Remnants Experiment: A Chaine...

Par corkykong

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Taken from his home, and turned into a weapon. A rare male panda faunus is forced into becoming a weapon, and... Plus

Character Info + Prologue
Chapter 1: Inside The Bear Cage
Chapter 3: Dropping Into The World
Chapter 4: Truth Behind Kind Faces
Choice time!!!
Chapter 5: The Choice To Make, And The Two Headed Snake
Chapter 6: What's Normal?
Chapter 7: Things Are Getting Grimm
Chapter 8: Old Spider, New Tricks
Chapter 9: Ballistics, and Backup
Chapter 10: Under Steel Skin
Choice time!!!!
Chapter 11: Panda Ears, and Tiger Eyes
Chapter 12: An Experiment's Song
Chapter 13: Fang Friends
Choice time!!!!
Chapter 14: Tangled Webs
Chapter 15: A Path of Damascus
Chapter 15.5: The Guiding Storm (short)
Chapter 16: Pass The Tank Please
Chapter 17: One Third Grimm, One Third Panda, One Third You
10K!!! and some choices to make!
Chapter 17: Black Panda
Chapter 18: White Panda
Chapter 19: Faith and Trust
Chapter 20: Know Your Place...
Choice time...
Chapter 21: Metal From The Heart
Chapter 21.5: Time in Death...
Chapter 22: Moried Dreams
Chapter 23: Held By Hope
Chapter 24: What You Choose Next
Chapter 25: It's Time For An Upgrade
Choice Time!!!!
Chapter 26: Leaving The Nest
Chapter 27: A Snowy Panda?
Chapter 28: Something From the Past
Chapter 29: The Old Cage

Chapter 2: The Queen's Care

2.9K 48 36
Par corkykong

T.N.K pov

...were you dead?...

No; you could still feel the world around you.

...had you been captured by some unknown people?...


Your eyes fluttered open before taking in your surroundings before finding your self inside a dark lit and colored room. Under you however was a soft and warm bed, along with matching sheets and soft pillows.

Confused, you tried to move, but found some difficulty; your body hadn't fully recovered, but you knew you had to either leave, or find out where you were. Though you did find that you had almost been completely disarmed.

Your drones, your weapons, your giant metal bag; even portions of your armor and suit were missing. Most noticeable, was the lack of helmet, to which you spotted on a nightstand.

Looking down however, despite you wearing the same cloths as before, you noticed how skeletal your armor was now. Simple poles and gears that made up the frame and spine for most of your gear could be seen. Much to your surprise, the gears and mechanism were a lot more quite now too...but who did it?

You wanted to continue resting on the bed, but more questions began to flood into your mind.

Crawling off the bed, you stood up before approaching your helm. A large piece of it was missing, as well as damaged in almost all other places.

You let a tired sigh out before putting the helmet back down on the night stand. The then began heading towards the exit. Carefully, you peaked out; perhaps you were still afraid that a random scientist would see you in the open, and send the guards to beat you, but weren't in the lab anymore.

You peaked into a dark colored hallway. You couldn't describe the feeling in your chest, but the only way you could describe was "home".

Walking out of the room, and it's safety, you traversed through the long hallways before eventually finding yourself in front of a large door. It was then you began to hear a few having a walking conversation, and coming towards your direction. Wanting to hide, and avoid conflict, you opened the door and ran in after closing it quickly behind you.

???: *Chuckle* so you are awake~

Felling a shiver come across your spine, you slowly looked behind before standing in the presence of the voice.

To what you could see, you caught sight of some sort of conference or meeting room. Though at the end of the table, a large chair facing a window to the out side seemed to hold someone.

???: After they mixed your blood with Grimm, I could feel you in my ranks... Far away and different of course...but there~

The chair spun as if by magic before revealing a pale skinned woman sitting at the end of the table. A pair of red eyes gleamed towards you as fear began to set. Authority figures like her had always made you fear... Because of their control...she was no different.

Like a wild animal, you backed away before you eventually finding yourself back up against the door you used to get in.

???: T.N.K, was it?- there is no need to be afraid. I simply wish to speak with you.

Your already tense body began to relax before you slowly walked forward. A small smile appeared of the woman's face as you stood at the other end of the long table.

???: Come closer~

With a wave of her hand, the table split in two before opening up a small walkway towards her.

Without thought, you stepped forward before presenting yourself to the mysterious lady. Doing your best to seem respectful, you saluted...but a small frown began to appear.


She said nothing, but you could feel her eyes inspecting your entire body. Though her look simply one of contempt sadness?

???: Kneel...

