Good Girl Gone Bad [LIV BLAC...

By adolescentmuse

51.2K 1.3K 1.3K

Sirius Blacks daughter cared by Remus Lupin. "She would never! She's a good girl!" "I'm sorry, Lupin, but it... More

01 | azkaban
September, 1991
September, 1991
September, 1991
June, 1993
July, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
December, 1993
Christmas Eve, 1993
Christmas, 1993
January, 1994
how to disappear completly. march 1994
April, 1994
April, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JULY, 1994
sirius' arrival, july 1994
Forgive & Forget. July, 1993
33 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
34 | Gentle Sin

JUNE, 1994

615 24 69
By adolescentmuse

THE NEXT MONTH flew by in no time, with very few exciting things to happen. No advances on Sirius. No more bumping into Cedric. Just the burden of school or upcoming exams, and now, today, the burden of the full moon.

In was a warm Sunday in June, Remus had been feeling unwell all week, and Liv had tried her best to spend every moment she could with him so he would be okay. Today, Remus decided to pass the time by catching up with some marking. Liv, on the other hand, decided to pass the time by ultimately getting in his way. She sat quietly on his knee, humming a light tune as she scribbled on a scrap piece of paper.

Liv soon fell bored, though, and decided to focus on the markings on Remus face and arms instead.

Liv liked to trace her fingers over the patterns of scars on his face and arms, it always seemed to calm her down. It was old habit she couldn't transpire from, and always in the same sequence; from the three lined slash across his eye, leading to his nose, the one down his neck, half hidden beneath the fabric of his shirt- and of course the one on his forearm, trailing down to the palm of his hands.

Remus didn't like people taking notice of his scars, as he would usually pretend they weren't there at all. Though, something about his daughter so delicatly touching them as the sun sillhueted against his skin made him realize he didn't really mind.

It was like calming mechanism for both of them.

"It's not that bad. I'll be okay," Remus tried to convince the young girl like every other month. He should have learnt by now it never worked.

"Your boggart is a full moon, I haven't forgotten," Liv spoke, stroking a finger over the scar on Remus' cheek as she whispered.

"I know,"

"I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault,"

"It's a Saturday," Remus soon said firmly. "You should be out with your friends,"

"But i want to stay with you," Liv responded.

"No you don't,"

"Please don't make me go," Liv tried to plead, but Remus gave an exhausted look. An exhausted look that seemed to speak a thousand words.

"Don't argue, I don't have the energy," he said.

"I don't even know where they are," she sighed, looking out the large window that had a view of the vast green grounds. As if the castle wasn't big enough, the grounds made Hogwarts seem a thousand times bigger. Liv's friends could be anywhere, and she wasn't too bothered to go find them.

Remus, who always seemed to have an answer for everything, pulled open his desk draw and pulled out the Marauders Map, handing it to Liv.

"Search away," he said.

Liv rolled her eyes. "I thought this had been confiscated," she said, pulling open the large map. She hadn't a clue where to start looking - there were hundreds of names dotted along the illustration of Hogwarts.

Remus laughed. "That didn't stop you last time,"

"I can't believe you made this," Liv muttered. "You're such a nerd,"

Liv was pleased to soon find Harry, Hermione and Ron's names down at Hagrid's, for it had been a while since she'd seen her large friend. Joined with them, she noticed, was Peter Pettigrew. Liv quickly showed her Father, though there was nothing that could be done just yet - Remus had an answer for everything, just not this.

"Will you be okay?" Liv asked as she hopped down from his knee, passing the map back to Remus.

"I'll be fine like every other month," Remus replied.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"See you tomorrow," She said, leaving the room and making her way down to Hagrid's hut.

However, before Liv had reached Hagrid's, she'd bumped into the trio as she made her way along the grass path leading down from Hogwarts. They were upset about Buckbeak or something, but hadn't managed to get into great detail as Scabbers - well, Peter - had suddenly bitten Ron and made an escape.

Liv knew she couldn't let the rat get away, and chased after it with as much might as Ron, who was yelling and cursing as he ran after the creature. Ron, being a foot taller than Liv, could run alot faster, and had soon dived into the grass to clasp his hands around the rat and was sat in a panting pile when Liv caught up.

