Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC...

By zer0420

117K 4.1K 908

Before anything can begin, it must first Start from Zero. Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project F... More

Prologue Zero and One
Chapter 1 New Agent
Chapter 2 The Heist Pt 1
Chapter 3 The Heist Pt 2
Chapter 4 Baited
Chapter 5 Metastability.
Chapter 6 Fall From Heaven Pt 1
Chapter 7 Fall From Heaven Pt 2
Chapter 8 3 V 3
Chapter 9 Instigation
Chapter 10 Break In
Chapter 11 Recovery Squad
Chapter 12 Investigation
Chapter 13 Best Friends Reunion
Chapter 14 Unexpected Meet Up
Chapter 15 Enter The Reds
Chapter 16 Memory Is The Key
Chapter 17 Catch A Ride
Chapter 18 The Alpha
Chapter 19 End Of The Line
Chapter 20 A Deal For Freedom
Chapter 21 Recovering One
Chapter 22 Scvanger Hunt
Chapter 23 Returning Home
Chapter 24 Relapse
Chapter 25 New Team
Chapter 26 Unwanted Rescue
Chapter 27 Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 28 An Unrequited Reunion
Chapter 29 Falling Out
Chapter 30 True Colors
Chapter 32 Shipwreck
Chapter 33 S.O.S
Chapter 34 Enter Freckles
Chapter 35 Much Needed Talk
Chapter 36 FAQ
Chapter 37 Ready... Aim... Fire...
Chapter 38 Lost But Not Forgotten
Chapter 39 Hit And Run
Chapter 40 Debrief
Chapter 41 Team Building
Chapter 42 Resucue Mission?
Chapter 43 The Federal Army of Chorus
Chapter 44 Reunion
Chapter 45 Long Time No See
Chapter 46 Catching up
Chapter 47 Catch Up, No Mustard
Chapter 48 Site Crashers
Chapter 49 Set In Motion
Chapter 50 Trap Within a Trap
Chapter 51 This Is War...
Chapter 52 Job Interview
Chapter 53 Capital Assets
Chapter 54 Tourist Trip
Chapter 55 No Fighting in the War Room
Chapter 56 Loosening Up
Chapter 57 Test Your Might
Chapter 58 Hook, Line...
Chapter 59 And Sinker...
Chapter 60 Frustration
Chapter 61 Counseling
Chapter 62 Invasion Of Armonia
Chapter 63 A Coward's Sacrifice
Chapter 64 All or Nothing
Chapter 65 The Great Destroyers
Chapter 66 The End Is Here...
Chapter 67 Previously On
Chapter 68 Reacts
Chapter 69 Hold The Past, But Start Anew
Chapter 70 Unexpected Help
Chapter 71 Danger Zone
Chapter 72 Recovery
Chapter 73 A Lesson In Time Theory
Chapter 74 Docudrama
Chapter 75 Consequences
Chapter 76 Paradox
Chapter 77 Man Out Of Time
Chapter 78 Breaching The Torus
Chapter 79 Red Thread
Chapter 80 The Gang Back Together
Chapter 81 Succession
Chapter 82 Killing Time
Chapter 83 Back To The Statusquo
Extra Chapter #1 Tower Of Procreation
Extra Chapter #2 Bad Dreams
PSA New Holidays
Restoration Thoughts...

Chapter 31 Don't Say It...

1.5K 63 13
By zer0420

No one's POV

Within the offsite storage facility, Director is sitting alone in a room watching the last known recording of Allison over and over again. As he does, Carolina walks in as the video plays from the beginning once again.

F.I.L.S.S: Beginning playback.

Allison (on video): Leonard, come on, stop it, put that thing down. You're gonna make me late, they're waiting for me.

Carolina: Hello, Director.

Director: Hello, Agent Carolina... Would you like to watch this file with me...?

Carolina: No.

Director: Play it again, F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S: Director?

The Director smashes his fist onto the arm of his chair.

Director: Again!

Carolina: So, this is what you've become?

The Director lowers his head in sadness.

Director: I just need to watch this... I think I have a way... a way to bring her back right this time...

Carolina: The authorities are hunting you now. If I found you, they will too.

Director: I just need a bit more time...

Epsilon appears and floats over to the Director.

Epsilon: No! You've had your fucking time. You have to answer for what you did. To the Meta, to Washington, to Zero, to One, to Carolina, to me and to her! To Texas!

Director: Hello, Epsilon. You came all this way just to see me?

Epsilon: I'm here to remember what you've done. Somebody has to!

