It's Definitely You [disconti...

By scaurora29

916 32 51

"Oh yeah? You sound like the only thing you ever do is look at me. You should get a new hobby, Taehyung." "No... More

Background and Character Info
Decisions and Confrotations
Home, Seoul Home
Dancing Queen
Group Introductions
Official Business
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Fight or Flight? Definitely Flight
You Again?
Tag, You're It!
Seeker (Taehyung's POV)
2 AM
Running From My Problems
Ready, Set....
I Need U
Author's Note

Hide and Seek

38 1 1
By scaurora29

"Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo..."

The sound of Ben's ringtone broke Taehyung and I out of whatever trance we had put each other in, giving me enough time to quickly duck behind Iseul.

Unfortunately for Ben, her ringtone also caught the attention of the other boys, who immediately stopped their conversation to look at her.

She turned absolutely red.

Reaching into her pocket as fast as she could, Ben fumbled with the phone in her hands before answering. Realizing that literally everyone was watching her, she turned so we were facing her back and started whispering.

I shifted on my feet behind Iseul, my nerves on edge, afraid that if I moved I would be noticed again. I had been doing so good too. I was trying so hard, and on the day I least expect it....

I wonder if this is how the Trojans felt when they lost chess to the Greeks.

Ben cleared her throat, placing her phone back in her pocket, calling my attention from my thoughts to her.

She bowed in the direction of the three boys. "I would like to say thank you for allowing our group to be on set today, we have learned many invaluable lessons through our observations." She made eye contact with the mystery boy as she stood back up straight. "I would especially like to express my thanks to you, Suga-ssi, for being so accommodating to us on set. The phone call I just received was our manager. While it was nice to meet all of you in person, I'm afraid we have to go."

The mystery boy, who I now know as Suga, nodded to Ben, the neutral expression still on his face.

I guess she took that as a yes because the next thing I know she's turned back toward us.

"Are you guys ready?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered, no hesitation in my voice.

Anything to get away from Taehyung's curious eyes.

The less time I spend near him is less time for me to embarrass myself.

She nodded and after we waved toward the boys (mine was half-hearted, not even gonna lie), we began to walk toward where we entered through. Once we were well away I looped my arm through Ben's so I'd be walking beside her and spoke.

"I have never been so grateful to have an overprotective manager in my entire life," I said.

Ben snorted. "No, I'm serious," I continued. "I could kiss that woman right now. On the cheek though, my lips are reserved for my imaginary boyfriend."

     "Taehyung isn't imaginary."

     "I will murder you. Right now."

     She let out a laugh.

"You know, I'm really starting to believe our theory is correct," Ben said, changing the subject as she kicked a rock in front of her while we walked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "And that was?"

"That Seo-yoon is like Spider-Man but a different animal."

"Ah, yeah I remember now. Wow, I really should invest in some memory games or something," I winced.

I reached up with my other hand and gripped my hair behind my head as the cool night wind threatened to blow it everywhere, my body letting out an involuntary shiver as my legs were exposed. Ben hummed as she tucked some of her silver hair behind her ear, the short strands not moving as aggressively as mine.

"What about a bat?" She asked out of nowhere. "Instead of a spider?"

I met her calculating eyes. "Are you insinuating that Seo-yoon is Batman?"

She hummed. "Im saying it's plausible. Think about it. If she's part bat it explains how she hears and knows everything. Don't bats have that echolocation thing but through the air instead of water?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Yes."

"So it makes sense. Seo-yoon could be reading the air vibrations to know what we're—DANG IT!" Ben interrupted herself in the middle of her rant. My eyes widened at the sudden change.

"What the heck happened, Ben?"

She looked down dejectedly. "I missed the rock," she said, looking behind her I guess at her specific rock surround by millions of others on the gravel path. She let out a frustrated groan as she turned and continued walking forward.

