Safe Word: Rosé

By taty_ABM

80.8K 4.5K 362

Jason Trujilo employs Cara Thompson as a worker in his exclusive club in order to pay back the money her fath... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
A/N- Important !!!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 9

2K 133 6
By taty_ABM


The large, almost empty dining room provided the perfect acoustic for the clinking of Cara's silver fork against the white ceramic plate, as she saw to nibbling away the rest of her food. But that alone proved to be a task, for Cara felt sad and found it hard to swallow due to the ball of unshed tears lodged in her throat. Somewhere along the way of burying her father and being taken from her home, Cara found that with every new face she met today, she hoped to see her father's face in one of them. Except she didn't. Joe's face always brought a smile and a sense of comfort to Cara's spirit. Now that comfort was permanently erased. This realization that she would never see her father again, no matter how hard she looked, caused reality to slam back into Cara's being like a rogue volleyball smacking against a human face.

Cara sighed and shook her head. The reality of her father's death turned her world upside down. It seemed that her old world died the moment her father's heart stopped beating. It was true that she was in a new world, where her father didn't exist, and for Cara, that meant no safety. Joe's smile was enough to melt all of Cara's fears and worries away, and now that she couldn't even have that, made Cara realize that she was truly alone.

This mansion, all these new people... Cara knew that this wasn't her place. She was in a new world alright, a place where she didn't belong, and a place where her hero could no longer come to her rescue. This caused a sorrowful frown to dent Cara's brow, and a heavy sag caused her shoulders to fold. And the only question in Cara's mind in that moment, was how would she survive?

As Cara contemplated this, and forced down her food, Jason found it hard to remove her image off his television screen, even as he dressed for the evening. This, Jason couldn't understand, because he was sure that he wasn't interested in Cara. Jason knew that there was a mischievous shadow underlying Cara's personality, and he was repulsed by it. He found Cara to be loud and rough around the edges when it came to manners. Jason was always attracted to women who were polished and well-behaved. Jason also hated that Cara wasn't naturally submissive, she had a flare for talking back and being defiant. Jason was aware that Cara was the exact opposite of what he has gone for in the past, and yet here he was, being intrigued to Cara's reactions to anything that involved him.

The thought of knowing Cara's ticks when it came to his world, gave Jason a reason to be cautious. He didn't trust Cara, nor did he like her, and Jason already knew that on Cara's part, the feeling was mutual, and yet still, he watched her.

Back in the dining room, Cara finished her meal and stood up when she realized that the entire group of entertainers left their plates on the table. Sucking her teeth softly, Cara began to walk out of the dining room determining that it wasn't her job to worry about it, but when she made it to the doorway, she stopped. Cara looked back at the table, and the disorder made her skin prickle in discomfort. Shaking her head, Cara returned to the table and began cleaning out the plates by sliding the spoons across the surfaces and dropping the leftover crumbs of food into one of the empty salad bowls. She then saw to stacking the plates and placing the utensils in one of the empty bread baskets.

Upstairs, Cara's actions caused Jason to pause while he buttoned his cufflinks. He found that her unexpected act of taking on an almost housewife-like role triggered a tremor of intrigue in his index finger, but before he could dwell on the reaction, a soft knock came from his door, which prompted Jason to turn off the camera feed on his television.

Jason didn't have to chance to demand who was at his door, for the knob turned and in walked Monique, dressed in a matching set of baby pink lingerie, embellished by satin-designed candies and artificial diamonds. The center of her bra was covered by a giant pink satin bow, and at the very center was pinned lollipop. She wore knee high white socks, decorated with lollipop swirls, and black stilettoes. Her outfit was only revealed by the long, open pink bathrobe that hung from her thin shoulders.

Monique saw Jason's face harden at her intrusion, and she smiled and closed the door. She walked towards Jason in the most seductive way, her eyes staring him down, while her brown hair cascaded down her back and around her face. Monique had two small round diamonds on each corner of her eyes. Her cheeks had been stained with a heavy blush, and her lips painted red.