"It's you!" Ron yelled at Liv. "He doesn't like you, you need to stay away from my Scabbers,"

Liv tutted, there was no surprise the rat didn't like Liv. She turned around, annoyed, to re-join Hermione and Harry a hundred feet away, but came face to face with a very large, very angry looking dog. It was growling, baring its teeth menacingly. Liv immediately knew the danger she was in, for this wasn't just a dog. This was Sirius Black in his animagi form who'd finally managed to hunt her down.

To her surprise, it had raced past Liv as if she wasn't even there, and instead was charging at Ron and soon had it's large teeth clamped around his leg and had began to drag him backwards as he yelled out in pain. Liv had never really been that brave, but still ran after the dog without a second thought nonetheless. She reached over a slight hill, realising Ron and the dog were nowhere to be seen - disappearing completely.

"Liv, MOVE!"

Before Liv could even think about moving, she'd been whipped in the ribs by a branch harshly. She got knocked to the floor just as hard - it felt as though she'd just been sliced in half, and the blood that was now oozing through the the remains of her shredded shirt made it look as though she had been.

She grabbed her stomach, ignoring the sting it caused and brought her bloody hands up to her face. She fell forward in the grass, throwing up everything inside of her. She didn't know if it was from the pain, the blood, or the unknown broken rib that made it hard for her to breathe.

It was only when she noticed the light murmur of Harry's yelling when she realized both her hearing and sight had gone fuzzy, feeling very dizzy. She felt two arms pull her up to lead her forward, where the sunlight suddenly disappeared. Liv found herself collapsing down against the wall of the inside of the tree. Slowly, her sight was restored and she could hear Harry's yells - "Liv? Liv? Are you alright?"

"We need to find Ron," was what Liv had replied, standing up abruptly despite her body screaming at her not too. They continued on down the path, following the track left behind by Ron being dragged. Liv tried her hardest to ignore the wound on her stomach that was still dripping with blood. She kept her hand tightly pressed against it.

They soon reached what looked like the inside of an abandoned home - a shack, most likely, where the disturbance of dust on the floor proved which way would lead to Ron. In a moments time, it was Ron's mumbles of pain they followed instead. He was sat, slouched down against the wall, gripping his wounded leg. Harry ran to his side to console him. Liv slid to down the wall by his side, panting hard.

"No, no!" Ron tried to yell through gritted teeth. "Get out," he hissed. "He's here, he's behind the door!"

As everyone's eyes trailed to the door in question it immediately slammed shut, causing everyone to jump. Liv tried her hardest not to scream. Right infront of her was her Father, looking deranged, evil - like he was about to kill them all. Harry, Hermione and Liv pulled out their wands quickly.

The drabs of clothing he was wearing were filthy and soiled, his skin seemed to have darkened with dirt and Liv could have sworn his eyes were glowing red. He was smiling freakishly, his blackened teeth on show. He took one step forward and spoke. 

"No one's leaving this room,"

Harry quickly too a step forward too with his raised wand, and in a moment Sirius had lunged forward to snatch the wand in Liv's hand. She gasped, crawling as far back against the wall as she could.

'He's innocent... he's innocent...' Liv kept telling herself - trying to convince herself.

He didn't look innocent.

Maybe Remus was wrong and maybe they were all about to die. Liv was in so much pain dying didn't seem to bad at this point, maybe that's why she hadn't had a tight grip on her wand.

Sirius now had Liv's wand raised against Harry, who hadn't backed down. "Come on now, Harry, let's not play any silly games,"

"I'll kill you," Harry responded. He had both his hands gripped on his wand, pointing it closer to Sirius face.

"Only one will die tonight," Sirius smirked, his eyes flickered to Liv. It was terrifying, Liv knew what this meant, and what she'd been dreading this entire time was true. Sirius was after her. Liv felt herself begin to cry, and soon was the cold sensation of her hair turning dark.

Sirius noticed the sensation too. His wand lowered slightly and his eyebrows creased in bewilderment. While he was unfocused, Harry lunged forward, wrapping his arms around his neck and throwing him to the ground.

Sirius landed a couple inches from Liv, she'd jumped back to try and get away but the wall behind her wouldn't allow it. He was so close to her, so close she could see the dirt beneath his nails and could smell his foul aroma. It smelt as though he was rotting on the inside.

It made Liv fall down to her knees and throw up everywhere again. It caused the room to fall silent, everyone was staring at her helplessly on the floor. Harry was the first to focus, digging his wand into the side of his neck. "What do you want from us?" He growled.

