Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Drag...

By ninjaygo

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Taking place shortly after the events of The Hands of Time: when a mission to save kidnapped kids goes wrong... More



473 19 8
By ninjaygo

A/N He is risen! Happy Easter! I hope you have a good holiday. God bless! 

Kai had no idea how Cole seemed so well put together. Did he not see the chaos surrounding them? Zane was on the fritz. Jay attempted to pass on his Elemental Powers and passed out. And they were stuck behind the bars of a pitch-black prison. All the while an evil clan was about to crack the secret of dragon transformation. Yet Cole was as laidback as ever, sprouting his belief that Nya and Lloyd were going to save them. Kai believed that the rest of the team was going to save them. But that didn't stop him from freaking out!

Zane rebooted before Jay woke up. He still had messed-up memories, which meant that Zane continued to guard their prison. All the while proclaiming that he was 'on their side' and that 'this was temporary'.

At Kai's request, Zane scanned Jay for injuries. Eyre, the mysterious prison woman, insisted that Jay passing out was a normal reaction to losing Elemental Powers. But Kai saw Chen steal Elemental Powers from Masters. No one passed out. Not even Jay.

Eyre also tried to get Cole and Kai to give up their Powers. Which was an easy 'no' for both of them. Kai didn't see why Jay had to give up his. The team was going to save him, he didn't need to panic and throw away his one-in-a-million ability.

Nya was going to be livid with Jay when she finds out. Did Jay have a working brain cell? Maybe don't do the thing that will ruin your life.

Zane confirmed the fact that Jay was fine. And then Cole pointed out that Jay was likely exhausted from his adventure thus far. And that caused him to pass out.

Jay regained consciousness a few hours after he passed out. All he cared about after coming to was if he passed on his Powers. Being stuck in a vengestone prison meant there wasn't a way to test if Jay's Elemental Powers had disappeared. This caused Jay a lot of stress. Stress that wouldn't exist if he didn't toss his Elemental Powers away the first chance he got.

The next morning, Soren arrived and took Jay away. It wasn't even half an hour later when they heard footsteps approaching again.

"That's peculiar," Zane said, "The transformation should've taken longer."

It was Soren again. And he was without Jay.

"Where's Jay?" Kai said.

"Safe. Chief Moses is benevolent, even to snakes," Soren said, "Now, Master of Ice-"

"My name is Zane," Zane interrupted.

"My apologies, friend. Zane, could you help me escort the ninja?"

"Where are we going?" Cole said.

"To the laboratory," Soren said, "We figured out your little trick."

Kai, in any other circumstance, would've taken the time to blame Jay. But he was too scared to make a comment to Cole. Scared for Jay. And for the fact that the Dragon Clan finally got their hands on dragons.

The worst part: Kai was helpless to do anything.

Kai, Cole, Zane, and Soren returned to the surface. The Compound was busy.

Kai and Cole got their first look at the Experimental Room. It was as shabby as Jay described. A child was patiently sitting in a chair. She looked nervous like she was trying her best not to cry. She had wire from a machine attached to her.

A man crossed the room to inspect Kai and Cole. He pointed to Kai.

"Try him first. Bring the Master of Earth to the Observational Room. And Brother, I've decided what to do with Jay," he said. Kai snapped his attention over to the man. He was the one making decisions. Was this the Chief?

Cole and Zane also narrowed their focus on the man.

"Yes, Chief Moses?" Soren said. He was the Chief. Kai knew it!

"He's been quite reasonable altogether. When the other ninja come, we can use him to buy us some time. We'll hand him over to them-reluctantly if you catch my meaning. And make sure the negotiation goes long. We need all the time we can snatch," Chief Moses said.

"This is Doctor Kirk's Plan?" Soren asked, shifting his weight. His eyes darted between Chief Moses and the people working around him. The ones in earshot slowed their pace and intently watched.

Chief Moses frowned at Soren's question. As if he didn't understand it.

"No, this was my plan," Chief Moses said.

"It seems to me that the ninja aren't going to be interested in negotiation. Doctor Kirk gave orders for us to be ready for a stealth operation. Especially because the Master of Energy knows our layout and-"

Soren silenced himself as soon as Chief Moses held up his hand.

"Your position doesn't allow for an opinion. Follow orders, Brother. Have I led you astray this far? We're so close. Trust me."

"Y-yes, Chief Moses. I apologize for my insubordination."

"Nothing to forgive. I believe we all are anxious to see the end. We're ready for this to be over."

Kai glanced at Cole. There were cracks in the Dragon Clan. Cole nodded at Kai as Zane took him away.

Kai struggled against Soren's grip as he strapped him into a chair.

"You know the Chief's plan won't work. Lloyd and Nya would never agree to a negotiation when they are powerful enough to free us by force," Kai said. Soren sighed.