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

Monique smiled then pouted while approaching Jason.

"I see you brought in a new girl." Monique said in a low voice, while closing the gap between herself and Jason.

She inched her pelvis towards his and brought a slender finger to caress his left pec. Monique looked into Jason's hard eyes.

"Why is she really here?" Monique dared to ask with her dark-red gloss coated lips, knowing very well what her actions would incite.

In a flash, Jason's grip fell around Monique's throat. He pushed her against the nearest wall and pinned her body with his own. Monique released an ecstasy-driven gasp that sounded more like a moan. She lifted the dorsal of her right foot and placed it against the wall. This caused Jason's pelvis to rub against her private area. Monique closed her eyes for a moment and hissed, before biting her bottom lip.

"There he is." Monique said lowly, while opening her eyes to witness Jason's orbs take on a darker hue.

"I won't ask you again." Jason said lowly, his hand slowly squeezing Monique's small neck, while his thumbs pressed against her chin.

Monique released another erotic sigh and smiled as she softened her eyes and said, "I broke the one rule that no one has ever broken, which means there will be consequences."

Jason didn't appear impressed.

"So go ahead Daddy Dom, punish me." Monique encouraged in a sultry tone.

Jason felt his body tense. His finger almost tremored at the vixen's bait. And he only had one other response.

"Get on your knees."

Back downstairs, Cara's cleaning was suddenly interrupted by a dramatic gasp.

Cara lifted her eyes and saw a short woman, with brown hair and a few greying strands, standing at the doorway where the servers entered and exited from.

"What are you doing?" The woman demanded, her tone chiding.

"Everyone just stood up and didn't clean after themselves, like they have no common sense." Cara replied with a frown.

The elderly woman paused and looked at Cara with a frown. Then her face relaxed and she smiled.

"Oh you must be the new employee." The woman suddenly cheered, and Cara noted the slight Hispanic note underlying her words as she spoke.

"I'm Cara Thompson." Cara said carefully.

The woman laughed and approached Cara with a shake of her head.

"You don't have to worry about the dishes. Mr. Trujilo makes sure that there's a team to clean up after his entertainers." The woman explained.

"Oh, never mind then." Cara shrugged and started walking away.

"I'm Luiza. It's nice to meet you Cara." Luiza introduced herself, then she added, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight? It's almost time."

Cara shook her head, "Oh I'm not an entertainer. I'm the new secretary."

"Secretary?" Luiza exclaimed, "Mr. Trujilo never had a secretary before."

Cara shrugged but had no comment.

Luiza smiled at Cara's silence.

"Come on now." Luiza invited and began leading Cara out of the dining room, and towards the stairs.

"Now remember, the staff is here to help. If you ever need anything, you can find me in the kitchen. Up you go." Luiza offered then pointed towards the stairs.

Cara smiled at Luiza's kind gesture and nodded, "thank you Luiza."

Luiza gave a slight bow of her head and returned to the dining room. Shaking her head, but unable to stop smiling, Cara began heading back up the stairs. When she reached the platform of the second, Cara heard a door from her left open. Cara looked towards the west wing of the mansion, and to her surprise, Monique erupted into the hall, dressed in a very colorful lingerie and thin stilettoes.

Monique noticed Cara standing there, and rolling her eyes, she stomped her way down the stairs, looking very distraught and angry. Cara blinked in confusion then rolled her eyes. She turned towards the hallway on her right and began making her way back to the room she shared with Cindy. Slightly lost in curiosity, Cara chanced a look back down towards the west wing, completely missing it when Vincent opened the door to his bedroom and stepped out into the hallway. Cara turned around, only to faceplant into Vincent's empty chest. The unexpected halt to her momentum sent Cara stumbling back. Vincent's arm shot out and wrapped around Cara's waist, and her grip fell on his arms, and finally the clashing bodies were balanced.

"Careful there, love." Vincent warned.

Cara looked up at Vincent but had no chance to react. A door opened in the west wing. Both Cara and Vincent looked towards the hallway, where they Jason made an appearance. Jason's eyes fell on the intertwined couple, but he appeared unbothered. His steps didn't falter, and soon he too headed down the stairs.

