Gone Away || Minsung

By kyutminho

185K 7.8K 5.4K

A vampire who waits 400 years for a specific human. A human who was reincarnated into the present. ... More

Ch. 2
Ch.35 Final


4.7K 228 61
By kyutminho

"Take me to that hospital. You're a vampire, quickly take me." Jisung eagerly asked for a favor from Hyunjin.

"Isn't it quite late?" Hyunjin tried thinking of an excuse, tad scared to see the older said vampire.

"You can leave right after you drop me off at the hospital." As if Jisung read his mind.

Hyunjin decided to do as Jisung pleased and picked him up, seconds later they arrive at said hospital Minho was at.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I can stay despite how scary Minho is." Hyunjin wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave a human in one of the most popular places for vampires to visit, especially in the middle of the night.

"You don't have to, I appreciate you getting me here." Jisung gave permission for the taller to leave and without another word Hyunjin left.

Jisung lightly chuckled at Hyunjin's action then headed to the front desk.

"Excuse me? What room is Lee Minho checked in?" Jisung blindly asked.

"Lee Minho? Heh. Try 325, second floor." The man at the desk only chuckled at the oblivious human.

"Umm, thank you." Jisung was feeling a little uneasy with the man at the desk so he quickly bowed and left.

He walked among the dark hallways with only dimmed light lighting his way. Something about walking empty dimmed hallways in a hospital sent shivers down his spine.

Jisung made it to the second floor, rushing to search for the room. He hoped for Minho wasn't seriously injured.

Now finally met with room 325, he hesitantly creaked the door open. Once the door was open Jisung got a full view of Minho standing perfectly fine but he was holding a bag in his hand with only the light from the window lighting the room.

Blood dripping from the sides of his mouth, Minho was holding a blood bag.

Jisung's eyes widen of what he just witnessed.

Minho had noticed the human his eyes big as well, not expecting Jisung standing in front of him.

"Minho, I—I thought you were hurt or something. I wanted to see if you were okay." Jisung didn't know how to exactly to act with just witnessing Minho drinking blood.

Minho quickly pulled Jisung into the room, shutting the door behind them.

"What the hell?! You're not supposed to remember me!" Minho couldn't help but stress at the situation at hand.

"I know but wiping my memory didn't have any effect. Since I woke up that day, all my memories were still clear as a day." Jisung watched the older stressfully rake his hair back.

"Why are you just saying this now? It's been two weeks!" He grabbed both of Jisung's shoulders.

"I was only trying to stay away from you guys since that's what the council wanted. I didn't want to be more of a bother." Jisung takes Minho's hands off of his shoulders while trying to put him at ease.

"You should go back to what you were doing then and stay away from us, you don't want them finding out it didn't work. Why are you here anyways?" Minho didn't understand why the human came to him.

"I met up with Hyunjin today, found out from his roommate Seungmin reasons why I still have memories and I came wanting to see you. Then I heard you were in the hospital so I got really worried that you may have been seriously injured." Jisung rambled on.

"First I'm not injured, I came here for . . umm . . blood. But explain everything as to why it didn't work." Minho sat on a chair, getting a familiar feeling but since he has no heartbeat he only imagined what a fluttered heart would feel like.

"I didn't know blood types were important besides medical wise. Depending on the blood type can tell you about reincarnation, AB negative. This isn't exactly my first time on this earth, I guess wiping a memory doesn't have effect on a reincarnated human. Explains all my dreams from a previous life in the dynasty days." Jisung nervously rubbed the back of his head, wondering if he should mention being his ex.

Minho sat there speechless, this really was the human boy he waited for.

"I'm your reincarnated ex aren't I?" He looked straight into Minho's eyes while asking that question.

"If this is a joke it's not funny." Minho gave a cold stern look while standing up, not leaving Jisung's eyes.

"I promise it's not, if you don't believe me drink my blood." Jisung lifted his arm, gesturing to take some.

"I'm not drinking your blood." Minho pushed Jisung's arm away.

"This is the only way I can think of to prove to you. If you tasted his blood then you'll know if I am him or not." Jisung gestured his arm once more.

Minho soften his look as he desperately wanted to believe him. He looked down at Jisung's arm.

He gently grabbed Jisung's arm, wondering if this was a good idea but he knew this would clear everything up.