"I never caught your name," he said, tightening Kai's bonds.


"I'm Soren. And while Chief Moses may overlook details, I'd follow him to the end of Ninjago. As long as he was leading me home." Soren began to attach weird probes to Kai.

"To your original realm?" Kai said.


"What realm are you from?"

"The name has been long forgotten. But we all grew up hearing stories about this realm. Crystal blue waters, the largest and juiciest fruit that you'd ever seen. Waterfalls as tall as mountains. Home sounds beautiful. And I am blessed to be alive when The Dragon Clan finally returns home," Soren said, "So don't think you can sway me over to your side so easily."

Soren guarded Kai. But Kai didn't think it was because they thought he was going to try to escape.

At Chief Moses's signal, an old machine buzzed to life. Impulses radiated through Kai's body. Without his consent, Kai felt his Elemental Power flowing through him.

The girl grimaced. Was she in pain? Kai tried to fight the machine. But it wasn't long before the girl disappeared.

In her place was a red dragon.

Instead of being hostile, the dragon tried to hide. There was a brief moment when no one did anything. Everyone gawked at the dragon.

Soren was first to react. A bunch of Okurra villagers flooded the room. They had ropes.

Kai fought his bondages as they roped the dragon.

"Don't do that! She's innocent!" Kai said. The Chief appeared from behind Kai. He placed a hand on Kai's shoulder. Kai growled at his enemy.

"She's a hero," he concurred, "Soren, tie her up outside."

Soren, with the help of several men, dragged the scared dragon away.

Kai breathed heavily, still hoping to summon the strength to free himself. How was he out of breath? His eyes drooped and he wondered if he was going to pass out. Somehow he remained conscious. Kai admired Jay for running on low energy for so long.

Kai knew there was activity going on around him, but there was too much to process.

The equipment was being moved outside... Why was that?

"Oh, you look exhausted." Kai glanced up at Chief Moses standing over him. He turned and shouted to someone: "Let him rest. And bring me the Master of Earth."

Someone released Kai from his chair and took him to the Observational Room behind the glass. While Kai was on his way in, Cole was being escorted out.

In the corner of the room, Jay sat with his head buried in his hands. Zane stood next to Jay. But the blue ninja did not look as carefree as the nindroid. Jay rocked back and forth on the floor, eyes tightly shut, mumbling to himself. Kai had a flashback to walking in on Jay's panic attack.

Both Jay and Zane were not restrained. But Kai and Cole had their hands tied.The Dragon Clan was still observing the trials. Although the experiment was moved outside. They pulled up security footage of the courtyard. A new person volunteered to become a dragon. An adult this time.

Kai sat down next to Jay. Zane smiled at Kai.

"Great work, Kai," Zane said, "Once the Dragon Clan has enough dragons, they will let us go. I do not know why you are so resistant to them."

"Evil! Zane, they're evil," Jay said suddenly. For a moment his body unfurled to express himself. Then Jay curled up again, trying to become as small as possible.

"They want to go home. They do not want to harm anyone or hurt Ninjago. And they are simply lending our Elemental Powers," Zane said, "Don't you remember learning about the Dragon Clan? After they helped us?"

"That didn't happen, Zane," Jay mumbled.

"And they are lending without our permission," Kai argued. Zane took a second to process Kai's point.

"You okay?" Kai elbowed Jay. His body jolted upright.

"Oh, me? I'm about as well as anyone can be when they unleashed a Clan of dragon-obsessed psychopaths onto his friends and family through his own incompetence!"

"Well as long as you are okay," Kai said. Jay chuckled which gave Kai some comfort. He still had his sense of humour. That was good... right? Kai didn't know how to handle a spiral. He didn't know how to fix Jay. If Nya was here, she could snap Jay out of his spiral.

Kai could not believe he wanted Jay and Nya to be together at that moment. But if there was any chance of getting out of the mess they were in, they needed Jay. Kai looked up at Zane. He'd be better at fixing Jay than Kai would be. But Zane was of no help in the state that he was in. Kai could wait for Cole. He'd be better than Kai too.

"Jay, I can play soothing sounds if you are feeling anxious," Zane offered, "I have hours of 'Tranquil Rain Storms' recorded in my hard drive."

"No, I'm good. The sound of failure is soothing enough." This was a bad spiral... Kai should at least try to help Jay.

"Jay, I-"

Jay glanced up at Kai. He was crying. Oh, Kai did not like it when people cried. How do you comfort someone when their eyes are leaking?

"You should snap out of this funk. We need you at full capacity," Kai said. He knew it was the wrong thing to say.

"I'm working on that," Jay said bitterly. Zane began to make the sound of rain. He nodded at Kai as if confirming that he was taking over 'comfort Jay' duties.