Cara released Vincent's muscles from her fingers and Vincent retracted his arm back to his body. Cara then took a step back.

"Thanks for the save." She said, while taking note of Vincent's outfit.

Vincent was dressed in a red and white candy-striped pair of pants. He also had a pair of black suspenders crossing over his defined and broad shoulders.

"Anything for you." Vincent replied with a wink, then he walked away and headed downstairs.

Cara looked after the departing gorgeous man and shook her head again. Then she looked back at the hallway where Jason came from. It appeared that Monique was in Jason's room. This realization made Cara roll her eyes and scoff in disgust. Jason was full of it, so she wasn't surprised that he broke his own rule and was fooling around with Monique. This made Cara like Jason even less. He was a freak, as far as she was concerned and once again, Cara found herself mentally taking note of how much time remained before she could walk out of the mansion and never look back. She was only here for a few hours, and she already hated it. Aside from Cindy, who was nice enough, and Luiza, and maybe even Vincent, Cara despised everything else about this place.

Sighing and shaking her head, as her temple suddenly filled with a stressful ache, Cara returned to her room. She opened the door and found Cindy in the process of drinking water.

"Woah." Cara muttered, while noting Cindy's outfit.

Cindy was dressed in a red Lingerie, with knee high red and white candy-striped socks. Her head, which had been hidden under a sating cap up until this point, was revealed to be butt-length box braids. Cindy's body was also covered by an opened, red satin bathrobe. Cindy's face was defined with a natural-look makeup, though her eyelids sported sharp cat-eye makeup and silver eyeshadow, and her lips had been outlined with a dark lip line, and brown gloss.

"You look hot." Cara admitted.

Cindy smiled, and her entire face lit up even more.

"Thanks babe." Cindy said, then she placed her water bottle down on the nightstand.

Cara cleared her throat and closed the door, then sending a shy glance in Cindy's direction, Cara began walking to her bed. While she did so, she heard Cindy release a soft sigh.

"Okay babe, you need to stop it." Cindy said, facing Cara.

"Stop what?" Cara wondered.

"The judgy gaze," Cindy pointed out, "You've had it in your eyes from the moment you found out what kind of club this was."

Cara felt her face heat up.

"Oh I um, I didn't think- I mean, I didn't mean-" Cara stumbled over her words.

"I know you don't mean to do it, but it doesn't help that you do." Cindy explained.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend." Cara shook her head, the pain in her temples intensifying.

Cindy studied Cara for a moment in silence, before shaking her head as if realizing something.

"Let me guess," Cindy spoke, causing Cara's eyes to snap her way "your parents raised you with more conservative rules, and possibly religiously, right?"

"Yeah." Cara nodded, she wasn't ashamed of how she grew up.

"And now that you're grown, you made the choice to continue on this path that they set you on, right?" Cindy quizzed further.

"For the most part, yeah." Cara nodded again.

"Well there you have it, just Like you made a choice, so did I. So don't judge me." Cindy said.

"I'm not." Cara denied.

"I mean, if anything, I admire you. You're a beautiful woman and you're confident." Cara expressed.

"Thanks babe." Cindy replied then shrugged, "I mean I love myself, I love my body, but I also love pleasure without the strings attached. So yes I work in an adult club, and I enjoy every second of it."

Cara nodded but said nothing.

"Now, I'm gonna head downstairs cause the team has this routine of sharing a shot before the club opens. TV remote is over there." Cindy pointed to the small black remote resting on the dresser.


"Usually the halls are empty as soon as the club opens. Jason like to avoid any possibility of having a client forget themselves and step into the mansion, but if you get hungry, go to the dining hall and use the door that the serves come from. You'll find the kitchen and help yourself to anything you like there." Cindy offered.

"Okay." Cara nodded and gave Cindy a tight-lipped smile.