Her command was simple, even a small child could do it...but should you oblige? You didn't even know why she asked to do such a thing.

Without much resistance, you attempted to kneel, but with fear and your body not being fully recovered; your legs quickly began to buckle from under you.

Your eyes were full of shock and quickly shut to brace the impact, but something caught you before you fully fell. As if your body shriveled and limped in whatever caught you; you opened your eyes to see yourself in the arms of the woman.

???: As I have not fully recovered.

She lowered herself close to you while she held you felt familiar...and pleasant.

You didn't know what she was doing, but you didn't want her to stop holding you.

She held you closer before resting your head on her shoulder. You the felt a free hand gently caress your hair before she spoke again.

???: You are safe here you understand?

A silent shock went through your body. Your breathing began to quicken, and your heart raced. Was she speaking the truth?...or did you not care anymore?

???: No more scientists, and their cruel experiments...and certainly no more "tests" will never be torn apart

Tears began to form in your eyes before your limp arms wrapped around the woman. Slowly, the few tears began to grow into a stream...followed shortly by crying.

After what felt like a life time of pain for another's gain in a world that you thought hated you. You had truly come to the conclusion that you would never be free from it; so hearing someone you didn't even know tell you that you were free from simply couldn't help it.

The lady that held you said nothing... She only held you tighter as you let out a broken cry, that echoed through out the room.

If anyone was to see the scene unfold before then. They would be met by what looked like a mother holding a tired and weeping child in their arms.

Your tears fell from still shocked and water filled eyes, as your arms held on to dear life. You did your best to utter a sentence, to speak of the unspeakable things that they had done to you, or even covey your gratitude. But your attempt was quickly stopped.

???: I know what happened don't need to explain what those men did to you... Just let it all go...and rest.

How could you resist?- how could you even say no to what she had asked of you?

Just as she said, you cried into her shoulder without sound or resistance before finally feeling the fatigue that plagued your body. Your eyes began to feel heavy, but before you fell victim to the sweet embrace of heard her speak one more time.

???: For my name is Salem...and you are safe within my walls

You felt your body get carried with caution and care before eventually falling asleep in "Salem's" embrace.

Neo pov

After looking around the castle for a bit, I decided to go check up on Y/N...yes I named him. I had already found some of the best hiding places in the castle, so to say I was bored would be an understatement.

I walked into his room quietly before deadpanning at the bed in front of me.

Every now and then, I would find him strain in his sleep while I checked on him...but now he just wasn't there!

Me: 'oh god, Cinder is gonna kill me!'

I silently began to panic before looking around like a mad man. It was when I reached the nearby hallway leading to Salem's meeting room, did I hear someone coming.

I simply stood still as I witnessed Salem herself carrying Y/N in her arms.

Me: 'no *beep*ing way!'

Salem then darted her eyes away from where she was heading before looking directly at me.

Salem:... Neo...

My spine tingled at when she called my name.

Salem: I know you cannot...but do not speak or tell of what you saw here today~

I immediately nodded my head. Though to my surprise; Salem stooped down a bit so I could see Y/N's face.

His face had already hinted that he was still extremely tired. Infact, I'm surprised he was even able to get up...not after a fight like that... But his face had dried tears all over; not to mention the panda ears on the top of his head hung low.

I came up close before instinctively letting my right hand rest on his soft white and black hair.

Salem was dead still the entire time before standing up. I quietly accompanied her to the room she had gifted to him before entering.

We walked in, and I pulled the blanket far enough for Salem to put Y/N in before she placed him down on the bed. I then covered him up before stepping back.

Salem: the name you gave him...I know you gave him one...what was it?

I stood there baffled before taking my scroll out to type on. Very carefully, as to not misspell the name I gave him; I showed Salem the name.

With calm and amused eyes, she read the name out loud.

Salem: Y/N, is it?...*chuckle* fitting...

I smiled before remembering something important.

Salem pov

Neo slapped herself on her forehead before type up another message on her device.

"BRB"...I don't know what that means, but she left shortly after while using her semblance to hide her presence.

Knowing I was alone in the room with Y/N. I quietly watched as he hugged himself before curling into a fetal position. I sighed at his now instinctive and tensed resting positions, before hearing something behind me.

I calmly turned around to see Neo worn out with something in her hand.

She quickly regained her composure and breath before walking up towards Y/N. In her hand was some sort of hand made Grimm stuffed animal.

She placed in into Y/N's arms before we both stood in silent happiness from the following events.

As if being given a calming key, Y/N uncurled himself before holding the small toy close to him. Though his grip suggested that he absolutely needed it...even if he didn't know he did.