So he leaned in, bringing out his fangs. He stoped for a moment, looking back up at Jisung.

"It's okay, I'm giving you permission." Jisung gave a small smile.

Minho nodded and proceeded. He graced his teeth onto his arm before they pierced into his delicate skin, causing Jisung to wince quietly.

Minho then got a little taste of Jisung's blood, eyes widening in that moment. Despite it being 400 years since he gotten a taste of this blood he couldn't forget the sweetness of this blood.

He was now sucking for more, greed of hunger darkening his eye. But he immediately stopped once he heard Jisung's voice.

"Uhm hyung. I think you're making me dizzy." Jisung was getting a little light headed.

"Sorry, this is why you don't let vampires taste your blood." Minho wiped the corner of his mouth.

He went to a cabinet to grab a band aid for Jisung's wound. Once had the band aid he place it on his arm where the bite was indented.

"So, do you believe me now?" Jisung watched the older place the band aid on him.

". . . Yeah," Minho avoided eye contact, he couldn't believe this was really happening.

Minho always had a hunch and both of his brothers claiming it really was him but he tried to push the thought to block any pain. After finding out the truth, he couldn't lie to himself he was thrilled. A part of him wanted to pull him into the most embracing hug to never let go but the other part knew this present Jisung was still his own person with his own thoughts. He didn't want to push his past onto the human despite how strong the urge was to start where they left off 400 years ago.

"I was expecting a little more excitement but then again the only time I've seen you brightly smiled was in my dreams." Jisung gave a light giggle, then remembering his dreams caused his cheeks to blush.

"Just a lot to take in. . . Wait dreams?" Minho was curious on what the human was on about.

"Oh, I get dreams of my past life I guess. You're in quite a lot. But I guess it is a lot to take in, I mean I was definitely not expecting this information when I was told. Didn't know reincarnation was real." Jisung had a thought maybe Minho was disappointed it ended up being him and not someone else.

"Why the hell do I even care?" He thought to himself with his cheeks blushing red.

"I didn't believe in that kind of stuff before either." A small smile grows from his lips. "It's good to know you didn't end up a vampire . . . You're cheeks are warm." Minho placed his cold hand on the human's warm blushed cheeks.

His hand then slowly moves down towards Jisung's chest, stopping where he could feel his heart beat.

Jisung's heart was rapidly beating against his chest as he felt Minho's hand.

Minho noticed fast heart rate and gave a worried look, quickly removing his hand from his chest.

"Did you take your medication?" Minho noticed Jisung's beating heart, hoping he was okay.

Jisung bursts out laughing.

"I think you would know if I was having an episode. But yes I did take my medication." He calms himself down.

"I was concerned no need to laugh." Minho rolled his eyes before catching on.

He looked back at Jisung, meeting his eyes with his. A smirk pulling at his lips while walking towards the human.

Jisung kept walking backwards until he was met with a wall.

"So, I make you nervous then?" Minho quietly said but loud enough for him to hear.

"Uh—Uhhm." He gulped. "Well you are standing quite close hyung."

Before Minho could say anything he gets a call, leaving him to scoff.

He answers the phone with an annoyed tone of voice.

It was Chan and it was urgent.

Jisung watched Minho's expression alter worriedly.

"Is everything okay?" Jisung asked once Minho hung up.

"Felix. How could I been so careless?! I need to hurry back." Minho rushed to the counter that had a box of blood banks.

"Wait what happened with Felix? Is he okay?" Jisung's eyes darted between the box and Minho as he worriedly asked about said boy.

"The whole reason I came was to pick up some blood for Felix and he's very weak from not drinking blood for a month." Minho then rushed out the room with Jisung following.

"That seems quite a while, I thought vampires need to drink blood."

"They do. Felix hates the thought of drinking blood but we have to force him sometimes. Now it's gotten out of hand." Minho stops as he realized Jisung was still following. "Did you want to come?" He knew Jisung would want to see Felix.

Jisung nodded his head yes eagerly.

Minho knew Jisung wasn't going to take no for an answer and bent down, signaling for him to get on his back. Which Jisung did and they rushed back to Minho's place.


A/n: Was watching tangled while writing this and thought about Felix during the movie. I feel like Felix would be Rapunzel as a Disney princess😂. I need to sleep.

I'm so stressed about the stray kids US tickets to go on sale, I need to gooooooo.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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