"I want nothing from you, Harry," Sirius responded calmly.

"What do you want from Liv, then?" Harry asked, his wand still in contact with his skin.

"You misunderstand me, Harry. I want nothing from you,"

"Then what are you doing here?" Harry asked. He was breathing heavily, continuing to pin Sirius down, failing to realize Sirius was still armed. He still had a grip on Liv's wand. Any moment know he could curse Harry as much as he pleased. Slowly, she crawled forward on her hands a knees and pulled it quickly from his grasp.

Sirius didn't respond. Maybe Sirius hadn't yet felt defeated, although he was pinned down in a room full of armed students. He began to smile manically again - Liv raised her wand, knowing she wasn't brave enough to do anything with it.

"I'm here to get my revenge," Sirius whispered, it made Liv's skin crawl. She could see it in Harry's eyes that he regretted ever attacking the man, and Liv was begging to loose hope that her Father was innocent after all.

Harry was about to say something, but the light echo of muffled footsteps outside the room cut him off. Sirius' eyes immediately darted around the room in alarm, everyone else, on the other hand, felt like they could finally breathe. They were saved.

Remus burst through the door, immediately disarming everyone. Three wands flew into the air, Remus caught them all swiftly. He hadn't looked at Liv, he hadn't taken his eyes of Sirius on the floor.

"Get up, Harry,"

Harry obliged quickly, retreating off Sirius and falling as far back from the scene as he could in just a second. Remus was still looking at Sirius, a completely blank expression on his.

"This is quite the entrance, Sirius," he said flatly.

"Well, you know me," Sirius replied, a small smile beginning to play at his lips.

Remus didn't respond, his face was still fixed in that expressionless haze. Instead, he glanced up to Liv. "Is he here?" He asked.

Liv nervously nodded - all eyes were on her. Slowly, she brought up a shaking hand and pointed it to Ron
Everyone stared at Liv, brought up a shaking hand to point at Ron.

As Ron fell white as ghost, Remus took a step towards him. "Ronald - your rat, please,"

Before Ron could decline, or before Remus could reach for the rat himself, Sirius broke out in anger, his bellows echoing across the large room.

"You knew, Remus?" He shouted from where he was still sprawled out on the floor. "You knew?"

Remus shook his head, unfazed by the noise - unlike that of the teenagers, who'd all jumped in fear. "Not until you started breaking into the caste. You switched with Peter, i'm guessing, without telling anyone?"

Very slowly, Sirius nodded.

Remus looked sad for a moment, but then he smiled. He smiled while reaching down, arm extended, to pull Sirius up from the ground before falling into an tight embrace.

Everyone was silent.

Hermione caught Liv's attention, nodding towards the ajar door as she slowly creeped towards it. Harry began to follow her lead too.... Liv frantically shook her head, her eyes wide in alarm. Hermione ushered her forward once more, but Liv didn't move.

Suddenly, Remus took a step infront of the door to block it. "You can't leave," he said calmly. "Not until we have that rat,"

"Scabbers?" Ron whimpered. He had the rat in one hand as he used the other to grip his wounded leg. "What do you want Scabbers for?"

"We want to kill it!" Sirius yelled. Liv found herself jumping at the sudden noise again.

"Sirius, be quiet!"

"I can't believe this!" Hermione said, shaking her head crossly. "I've been covering for you! And all this time you've been on his side! You've been helping him into the castle, and you're helping him now! He's part of you-know-who too, he wants you dead, Harry - he's a werewolf!"

Sirius tutted, laughing to himself stupidly in the eerie silence that the room had fallen into once more. Remus, again, hadn't reacted at all, and was left with that blank, expressionless look again.

"You're wrong, Hermione," He said, throwing all the wands back to their owners – rolled his own along the floor beside Liv who picked it up swiftly. "I'm on your side, see? You're armed and we're not,"

Hermione and Harry immediately raised their wands in defense, but did nothing. Remus continued.

"I don't want Harry dead, of course i don't," he said flatly. "I am nothing to do with Voldemort - neither is Sirius,"

"That's not true," Harry responded sourly. "He killed my parents,"

"That's what I believed all these years too," Remus said. "But I can assure you it's a misunderstanding,I will not deny that I am a werewolf, though,"

Harry, with his wand still raised, took a step forward. "If you haven't been helping him how did you know we were here?"