Neo looked to me with a glad smile before walking out with what I could tell was pride.

I looked to Y/N once more before leaving him to rest...he will be one of the greatest warriors to ever live...and he is now my son...

T.N.K pov

Opening your eyes for a second time, you found yourself on the same bed from before. Though this time, you felt more able to move than the last time you had waked. You had also noticed that you weren't as tensed, and something was in your left hand.

A soft and cute object was mysteriously in your hand. Perhaps it was a gift; you would have to chat and thank the person that had given it to you. You brought it close to inspect it's craft.

Unknown to your own emotions, a very small smile appeared on your face.

Standing up, making your bed; and setting the small gift neatly and carefully on top of the blankets. You checked your surroundings before moving once more.

Quietly and politely, you passed by your helm on the nightstand before heading out of the room. Again, you walked through, but this had no fear or caution; just a level of respect and politeness while walking.

It wasn't long until you had reached the same room you had seen and met Salem. What had caught your attention was a conversation between a few people before hearing her voice.

Salem: then you will handle it...or else~...besides...

You could practically feel everyone behind the door looking towards it

Salem: I think it's time we great our guest~...come in

A short burst of shock was plastered into your face before you regained composure. Quietly, you opened the doors to see an array of different people sitting around the table.

And like before, Salem sat calmly at the front of the table with a smile.

Salem: have you fully recovered?...

A simple question that you responded with a nod. Though it didn't seem to satisfy a scorpion faunus that glared at you.

???: Address your goddess you bag of meat and bolts!-

Salem raised her hand to silence him before speaking.

Salem: Tyrian, that is not how we speak to our guest!~

You watched with confusion as Tyrian sank back into his chari before noticing the other people around the table.

A woman in red and ember like eyes; a muscular man with several scars; a male with grey hair, and a lady with green; A man with a top hat, and a gentlemen; and finally a girl with miss matched eyes.

Salem: find a seat T.N.K...there is much to discuss~

The girl with miss matched eyes waved at you before offering a seat close to her. You walked over while baring the never ending stares from everyone else, before finally sitting down next to the colorful pink girl.

Though much to your dismay, she too was staring holes into you.

Salem: I shall be blunt then...T.N.K?

You looked towards Salem with respect.

Salem: would you like to join us?... I can offer you a home, salivation, and a promise of a better future if you agree to work with us...

The room went silent as you just stared down. Where else could you go?...what did you even have left?...

Looking up from the table and scanning the people around you. You looked towards Salem with confident eyes before speaking.

T.N.K: I...Shall...Follow...Queen

Your voice was quite deep and mature despite your lack of speaking, but there was a level of difficulty when trying to speak out...kinda hard when each time you spoke in the lab you either got beaten or shocked in the neck. Infact, you where just surprised about still having a voice.

Though the small smile that appeared on Salem's face was something you would never forget.

Salem: I see...then it is official. On that note however, we cannot just keep calling you T.N.K everytime...would you be fine with a new name?

As if she would need to ask twice; you nodded almost immediately. A name...instead of a code and designation, you would finally have a mark on the world.

Salem: would Y/N be fine with you?

Your eyes shined at your new name before doing a grateful bow towards Salem.

Y/N: Thank. You...

Salem: can I trust that you will be ready to head out with Roman and Neo for an assignment?

Again, you nodded before standing up.

Y/N: Prove. Myself...

???: Ma'am, if a may. I wanted to run a few tests with "T.N.K" first-

That word again..."test"


Salem's voice boomed through out the room before an award silence followed.

Salem: there will be no testing, or experiments with "Y/N"!...I suggest you find something else to work on Watts~

Watts then left the room with a look of annoyance.

You listened in as both the green haired and the grey haired teens began to quietly laugh at the gentleman's over step in boundaries.

Salem: Cinder, you know your next assignment; go...

You watched as the woman named Cinder nodded towards Salem before signalling the two laughing teens to follow. They quickly for some reason.

Salem: Hazel, go meet up with the second head of the white fang.

The muscular and scared man stood up before leaving the room.

Salem: Roman, as said before; in a week, you will take Y/N and have in help you out during your operations.

Roman: very well your highness. Come on Neo, we need to prep a few things

The girl next to you; now named Neo, looked to you one last time before playfully hopping away with Roman.

Salem: as for you Y/N, just be ready to depart.

You nodded before standing to walk out. Though you still had one question.

Y/N: what. Fight. For?

Salem looked at you and smiled.

Salem: a new world... Now go, there is much to be done.

You acknowledged and walked out with a purpose...and a small confident smile on your face.

Continuer la Lecture

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