Kai watched the trial the best he could from his spot. Using Cole's Elemental Power, another dragon appeared. It was much bigger than the other, being full-grown.

Soren and the villagers tied the dragon down.

The door to the Observational Room swung open. Chief Moses stood in the doorway.

"Master of Ice, you're up," Chief Moses yelled.

Zane grinned. He gave his friends the thumbs-up as he left.

Chief Moses sat in front of the computer screen.

Jay and Kai were alone. Except for all the clan members. But in terms of friends, they were alone. And there were no rainstorms to comfort Jay.

"Were you tired after making your dragon?" Kai said.

"Yes. Very," Jay mumbled.

"Weird side-effect... Who knew?"

"It makes sense," Jay said, "If that kid had my power for a while, then that means he stole some of my power. That's how they can exist. The dragons, that is. They are constantly stealing Elemental Power from us... or, now, you," Jay paused, "I remember before Timmy turned back, my Elemental Power cut out completely. He must've taken all I had in me. And then he couldn't sustain himself anymore."

"Woah," Kai said.

"I've had a lot of time to think," Jay said, "All the time in the world to re-live all my regrets. Over and over and over again."

"So the dragons will turn back? After Cole, Zane, and I are emptied?"

"Theoretically," Jay said, "We only have one data point. I could just be terrible at making dragons just like I'm terrible at everything else."

The door swung open again. Someone brought Cole in.

"Wow, that takes a lot out of you," Cole said as he sat next to Kai. Since Zane was gone, there was no one keeping an eye on them. This was a good time to escape.

The sheer amount of people in the room made it unlikely they'd get very far if they attempted to run away. Especially since Kai and Cole had no energy. And Jay was hardly holding himself together. But they had to try.

"Jay, make a run for it and we'll cover you," Kai whispered.

"What?" Jay said.

"Make a run for it. Go find Nya and Lloyd. We'll hold these guys off," Kai repeated. He nervously eyed a villager who was close by. They looked like they were trying to overhear what the ninja were whispering about.

"I heard you. I'm just confused; you do know I don't have any Elemental Powers anymore," Jay said.

"You're still a ninja," Cole said, "you've got your athleticism and Spinjitzu."

"Cole and I have been drained. You're the only one who can do this," Kai said. Jay laughed bitterly.

"I'm the only one who can do this? That must be depressing." Jay slouched in his seat.

"You have to try," Kai said, "You can do this."

Jay's head hung low. The villager gave the ninja a skeptical glance. Then moved toward the computer screen to see an ice dragon.

Kai was about to continue to encourage Jay when suddenly he jumped up and sprinted to the door. This sudden action took both Cole and Kai by surprise. Jay must've been pretending to be depressed so that the nosy villager would move along. Or he was erratic in his decision-making.

A couple of clan members pursued him.

"Stop," Chief Moses said, "Focus on the task at hand. Jay is useless. We don't need him."

After that speech, no one pursued Jay. Kai thought it was a terrible blunder by the Chief. However, it was to their advantage.

Chief Moses overlooked the ninja. He scratched his chin. Kai stared at the man, trying to appear more confident than he felt. Jay was going to save them. Kai's confidence wavered.

Kai decided to focus on the awe-inspiring moment when Jay gave up his Elemental Powers. It didn't help in the long run. But his willingness was impressive. Kai would never give up his power. And Jay didn't hesitate.

And he was such a quick thinker. He removed Zane as a threat without hurting Zane or causing lasting damage. All the while stuck in a jail cell.

He went out to face the Dragon Clan alone to protect a child.

He befriended the lady in the dungeon immediately. But Jay always made friends with ease.

And now, despite being in a dark place, he's going to save Kai and Cole.


Kai wanted Nya to see Jay from his perspective. But Kai never considered seeing Jay from Nya's perspective. When the chips were down, and there didn't seem to be any options left, Jay Walker still had something new up his sleeve. He was the perfect person to rely on. Kai didn't have to fake his confidence. He knew Jay would win the day.

Zane returned. He had a confused look when he noticed Jay was gone.

"Get the Master of Fire ready," Chief Moses said. Someone grabbed Kai and brought him to his feet.

"Chief Moses, from my calculations, continuing to make dragons at our low energy levels is dangerous. Potentially fatal," Zane said.

Chief Moses rolled his eyes. He ignored Zane.

"I said get the Master of Fire ready," he repeated.

Zane's nindroid mind was trying to process the situation. His eyes darted from his friends to Chief Moses. Kai hoped that his proper memories would return. But Zane didn't stop Kai from losing more of his Elemental Power to make a dragon.

As Kai left he heard Cole say: "See Zane. They're villains."

"I'm trying to see," Zane said.

"See faster, Zane!" Kai yelled, "Our lives are on the line!"

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