Who Donut?

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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Braydenwarren639

As the morning sun rise above the beautiful studio burbank, The middle child Wakko, was screaming his butt off!

He screamed so loud that he accidently woke up Rain.

As Rain sat up in her crib, she saw her brother Wakko run around the room.

She has to shut this guy up somehow! She looked up and saw that Dot was sleeping peacefully in her bed.

'How is she sleeping through this screaming?' Rain thought.

Rain grabbed her doll she was sleeping with and threw it at Dots head.

"Ow!" Winced Dot.

Dot sat up and saw Wakko running around the room. He ran around in circles and randomly fell down from the celling which stop his screaming for a sec....but not enough!

Dot hit the bottom of her bed. Since the ball pit Yakko was sleeping in was below Dots bed, dots hitting woke up Yakko.

Wakko was rolling around the living room floor. He sat up and was still screaming!

Yakko, Dot, and Rain popped up from behind the living room couch,

"Wakko! Stop screaming!" Yelled Dot.

Yakko looked around his surrondings.

He slither his way into the couch to grab a remote. Once he grabbed the remote, he clicked a red button that lowered Wakko screaming.

Wakko talked. But since he was mute, his sibs couldn't really understand him..

Yakko, Dot, and Rain was sitting on the couch, trying to make out what Wakko was saying.

"W-what'd he say?" Asked Dot,

"Yakko, twun it bwack up!" Rain demanded.

Yakko pushed a button that made Wakko unmute but also made him speak Spanish.

"Ooh! Should can we do the rest of this episode in Spanish?" Dot asked.

"No! My accent is moo-wee terr-e-blay." Said Yakko, "Heh, I better change it back!"

Yakko pushed another button that made Wakko speak in English.

"Somebody ate my donuts!" Wakko said, pulling out an empty donut box.

Yakko taste a little icing that was sticking on the donut box,

"Maple bacon."

He taste another icing flavor,

"Tarragon fried chicken caramel. Goat cheese and-"

Yakko put his whole hand in his mouth. Then he pulled it back out,

"Just a soupcon of mustache cream."

Yakko eyes widen. He grabbed Wakkos face,

"Oh no.. Wakko, were these designer donuts?"

Wakko nodded.

"Someone must've snuck in while I was asleep and eaten them!" He said.

"Step back, boys!" Said Dot. She looked at Rain, "and girls!"

The scene showed Dot and Rain wearing a lab coats and caution tape was all around them.

"This is an active crime scene!" Dot threw the tape that wrapped around Wakkos body and pulled him to the girls.

"Now, to look for forensic evidence." Said Dot.

"Yakko, twun on the blwack light!" Rain said.

When Yakko turn on this 'black light', there was people that was wearing neon colors dancing everywhere!

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