Carolina: Church...

Epsilon: Not all of us got off scott free, Carolina.

Epsilon begins to change into the different AI fragments of the Alpha.

Epsilon (in Delta form): He was brilliant...

Epsilon (in Theta form): ...and we trusted him.

Epsilon (in Gamma form): But he lied to us. He twisted...

Epsilon (in Omega form): ...and tortured us, and used us!

Epsilon (in Sigma form): Manipulated us for his own purposes, and for what? For this? This...shadow?!

Epsilon converts back to his original form.

Epsilon: He needs to pay...

Tex: While I do agree with you on that front, there's something he needs to do more.

Carolina and Epsilon both looked back to see Zero standing at the door with Tex, who had finally made her presence known, shocking Carolina.

Carolina: Tex?!

Tex: Long time no see, Carolina.

Epsilon: Man, even after letting you go, you still find a way back into my life.

Carolina: You knew?

Epsilon: No, I found out as I was taking out the drones. I saw her in Zero's head.

Carolina: But how are you still alive, though?

Epsilon: You split yourself before Meta took, you didn't you?

Tex: That's right. I was fortunate enough to have Zero find me. I've been with him ever since.

Epsilon: What about the EMP?

Tex: C.T.'s tags were a lot more resistant than we thought. I had my reasons for staying hidden. I asked Zero to keep quiet.

Carolina looked over at Zero, as he looked at her, taking his helmet off.

Zero: I'm sorry. It was just for the best. I'm pretty damn sure if you knew-

Carolina: No. you're right. Honestly I don't know what I'd do, so it was for the best.

Tex then looked over at the Directer, who had been silent the whole time.

Tex: Director.

Director: Hello, Agent Texas... Allison...

Tex: No. Just Tex. I get it. You're haunted by her memories and the possibility that you could have saved her. It's how I came to be. I'm your memories of her. So I know that she hated goodbyes. But I don't need you to say goodbye... I need you to let go. Everyone in this room, including you knows that Allison wouldn't have wanted this.

Directer: ...

Carolina walked up and removes her helmet and stares at the Director.

He removes his glasses and hesitantly looks up at Carolina, as she could see the emotionally broken shell of her father.

Allison (on video in background): And, don't worry, you'll see me again.

Carolina continues to stare at the Director, her face conveying several emotions within the spam of a few seconds. "Remembrance", "Hate", "Recent ", "Pity", "Acceptance", and finally "Forgiveness",

as she leaned down, and kisses him softly on the forehead.

Carolina: Come on, We're leaving.

Epsilon: I thought we came all this way to kill him.

Tex: Church, there's no need. Killing him won't undo what's already been done.

Carolina: Church, remember what you learned in the memory unit? You need to let go. Your past doesn't define who you are. It just gives you the starting point for who you're going to be.

Carolina turns and begins to leave, but the Director puts out his arm, stopping her.

Director: Agent Carolina?

Carolina: Yes, Director?

Director: Would you be so kind as to leave me your pistol?

Carolina removes her pistol from her holster and places it on the Director's desk.

Director: Thank you, Carolina.

Carolina: Goodbye, Sir.

Carolina leaves the room, leaving just Epsilon and the Director alone.

Director: You were my greatest creation...

Epsilon: I don't know what I am, but I do know this - I'm more than just a copy of you. I'm better than you.

Director: I wasn't speaking to you...

Epsilon rejoined Carolina, as she began to walk out, but Zero stayed behind, looking at the Director.

Zero: ...

Carolina: Zero?

Tex: What's the matter?

Zero didn't say anything to them and continued looking at the Director.

Zero: You know, I saw so much of my father in you. And I hated you for it. You're willing to throw away the lives of others for your goal, just like him, dark and unmoving. You saw us as nothing but tools and expendable, just like him... Consumed by an obsession that destroyed a family... Just. Like. Him. But despite your similarities, despite all that you've done, I still respect you.

Directer: And why is that, Agent Zero...?

Zero: Because unlike him, this obsession was rooted from a place of love.

Director: I see...

Carolina put her hand on Zero's shoulder, as the four of them proceeded to leave, leaving the Directer alone in the room.

Director: Play it again, F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S: Beginning playback.

The video of Allison begins to play on the screen once agian.

Director: Thank you, F.I.L.S.S. Now, I would like you to erase all our files except for this one.

F.I.L.S.S: All our files? Does that include me, Director?

Director: It has been a pleasure working with you, F.I.L.S.S. I am sorry.

F.I.L.S.S: And, you, as well, Director.

