air freely!

Rain whole body fell in the thing. "Hwep me!"

Rain climbed back up to the opening of the bottle and coughed. She then spotted land! But on that land, was the dodo bird she saw earlier standing on a rock

while all the other animals Rain also saw, was dancing around him.

A incoming wave accidently drowned all the animals that were dancing around the rock.

The dodo bird watched as his animals friends was covered by the wave. He picked up the fire beside him as the wave slowly went down.

When the wave went back to the water, the dodo bird friends was seen dancing around the rock again!

Rain climbed out of the potion she was in, only to be drowned by another wave that carried her to the land the birds was dancing on.

She was laying down on the sand. The animals kept stepping on her body as she tries to get up.

The dodo bird looked down at Rain and chuckled, "Rough trip huh?"

"SHWUT YO BIG BWUTT UP!" Rain yelled.

The music stopped and everybody looked at Rain. Rain anger quickly turn into shyness as she looked around at the animals.

"I-im sowwy, i-" Rain saw the bunnie she was chasing, run into a nearby woods.

"Mr bwunnie! Wait!" Rain went back to chasing the bunnie into the woods.

"Mean little girl.." the dodo said quitely to himself.


Rain found herself in the middle of the woods, "Mr bwunnie? Oh Mr bwunnie!" She looked around and sighed.

"Why hwe always diswaper like thwat?"

Two fat guys that were both wearing yellow shirts, a blue bow tie, read pants, and these weird hats, popped up behind a bush.

As Rain looked behind the tree, the two guys were following her.

Rain bent down and looked in a big log, expecting to see the bunny. But she didn't see him!

Rain climbed in the log and the two guys looked at eachother. They then hopped on the log and climbed to the other side trying to block the exit.

But Rain manage to climb out of there with no problem! Rain got up and dust herself off. She then turned around and saw the two guys.

Rain laughed, "ywo gwuys lwook goofy!"

Rain got close to the two and got a good looked at their names.

'Tweedle Dee' Rain looked at the second guy, 'Tweedle dumb'

Tweedle dumb suddenly honked, "We ain't goofy!" Tweedle dumb then pushed his elbow in Tweedle dee "Right dee?"

"Here comes another dance montage!" Tweedle dee said.

Tweedle dumb and dee got back on the log and started to dance with eachother while honking.

They jumped back down on the ground, "Tada!" They said in unsion.

Rain giggled, "I stwill thwink you gwuys are goofy, gwoodbye!"

Before Rain can walk off, Tweedle dee and dumb blocked her path.

"We can sing too!"

The twins started to grabbed each other hands (including Rains) and dance in a circle while singing.

The two let go off Rain hands, causing her to fall on the floor.

Rain got up and dust herself off, "I rweally dwo gotta go!" Rain was about to head off before the twins block her way again.

"GWET OUT OF MY WAY-" Rain cut herself off when she saw copys of tweedle dee and dumb popped out of trees.

They run into each other creating two tweedles again.

"Would you stay if we play fight like this?"

Tweedle dee and dumb started hitting eachother on the head. Rain pushed the two away, "Pwease let mwe gwo!"

The twins block her way again, "Why do you want to go so bad?" one of them asked.

"Cwause im following a white bwunnie!"

The twins block her way again, "Why?"

"Cwause im cwurious on where hwes gwoing!"

Rain was about to head off until he heard the twins whispering behind her back.

"Ooh, she's curious!" Tweedle dee whispered into Tweedle dumb ear, "You know what happens to curious people" dumb whispered back.

Rain walked up behind the two things and grabbed her trusty hammer behind her back.

She then hit the two on their heads with the hammer, "Dwont twalk behind my bwack!"

"We wasn't we just talking about the Walrus and the carpenter!"

Rain raised a brow, "The walwus and the cawpenter?" She repeated.

"You want us to tell the story?" Tweedle dee asked.

Rain shooked her head, "No i alweady rwead the bwook!"

Rain turned around and proceeded to head off. She turned around at the twins and smiled, "Gwoodbye!" She waved.