"You don't understand," she started when she saw my face, seconds from cracking up. "I've been kicking that rock since the beginning of our conversation. That was like a bullet wound to my soul."

I patted her back. "That's a shame."

"He was so young."

"Do you think he'd be his own grave stone?"

"That's so morbid...." she paused. "Actually, maybe."

"Why is it that I always tune in to the wrong end of you two's conversations?"

We looked up to see a tired Seo-yoon leaning against the front hood of our van, the other girls already inside. Somehow, while we were talking, Ben and I managed to make it all the way back to the car in the parking lot.

     "How do you always manage to hear them?" I responded.

     Ben coughed. "Batman."

     Seo-yoon raised an eyebrow, a scary look taking over her face. "What did you say?"

     "Woah! I never noticed just how nice this car is. It's so sleek and expensive looking. And it can fit everyone comfortably," Ben deflected nervously, elbowing me for help.

"Y-Yeah. And look at the seats. Wow, is that leather? So fancy!"

"Not to mention the tinted windows and...." She started to flounder. "Uh....the tires?"

"They're very....round?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!"

"Get in the car."

"Yes ma'am."

- - - - - - -

The next day was back to regular practice. Our schedule was an odd assortment of times—either early in the morning or late at night—because Xiuying and Sun-hee had class during the day. They left a few hours ago, leaving the rest of us to find something to do until it was time to pick them up.

I stared at my laptop screen with my brows furrowed, sinking a bit further into the comfort that was Ben's futon. The girl mentioned sat across from me at her desk, headphones on as she faced her own computer, tapping her fingers on the the plastic armrest.

I sighed. She seemed to be having much better luck than I was. I glanced at the open notebook beside me on the cushion, then back to the laptop resting on my legs. I had the chorus figured out along with the ending, but I couldn't seem to get the verses how I wanted.

I stopped what I was doing as Ben took her headphones off in frustration, turning her chair around in a circle until she finally stopped, facing the couch I was on.

"Something's missing," she said, gesturing lazily toward her set up.

I sat up, closing the laptop on my legs and setting it aside. "Let me listen to it."

She nodded and unplugged the headphones. Immediately the music filled the room. I nodded my head along to the beat, eyes narrowing when I noticed the same thing that Ben did. There was a definite absence of something, and it itched at me to find out what it was.

"Can you get your keyboard?" I asked.

She stood up quickly from her chair, walking over to the opposite corner of the room and drawing out a black keyboard. I held out my hands as she passed it to me, and I settled it on my lap as she plugged it in.

With my brows still furrowed, I spoke. "Play that last part again please."

Music once again filled Ben's studio as I began to to play a couple of notes across the keys, Ben putting in her own input through pleased hums or confused intakes of breath.

Just as we managed to fix that part of the track, a knock on the door sounded. Ben, who had at some point sat back down, stood and opened the door to reveal a worried Ae-cha.

"What is it?" Ben said. I stopped messing around on the piano to pay attention to the girl at the door.

Ae-cha ran a hand through her blonde hair. " know how I was supposed to pick up the two maknaes today?"

I groaned as Ben motioned for her to continue. "Well I forgot I scheduled a solo vocal lesson for myself a few days ago, and now I can't get out of it, so I need someone to take my place."

I set the keyboard down, moving to stand beside Ben in the doorway. "I can go," I offered. "I have a major case of writers block and I just finished helping Ben with her track so I have nothing to do."

"Thank you!" She quickly shifted her weight on her feet, smiling in appreciation as she spoke. "You have to leave in like 30 minutes if you want to be there when they get out. You know those two, they get stressed very easily if they don't see you."

I raised an eyebrow. "That soon? Don't they get out at 2:15?"

Ae-cha snorted. "It's 1:30 now." She laughed harder when I clumsily pulled my phone to check myself. "Yeah, you and Ben have been holed up in this old studio for hours."

