•𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙄𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙•

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Rain got her chickens from out of her baby crib and put them on the floor. She then ran over to her closet and ran into it.

"Twadwa!" Rain came out of the closet and she was wearing a beautiful blue puffy dress!

She pick up her chickens that she put on the floor earlier and went outside to go play princess with her sibligs!

When she got outside, she saw her siblings sitting down on the floor reading a book together.

"Haha!" Yakko laughed, "This is funny!"

Dot nodded, "Yeah! Books with no pictures or text sure know how to make you laugh!"

Wakko agree'd with both Yakko and Dot, "Yeah!"

Yakko felt a light tapped on his shoulder. He looked up from his book to see his baby sister Rain holding up her 3 chickens over her head.

"Pway?" She asked nicely.

"No im sorry Rain, We're reading this funny book with no pictures or text!"

Rain looked down at the book her sibs was reading and they were not wrong.. The book had nothin' in it!

Rain pouted.

She then climbed down the water tower to play princess (with her chickens!) alone..

Rain was walking around the studio with her 3 chickens in her hand.

"Why did you walked off like that Rain?" one of the chickens asked,

"Cwause the bwook thwey was rweading swounds bworing!"

"I like books with no pictures!" one of the chickens said, "or text!"

Rain scoffed, "In ywou're world perhwaps. bwut in mine world, bwooks are nwoting bwut pictwures!"

"Amen to that!" Another chicken said.

"ywou swee"

Rain put her chickens on the ground, then bent down to their level.

"In my world, ywo gwuys wouldn't be wittle (𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞) ywo gwuys would be bwuff and bwig!"

Rain showed off her muscles to the chickens and they all looked at her weird.

"We wouldn't.."

"Oh bwut ywo would!" Rain picked them up and squeezed them tight.

"ywo gwuys will jwust be like the rwock!"

She got up and resumed walking in the studio lot. She stopped and saw a bunny who had on a red coat, purple top hat, and was wearing bow tie, walk by her.

"What thwe hweck!" Rain said, having a dumbfounded look on her face.

The rabbit looked at his watch and his eyes widen, "OH MY GOODNESS, IM LATE! IM LATE!"

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