"I would invite you to come see the club, but I don't need you suffering some random form of culture shock, so just distract yourself in here, unpack, play music, twerk, I really don't care, just relax babe, you're too uptight." Cindy encouraged.

Cara laughed at Cindy's suggestions.

"When are you coming back?" Cara asked after her chuckles subsided.

"Girl I don't know. Sometimes the party goes until 6:00 AM, don't wait up. Now this chocolate queen 'bout to rock a few worlds downstairs. I'll see you in the morning." Cindy cheered, then she walked out of the door.

"Bye," Cara waved to the closed door, then she sighed and finally let her shoulders sag.

For a moment, Cara simply sat on her bed and looked around the room. Then when she did find the energy to stand, she began to unpack the small amount of clothing and items she brought over from her house. She placed all her undergarments in the nightstand, and her clothes in some of the empty drawers of the dresser. Then gathering all of her haircare products and toiletries, Cara headed to the bathroom.

She opened the door, and the first thing to fall on the floor was her jaw. The bathroom itself was well lit, with marble-like tiles on the floor. There was a large Jacuzzi that bordered a shower, and both amenities were only separated by two stairs and a glass door. The vanity held two large sinks, and a giant rectangular mirror that was plastered over the sink and counter. Finding a few empty drawers and one cabinet space, Cara placed her items there, then she headed to her bedroom, and was shocked to find that in her absence a brand-new plush, long, white bathrobe was delivered on her bed.

There was a small note attached on the folded bathrobe.

Take a bath and sip some wine sis. -Cindy.

Cara smiled at Cindy's gesture and grabbed the bathrobe thankfully. Cara checked her phone but wasn't shocked to find that she had no notifications. Checking on the time, the clock read 6:50 PM. Cara decided against taking a shower so early, especially when she had already taken one before Jason's arrival.

The sound of a car honking caught Cara's attention. She looked towards the balcony and decided to head out and see the view. the sun was beginning to set, and though her window and view looked out onto the east side of the establishment, from afar, she was able to spot the line of cars which trickled in through the iron gates of the mansion. Each car was stopped as soon as they entered the gate, and the guards requested ID from both the driver and whatever passenger present. Cara also noticed that the dogs walked around the cars before each guest was given the okay to go. From there, Cara lost sight of the arriving guests.

With curiosity getting the best of her, Cara headed out of her room, and looked down the hallway. At the end of the hall, on the west wing was a large window. Knowing that she had no intention on opening any doors, Cara decided to head to the west wing, and she didn't stop until she reached the end of the hall. Looking out of the window, Cara had a better view of the arriving guests, who did not stop at the front of the mansion, but instead parked in a designated, asphalted area, then led by valets dressed in white dress shirts, green vests, and black slacks towards the back of the mansion. From there, Cara could determine where the guests entered the mansion.

Cara sighed and studied the groups of people who flocked to this venue. Majority of the faces were young, but there were a few mature faces in the crowd. The men wore fancy suits, while the younger women were dressed in short dresses and tight clothing. There seem to be couples mixed in along with the single attendants.

The entire scene made Cara slightly nauseous. She couldn't understand the dynamic or reasoning for the people who chose to come to his club. Cara couldn't help but be slightly judgmental. While she's heard of swingers, and people who were into kinky sex, she never expected there to be an entire organization dedicated to this kind of thing. In fact, Cara felt it better if she never found out about this club and way of life in the first place.

Gulping, and realizing she's had enough, Cara shook her head and stepped away from the window. She pulled the curtain back into place and turned around, only to receive the shock of her life.

Jason stood a few feet away. His eyes were dark, his hands pocketed. His mouth was in a firm line, but his jaw didn't tick, even though it was apparent that he was grinding his teeth.

Cara gulped and looked away from his intense gaze for a moment, then she looked back at Jason.

"What are you doing here?"



Hello loves!

Is it too early for a cliffhanger? I think not!

So, here is the latest chapter! Monique is apparently on a mission. Cara is meeting more people and learning more about the mansion, and of course she breaks another rule. So with that being said, what do you think is going to happen next?

Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!

Lots of ❤❤❤


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