I turned and walked back to the couch, quickly grabbing my wallet and sticking it in my pocket, moving my laptop to rest on the edge of Ben's desk. I would come back for it later. Having taken care of all of my stuff, I turned back toward the two girls standing in the hall.

I shrugged. "I'm going to go ahead and go. I'll probably stop and pick up something for the three of us on the way. I think Xiuying had a test today and knowing her she'll probably need a pick-me-up."

They both nodded and let me pass as I walked down the hallway. I turned a corner, noting that the walkways seemed strangely empty. Thinking nothing of it, I shook my head. Why was I freaking out over an empty hallway? It's not like this was a horror movie. I wasn't going to turn the corner and see something that would stop me in my tracks.

I snickered to myself as I turned the corner and froze.

I was wrong.

Taehyung stuck his hand between the closing elevator doors as he saw me, holding it open so I could enter. His eyes were strangely bright as he smiled and waved his other hand at me, and naturally I almost smiled back before I stopped myself.

He was completely alone in the elevator.

Meaning that if I enter, I'd be stuck, alone, with the person who saw me embarrass myself. Oh, and he also happened to single-handedly be one of the most attractive people I have ever seen.

Taehyung pouted, the corners of his mouth lowering as he viewed my hesitance with confusion. I winced. This was going very quickly downhill. If the way I felt like I'd swallowed a swarm of bees told you anything, I knew if he kept looking at me like that I wouldn't be able to say no to his kind gesture.

My eyes quickly flicked to the door to the stairwell and then back to Taehyung. I had two options.

Either I could bolt to the stairwell, ditching Taehyung and leaving him in the elevator, and in doing so probably make him extremely confused....


I could silent suffer in my self made prison of embarrassment as I tried to survive an awkward elevator ride down 16 floors, dying a little every second I stood beside him.

I walked forward slowly and reached out a hand, breathing in deeply as I made my decision.

"You know what? The trainers are right. I do need more exercise."

With that I ripped open the door to the stairwell and disappeared.

Hearing no movement behind me, I descended as slowly as I could. Maybe if I harnessed my inner grandpa he will have left by the time I make it downstairs.

I doubt he'd be waiting for me. He's a famous idol with places to go and people to see. I have two children to pick up from school and a café calling my name.

Wow. I sound like a mother.

By the time I made it to the lobby the muscles in my legs were straining. Who knew steps could be such a workout? Not me!

That's a lie, I went to college.

I smiled and waved to the pretty receptionist, seeing that the lobby was wonderfully empty, and I donned my mask and sunglasses, adjusting my bucket hat to better cover my messy bundle of hair that I had tucked inside. Having been a trainee for a over two and a half months now, I knew that the likelihood of some weirdo with a camera waiting outside was high, so I quickly gave my graphic t-shirt and distressed jeans a once-over before I opened the door to the street.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I easily disappeared into the bustling crowd, walking in the direction of easily the best café in all of Seoul. Luckily, it was on the way to pick up the two maknaes so I didn't have to make a special trip.

The more I walked, the more tired my legs became. By the time I reached the hole-in-the-wall café, my calves were screaming. I may have been joking about exercise before, but now this was just sad. I made a mental note to stop giving Iseul excuses when she asked me to go to the gym.

I pulled open the café door and immediately smiled, taking in the comfy atmosphere. Soft chairs, couches, and bean bags were scattered around different sized tables, giving the place a mismatched and unique feel. Against one wall of windows, an organized assortment of high tables and chairs had a few seated customers with laptops open, due to their closeness to the strip of plug-ins on the wall. The walls were painted a soft cream color and several plants were placed around, a few hanging from the ceiling. I relaxed as the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled my nose. I may not like the taste, but man, did I enjoy the smell.

There was no one at the counter so I went ahead and walked forward, giving a short, small smile to the young girl behind the register before I realized I was, in fact, wearing a mask.

"Hi! What would you like to order today?" The energetic girl asked. She smiled as she recognized my masked form. I had become a regular since I found the place and usually came during her shift.

