Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

By RicoTheLegend

2.1K 137 770

A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... More

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 1
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
The Raw After Wrestlemania
Building Towards Backlash
Wrestlemania: Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
😎 Money Talks 😎
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

Bragging Rights!

35 4 16
By RicoTheLegend

Live from WWE's Private Island in the Caribbean, it's BRAGGING RIGHTS! We took 5,000 fans along on the cruise with us, and they're here in this small stadium build on the island, ready to witness a true Once In a Lifetime spectacular event!

The four Mixed Match Challenges played out as follows:

1. Rhodeside Riot (Rhodes/Morgan) defeated The Garganos after both Members of Rhodeside Riot hit a Tandem Codebreaker on Gargano!

2. Ethan Bourne & Damian Priest, who are both in the Chaos match later, ended up brawling to the Back. Rhea looked away, asking where the hell Priest was going, but then turned around right into a Kaio Kick by Dakota, who got the 1 2 3 and the win for herself & Bourne!

3. Lynch makes Braun throw in the towel when Raquel's shoulder is dislocated in the Dis-Arm-Her. Seth & Becky Advance.

4. Dax Wilder acted arrogant in the match, Seemingly having it put away, but after a ref bump, Cathleen nails Dax in the Groin, and Jonas hits a Slingblade, then a Stomp for a Three count! The crowd of 5,000 Went crazy! These two were MASSIVE underdogs.... But now they had a serious chance to win it all!

Onto the 5v5 match for total GM brand control...

The two sides were ready. Miz from Smackdown, Grimes from Raw starting it off! The bell rang, and miz held up a finger, telling Grimes to wait. Miz then yelled, "IM THE MIZ, AND I'M..." Miz turned towards Grimes. "AAAAWWWESOOO-" Grimes hit a Cave-In! One! Two! Three! Miz has been  Eliminated!

Cole was in next. He battered Grimes around until Corbin tagged in. Cole worked over the Legs of Happy Corbin, backing him into the corner, then kicking his shin, climbing the middle turnbuckle, and Delivering Panama Sunrise! One! Two! Three! Corbin Eliminated! Grimes rushed back in, Only to be Hit with a Last Shot by Adam Cole! He tagged in Bobby. Bobby locked in a Heel hook, but Grimes was able to make it to the ropes! Bobby then tagged in Kyle. Kyle hoists up Grimes for a Brainbuster, and Fish hits a Roundhouse on Grimes which is then made worse by the Brainbuster that follows! The move they call Enter the reDRagon! One! Two! Three! Grimes Eliminated!

Rey now comes into the ring, Roddy tags in as well! As they have a lot of fast paced action, Kyle & Bobby attack McIntyre while Cole pummels Ricochet! Rey's left all alone, no one to tag in! Roddy hits a Rocket Kick, then a Gut Check & a Kick right to the face! He hoists Rey up and hits an End of Heartache! One! Two! Three! Rey's gone!

Drew pulled himself up and slid into the ring. He Threw Roddy around with a few Suplexes and shoulder tackles, Then reDRagon tried getting involved. Fish and O'Reilly were Brutally Suplexed for their troubles, with Kyle being thrown spine first into the corner turnbucke!! Drew began the countdown as Roddy struggled to stand... Three!... Two!... One!... CLAYMORE! Drew tags in Ricochet, who's already perched on the top rope, 630 SENTON CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! STRONG IS GONE!

Ricochet tags in McIntyre. Drew picks up Fish, Delivering a Future Shock! He kips back up, looking for another! Fish staggers around, CLAYMORE! One! Two! Three! Fish is Eliminated!

Kyle rushed Drew from behind, but McIntyre shoved Kyle backwards. Kyle rebounds off the ropes, Drew Ducks a Lariat, running off the other ropes, CLAYMORE!! ONE! TWO! THREE!! McIntyre has just singlehandedly Eliminated reDRagon! Adam Cole sneaks in behind Drew and delivers a Low Blow while the ref was assisting O'Reilly out of the ring! McIntyre drops to his knees, and Cole hits the BOOM, going for the cover! One! Two! Three! Drew's gone!

It's down to Ricochet and Cole! Cole sidesteps a high end kick, Ricochet follows through and spins back the other way, Nailing Cole in the temple with another Kick! Cole stumbles back, going for the Recoil, Cole reverses! Adam kicks the midsection, now the leg, going for the Boom, Ricochet ducks! Cole looking for a second Last Shot, Ricochet steps to the side, Avoiding another one! Cole furiously clubs ricochet in the back, dragging him to the corner and setting up Panama Sunrise! Cole says "This win's MINE!" and lept down... but Ricochet reversed, Performing a double leg takedown and locking in an impromptu Sharpshooter! Cole writhed in pain, but he was already close to the ropes! He reached out and grabbed hold of the bottom one, and Ricochet released the hold. He lifts Cole up onto his shoulders, then threw him off so he landed on his feet, but Ricochet nailed him with a Roundhouse kick once he landed!

Ricochet could feel it ending now! He was this close to the win! He told Cole to get up! Adam slowly rose to his feet, and Ricochet Connects with a Recoil! Into the cover! ONE! TWO! TH- NO! NO! COLE OUT AT 2 AND A HALF! NO PIN!

