Hope For The Lost ~ A SBI Ado...

By Hi1and2Bye3

1.4K 40 37

Tomathy Innit, though prefers to be called Tommy, was just a happy kid who enjoyed Minecraft and music. He h... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Backstory//Getting ready to meet the family
Chapter 2 ~ The Family
Chapter 3 ~ Talking with the Family//Adoption
Chapter 4 ~ Leaving Hell
Chapter 5 ~ Home
Chapter 7 ~ Breakfast
Another A/N....

Chapter 6 ~ The House

150 5 5
By Hi1and2Bye3


•Tommy's POV•


I woke up to some laughing seemingly coming from downstairs. I wonder what that is from, no one at the orphanage ever laughs, not even the little kids. Only then realizing that I am no longer at the orphanage, I'm at this random guys home with his two kids. I quickly shot up out of the bed I previously resided in, I franticly scanned the room trying to figure out where I was.

It seemed I was in a bedroom, much larger than my room at the orphanage. It has what looks to be a queen sized bed, which looks 3x the size of my one at the orphanage. There's two bedside tables each on opposite sides of the bed, a lamp and alarm are set on the right side table, the left side is bare. There's three doors, the one on the opposite wall from the bed leads to the hallway out of the room, the one next to the bed on the right side leads to a walk in closet that's the size of my room at the orphanage, and the third and final door on the left leads to a bathroom. There's bookshelves lining the left wall, seemingly empty, and there's a desk on the right side of the room.

I'm left speechless, it's so bare yet better than any room I've ever been in, usually my room at a new home, if I even get one, is tight and uncomfortable.

After a minute of examining my room I spot a note on top of the desk. I walk over and pick it up, reading it slowly.

Hey Tommy,

If you're reading this that means you're awake. I am currently downstairs cooking dinner with my boys, if you would like to join us don't hesitate to come down, we'd love to get to know you more.


I stare at the note, I feel like I've just been insulted for some reason. I find it sickening, how nice he's being, though I know it's a trick. No matter how much I want to believe he's different, I can't. There all the same.

I decided to unpack first, you know, to at least try to make the nice feeling last for more than a few minutes. I gently put my few clothes in the closet, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. I make my bed, as routine, and I hide the bag with my extra stuff I've borrowed from past homes.

Once I've finished, I head out of my room. As I walk down the hallway I notice the letters on the doors. The door to my room has a T on it, the door next to it on the right has a yellow W on it with weird little stickers and symbols on it, the room across from it and left to mine has a pink TB on it with what seems like swords and books on it. Finally at the opposite end of the hallway is a door with a green P on it decorated with crows and white and green stripes. There are some other doors that are just plain and boring, I assume that they are closets and a bathroom.

I finally make it to the staircase, slowly creeping down it trying not to make a sound. Though it doesn't seem like the stairs creak, which is odd, I've never been in a house that has quiet stairs. I get down to what looks to be a living room area, there's a giant TV infront of two pearly white couch's and a really expensive looking arm chair. The rooms decorated in a bunch of white, with purple, green, pink, and yellow thrown in some places. I don't spend to much time dwelling on the room as I move to the hallway. Walking down the hallway I spot some more doors, though as I come up on the door at the end of the hallway I start to hear laughter and talking.

I'm standing in front of a door with the word kitchen on it, listening for any yelling or bad talk about myself, though instead there's just laughter and soft whispers from time to time. After a few minutes of standing there I build up the courage to open the door. I slowly turn the nob and open the door, once inside I stand in awe at the giant kitchen, there's a huge chandelier in the center, a island with a sink on it and bar stools surrounding it, the counter space is 10x the counter space in any home I've ever been to, and there's so much more.

Though before I could continue looking around in awe, I noticed three faces staring at me, Phil, Wil, and Techno. Wil and Phil are covered in flour, while Techno is just leaning on the fridge seemingly reading a book, though he has a little smudge of flour on his cheek which totally kills his cold demeanor.

Phil quickly spoke up after seemingly noticing the uncomfortable air, "Ello mate, glad to see you up and awake. Thanks for joining us."

"Yeah! We're making pancakes, you can help!", Wil piped up.

"More like Dads making pancakes and you're ruining our flour supply.", Techno replied.

I chuckle slightly, which sounds more like a mouse squeak. I quickly cover my face as I see Wil cooing at me, I feel my face heat up the more I hear the awes and Tommyyyy coming from Wil.

"No need to be embarrassed Toms, that was adorable!", Wil exclaims, making me want to shrivel up and die.

"Wil, calm down. Come Tommy, you can help with mixing the batter. Hopefully your better at it than Wil.", Phil laughs, which earns a shout from Wil.

I nod and scurry over to the counter, not wanting to disobey. I can feel Techno's eyes on me but I try my best to ignore them.

As soon as I start helping Phil I quickly realize this isn't going to be a clean job.


*Ello! I'm back, sorry it's been so long since I've updated this story. I've just been super busy with school and shit, because some person decided it'd be a good idea to have all projects that are worth half your grade at the end of the year. Though luckily schools out so now I can hopefully update more often. Though I'm going on vacation soon so no promises. But I'll try! Also sorry today's chapters kinda lazy, but I hope you enjoy. BYEEEEE!!*

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