Director: And, before you do, please shut down all the facility systems as well. Take everything offline.

F.I.L.S.S: Director, this is a sealed facility. If I shut down all the systems, life support would not...

Director: Thank you, F.I.L.S.S. Shut them all down. Lock me in.

F.I.L.S.S: Alright. Was the project a success? Did you find what you were looking for?

Director: No. No, I did not. But I believe I might have come very close. I wish... I wish I knew.

F.I.L.S.S: I see.

Director: Perhaps the next time around...

The Director raises Carolina's pistol to his chin, as the door to his room begins to close.

F.I.L.S.S: It has been an honor, Sir.

The door closes and locks down, sealing him inside as Allison's final words from the video can can be heard in the background.

Allison: (voice over) Don't say goodbye. I hate goodbyes.


After speaking with the Director, Zero, Tex, Carolina and Epsilon, the four of them watch the Reds and Blues as they prepare to leave.

Tex: Well...

Epsilon: I guess that's that.

Carolina: I guess it is.

Zero: Been a long road to get here.

Tex: You have no idea.

Epsilon: Carolina, Zero, Tex, after everything we've been through, I just, um... I just want to say thanks...

Carolina: You're thanking me? For what?

Epsilon: For showing me a different side of myself.

Carolina: Same here.

Tex: Always with the sentimentals with you.

Church: God, you are such a bitch...

Carolina looked over at Zero.

Carolina: Ze-Adrain. I wanted to thank you too. For sticking by me, even after-

Zero: Carolina, I've worked with you for how many years now? I've far gotten used to your piss poor, bitchy, bossy attitude.

Epsilon: Oof.

Carolina: Excuse you?

Zero: Plus I've been stuck with Tex, so I got a refresher course of bossy women.

Epsilon: Ha!

Tex: Fuck off! I am not bossy!

Carolina just chuckled, as she looked at the others.

Carolina: What about your teams? What will happen to them?

Epsilon: Oh, there's still one place we haven't visited.

Tex: That so?

Epsilon: Somewhere we can make a home.

Carolina: Show me.


Currently, at an unknown jungle overgrown with plants and vines. Sarge's voice can be heard shouting.

Sarge: Private Grif, front and center on the double!

Grif: Urgh, Sarge, I'm tired. Do I have to do it on the double?

Simmons: Look at me, Sir! I got front and center on the triple!

Grif and Simmons meet Sarge out the front of Red base.

Sarge: Dag-nabit, now I've got two insubordinate soldiers. When I say double, I mean double!

Grif: I will only go so far as single and a half.

Simmons: If these orders were hamburgers, then you'd do a double.

Grif: What? Who has hambugers?

Sarge: The only hamburger meat here is gonna be your face when I'm done with my shotgun court-martial! And don't even ask me about the type of buns.

Grif: (sigh) That sounds like the most delicious punishment ever...

Simmons: ...of all time.

Over on the outside of blue base, where Caboose is trying to fix something. Tucker is seen watching him, as One walked over and saw what they were doing.

One: Guys, what are you doing...?

Tucker: Caboose keeps touching shit, he's gonna break it!

Caboose: Oh, no, I won't...

Something shortwires and Caboose stands up.

Caboose: ...I broke it...

One: ...-_-... Caboose...

Caboose: Tucker did it.

Tucker: Dude, you can't say that when I'm right here.

Caboose: Tucker said it.

Tucker: Oh, my god, shut up.

Wash walked out of blue base.

Washington: Both of you shut up! And get back to work!

Tucker: What do you mean "back to work?" That implies previous work.

Caboose: I am putting my back to work.

One just sighed, as Wash continued yelling. Elsewhere, Zero, Tex, Carolina and Epsilon were watching from a top of a cliff.

Carolina: Seems like they're getting settled.

Epsilon: Yep.

Tex: It's just like them to somehow crash a damn ship onto a unknown planet...

Carolina: So other than that, I guess everything is finally getting back to normal.

Zero: ...-_-...Sure, "normal"...

Epsilon: What passes for normal around here, sure. What can I tell ya? We're home. I mean - they're home.

Carolina: Can I make a suggestion? Don't say goodbye.

Epsilon: Goodbye? I didn't realize I was going somewhere.

Carolina: I intercepted a military transmission. It seems some low level thugs have some armor and equipment that's way above their paygrade. Sounds like it might be some of the missing gear from a certain defunct military project we both know.

Epsilon: Is that right?

Tex: Huh, small world, I intercepted that transmission too. I guess someone beat me too.