"Can I get a raspberry cappuccino, an iced black coffee, and a salted caramel frappuccino?" I ordered, tapping my fingers against the counter to distract from my nerves.

The girl tapped on the screen of her electronic register. "Alright, and sizes?"

"Umm, all mediums please."

She nodded, taking my card to pay as she turned to tell the other worker my order. The second worker got started, and she handed my back my card and the receipt, gesturing for me to take a seat in one of the many empty chairs. I chose one at a table against the wall, where I could see the entire building as well as the street outside through a wall of windows. I watched at the traffic outside picked up, and simultaneously service in the café as well.

     I checked my phone for the time, making sure I would still be a bit early arriving at the girls' school. I need to make sure I was the first thing they saw when they exited the building. Sun-hee once had a sobbing session because Iseul wore a blue raincoat instead of her regular black one and she didn't recognize her. Xiuying also had a history of biting people who annoyed her so there was also that.

I woke up from my thoughts as my name was called. Standing from my relaxed position, I walked to the counter.

The second worker, the one I did not recognize, handed me the drink in her hand before rushing off again.

I stared at the drink in silence. This was not my order, but I had no clue how to get the girl's attention.

The girl had handed me one drink. One. On an order of three. And rather it being a coffee or frappuccino, the cup in my hand seemed to be some kind of smoothie.

Not knowing what else to do, I shyly raised my hand. "Excuse me?" I said.

My actions caught the attention of the moving girl who had given me my order. Her eyes quickly widened as I explained that my order was wrong.

"I am so sorry!" The girl apologized. I waved my hands to get her to stop.

"N-No! It's completely fine! I just didn't want to take someone's order," I said, trying to calm down the girl.

"Here, I'll go remake your order now. Feel free to take a pastry, it'll be on the the house."


Don't mind if I do.

I took a chocolate croissant from its container and placed it in a napkin, still holding the smoothie in my hand. Poor girl, she was obviously upset that she messed up the order, but I can't help but wonder how the crap someone mixes up an order of three with a single order, especially since they were in no way similar. Maybe the smoothie person had a close name to mine? Letting my curiosity take over the best of me, I turned the cup every which direction to find the name.


You've got to be joking.

There's no freaking way.

I quickly snapped my head around to check the café around me. Nothing. Nada. He was nowhere to be seen.

I slapped myself on the forehead. I think I'm actually starting to go insane. Taehyung is probably a really popular name in South Korea. I'm willing to bet more than 10 Taehyungs live within a 15 mile radius. Carefully, as if placing down a freaking bomb, I set the drink back on the counter, pushing it across as far away as I could get it from me without stepping forward. Why am I acting so weird about this?

I laughed at myself. This is ridiculous of me. I desperately needed to get a hold of myself.

I was still silently laughing to myself as the girl came back with a tray of drink, which she assured me were the correct ones. At this point I just kinda needed to leave so I didn't even bother to check before I was grabbing the tray, and my croissant, and headed for the door.

Right as I began to wonder how the heck I was supposed to open the door with my arms full, it was pulled open, my eyes widening in gratefulness before settling in a look of panic.

It amazing how I could recognize him even with a mask on.

He politely held the door open, just as he had for the elevator, and this time I had nowhere to run. All I could do was lift the tray of drinks to try and cover more of my face and pray he doesn't recognize me like I recognized him.

"Thank you," I muttered quietly as I passed.

"No problem," he responded. Suddenly, his eye narrowed and I held my breath. He recognizes me, doesn't he?

Why did I offer to help Ae-cha? It's always her.

Or revenge for prank calling Seo-jun at like 2:30 in the morning a couple of days ago and scaring the living bejesus out of him.

"Do you need any help with your tray? I can walk you if it's not too far," the boy said, worry over his features as he stared at the slightly swaying drinks in my tray.

I don't think he recognizes me!