"Liv left the map I confiscated off you on my desk this morning, didn't you Liv?" Remus said, she nodded to Harry quietly. "I let her use it to see where her friends were. I happened to glance at it when I was just in my office, I wasn't going to leave you in Sirius' hands, was I?"

"And why do you want Scabbers?"

"You see, Scabbers is not a pet –"

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Ron yelled in response. "He's been in my family for–"

"Twelve years?" Sirius interrupted.

Ron's mouth fell open wide with words struggling to come out. He soon gave up, turning sour. "You're both crazy! You're mental!"

"Give me the rat!" Sirius yelled, lunging forward.

"No!" Harry said, blocking Sirius with his wand. "You'll get the rat when you tell us what's going on,"

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Sirius bellowed, flailing his arms around wildly in annoyance. "Twelve years! Twelve years I've spent waiting for the moment i can kill that rat, and you're ruining it! You're all ruining it!"

"Sirius, they deserve to know everything," Remus said calmly. "You owe Harry the truth, and especially, especially Liv here," He added in undertone, gesturing towards her.

Sirius huffed, looking as though he really did not care. He hadn't taken any notice on the emphasis on Liv, which suggested she'd been wrong all along, and Remus had been right. All this time he'd had no idea she even existed.

There was a loud crack at the door as it abruptly slammed open. Hermione let out a squeal as Professor Snape suddenly came into view. In a instant, Snape had his wand pressed to Remus' neck as he backed up slowly. Liv realized he was defenceless, too, for his wand was being held tightly in her hand.

"I've just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, and lying on your desk was a certain map," Snape sneered.

"Severus, don't be a fool," Remus responded.

"Two more for Azkaban tonight," he continued. "I shall be interested in how Dumbledore takes this, He was quite sure you were a harmless little wolf when he hired you,"

And that's when Liv began to cry. All that fear, pain, and confusion build up was finally let loose.

Although her muffled cries were barely noticeable, it had still caught Snape's attention. He grabbed her arm and harshly dragged her so quick Liv didn't have time to register what had happened. She just found herself being held tight against Snape - one of his arms held around her neck, the other hand holding his wand to her head.

"And where shall the girl go? To the mother, I suppose.... oh wait," Snape began to sneer. "What a pity... another orphan, like Potter,"

Liv was practically panting at this point, desperately trying to remove the tight grip Snape was holding her with. Remus couldn't do anything, as much as he wanted too, for the wand was being pushed harder and harder into the side of her head. He feared if he took one step she'd be cursed in a instant. When Liv realized there was no helping her, she began to sob.

"Keep quiet, Black," Snape snapped at her. Liv stopped, immediately. Not because she'd been told too, but because Sirius eyes had just widened in shock, and his mouth had fallen ajar.

Everyone was silent, except the small sigh from Remus.

"Oh dear," Snape cooed with a maniacal grin, staring Sirius right in the eyes. "Does he not know?"

"This isn't the time, Severus," Remus responded.

Snape, who was still glaring at Sirius, had not noticed Harry pass his wand to Remus quickly. Remus, though, did not use this wand. Instead, he slowly reached out his hand towards Liv who just as slowly took it. In a instant, she'd been pulled forward out of Snape's hold - when a sudden flash lit up the room as a curse to strong began to make the room shake. Snape was lifted off his feet and slammed into the wall behind him, before dropping to the floor. It looked as he'd hit his head very, very had, as there was blood tricking down the side of his neck.

Liv fell dizzy once more. She held her forehead, trying to focus on the breathing she'd forgotten how to do normal as she stared at the unconscious Professor.

"Is... is he dead?" Was all she could say.

"Hopefully," Sirius spat.

"Of course not," Remus said coldly.

"You - you cursed him,"

Remus was going to loose his job, oh most defiantly - he might even go to prison. Liv felt faint, as though all the blood in her body had suddenly rushed to her head to the point she couldn't breathe at all, let alone try focus on it.

"Give him the rat, Ron," Liv stressed.

Ron argued. "No, no! I told you, they're mental,"

"I said give them the rat!" She yelled, pacing over to Ron and resting the rat from his grasp. She handed the struggling rat to Remus.

"I want to do it," Sirius said, with the excitement of a small child, grabbing both the rat and Remus' wand. He put the root on the floor, pressing his foot to its tail so it wouldn't run away and held his wand down above its head.