Carolina: Is that so?

Zero: Wow, I think this might be the first normal conversation you two have ever had.

Epsilon: Yeah, I think something might be wrong with them.

Tex and Carolina: Shut it.

Zero and Epsilon: ...-_-...  Never mind.

Carolina: Back to what I was saying. Think I'll go get it back. Hate to think about it being in the wrong hands.

Epsilon: And?

Carolina: And, with all that equipment I could really use someone to help me run it. You seem uniquely qualified for the job.

Epsilon: ...I don't know.

Carolina then looked at Zero.

Carolina: And I wouldn't mind having someone, I don't know, who's a copycat watching my back as well.

Zero: ...-_-... Again with that nickname...

Carolina: Hey, if you call me "Tomato head", I get to call you that.

Zero just rolled his eyes, as Carolina spoke up.

Carolina: I figured we could set some things right. That we helped make wrong.

Zero: Yeah, I think you underestimate the length of that list.

Carolina: Maybe. But it could keep us busy for quite a while.

Epsilon: It would be nice to be a good guy again.

Tex: Yeah, I actually agree with you.

Carolina: What the four of us were involved with... the things we helped do... I'll be honest - I don't know if we can ever get all the way back to good. But, I think that we have a chance to do better. And if we wake up everyday and try to make things better, eventually, we might find that better is good enough.

Epsilon: Good enough...

Tex: Good enough.

Zero: Good enough.

Carolina: Good enough.

Epsilon: Yeah, still, I hate to leave without saying something. They deserve to at least hear goodbye.

Carolina: My mother had a saying. Did I ever tell you about my mother?

Epsilon: No, I don't think you ever did.

Carolina: She wasn't around a lot when I was a kid. And when she was she could only stay a short time. Seems like she always had somewhere else to be. Something important to do. And when she left, she wouldn't say goodbye to me. Instead, she always told me, "Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye then you aren't really gone, you just aren't here right now."

Epsilon: Your mother sounds like a smart lady.

Carolina: She was, she really was. Had terrible taste in men though.

Tex: Okay, fuck off.

Zero didn't say anything, looking at One repairing something Caboose broke.

Carolina: I guess we should get One. I'm guessing Wash can handle the stupidity while were-

Zero: No...

Tex: No?

Zero: One will be fine with Wash. she's not coming.

Epsilon: Are you sure about that?

Zero: ...


North: Well, it happens. Mainly at night. He likes when I walk the halls. When we were kids, my dad would have to drive South around in the car to get her to fall asleep. It's kinda the same thing.

North looked over at Zero.

North: What about you? You ever do anything like that for One?

Zero: In a way, yeah. After everything that happened with our family, just me being around her was enough. When she's around me, she felt safe, at ease.

North just looked at Zero with concern.

North: I get that, but in her case, that doesn't sound healthy... During the Heist, she made such a simple mistake, she was on edge the entire time. Like she was going through withdraw without you.

Zero: ...

North: And we all know that she was the worst of all the agents. But the second she was paired with you, she shoot up to the single digits. She's more then capable of handling herself without you.

Zero: Yeah, I know. But I have to keep an eye on her, she's my little sister.

North: Which I get. But you can still look after her without her being so dependent on you.

Zero didn't say anything, contemplating North's words.

Zero: Yeah...


Zero: You know, ever since everything that happened with our family, Emily has been attached to my hip... Anywhere I went, she would follow...I'm partly responsible for that... She's too dependent on me being around. I think it's time she learned to live without me...

As Zero continued look at One, Carolina put her hand on his shoulder, as he just looked back at her. Back at Blue base, Caboose went to look for Epsilon.

Caboose: Hey, Church! Church! Come here! We wanna show you something! Church!

Caboose looked around and didn't see Epsilon anywhere.

Caboose: Church?

Tucker: Hey, Caboose, you find Church?

Caboose: Nah, I didn't find him.

Tucker: Well, where do you think he is?

Caboose: I don't know, somewhere. He's just not here right now.

One walked out the base, and looked at Caboose and Tucker.

One: Hey, have you two seen my brother?

Tucker: Nope, no clue. Church is gone too.

One looked confused and tried calling Zero through her comms.

One: Hey, Zero, where are you? Wash needs help with something.

One didn't get a response which confused her.

One: Zero? Why aren't you answering?

Again, One didn't receive a response, concerning her.

One: Adrain, this isn't funny anymore...! Say something!

Like the last two times, One received no answer, making her eyes widened and slowly begin to panic.

One: Big bro...?

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