Thank you so much God, I thought I was screwed.

Now, time to run.

"No no, that's fine. I'm just going down the street. I don't need any help," I refused, tightening my grip on the drinks without making eye contact. I quickly began to walk away, sighing in relief when no name was called and no footsteps behind me were heard. I made the rest of the trip in peace before making it to the school in just enough time to see them walking out.

Sun-hee looked around for a moment before she caught eye contact with me, the skirt of her school uniform whipping around her legs as she ran over to me. Xiuying followed suit, and soon both the girls were standing in front of me, excitedly shifting their eyes from me to the tray and back.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Are you just going to stand there and stare? Because my arm's getting tired."

The girls wasted no time grabbing their respective drinks, and I quickly threw away the tray in a recycling bin nearby before taking a sip of my own. I gripped the croissant bag in my hand a little tighter before lightly tapping each of their backs.

"Ready to go?" I asked. "I think the two of you have vocal lessons before we all have choreography practice until late tonight."

"Where's the car?" Xiuying questioned.

"I didn't bring it."

"You walked?"

"You don't walk," Sun-hee interjected.

I exaggeratedly took a few steps forward with mock surprise before walking back and pushing them forward. "I'd be careful with what you say in my presence. I didn't plan for a murder today but I can work it in," I said, smiling sweetly at them.

They closed their mouths, holding their laughter in as we walked away from the school back toward the BigHit building.

- - - - - - -

I was absolutely freaking starving and it was 2 in the morning.

Standing in the faint light of our dorm fridge, I stared at the full shelves blankly.

There was nothing.

I quickly closed the door and moved to the cabinets. Surely there would be something in there to eat.

Absolute nada.

My stomach growled in disappointment. All I wanted was a family size bag of chips or like 3 cups of ramen. Is that too much to ask for?

     Letting out another quiet sound of frustration so I wouldn't wake the others, I grumpily trudged over to the door, pulling on a faded grey zip up hoodie and the first pair of shoes I saw, which happened to be my yellow rain boots. Pair that with my old blue, green, and white striped pajama pants and an orange oversized t-shirt that said "Reese's Puffs", and I looked like a whole snack.

     To be honest I can't even remember where or why I got the shirt. I don't even like Reese's.

     I quickly pulled my slightly tangled hair into a ponytail, running my fingers through it to make it at least somewhat presentable. I slipped my phone and keycard to the building into my jacket pocket and started to leave.

     Stepping outside, the cold air hit me like a truck, causing involuntary shivers to wrack up and down my spine. I tugged the the sides of the hoodie to cover me more, not willing to take my hands out my pockets to zip it up. Besides, the convenience store I was headed to was only few blocks away so I wouldn't have to be cold for long.

     I started to walk down the abandoned sidewalk, suddenly wishing that I had taken the time to put in contacts instead of wearing my glasses. The light from every street lamp (it seemed) glanced off of the glass and caused me to wince from the sudden attack on my eyes.

     I squinted, looking past the glare to the quiet city around me. It was no secret to my members that I much preferred the night, when everything was solitary and calm, rather than the bustling crowds of the day. I wasn't worried if they woke up and suddenly saw me gone, I liked to go outside when I couldn't sleep and they knew that.

     After another block I finally made it to the 24 hour convenience store. Walking in, I gave a small wave to the tired boy behind the counter. His head snapped up at my action, waking himself with a halfhearted wave back in my direction. He couldn't be more than Sun-hee's age.

     Poor dude. Who did he piss off to get this shift?

     I shrugged to myself and walked past him, making my way to a random aisle.


     Heck yes.

     I started grabbing whatever looked good to me, unable to stop myself from flitting from one aisle to the next, not even registering the sound of the bell at the door ringing.

