So I am Destruction, so you'r...

By Dalek15yt

27.7K 535 134

so basically, Tohka reader in So I'm a Spider, So What? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A Story from Nii-sama
Special Lemon
My Name Is?
The Grand Escape
The Feast
The Journey Continues, now with new clothes
The Town and The Labyrinth
The Labyrinth

The Calm After the Storm

1.2K 34 7
By Dalek15yt

Potimas looked on at the auction as he put in his final bet. This was a lot of money that he was spending, and for what? The specimen looked to be a normal female human with a matted, torn, and soiled dress. Yet curiosity, the rest of it's body seemed flawless, along with it's bright purple hair. He had looked at it on the list his daughter had of different reincarnations, but she was only noticed as a sort of glitch. It read:


Death: 乇尺尺ㄖ乇尺尺ㄖ乇尺尺ㄖ乇尺尺ㄖ

It was a rather curious occurrence, but now he was at the location of the reincarnation at a dirty place after failing to take it by force. This reincarnation was...strange to say the least. Definitely was not human, watching the way it was thrown into the cage, a normal human would be bleeding and perhaps gone unconscious. However on the reincarnation it didn't even have a scratch on it's skin. It was odd, may be he might study it at his lab, to see what exactly was it's inner workings...

A human female then screamed as both humanoids where taken off the stage. The reincarnation had broken out of containment and was going to escape after it was done with it's captors. Potimas signaled his Elves ro give chase and subdue the reincarnation. The Elves followed his orders with no hesitation, they closed in quickly, but as soon as they got within inches...something was wrong, deeply wrong.

"Activate anit-magic barrier!" Potimas exclaimed as he felt something drain from him.

Barrier tried to flicker to life but it failed away just as quickly as Potimas tried to activate it. It was as if all the magic in the immediate area vanished in thin air.

But that can't be right. Potimas thought as he looked at the area of the reincarnation. It was holding the human boy that was with it at the stage, tightly. The dress was seemingly growing in size, as well as starting to grow armored plates over some sections until it was a mix of a dress and an otherworldly armor.

Before then a black bubble of an explosion expanded, and swallowed him whole.

I woke up, my head was groggy from the events of yesterday as I looked up at the morning sun.

《Evolution successful, spare exp carried over to Sandalphon and Adonai Melek, both are now Level 2》The voice announced.

I have no clue what that means but ok, WAIT SHIDO!

I looked in my arms to see Shido, peacefully resting in my hold, without so much as a scratch on his body. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around. It was as if someone took an eraser and deleted everything around me and Shido, there was nothing to see, for nearly 2 miles away from us. It filled me with a sense of dread, never would I ever think that I would be capable of such destruction. I looked at myself again.

"Holy damn, where did this come from?" I asked myself as I examined the mix of a ballroom gown and the armor of a knight.

It was peculiar to say the least, but it looked awesome. I really liked how it fit me, almost it it was specifically tailored for me. Then there was the armor that was like something one would see on a warrior of some sorts. Shido stirred and woke up touching the armor plates. He froze, and then looked back up at me.

" that you?" He asked me in a trembling voice.

"More or less." I answered with a soft smile.

He sighed in relief and looked around.

"What happened here?" He asked, his eyes widening as he looked at the destruction around him.

"I don't know honestly...I just, evolved and then this happened." I answered. "But honestly, I don't care, what matters is that we got away."

Shido looked at me silently then shook his head.

"I am glad you managed to free us, but it doesn't sit right with me to just leave like this." Shido said as he got up and picked up some sticks and tied them together with some string from his clothing. "They at least deserve a sort of gravestone."

"...alright then, I will help you." I said reluctantly as I picked up a few sticks.

I didn't get it, I don't get the concept of a gravestone, nor the reason why Shido was doing this. All that I got was that this was a sign of respect for the dead. However these dead on this land were horrible people, ones who didn't believe the concept that no one should be in a cage. I clenched the sticks in my hand in anger, nearly snapping them, Shido took quick note of my anger at that moment.

"Hey, I know you don't agree with me about this, I know that they where horrible people, that they were going to be the death of us both, but I won't hold resentment against them, because I don't want to be like them." Shido said. "Plus this calms me down."

I still didn't quite get it but if it is what calms him down, it might do so for me.

We continued to plant the cross like things for at least 30 minutes or so before we decided to rest and look upon the pit full of wooden crosses.

"Well, have you decided where to go?" I asked Shido.

"I do actually, remember some of the towns we passed, I would like to go to one of them." Shido said.

"Those are quite a distance away, but we will have to make it across the Labyrinth if we want the way to go faster." I said.

"Oh well, on the brightside we might level up on the way and more easily take on the monsters that get in our way." Shido said.

"Just stick behind me, it may get messy." I said, winking at him.

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