Rain found the exit of the woods.

She saw a little cottage sitting on a lovely hill. She walked to the cottage and thought,

'Hmm, I wonder who lives here?'

As she walked towards the cottage, she saw that bunny open up two windows.

Rain open up the gate and walked to the door. But then the bunny ran out of the cottage.

"Mr bwunnie pwease stop!"

The bunny stopped and turned around to face Rain, "Oh, Mary ann! What are you doing out here?"

Rain looked confused. Who the heck is Mary ann?

"Mwarry Ann?"

The rabbit hopped around pointing at his cottage in a rude like manner, "Go get my gloves! I'm late!"

Rain looked at the bunnie as he hopped around her, showing off his watch.

"lwate fwor what?" Rain asked.

The bunnie pushed Rain inside the house, "JUST GO!"

Rain looked at the bunnie and scoffed, "fwine.."

She climbed up the stairs and went into this little room that had a pink mirror table and coffee table beside it.

Rain went over to the pink table first and check the jores.

"Lwet swee, If i were a wabbit, were would I pwut my gwolves?"

Rain found a little sliver cup on the pink table and open it. She was met with cookies that all had the words,

'Eat me!'

'Try me!'

'Take one.'

On them.

Rain took one cookie and put it in her mouth. She then spot a chest and went to it.

She open the chest and digged through it. Not knowing that she's starting to grow back to her original size.

Rain yelped as she hit the roof.

"Ow!" She winced. She rubbed her head, "Whats gowing on with mwe?!"

The bunnie was outside thumping his foot on the ground, waiting impatiently for "Mary ann"

He then check his watch and gasped, "Oh no! MARY ANN!"

The bunnie ran back inside his cottage. He doesn't know that his "Mary Ann" is turning into a giant!

He open his bedroom door only to be met with Rains foot. The bunnie screamed as the foot pushed him through the front door.

When the foot stop pushing him. He turned around to see that Rain arms and legs was popping out of his cottage!

"NOOO!" The bunnie screamed.

The bunnie jumped over his fence and started to scream for help, "HELP! HELP!"

The bunnie came back with that dodo bird from earlier. He told the dodo bird that Rain grow inside of his home.

The dodo walked up to the house and chuckled, "I have a very simple sulotion!"

Rain open up the two windows and looked down at the dodo bird, "Oh, thwats wonderfwul!"

"Then what is it?" The bunnie asked.

The dodo bird looked around his surrondings. He then saw a lizard walking down the street carrying a ladder!

The bunny and Dodo bird called the lizard over,

"Hey! Hey!"

The bunny pulled on the lizard arm and walked him up to the his house.

"Can you help us?" The bunny asked,


The dodo bird lead the lizard closer to the house, "Can you use your ladder to get up to that chimdey?" The dodo bird asked.

The lizard nodded and put his ladder up. He then started to climb it.

"You just hopped down that chimdey, and pull that baby out of there!" The dodo explained.

The lizard was climbing up the ladder until he saw Rain in the window, "MONSTER?!" he yelled.

He climbed back down the ladder and tried to zoom off, but the Dodo bird and the rabbit was pulling on the lizard tail.

He run in a circle, climbing back up the ladder until he saw Rain again and climbed back down it.

The dodo bird came into view carrying the scared lizard up to the roof.

The dodo bird forced the lizard down the chimdey

Rain saw dust come out from the chimdey hole. The dust tickled her nose. She sneezed and flew up into the air!

The goods news was she wasn't stuck anymore!

The bad news is that she's about to destroy the bunnys house..

Rain plopped down on the bunnys house, destroying it. She looked down and saw the bunny looking up at her with a mad expression.

Rain nervously giggled, "Thwats all fwolks?

The bunny then looked at his clock and gasped, "IM LATE!"

He waved at the dodo bird and zoomed off.

Rain saw a garden that had carrots in them! She pulled carrot from out of the ground and ate it. Making her shrink down to an even more tinier size.

She then got up and dust herself off, "Mr bwunnie wait!"

The dodo frowned, "Not even a goodbye?"


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