A flash of blue-white light erupted from the end of the wand as the rat on the floor began to twist and turn and stretch into the form of an old man. He looked just as raggedy and deranged as Sirius did, and somehow managed to smell even worse.

He still had some characteristics of the rat, holding his hand up by his face, and the way he's scattered over to Remus and Sirius on his short legs.

"S-Sirius... R-Remus..." he whimpered, and smiled holding his arms out as if he was about to receive a hug. "My old friends..." When they didn't respond, he ran.

He'd raced towards Liv and grabbed her by the shoulders, she couldn't help but scream. He began to shake her violently, the stench of his making her feel very sick again.

"You evil... evil girl," he spat in her face. "This is your fault.... They're going to kill me because of you! Do you have no mercy? No heart?"

Liv was freaking out, barely able to talk. "I- I don't- I'm sorry," she finally whimpered.

The moment Peter got ahold of Liv Remus had plunged forward and dragged him back, punching him around the face hard. He crumpled to the floor, rolling around in quiet sobs.

"You should have realised, Peter," Said Remus calmly. "If Voldemort didn't kill you, we would,"

"Remus, we're friends!" Peter began to cry. "Best friends!"

Sirius lifted up his foot and stomped on Peter's face hard. Liv grimaced, looking away. Peter began to bleed harshly from his noise, and the place beneath his eye where Remus had striked him.

"You killed them didn't you? You killed Lily and James!" Sirius yelled.

Peter continued to whimper on the floor - Sirius was forced to stomp on him again. "SAY IT!"

"I didn't mean too!" He cried.

Sirius shook his head as Remus reached down to pick up a loose wand. Together, without a word, they pointed the wands at Peter in unison.

"Goodbye, Peter," Remus sighed.

Maybe it was the shock, or the realization that Remus was about to kill someone, but Liv rushed forward quickly to stand infront of Remus' wand. "What are you doing?" She said sadly.

"Step back, Liv," Remus responded - it was as if he'd barely noticed Liv at all, for he hadn't taken his eyes of Peter.

"If you kill him..." Liv said quietly. "You will go to Azkaban,"

"This has to be done, Liv,"

"I don't want you to kill him! You you cant do this to me!"

Remus now looked up, slowly lowering his wand. He glanced to Sirius, who still had his wand raised. "We can't do this,"

"I understand," Sirius nodded and took a step forward to Peter, aiming his wand in between his eyes.

"Sirius..." Remus said, grabbing is arm lightly. "We can't do this,"

Sirius had looked up at Remus, then to Liv, then the rest of the kids in the room. He sighed, lowered his wand and said, "Very well,"

Peter abruptly scrambled up off the floor. He ran to Liv, grabbing her by the shoulders once more. This time, though, he hadn't shaken her violently.
"Sweet, sweet girl! Thank you! Thank you!"

Liv hadn't noticed Remus curse Peter until he'd fallen to the floor hardly, similar to the way Snape had. Apart from the twitching of his left leg, he didn't move at all.

"We will take them up to the castle, the dementors can have him," Remus said. Ropes shot out front the end of his wand, bounding Peter's limbs together tightly in a knot. Sirius, with a flick of his wand, made his body levitate in the air, swiftly floating him out the door.

"I'm sorry about your rat, Ronald," Remus said to the boy on the floor, holding out his hand to help pull him up. Together, Remus and Sirius held him up.

"Tis' alright," Ron groaned, trying to stumble out the room on his hurt leg with Remus and Sirius' help.

"Wait!" Liv called as everyone made their way out of the room. She hadn't been able to draw her eyes away from the bleeding Professor. "What about Snape?"

"He'll be fine in no time," Remus called, and so Liv left him behind too.

Sirius discovered it was hard to help an injured boy walk as well as guide a floating man, but didn't seem to really care, letting Peter's head bash recklessly against the ceiling and walls. He seemed to find amusement from it - everyone seemed to find amusement from it.

Liv had shyed back away from the group, falling behind. Harry and Sirius seemed to be deep in conversation and the same with Hermione and Remus, and by the time shed reached the end of the tunnel everyone else had managed to climb out. the gash in her stomach was still sore, and the harshness of her breathing made her finally realised she'd most likely broken a rib. Though, if Ron had managed to climb up out the tunnel with his leg, so could she.