     I stopped in front of a pack of mochi, eyes widening at the flavors. I grabbed one I haven't tried, bubble milk tea, and turned to see what was on the shelf behind me. My eyes widened as I saw a variety of pocky, my favorite. I hummed to myself as I reached forward to browse the flavors, shifting the many bags in my arms to rest on my hip. I grabbed whichever ones looked the best to me, adding them to my armful of foods as I grinned happily. I may be poor but I always have enough money for food.

     I turned to leave the aisle to pay and that's when I saw him.

     Taehyung was standing at the end of the aisle, his eyes wide and eyebrows raised behind his glasses and mask. He had on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey warm up pants, his hair curly and wild on his head. He clutched a box of banana milk close to his chest as he looked at me, taking me in.

     Not knowing what else to do, I started placing my items back on the shelf.

     "What are you doing?" Came his smooth voice, the sound of him walking forward startling me enough that I jumped.

     "Backtracking," I answered simply as a sped walked to another aisle. I forced myself not to turn around when I heard him follow.

     "Why?" He questioned. Without seeing his face I could hear the small pout in his voice.

     "I just remembered that I left like 2 m&ms and a packet of gum on my beside table so I don't think I need these anymore."

     "Ahh," he hummed as I struggled to put back all the stuff I grabbed. I turned toward him curiously as I noticed him pick up one of the bags I had haphazardly thrown on the shelf with interest.

     I sucked in a breath in surprise as his eyes flicked up to mine. I quickly looked away, trying to calm the heat on my face, placing down my last two bags randomly before scrambling off the aisle.

     "Wait! Where are you going?" I heard him call after me.

     I placed my sleeve-covered hands over my ears to try and drown him out, not answering. I walked past the awake and confused boy behind the register, reaching to push open the door into the night.

     "If you keep running, how am I supposed to get down on one knee?"

     I froze.

     Slowly, I felt a blush creep over my cheeks as I turned and stared in shock at the idol, his eyes squinted and twinkling in amusement as his body shook with laughter at my surprise. The boy behind the counter leaned forward with wide eyes like he was watching some revolutionary scene in a K-drama.

     He did not just say that.

     He did not—

     "BYE," I choked out, spinning on my heel and pushing the door open, running through the cold night to get back to my dorm as fast as possible. I didn't fully breathe until I made it safely inside, collapsing into a sitting position against the locked door.

     Today could not have gone worse.

     First I see the boy I'm avoiding in the elevator as I'm going to leave and I manage to avoid him. Great! Fantastic! Then he manages to end up at the same coffee shop I like to go to? As if that isn't coincidental. And if two meetings isn't enough, why not freaking three? Because third time the charm, right?

     What is happening to my life??

     I gripped my jacket in my fists as I stared blankly at the wooden floor in front of me, softly illuminated from the light above the stove.

     This is a joke.

     This can't be real. There's no way that all this has happened in the space of less than 24 hours. I refuse to believe it.

     I slipped off my rain boots as I padded back to my bedroom. I have to be imagining things. I have been very tired these last few days. Maybe if I go back to sleep it will have just been a dream?

     I entered my room, ignoring my hungry stomach. Without even taking my jacket off, I fell on top of my covers and promptly fell asleep.

     My hope did not last for long. 

     A shocked yell from what sounded like Iseul had me bolting from my bed in a blind panic, the other older girls having the same idea as we stumbled over each others' feet. We hurried toward our missing members before all of us came to a halt in the kitchen.

     "What's going on?" Xiuying muttered sleepily, emerging from her hallway with a scared Sun-hee trailing behind her.

     "That's what I'd like to know," Ben reiterated, looking pointedly at the pink-haired girl in the doorway.

     Without a word, Iseul pointed to the doorway.

     Naturally, we tracked the movement to see a big bag, leaning against the doorway at the girl's feet.

     And inside was an assortment of chip bags, mochi, and boxes of pocky.


Ok so, I did not mean for this chapter to be this long. However, someone requested that I write a beautiful montage and once I started writing it I could not stop. That is my bad 😬😅

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Happy reading!

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