Ricochet can't believe it. Cole suddenly popped to his feet, feuled by adrenaline, and nails Ricochet with a Brainbuster! He then climbs to the top rope before taunting and hitting a Swanton Bomb! Cole waits in the opposite corner after the high flying move! Ricochet climbs to his feet, Breathing heavily as he leans against the ropes. Cole goes for a Last Shot, but Ricochet delivers a running Hurricanrana, which Cole No-sells, then He nails a Last Shot from behind! One! Two! Thre- Kickout at 2.9! Ricochet is still alive in this match!

Cole turned his attention to the Crowd who was cheering for Ricochet, telling them to shut up. Ricochet took the time to climb to the apron. He launched himself off the top rope, Hitting a Springboard European Uppercut! Ricochet tried climbing the top rope, But Cole rose to his feet and swept ricochet's feet out, causing him to crash land awkwardly in the ring!
Cole climbed to the middle turnbuckle, looking for a Last Panama Sunrise... he was ready to pounce once Ricochet was on his feet, But as he Jumped down, Ricochet sprung up and caught him out of Mid-air with a Recoil! Cole sells the move like death itself, Rolling forward and not moving! Ricochet into the cover! One!.....

Ding ding ding!
Here is your winner, AND SOLE SURVIVOR.... team Raw's RIIIICOCHEEEEET!!!

Per the stipulation, Luke Rhodes is now the GM of both brands after the Pay-per-view.

The One and Only let out a yell of victory, Then jumped into the audience, where he was congratulated by the WWE faithful who came along for this journey. Drew, Rey, Grimes, And Corbin then pulled him out of the crowd as Drew and Corbin lifted Ricochet up on their Shoulders, as Rey and Cameron started the loudest chant for "RICOCHET!" You've ever heard.

Burns versus Bálor was nothing short of an Obliteration. Burns blindsided Bálor during his entrance, smashing a forearm to Bálor's groin, then assaulting the Neck of Balor with ruthless forearms and stomps! Burns then hit an Ashes to Ashes (Pedigree) on the entrance stage! He rolled Bálor motionless body into the ring, Then mocked Finn's signature taunt before hitting a Coup De Grâce of his own! Burns then lifted Balor to his feet, and the Ref rang the bell finally. Burns hit a Burnout (Powerbomb Lungblower), and quickly pinned Bálor, One Two three. Nick had retained in near record time due to underhanded tactics and Unrivaled Brutality... some may even call it Brilliantly evil.


Points of Authority by Linkin Park, the theme of Project Exodus, Was blaring over the loudspeakers as Dax & Anna relaxed on the upper deck. Reynolds, Priest, & Porter were all ready nearby, but it was clear There would be a message coming from the IC Champion first.

"Ladies n' Gentlemen. The following is a message from your good friends here at Project Exodus. What you're about to witness is the mutilation, dismantling, and utter destruction of a shoddy team of ragtag individuals. Children, turn away now, because the Mauling about to be unleashed is not rated PG. For those who doubt us, What makes you so confident we won't win? I mean... We have Damian Priest, one of the most feared men in the WWE today. We have Elijah Porter and Garrett Reynolds, the Raw Tag Team Champions. We have the Queen Slayer, Anna Jay. We have Yours truly, the dominant Intercontinental Champion. So no matter who steps up to us? They're gonna get shot down. And they'll just..." Dax Chuckled. "...Burn Out."

Suddenly, different music played over the Loudspeaker.

As the Metallica track blared, The Tron in the arena cut to a hallway that had access to a large number of guest rooms. One of the doors flew opened, and Out came Rico Rhodes, In full Nightshade attire, With Liv by his side in matching black & red attire.

They were seemingly saying something to one another, but the loud music made it hard to hear. If you paid attention, you could tell what they were saying by reading their lips. Rico asked Liv, "You ready for this?" To which she replied, "Aw, Hell yeah!" With a grin, as the two did a Fist bump (but Rico missed a little bit, so it was more of a Forearm bump).

The music kept playing as a Motorcycle was hear speeding down the concrete dock.

The Devil has arrived. The reigning WWE champion marched his way onto the Ship and up to the top deck.

Luke tightened his glove and massaged his right forearm as he prepared for another big match. He was no stranger to these. He walked out the door of the bar after taking one last shot for courage, ready for what was to come.

Bourne was on a balcony above the Main deck where Exodus was waiting. When he spotted The motorcycle, he knew that was his cue to get going. He cracked his neck and slid down the railing of the stairway, kicking the door opened and strolling out to meet Project Exodus. Bourne was the first one there... then Luke, then Rowan, and lastly, Liv & Rico. Dax and Anna stood up, and the rest of Exodus stood at the ready as the two teams faced off. Head Special guest referee, Heath Slater, told them the rules. "Alright Ladies n' Gents! Falls Count Anywhere, No DQ, Anything's fair game! Got it? RING THE BELL!!!"

Ding Ding Ding.

Let the Chaos Begin.

Cliffhanger for the win! Well when the pending match up on a ship has 3 spots that take around 900 words combined, and EIGHTEEN MORE SPOTS TO GO... Yeah the next one will be a Long one 😅

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