A hand suddenly appeared through the hole - Liv expected it to be Remus, but after she'd taken it and was helped out through the hole she noticed the hand belong to Sirius, who for the first time had a smile that seemed genuine, not manic.

His face had softened and no longer looked insane, despite still being covered in filth and looking quite deranged. Liv smiled back, muttering a quick thank you.

Liv noticed it was dark, not knowing how long they'd been in the shack for, and the moment the cold air hit Pettigrew's face he'd woken up, beginning to whimper once more. Remus told him to shut up, and that one false move would cost him his life.

She also noticed Sirius had wondered off and was staring high up at the Hogwarts castle. Remus noticed too, nodding for Liv to follow him which she did. It was strange, Liv had never felt so shy in her life, this was her Father, after all.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said.

"Yes, indeed," Sirius sighed. "I'd do anything to be back here,"

Liv didn't respond, but it didn't matter. Sirius had turned to face her and said, "Liv, was it?"

Liv nodded with a slight smile. Sirius noticed the gash on her stomach behind her torn up top, guilt flooding his face. "I hope it doesn't hurt too bad,"

"I'm sure I'll be okay,"

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this," Sirius said quietly.

Liv was quiet.

"I wish it could have been different," he continued. !For us.... and for Harry,"

A moment later Harry appeared, and Liv decided to give them some alone time too. Remus decided it would be best to bring Ron back up to the castle in a stretcher instead hopelessly getting him to walk, which had made Liv laugh. She was about to tell Ron how silly he looked, but a cloud had shifted flooding them all in moonlight - which is when Remus went stiff.

"Dad?" Liv called, walking slowly towards his rigid frame. When he didn't respond, she began to run to him. "What's going on?"

Remus had accidently shoved Liv to the ground when he went to push her away, where she fell awkwardly and felt her arm break in half. "You need to go, now! All of you!"

Liv couldn't find the strength to pull herself off the ground - she couldn't take her eyes off Remus as he began to transform. Suddenly two hands began to lift her up from the ground, it was Sirius, eyes flashing with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, holding her arm gently.

She'd pulled her arm away from him harsher than shed meant, leaving him looking guilty. "I'm fine," she snapped, desperately. "Please... please help him... the moon..."

Sirius knew in a instant. He lunged forward, desperate to get Remus' attention, but it was too late. "Remus, Remus look at me!"

"Liv we need to go! Now!" Hermione yelled, trying to pull her back towards the tunnel in the tree.

"Wait! Wait!" Liv ushered, pulling away from her grasp.

"Are you crazy! We're going to get killed!

"He takes this potion that lets him keep his mind or something, he'll know who we are!"

When Liv turned around, the view was indescribable. The pain of watching her Fathers body lengthen and stretch as he howled in pain was worse than getting hit by the whomping willow.Soon a werewolf was rearing, snapping its long jaw at the dog pestering it at his feet.

When Liv found the nerve too, she called to the werewolf. "Dad.... Dad?"

"Get back, you stupid girl!"

Snape had appeared from beyond the tunnel, and pulled Liv back by her hair roughly as he yelled. He positioned himself infront of her creating a shield, shooting a curse at the werewolf.

"Don't hurt him!" Liv screamed as the werewolf howled in pain as it was hit by the curse. "please, don't hurt him!"

"Did you not hear me say he'd forgotten his potion tonight? You were about to get everyone killed!" Snape snapped, cursing the werewolf again.

It seemed to anger the werewolf more than it warded him off. Sirius, in dog form, gave up on getting the werewolves attention and instead began to snare and growl at it as if to assert dominance, before planting his teeth into the werewolves leg.

Liv couldn't watch, hiding her head behind her hands only being able to hear the fight between the two creatures. Snape was trying to usher everyone back into the tree, but as Sirius was suddenly thrown high upwards and into the woods, Harry had raced forwards towards him. Without thinking, Liv did the same.

They followed the yelping of the injured animal, which slowly turned into the yelping of a man. They'd reached a lake where Sirius was crouched on all fours groaning something they couldn't hear.

Liv felt the dementors before she saw them - falling dizzy in instant. She went cold, shivering as fell to the floor as her insides froze, taking one last glance as the hundreds of black masses appearing high above them, before swooping low.

This was it. They were about to get the dementors kiss, and no one was there to save them.

As Liv's eyes began to shutter shut permanently, she watched as Sirius gave a shudder, turning pale as death as a dementors flew over him.

That was the last Liv remembered.


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